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Blue Fins and West Sides on Broadway
Date of Scene: 27 November 2023
Location: Blue Fin Restaurant and the Palace Theater
Synopsis: Jennifer and Alex have dinner, see West Side Story, and get to know one another.
Cast of Characters: Alex Summers, Jennifer Kale

Alex Summers has posed:
Eight hours ago Jennifer received a text listing the location of their first destination; a restaurant named the Blue Fin and a time to be there. 6:30p.

The restaurant hails on its web page that they serve all sorts of seafood, steaks, sushi, alcohol, and stuff that is delicious. One of the best parts of Manhattan is the seafood. It's rarely ever more than a day old. Most fish is caught the night before or the morning of, and shipped directly to the restaurant. Or picked up by staff on the way into work. So it's always fresh. Fish in Manhattan is generally a great choice.

It's a Friday night and street along with foot traffic is exceptionally high. Blue Fin is located right on Broadway and they require reservations. So he definitely planned ahead. The text said that he'd be waiting outside and wearing black and blue, 'not bruises'. Imagine that. Black is still a thing in Manhattan. But he'll have his blond hair out and on point.

That's where she'll find him. On the corner of Broadway and W 47th street. He's dressed as he suggested. Nice black leather shoes, pressed jeans, a dark blue turtleneck with a black blazer and a black long coat of leather to ward off the cold. He stands with his hands in the long jacket's pockets and gazes around at the crowd that stands in the open areas of Broadway and passing him by on the sidewalks. His blue eyes seem to dart around for targets or threats. It's likely the X-Man in him and always on duty. He's taller than most. So decently easy to spot.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer responds to the text with a thumbsup emoji followed by a winking smiley face emoji. And then begins to prepare for the evening.

First is to confirm that one of the other girls is taking her Friday night shift after she too their Tuesday night. Then it's to confirm with her boss that said change is still in place and that she'll be back Sunday night per the schedule and to text her if there were changes before then. Since they're hitting up a seafood restaurant, she sticks to greens with a little red beans and rice for lunch so she's neither super full or super hungry by dinner. Then it's time to tend to herself! She goes through all the usual.. shower and shave with an extra creme rinse put in her hair to give it a bit more shine. A home mani-pedi her her nails are neat and presentable and matching. She picks a metallic deep blue that looks like a starry night sky when viewed from an angle. Light on the makeup, a shimmery shell pink pink for her lips, no blush, a dark blue eyeliner with a smokey grey eyeshadow that has a touch of sparkle to it.

She's not exactly the 'classy' sort, but she can manage a little something! A navy blue handkerchief style dress held up by spaghetti straps, full off the shoulder sleeves that partially cover her hands, a deep decolletage; a bodice that clings before the 'handkerchief skirt billows out in jagged layers to mid-thigh. She adds a pair of black thigh-high tights for a bit of warmth, then goes with a pair of black ankle booties with a good three inch heel that will push him up closer to his height. Topping it with a dark grey wool coat the ends at mid-calf, complete with a deep hood.

She'll catch a cab just in time to be maybe a few minutes early to the restaurant. She'll step out, adjusting the hood before paying the cabbie and turning to look for Alex. Once she spots him, Jennifer heads his way with a smile and a wave for him.

Alex Summers has posed:
It doesn't take him long at all to notice Jennifer's approach. His gaze turns from focused to much lighter and a smile becomes evident. Instead of waiting for her to close the gap fully to him, he takes a few steps to join her and say, "Wow. Hey. Good to see you." His tone is clear and showing a noticeable excitement. Yet, he doesn't want to sound like a 13 year old boy talking to a girl for the first time.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Flushing at the compliment, she leans up to brush the lightest of kisses to his cheek (in an effort to not smear lip gloss on his cheek), then steps back to smile at him, "Wow to you, too. Sorry if I ain't super fancy or... fashionable. I tend to stick to what I grew up with." Jennifer offers her hand out to him and lifts one brow at him, "Shall we? I hear this place is great."

Nope. She absolutely does not think of herself as a 'stunner'. She's just a backwoods girl scraping by in the big city! Taking his hand, she'll start for the door, "What time does the show start?"

Alex Summers has posed:
He's quite warm when she brushes against his cheek. Warmer than the average bear. He'll smile as she backs away and he'll turn to begin the walk toward the restaurant that's easily 30 feet from them. He says as they walk, "At 8, It starts seating at 7:45. So we've got plenty of time to eat - and it's practically across the street." he glances and points across the Broadway open park expanse to the other side of the 'street'.

He'll get to the doorway, open it for her and then follow her in. The restaurant inside is nice, fancy, and very fashionable.

The coats are checked on the left of the entry way and they are greeted then seated. Taken upstairs, the duo are led to a lengthy dining room and seated at a table against the wall away from a few other patrons.

Alex actually wasn't ready for what he saw when she took off her coat/checked it. Though he said nothing, it was clear in his eyes when he took in her visage. Finally able to speak after they're given menus, Alex says, "I should have held my wows for right now. The blue is amazing. Then again, I'm partial to the color." and he smiles.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Nodding to his response, she follows the point of his hand to glance across to the Broadway open park, then back up to him with a smile, "Sounds perfect. I have to admit, I've never been to a place *this* fancy.. so I might look to you for help in picking things. Most of the restaurants I can afford include plastic sporks an' individually wrapped sauce packets. So I usually just cook for myself." There's no shame in her voice when she mentions it, Jennifer's just giving him a heads up.

