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Latest revision as of 07:14, 24 April 2020

Two in the Bush
Date of Scene: 24 April 2020
Location: Sherwood Florist, Gotham City
Synopsis: Colleen helps Dinah with some would-be assailants.
Cast of Characters: Dinah Lance, Colleen Wing

Dinah Lance has posed:
It's getting close to closing at the flower shop, and Dinah Lance is behind the counter going through her receipts. The bell on the door jingles and she doesn't look up immediately. "I'm closing soon, so unless you're picking up or placing an order it'll have to wai-..."

Then she looks up, spotting the 5 young guys dressed in dark clothes that fan out as they file into the shop.

The blonde sighs, setting down her receipts and rolling her eyes. "Fellas, unless you're here to order flowers for prom you're in the wrong shop. Trust me on this. Turn around and leave now, and nobody gets hurt."

Helluva offer from a petite blonde who's all alone, right? Already in her mind Dinah is planning things out. Vault over the counter, keeping the fight to the front of the store. Less damage that way...

Colleen Wing has posed:
It was a day when she had no classes. A day when she wanted to get out of the city and tend to some small busness she had down on Gotham. It was not a city she got to often, but when she did she found she always enjoyed it. Business complete, she decided to quickly rush her way back to a cute little flower shop she had seen earlier in the day in passing, hoping she was going to make it there before it closed. "Oh pleas ebe open, please be open." She hustled down the sidewalk, weaving in and out of people. "Sorry..sorry."

Reaching the door and checking her phone, she realized she had five minutes. The store has to still be open right? Her hand gripped the handle and she pushed it open, sending the little jingling off again and potentially drawing attention to heself. Upon seeing the five men dressed in dark clothing fanned out throughout the shop, she closes the door and slowly turns. Her eyes drift to the blond woman behind the counter, seeminfly playing it off as nothing being wrong. "Do I have a few minutes before you close?" Her eyes slide back to the men, her head turning back and forth to survey their location and intentions. "Oh I am sorry..you all were here first."

She looks back to Dinah and smiles. "They all need /I fucked up/ bouquets.

Dinah Lance has posed:
A moment before the door opens again, one of the guys yells out. "GET THE BLONDE! NO MERCY!" Then Colleen makes her entrance and half of the guys turn to look.

The distraction was all Dinah really needed. Diving neatly over the counter, she rolls between two of the would-be assailants. As she rises, Dinah delivers a Ted Grant haymaker deeply into one guy's groin. He'll be trying to remember how to breathe for a little while. Hooking elbows with the other, a twist and a shoulder-throw puts him flat on his back.

"That's okay... take a number on the counter!"

Colleen Wing has posed:
Well that changed quickly. As the blond dives over the counter and engages two of them, Colleen steps forward and engages one of them as well. One of them men pulls out a knife and steps towards her swinging wildly. "You dumb bitch, you should have stayed outside" The hand swings quickly as Colleen does a few evasive dodges as the blade pass over her head and around her but does not manage to touch. Then he strikes again and his wrist is caught and twisted, the pain enough for him to drop the knife. Grabbing the back of his head she slams it down on the counter, releasing his wrist as he slumps to the floor.

However, another one of them appraoches from behind, wrapping his arms about her and squeezing tightly, lifting her off the ground. Raising her feet, she pushes off the front of the counter, causing him to lose his balance and stumble back, falling into a small display, but not letting her go. The fifth then begins to rain down stomps to her stomach and head, her arms pinned as she cannot defend herself. "Yeah, you should have stayed outside!"

Trying to escape, she raises her head and head butts backwards, catching the man in the face, which causes him to release his grip, but not before another big boot rises from the fifth and catches her solidly in the ribs, sending her to all fours and spitting blood. "Son of a bitch..."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah isn't at all uncomfortable taking on 5 guys by herself, but this isn't some warehouse she can just tear up... it's HER shop. Keeping the collateral damage to a minimum is pretty high on her priorities.

The guy on the floor takes a punch to the face for good measure. Good night, Gracie! Then Dinah looks up. The new girl's not doing too badly. At least she's not cut up.

Dinah punches the guy who just kicked Colleen. He half-blocks, half-ducks and swings back at her. The blonde smiles, blocking multiple punches and carrying on a conversation while the guy tries to break through her defenses. Unsuccessfully. "That... is... no... way... to... treat... a... Lady..."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen pushes herself up from the floor, rising to her feet and reaching a hand ot her ribs. That will bruise for sure. The young woman shakes it off and spits a little mor eblood into her hand, wiping it on her shirt. Looking about she surveys the situation. The man on the ground is reeling about, having been headbutted hard and punched, he is not going anywhere soon. However, the one who headbutted the counter with the knife is up again and crawling for the blade on the floor.