Smiling her thanks for his gallantry in opening the door for her, Jennifer steps through and lowers the hood of the coat, undoing a trio of buttons on the left side to shrug out of it. The coat is checked and she takes Alex's hand once more as they're lead through the restaurant to their table.

The decor has her attention for a good part of that walk, looking here and there, smiling in delight over the sconces and the textured wallpaper and wall art. The sight of the room they're going to dine in has her eyes widening a touch and letting out a small whistle.

Once they're seated and have menu's, Jennifer turns a smile towards him and chuckles, "It tends to look good on me, too. But thanks, this is one of my favorite dresses. Works all year round." She glances at the menu, then back to him, "Alright. This is your area of expertise... guide me through the menu.."

Alex Summers has posed:
Originally he sat opposite her and got somewhat settled while the hostess gave menus and such. When asked about the menu he looks up and closes his menu. He'll move over to the seat at her immediate right and lean so he can share her menu and look down it. "So I've never been here. But, not at all a stranger to the seafood offered in Manhattan. Though, I'm a little ashamed to admit it, I'm kinda boring when it comes to eating seafood."


He finds the main courses and says, "These are always safe and easy; Sea Bass, Salmon, Tuna, and Daily Catch. Whatever it is. The waiter will let us know. Normally it's flounder, cod, or something like mahi-mahi. Then of course, this next section is fancying one of those choices up. I generally avoid shellfish. Never liked it much. Except for mud bugs and sometimes shrimp if they're prepared properly. They only have shrimp here. Then there's the land lover section, beef, foul, etc... Question, are you into the sushi?"

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Smiling warmly as he moves in closer to go over the menu with her, Jennifer is quick to shre the menu with him, leaning in until they're shoulder to shoulder to look it over with him. "You're one up on me. Though, to be fair, I grew up in Florida, so all manner of fish and seafood were available. Maybe not cooked the same ways, but damn good eating." She glances to him with a lift of a brow at his mention of being boring when it comes to seafood.

"Hmmmmmm... I wonder what type of tuna it is. Been told seabass is really good, but I've never had it." Her eyes trace over the options before glancing up at him with a faint smile, "Doin' yourself a disservice there. Oysters can be a real nice treat if you eat 'em right." Then she ponders his question before shaking her head, "Don't think I've ever had it. But I'll try anythin' at least once, an' I'm not picky about cooked or raw, long as it's safe to eat an' tastes good."

Alex Summers has posed:
The glances are returned though he stays on task. Finding something that they will both enjoy. He looks from the menu back up to her and says with a tone of adventure, "Okay. How about this; we'll order several various things and share? If we don't like it, we won't eat it, and there'll be way more things to try."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Hmmmmmmmmm.. I think that sounds like an excellent plan. I've always enjoyed sharin' a meal more than just eatin' solo dishes. Family style, you know? An' I think it promotes more interaction durin' a meal." Jennifer smiles towards him once more before adding, "But you have to order drinks if we're gettin' drinks. Homemade pond apple wine is about as deep as I ever got into the whole.. wine.. business." She shifts slightly, her free hand brushing his as she turns back to the menu, "Can we do the seabass from the fish menu... oh, an' we have to get the prawns. Trust me. They're like giant mudbugs, can even suck the heads." She glances to him, "How about you pick the sushi, an' we'll each pick a side?"

Alex Summers has posed:
He silently agrees with her assessment about sharing meals and it being family style. He notes. "That's really all we ever really do at the school. Everything is shared. And I think it's the best way too. Anyway... I'm not a big wine person. But..."

The waitress comes up, introduces herself as 'Kathy with a K' and proceeds to tell everyone about the catch of the day and what other specials there are. Alex interrupts half way through her speel with an apology, "Sorry, we kinda already know what we want." and Kathy is pleased to have not gone through her full list. Alex notes, "We're not really seafood fluent, so we'd like...." and he proceeds to order about 10 to 15 items off the menu. Lots of them are doubled (the smaller selections). He then asks, "And we definitely don't want to get hammered, so could you suggest a wine to go with it and maybe beer or soda?" then he looks at Jennifer, "Beer, soda, liquor? They've got like a full bar downstairs. Water?"

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Oh good. Then let's skip the wine. I ain't in any hurry to dive into that particular pool," Jennifer flashes him a relieved smile before settling back and giving a nod. "Best way to help foster bonds between people. Have 'em take meals together, make it all family style."

She looks up when the waitress arrives, smiling politely through the running list of specials, sharing a quick, amused glance with Alex, but ultimately letting him handle the order. She does cut in at one point to offer, "I think we can skip the wine this time. A small miscommunication between us." A smile towards ALex before looking back to Kathy with a K. "I'll have Budweiser, not Bud Light. An' a water, thanks."

Alex Summers has posed:
"I'll have the same." Alex says about the beer.

Katie with a K says, "It'll be right out, along with your appetizers." Then she darts off to submit the order to the kitchen.

Alex doesn't leave the chair to Jenn's immediate right, however he does give her a bit of space and turns the chair more in her direction so he can be 'eye to eye'. He says, "Okay... so you've mentioned Florida a few times. I've only ever been to Miami and Disney World. So Orlando. I'm totally curious where in Florida you're from, what it's like there, and how in the world you ended up here in New York." and he's all ears. Wanting to hear the story.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Smiling as their waitress goes off to get their drinks and put in the appetizers, Jennifer turns back towards Alex, shifting her own chair a little to better face him as well. She lifts a brow when he asks her about Florida, then chuckles softly with a small nod. "Alright, that's entirely fair. I was born an' raised in the Everglades in Florida. Tiny lil town called Dike, don't think it had a hundred people in it. But, uh... well, so, here's the part where I usually lose people."

Tucking a lock of hair behind one ear, Jennifer looks at him, "I was raised in a cult." Hurrying quickly, she lifts one hand, "NOT that kinda cult. Ain't like the bigamists or comet folk or that suicide cult. It's based on th' ancient teachings of a great Atlantean sorceress. My family are prominent members in her cult, continuing and passing along her teachings to new members, new generations. We protect a number of important magical sites and relics." Jennifer glances towards him and offers a half-smile, "But it means I wasn't exactly raised in your usual household."

pressing her lips together briefly, she offers, "I found my way to New York because I was called to do so to combat a mystical threat. Every time that I've returned to Florida, another threat has cropped up to keep me from goin' or pull me back. So me an' grandpa finally talked, an' we agreed I should stay up here for now."

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex listens intently while maintaining eye contact. He takes it all in and doesn't pass judgement on the cult thing. He smiles and says, "You know. Having that sort of background, you could have been a mutant. Not a sorceress. Seems we all have a sorted or interesting past that often lends to childhood trauma that we're still working through as adults. Not saying you had the trauma, but it's definitely a colorful background. So your grandpa; I'm glad he talked you into coming back."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Chuckling softly, she gives a small nod, "I do understand what it's like to be hated because of what someone *thinks* they know about ya." Lifting a small shrug, she adds, "That's why I don't really talk about where I come from much. Or I don't mention th' cult part." Pausing, she winces, "Oh, I got th' trauma alright. But I got th' colorful background too." SHaking loose whatever memory invaded, Jennifer smiles at him, "So am I. I'm real glad to have met ya, Alex."

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex grins at her remarks and nods along understanding and accepting that everyone has a colorful past. He inserts, "I think your colorful background is intriguing and interesting. I'm Norman Normal when it comes to a sorted past. I'll keep it as brief as possible so not to bore you." He thinks for a second where to start, "Okay. So I was 6, my brother Scott was 8. We were on a private plane. Dad and mom were flying it. Aliens attacked. Abducted mom and dad while Scott and I parachuted to the ground to escape. We were rescued, foster home, adopted separately, I grew up with a great family. Scott ended up with Xavier and the school. Whole different experiences. But yeah, that's it. Not very exciting."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer listens to his tory with an expression somewhere between stunned and amused, not sure if he's pulling her leg or not. Eventually, however, she just blinks a few times and smiles at him, deciding to roll with it. "Sounds like a pretty normal childhood to me, yep. I mean.. I might wonder what aliens had attacked, an' why, an' if ya should expect to be attacked too.. but otherwise, sounds like after that, ya had a pretty normal childhood." Crossing her legs and leaning an arm against the edge of the table so she can rest her chin in hand, still smiling. "Maybe it's cause I grew up so different but.. you still sound pretty interestin' to me."

Alex Summers has posed:
He too leans in a bit and shares in a quieter voice not to draw attention, "Pshaw. Mutants, aliens, giant robots, kaiju... those things are cool and all. But Atlantis magic. That's where it's at. Like I mentioned the other day, I've got a former student, now member of the team, who is all into the magic stuff. Has her own wicked pocket dimension, and does stuff, interacts with stuff.. things I can't even wrap my head around. So you saw my power - I'm a one trick pony. But magic is like an excuse and an ability to be able to do anything with saying a few weird words. That's what I find interesting. But also a little scary overwhelming."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Laughing softly, she shakes her head, "Magic ain't all sunshine'n'roses... th' woman who was at th' start of our cult.. Zhered-Na.. she was a prophet. Could see th' future. She foretold th' fall of Atlantis.. they tried t' kill her for it. So she fled, takin' her magics an' found a small group of land-bound folk with some mixed Atlantean heritage. Again, her powers, her prophecies.. made 'em want her dead. So she an' her closest disciples fled. She wasn't able t' make it, but her greatest disciple.. he got away. With her Tome, an' a Medallion of Power.. he's been protectin' both ever since. But he don't even live on this plane anymore, really. Too many enemies." Jennifer tsks softly, "Ain't a one-trick pony, Alex. Your mutant power don't define you, unless you let it." She gives another chuckle and smiles at him, "Lil more to it than that, hon. But I get what you're sayin'."

Alex Summers has posed:
"Me, as a person? No. As a mutant; total one trick - I pew pew and everybody gets blowed up." He grins and adds, "Which is why powers should come last in a conflict. Sept, you know how that goes. Everybody starts off shooting before the talking can commence."

The sips and appetizers are brought and some noms are had. Alex is quite happy with the selections of pre-eats and shares his taste bud happiness.

Then gets back to the topics at hand. "So your Nerid-za... Zahnahaha-ne... Mecca Lecca Hi.. What was her name? The Atlantis prophet."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Laughing, Jennifer gives a nod, "The whole 'nuclear deterrent' thing... it never actually works, and can actually be the thing that *starts* the conflict." She pokes him lightly in the back of the hand, "But I still think you're selling yourself short."

Once the the drinks and apps hit the table, Jennifer is more than happy to let conversation die off to snips and vignettes of 'oo yum' and 'you GOTTA try this!'. Sharing from her own options freely.

"Zhered-Na. An' I'd be careful.. names are important, both to practitioners, an' in magic itself. Pronunciation an' intent are both key factors." She winks at him, then motions for him to continue, "What bout her?"