Just as he is about to grab the blade, Colleen steps on his hand, reaching down to pull him up by his hear. She appears to be contrilly him with the grip. It is quickly conerted into a judo-esque throw over her shoulder. sending him to land on the one reeling on the floor. A heel strike then comes down on his ribs, a small cracking sound heard.

Her eyes then turn to DInah and her sparring with the last one, choosing to not engage yet, leaving ths one for her to dispose of, tho there if she needs it.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance half-watches Colleen while getting her opponent nice and frustrated. She's toying with him, and now he's starting to figure it out. But he doesn't dare break off, either, not even as Colleen finishes the other two.

"So... that's a big... no... on the prom... boutineers..." Dinah quips, as the guy is starting to growl in frustration.

She doesn't block the next punch, but half-turns as she catches his wrist. The throw is all vertical, using the force of his punch to drive him down onto the floor. No sooner does he hit than Dinah jumps up, landing elbow-first on his chest. Bones break and he blacks out from the pain.

"You okay?" she asks Colleen, getting to her feet. "Let's drag these assholes out into the street for trash pickup."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen watches as DInah disposes of the last one, seemingly quite impressed a sshe leans on the counter, a hand on her ribs. "Alright. Assholes to the street. I can do that." There is a bit of a struggle, apparently her ribs hurting worse than she thought, but she does assist in dragging the five men into a nice pile in the middle of the sidewalk, seemingly not caring what people may think. Afterall, if enough gather so will the cops...and maybe they will wake up and run off.

When the men are disposed of, Colleen offers the blond woman a smile, raasing a hand to touch her mouth. "I don't suppose you have a bathroom? I was hoping to clean up a bit and check my ribs before heading back to Manhattan?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance shakes her head, seeing how Collen is favoring her ribs. But the two of them manage it all the same. The blonde isn't much, and a couple of the guys are bruisers, after all. She goes one better, however, and uses belts to bind hands. Pretty tightly, at that.

"They'll keep until morning." Dinah declares. "But let's get you looked at first. I heard bones crack when you were kicked." Pausing to offer a smile, she adds. "I'm Dinah Lance, by the way. And thanks for your help."

Colleen Wing has posed:
There is a soft smile and a hand extedned to the woman. "Colleen. Collen Wing. I was planning on heading back to Manhattan tonight..but I think those plans are going to be delayed a bit. I do not need much time, I promise to not take up much. Just a moment to look at these before I go back."

She cluthes her hand to her ribs once again and adds softly. "You can fight. Thank God, I was not looking forward to having put that last guy down for you. You seem quite skilled." She awaits the invitation to follow

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance accepts the offered hand in her own, giving a firm shake. "Same here, Colleen. I didn't want to bust up my shop too much. I appreciate the help, and it's not often that people surprise me."

When Colleen talks about heading back to Manhattan, Dinah shakes her head. "Uh uh, lady. I see the way you're moving, and I'm pretty sure you're not going anywhere. Besides, let me at least get you something to drink. My apartment is just upstairs. We have a lot to talk about."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah's apartment can be reached via stairs in the back or another staircase outside. Walking through the back there's also a small room that acts as a garage for a custom Triumph motorcycle, then it's up the stairs they go.

The apartment itself is a large, single room in an efficiency layout. The sleeping area is screened off with Chinese silk partitions, and much of the decor follows the Chinese influence. A modest TV with disk player and a VCR (yes, a VCR!) sits in front of a sectional sofa, and there are at least two woks hanging up in the kitchen.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen follows her up to the aprtment, her steps slow and methodical. SHe is in pain, but still able to move pretty well. Upon entering, the young woman takes a look about, taking in the apartment and smiling. "Beats what I have. Well, most anything does. I kind of have a back room apartment attached to my dojo. My couch and bed are literally next to one another. Yeah...nice place."

She stands in the middle of the apartment and turns her eyes eventually to the blond bombshell, asking softly. "Um..a bathroom or something?" SHe is clothed in a pair of jeans, a Chikar Dojo t-shirt and a pair of red converse shoes. "I do not want to impose...I mean this is the last thing you probably expected, having to cater to someone like me after a long day of work.

Still, she smiles and shrugs.