Alex Summers has posed:
"Zhered-Na." he says slowly trying to sort out the vowels and consonants. Then he says, "When was that? I've read speculation that Atlantis was founded during the Bolling Allerod Interstadial period, like 14,000 years ago - lots of warming going on after the last glacial maximum and slightly before the end of the Younger Dryas which happened between 13,000 years ago to 12,000 years ago. Which was another rapid cooling period which ended abruptly and caused a lot of the historical floods that every culture talks about. And also one of the causes of the fall of either Atlantis or Lemuria... maybe even Mu. So hard to keep all those places and their histories straight and actual non-fiction."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Ah! So.. this is where it gets tricky.. we know she was Pre-Cataclysm, but there's debates over th' exact timin'... but th' most agreed upon time is that she was from round 19,000 BC, an' that she died sometime around 18,000 BC.. right round the time Atlantis sank, right as she predicted." Jennifer flashes a grin at him and lifts a shrug, "Time gets weird goin' that far back.. but it's old. Oooooooooooooold. An' there's rumors she's still sorta kickin' round somewhere, too. Not, y'know, livin'.. but in a fashion. There's all *kinds* of stories goin' round bout what exactly caused th' Cataclysm.. lot of 'em just depend on who ya ask an' who they worship."

Alex Summers has posed:
"Definitely hard to track actual dates or years before present when it comes to cultures, man made locations, and the such; especially since history was nill, lost, soething, from then till around 5000 years ago. 20,000 years ago seems like such an odd time for humans to have flourished. Then again, we can only imagine that there were factors - like Celestials, or other alien beings - which promoted the growth and development of early man. I reckon though, homo sapiens have been modern, genetically the same, for like 160,000 years. And of course, Glaciers really didn't effect the southern hemispheres or the equatorial regions like they did the northern hemisphere..." he then pauses his moments of prehistory reflection and says, "And then all of a sudden, Alex became the history teacher and the room got quiet."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Giving a nod, Jennifer chuckles, "Yeah, best we could do was generalizations of supposed years based on talkin' t' various entities an' bein's. Even immortals, with immortal memory, ain't gonna be like.. 'ah yeah, that happened on December 12, 19345 BC.. round 7am it was.. pretty sure it was a Tuesday'." Listening to him expound on it, she can't but smile as he goes on about the history of it, just listening to him. When he stops, she tsks softly and shakes her head, "Don't do that. You light up when ya get goin'. It's your passion, ain't nothin' wrong with that."

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex grins broadly and says in a tone of comical law, "I'm totally putting you on the stand at some Great Old One's trial, and asking that very question, 'Jennifer Kale. What happened December 12, 19345 BC around 7am? What did you see?'."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer chuckles and shakes her head, "Man, that would be a Hell of a thing.. I was only born in 1997. I mean.. I know someone that could probably answer that, but like.. he ain't someone I call on lightly. So.." She lifts a shrug and runs a hand through her hair, settling it back behind her shoulder.

Alex Summers has posed:
With a broadening grin, Alex says in jest, "Oh and here I was totally expecting you'd channel one of the lost Atlanteans. But not Namor. Never Namor. Never channel him. He's like the worst." and then he realizes he may have mis spoken. "Unless you totally like him. Then he's the best. Namor rocks the camel's ass."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Laughing lightly, Jennifer shakes her head, "I don't have any particular feelin' towards any Atlanteans just now. I mean.. ya gotta remember, they chased my ancestor outta Atlantis for a prophecy. It ain't like she *chose* to prophesize the fall of Atlantis.. ain't how prophecy works." She lifts a brow at him, " 'Rocks the camle's ass' ?"

Alex Summers has posed:
He laughs. "It's a saying that I picked up from a friend; years back. It never really made sense to me. But it stuck in my head." Then he ponders a moment and says, "So if that was 20,000 years ago. That's 20,000 times 5 - you're like the 100,000th, or so, descendant from that Atlantean line. That's a whole lot of peeps over time protecting your artifacts. Wow."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"That's so weird..." Jennifer chuckles again, clearly more amused by it than anything. She props her chin in hand, smiling at him and giving a nod, "We're a dedicated lot. Then again, if you're gonna be a witch or wizard.. strong will sorta comes with th' gig." Lifting both brows, the smile kicks up a touch, "Hope this doesn't put ya off th' whole date thing.. or, y'know, future dates."

Alex Summers has posed:
"What? Are you nuts? You're fascinating. And I've got a thousand questions in the back of my brain that I've told myself 20 times already to not ask, and not obsess on stuff you've got in your brain. At least not ask yet, maybe on the third date. So no... there's no off putting."

More food comes, plates and plates of food. The waitress brings friends to carry it out and to sort the table so it won't be too cluttered. She Katie with a K announces that there is this-its, those-its, whats-its, and even fish sticks. Clearly they're happy to be bringing the food out, it means a bigger tip with the K named girl.

Alex ,'oh jeezs and oh wows', as everything looks good to him. Then, when they all leave, Alex says, "We should probably start with the experimental foods first... You know, leaving the things we know we like for backup." and he grins reaching for a sushi roll bit.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Flushing at the compliment, Jennifer smiles at him and gives a nod, "Third date. We'll order in takeout an' I'll answer whatever questions ya got for me. But I get t' pick th' second date." She holds a hand out to him, that smile kicking up to a grin, "Deal?"

Then the food is arriving and her eyes round with just how MUCH of it there is. They are absolutely not finishing this all. But they can put a dent in it! She looks over the abundance of fish and seafood, chuckling at the wealth of choices.

Glancing back to Alex, she grins and gives a nod, "Sounds like a plan." She reaches for some of the sushi herself, having never tried it before. She wears a considering expression while eating it, then tries adding a bit of the ginger and wasabi to the next one. Her expression perks up and she nods, "Alright, that's some good stuff."

Alex Summers has posed:
"Absolutely." He'll take her hand with warm excitement.

Speaking of warmth. One has to wonder, since Alex is constantly converting cosmic energy into plasma within every cell of his body, does the sushi get cooked when he swallows it?

Alex swallows it down and ponders whether or not he liked it. Then he finally says, "Yeah. I could totally get into this. But speculation - is it the sauce, spices, whatever the put on it and combine with it; is that what makes it good? Cause raw fish doesn't really seem to have a flavor."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Perfect! I already know what we're doin'," Jen grins at him, looking equally excited about these future dates.

Technically, with his powers, he could probably cook the sushi in his hand before it ever reached his mouth. Once it's past his tastes buds, it's level of cooked becomes something of a moot point.

"Well.. I like things that got some kick to it. We use lots of spices back home, so it's what I'm used to. But th' fish by itself is good, too. Just.. not AS good." Pausing, she adds, "Depends on th' fish. Try th' tuna there. Meaty fish, got more of a bite, has a stronger flavor. Not a BAD one, just a flavor. S'why I don't go for salmon, too fishy for my tastes. White fish tends t' be the mildest in terms of flavor, th' pinker it gets, th' stronger th' flavor. Some exceptions, of course."

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex is all into the random sampling of the various foods. He follows suit with the various suggestions and noms from here, from there, from everywhere. The food is an experience in itself as is the sharing of said food with someone else. He'll comment on things that he likes and avoids the things he realizes he doesn't like. Additionally, it doesn't take long to realize one is going to be over eating and he slows down. And he notes, "When I was a kid, we lived in Hawai'i and there was a whole lot of fish. Like at least one meal a day. The other meals were spam."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer likewise samples freely and with gusto, noting the things that she finds less favorable and making sure to remember the new things tried that she finds she enjoys. She also makes sure to keep a weather eye on how much she's eating, knowing that she doesn't want to get too full. Once she reaches a comfortably full level, she'll pull back from the meal and focus in more on Alex again, sipping at some water, having finished her beer during the course of the meal. "We had all sorts of 'strange' foods. Mudbugs, gator, pond apples, frog legs, even shark on occasion... spam makes a good shelf-stable food."

Alex Summers has posed:
He chuckles a bit and fishes out his wallet because he knows the ticket will come soon and they've got a play to catch. He states, "You'd be surprised how much Spam is found in Hawai'i. It's in most recipes. I'm pretty sure I've eaten more Spam than any mainlander, ever. Sad thing is, I still love it. Mainly fried on toast with butter. Just keeping it simple. But what the heck is a pond apple?"

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Hey, no judgment here. Have you ever tried spam fries? Just take th' Spam an' cut it into 'fry' shape, then deep fry 'em an' serve with dippin' sauces. Goes great sauteed greens." Jennifer flashes a grin at him and laughs, "Pond apples are a fruit that grows naturally in th' Everglades. Looks kiiiiinda like an apple on th' outside, got a yellow inside, pretty mild flavor.. oh an' th' seeds are poisonous so, y'know, gotta make sure ya clean it real well."

Alex Summers has posed:
"Batter fried, deep fried without batter, yep. Good and crunchy." Then he ponders, "You know, I've never heard of such a fruit."

The waitress returns, he tries to give her his card, and she produces a portable scanner. She processes the card, he does the signature/tip bla bla bla stuff and she thanks the both of you and scampers off.

Alex stands and says, "So, full disclosure. West Side Story is my favorite musical. And I might already know all the lines." He grins guiltily while waiting for her to join him.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Laughing lightly, she gives a nod, "Sokay, hon, not many have. Even in Florida it ain't exactly common knowledge. More somethin' that's regional to th' southernmost part of Florida." Jennifer finishes off her water while Alex takes care of the bill, smiling her thanks to the waitress, then standing.

She takes his arm gently and smiles up at him as they head for the coat check, "That's alright. In full disclosure, I never seen it. I know it's loosely based on Romeo an' Juliet, but this'll be my first realy Broadway style show."

Alex Summers has posed:
They move downstairs, get their coats, and head out into the cold blustery evening. The theater is just down and across Broadway maybe half a block. And almost hidden with all the face work it's receiving, covered by scaffolding - like every other building in Manhattan. Tickets are produced on the phone and scanned at the ticket collection booth just inside. There are quite a few people around, dressed up and dressed down. So the duo of blondes fit right in. Coats are checked. Playbills are acquired. Inside is quite pretty and has been around for nearly a century. People mill in and are guided by attendants to get everyone to their seats. There are balconies, but he purchased tickets on the stage level and in the middle

Several other people are getting to their seats and it's closing on showtime. Alex says, "Yeah, based on Romeo and Juliet. But with street gangs and unrequited, forbidden love. I've seen it a few times, and even the movie was excellent. I hope you like it. But I'm sure you will."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Appropriately bundled against the cruel New England cold, Jennifer is glad to stay near the heat-producing Alex as they hurry across and down the street to reach the theatre. She's still dazzled by all the people and the 'fancy' surroundings as they enter the building, looking every which way. Once the tickets are scanned and coats checked, she takes her playbill land quickly pulls him around the room too look at everything before they find their seats.

Smiling up at him, she nnods, "Oh I'm sure I will! I'm definitely lookin' forward to it. An'.. maybe after we can grab a drink or some coffee an' talk bout th' show?"

Alex Summers has posed:
"Totally." He responds and the lights flicker. People begin taking their seats in a direct fashion. And soon...

There were many times during the musical that Alex mouthed the words said on stage. And he was quite facially animated along with the mood of the scene. He made sure to look over to Jenn from time to time to ensure she was enjoying it. Even during the intermission he asked if she was having a good time. In all, it's a musical, lots of singing, lots of dancing, lots of drama.

Which brings us to the closing of the curtains and the departure of the audience out onto the street.

Alex says, "Wow. It's been a while since I've seen it on stage. I'd forgotten how emotionally stimulating it is." then he looks to Jenn, "You liked it? You can tell me if you didn't. Musicals aren't for everyone. And it's a pretty rough story."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer hushes as the lights flicker and seats are taken. By the time the curtain opens, she's focused on the stage.

Rapt during the show, enjoying the performance, drawn into the story, Jennifer isn't one to shutter her emotions or expressions. He can see the enjoyment on her face, the investment into the drama, the delight over the musical numbers.

At intermission, she expresses her enjoyment of the show and says she's looking forward to seeing the second half before they retake their seats.

WHen the curtain closes, Jennifer is applauding right along with the rest of the audience, grinning broadly. Lead back out onto the street by Alex, she laughs and shakes her head, "No way! That was really fun, an' I liked th' update to a classic story. You gotta admit, though.. Romeo an' Juliet type stories only works with teenagers, maybe early twenties... once you hit a certain point that sorta.. instant an' intense feelin' of love an' infatuation just don't happen. An' you ain't likely to get SO deep SO quick that you'd kill yerself rather than see if there's someone else out there you could be that compatible with."

Alex Summers has posed:
"Totally agree. I've only had a few girlfriends and definitely could live without them." Alex states as they exit and start walking down the block toward a coffee like shop. There are normally around 10 on each block. "But it has to be hormone based. Otherwise, obsession, infatuation... that's more like something mental instability as an adult."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Exactly. Ain't really had a boyfriend, some dates, but certainly nobody I couldn't live without. Hell, most of 'em didn't even rate higher than a B.O.B." Jennifer chuckles lightly as they walk, sure that they'll manage to find somewhere suitable for an after-show coffee. She does tuck her hand around his forearm once more, however, to keep the crowds pouring out from separating them. "Oh yeah, without the outh an' hormones, it's just two psychos stalkin' each other, killin' off competition an' naysayers til they finally go off th' deep end an' off themselves in a final blaze of crazy. That's... less romantic."

Alex Summers has posed:
Entering the coffee shop, the two get in line and Alex comments while they wait, "So I've been thinking and trying to put it together - but I think I'm simply just not hip enough to figure out what B.O.B. means." He looks a bit confused while he tries to sort out the acronym.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Standing in line with him, she glances around at the other patrons before his question brings her eyes back to him, a smile touching her lips. "Battery Operated Boyfriend. B.O.B." Leaning in, she bumps his shoulder with her own and puts her lips nearly to his ear to murmur, "In case it worries ya, ya've already blown past the B.O.B. I am... very interested. For all that ya say I'm fascinatin'.. so are you, Alex." Her lips brush gently to the corner of his jaw before she straightens.

Alex Summers has posed:
There's a sudden intake of breath through his nose as he hears the definition of B.O.B.. He smiles and he stifles a laugh which turns into a silent snicker. But when she gets close, he practically freezes, holding his breath unintentionally. His eyes dart side to side while she whispers. His jaw loosens and finally he takes in the breath while she withdraws. His eyes remain on her and he takes a moment before he can think. He starts to speak and is interrupted by the girl at the counter. They should have moved up when the patron in front of them moved to the side. Alex turns toward the girl and says, "Oh hey, yeah, our turn to order."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Still smiling as she watches his reaction, Jennifer steps forward smoothly at the counter girl's interruption, turning that smile towards her. "Dark chocolate cocoa with cinnamon an' that marshmallow toppin', please. An' a cheese danish." Stepping aside, she looks to Alex and smiles, "I believe it's your turn, hon. Know whatcha want or d'ya need another moment?"

Alex Summers has posed:
He says, "Hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles and one of your apple strudel things. Thanks. Oh, and under Alex." He'll pull out his card and taps it to the screen when prompted. Then move toward a free table. "Speaking of second dates." He'll offer a segue. "When are we thinking? I'm pretty clear the rest of this weekend. Unless that's too soon? I don't know what your job is like. By the way, what is your job? You traded shifts... but that's really all I caught."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Flashing a quick, conspiratorial grin towards the counter girl, Jennifer turns to follow Alex to the first available table. Taking a seat, she shrugs from her coat and smiles at him, "Saturday night work? We can get a light dinner then head t' RollerJam USA. After 9pm, anyone under 21 is booted out an' they do a whole roller disco night for th' adults." Leaning back in her chair, she crosses her legs and chuckles softly. "I'm a stripper. Work at Sugardaddy's."

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex is surprised by the RollerJam USA suggestion. He even adds, "Oh that's a great idea." He too removes his coat and blazer, letting both hang on the back of the chair from the inside while she shares that she's a stripper. There is a clear pause of even more surprise as he processes that. "Wait, what? Really?" and there's something in his eyes that suggest confusion or wonder. Somehow in his brain the guardian of Atlantis' stuff being a stripper doesn't compute. However, all the things she's relayed totally track.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Grinning, she gives a nod, "Love rollerskatin'.. have since I was a kid. Not much call for it in th' swamp, but Dike had one. Old place, prob'ly been there since th' 50's. But man, it was my favorite place when I was younger." Jennifer chuckles softly at his reaction and gives a nod, "Girl's gotta eat an' pay rent... I ain't really had any sorta normal schoolin' so my education's a bit all over th' place. But I can dance. So that's what I do."

Alex Summers has posed:
There's a welcome tone to his voice as he realizes what she says is true about the stripping topic when he responds with a grin, "Wish I could dance. I'd be shaking my bon bon all over the place to pay for stuff. Maybe I should learn, cause Jeeps are expensive."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Hmmmmm.. is that your way of askin' if I'll teach ya? Because... I would. If ya wanted." Jenn leans in towards him, one hand reaching out to cover one of his, "Though I'm pretty sure ya dance just fine... with th' right partner." Something in her tone suggests 'dancing' is not being used as a euphemism. She may be teasing him... or she might not!

Alex Summers has posed:
His hand is warm, something quite evident in the touch. He smiles, gently shakes his head in disbelief and is about to say something when he hears his name. Saved by the bell. He looks and says, "Oop, that's our stuff. I'll be back." and he'll stand up and walk to retrieve the order.

Not 30 seconds later, he walks back with a small tray holding the two drinks and the two pastries on small paper plates with plasticware. He places the tray on the table, takes a seat next to her and starts unloading the tray for her and then for him while saying with the hint of a segue, "I'm sure you'll have to teach me how to dance. My moves are outdated, like 90s moves. Also, I'll have to look up the skate place. What's the dress code? 70s theme? 80s?"

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Laughing softly as he continues to manage dodging anything potentially intimdate, Jennifer settles back into her chair as he hurries off to collect their cocoa and pastries. Twisting slightly in her seat to watch him with a smile and a considering look.

When he returns, she reaches for her cocoa as he's setting it down, her fingers brushing his gently before she claims the mug. Her eyes find his and she murmurs, "I'd be glad to dance with you, Alex. And I'm going for 70s. That was the big disco era, and it's a roller disco night, so I'm thinking that would be best."

Alex Summers has posed:
"I look good in white." He says reflecting with a grin as he teases himself and paints an entertaining picture (at least entertaining to him). "Like white skates, white slacks, white jacket and a dark blue collared shirt. Maybe a gold chain or two." then he pauses and says, "They play a lot of Bee-Gees, right? Because, we've got to have Gibbs. Funny thing... When people say Gibbsmack, I only think of Andy Gibb and I was told that was wrong." He sips and then takes a bite out of his pastry.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Laughing softly, she lifts a brow and grins, "Goin' for a blonde John Travolta? He might sue, for you lookin' better'n his outfit than he did." Jennifer grins at him briefly before blowing steam away from her cocoa so she can sip from it. "There'll definitely be BeeGees. Also ABBA. Queen." Pausing, she lifts a brow, "Gibbsmack? Ain't ever hear of that before. What's it sposed to be?"

Alex Summers has posed:
He smiles broadly at the remark about being better looking and then he says, "I don't know. Some TV show reference from the mid 2000s. They say it's slapping a person upside the head. Speaking of slapping a person upside the head. You don't have siblings at all, right? Like no long-lost brother or sister who hides in the shadows waiting for a vulnerability to present itself - that they can then exploit that weakness and use it against you?" He's half serious, but also getting to a point.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Shaking her head, Jennifer lifts a shrug towards him, "Got me.. nothin' I'm familiar with." Then she's lifting a brow for his very specific question regarding siblings, clearing her throat lightly and murmuring, "I did. Past tense. He died when we were still kids.. bout 14." Leaning forward a little, she smiles towards him, "Other'n that, I got a couple cousins, but they ain't exactly lookin' t' take over th' world or anythin'. They're in the superhero gig, just methods differ a lil.. but I ain't worried bout them showin' up t' try an' hurt me. They're good guys."

Alex Summers has posed:
"Well, the reason I ask... I've got a few siblings. One that I live with, Scott. He's okay. Stick up his ass. But he's the older brother. Guess that's a requirement. Then two others. One is just a skater punk, we really don't communicate. And then the other-other brother. Well, he's the one that I refer to. He's out in space. Billions of light years away. But he's one of those 'nefarious plans' sort. Nothing to worry about... And the only reason I mention it is cause he needs to be hit upside the head. I know, long way to get back around to a joke. But it seemed to fit. And really though; I totally imagined you had an evil twin sister or something; cause you're way too good to be true."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Ahhhhhhhh, so *you* got an evil sibling that might throw monkey wrenches in your social life. Well, I ain't one t' judge. You saw th' creeps that I deal with... actual, legit evil incarnate. Misguided space brother, we can handle that," Jennifer offers a quick smile before biting into her danish. Enjoying the taste of it before chasing it down with some cocoa. "Nope, no twins, no siblings at all anymore. Andy.. he was my brither.. he.. kinda.. got possessed.. when we were younger. He.. didn't survive it. Same demon that was responsible for my ancestor's death, too." Shaking her head, Jennifer looks at him, "Now, I can't promise I won't ever have interruptions. But generally speakin'.. if you're game to take on Hellspawn an' th' occasional evil warlock... you're welcome to join my interruptions."

Alex Summers has posed:
There's a slight frown and a nod; his voice lowers when he says, "Sorry bout Andy. And I think we're in the same boat. So much evil out in the world that wants to get to us. There have been so many days that I've wanted to live a normal life. But it never works out. Which brings us back to why I don't have my PhD yet. So many interruptions. Which is why I also bring up the subject. And that you pointed it out already. We have limiting factors to being social."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Reaching out, she sets her hand on his anf gives a gentle squeeze, "Thanks. Andy was a good kid. We were just... dumb, thought we knew better... Andy paid th' price. That's when my trainin' started. When my crazy ass life started." Jennifer chuckles softly and gives a nod, then makes an effort to catch his eyes, "We make time for th' things we want, Alex. You'll get there. It might take longer, but if it's important, you'll get it." Smiling at him, she winks, "If I have to teleport into your room with some Chinese takeout an' a dvd for a date.. I mean.. I definitely had worse ones."

Alex Summers has posed:
There's a nice segue from Andy to teleporting to rooms with Chinese and he's brought back up in tone when he says with a grin, "That's a thing? I mean, magic can just teleport you to places you've never... oh wait, Fred's. Yeah, I'm guessing you've never been to Fred's before. Right? So you just thought of the place and you got us there? Is that how that works?" Yeah, maybe he missed out on the date part and that it was in his room. Or maybe he's just tactical first and date second.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Within my range, I can teleport most anywhere... buuuuuuuuuuut it's easier if I've been there before or know where it's at," Jennifer flashes a quick grin and nods towards Alex. "That's why I had *you* visualize where you wanted t' go. Then I just... looped th' magic t' your mental image. So.. glad ya didn't suddenly imagine somewhere embarrassin'." She glances down into her cocoa mug and chuckles, "Lil more to it than that but.. yeah, kinda. It's best when I know where I'm goin', but I can also use someone else that knows where we're goin'."

Alex Summers has posed:
"That's very cool, and extremely useful." then he realizes he's tactically thinking and says, "Sorry. Training kicked in." Then he questions, "Somewhere embarrassing? I'm not even sure where that could be. Like Bruce Wayne's 50 shades of gray brothel? Not that I've ever been there, but it's like the first thing I think of when I think of Wayne. Plus, he's rich, so surely he's got that 50 shades room off his bedroom or something."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Leaning her chin to prop on the back of one hand, she quirks a faint smile at him, "You're an old-fashioned kinda guy, ain'tcha? Like t' take it slow an' easy..." Jennifer watches him with that smile playing across her lips. "Never saw th' movies.. tried t' read th' book, but it.. it was more like fanfic, not even very good fanfic. So I took it back t' th' library th' next day." She lifts a shrug, then chuckles, "So tell me, Alex... after West Side Story, favorite musical?"

Alex Summers has posed:
There are a few reflective gazes as Jennifer assesses his personality and then he smiles, "Oh, that's easy, Wicked. I'm one-hundred percent team Elphaba." Then he segues back around to the original consideration of his fashion. His eyes remain in hers when he responds. The blue eyes are truly observant and interested in your reaction and clearly pleased with your appearance, "And to answer your question, I guess I sort of am. Old fashioned that is. Which is to say that your innuendos haven't gone unnoticed or unappreciated. I do things a bit slower. Not saying I'm not interested. Because I am. Very interested. Though, I'm enjoying getting to know you and see the potential of knowing you better before I take giant leaps forward."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Then we'll have to see that one next. 'Fraid I'm pretty behind on th' whole Broadway show thing... mostly only got to see movies or musicals when they hit cable or dvd," Jennifer offers a faintly wry smile, knowing that she's well behind in matters of 'sophistication' and 'culture'. Nodding slowly at his response, she makes a small sound in the back of her throat that could well be a laugh or she could be trying to clear it. Lifting one hand to halt him from going too far in, Jennifer's smile warms towards Alex, "I like you, Alex. An' I can't promise I won't tease ya a bit here an' there... but takin' things a lil slower ain't so bad. I get used t' things movin' faster... always seems like everythin' moves faster in th' city." She chuckles softly, "Which is t' say.. I'm enjoyin' this.. this gettin' t' know ya."

Alex Summers has posed:
A warm smile crosses his lips and he's quite happy with her response. Content even. He'll then go into what Wicked is all about, how Elphaba is the heroine of the play and how she was completely misportrayed in the Wizard of Oz. How it all ties together in the end - and how Dorothy was a little interloping shit. None the less, he covers the play and feels the itch to see it. He also reassures that it's not sophisticated, that it's simply another form of entertainment for people who have more time on their hands. It also gives them opportunity to eat the pastries and drink the hot chocolate.

They find themselves standing out on the sidewalk and Alex says, "So when is this skating extravaganza to take place?"

Jennifer Kale has posed:
She's more than happy to sit and listen to him go over the play, sipping on her cocoa and eating her danish, asking the occasional question but generally just letting him talk. Watching him get animated and excited as he goes through the plot and how it ties to the Wizard of Oz. Jennifer may also have to explain that anything involving *shoes* is generally considred 'sophisticated', given that her main form of entertainment growing up was the swamp around her.

Once they're on their way again, she glances up at him and smiles, "This Saturday, if you're free? Say.. 8-ish? We can head over, grab a slice of pizza or some nachos at th' food bar, then should be roller disco time."

Alex Summers has posed:
"Saturday, as in tomorrow? Yeah, that actually works out. I'll be there with white patent leather on." and he'll add, "Then I'm gonna get out of here. Thanks for this evening. It was great."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Alright then!" Jennifer smiles up at him and gives a nod. "Tomorrow. Thanks for th' fun time, Alex. I'll see ya tomorrow." She'll brush a kiss to his cheek before stepping back into an alleyway, glancing around, then winking at him before she just.. disappears. It's MAGIC!