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Latest revision as of 02:51, 12 December 2023

Noh-Varr (Scenesys ID: 5076)
Name: Noh-Varr
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Altered Kree
Occupation: Soldier
Citizenship: Kree Empire (AU)
Residence: Mobile
Education: Kree Officer Academy (AU)
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Apparent Age: 24 Actual Age: 24
Date of Birth 23 April 1999 Played By Alex Pettyfer
Height: 5'10" Weight: 165 lbs
Hair Color: White Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Daft Punk

Character Info


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Born in another universe and stranded in this one, Noh-Varr is a super soldier without a war to call his own struggling to find his place in a new world while staying true to the 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt's mission to bring peace to the world through zen fascism. But Kree are nothing if not flexible and so he strives ever onward. Glory to the Supreme Intelligence!


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1975 (Dimension-200080)
After exposure to cosmic radiation, Captain Glory and Star Splendor of the Kree Empire spontaneously develop super powers despite the genetic stagnation caused by the Kree empire's use of an Infinity Stone. Both are chosen to be trained as the first generation of Kree super soldiers, their genetic material (eggs, sperm, and blood) being harvested for experiments by the Supreme Intelligence.

1999 (Dimension-200080)
Born in a Kree maturation womb from genetic material as part of an experimental process designed to overcome the genetic stagnation of the Kree species using genetic engineering and nannites. He is raised in a creche and further experimented on as he grows to correct any perceived imperfections.

2015 (Dimension-200080)
Over half his genetic siblings have either died due to complications with the genetic engineering or through the extensive training all Kree undergo as part of the military machine. His reality's version of Captain Marvel goes rogue, but is hunted down and brought to justice by the Accuser Corps. The Earth is subjugated by the Kree, with only a few planets capable of stopping the Kree empire with their new generation of super soldiers.

2018 (Dimension-200080)
Noh-Varr is the only one of his genetic siblings to successfully graduate from the Kree Military Officer Academy, achieving top honors. He is immediately assigned the 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt, a diplomatic and peacekeeping group, aboard their ship the Marvel on a five year mission. His unit is instrumental in securing an intergalactic ceasefire with the Supreme Intelligence and their various sub-unit Plexs as administrators.

2020 (Dimension-200080)
Two years into their five year mission, the 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt's shop the Marvel is retrofitted with Kirby Engines, an experimental FTL system that functions off belief. During their maiden voyage, designed to bridge one side of the known universe to the other, the unit finds itself in Apokalips. Armed with only the most rudementary of weaponry, they are forced to jump blind.

They crash land in New Jersey (nothing good comes from Jersey!) and the entire crew except Noh-Varr are killed. He survives by putting himself in his restoration pod and being supercharged with nannites. While in suspended animation, Plex begins to feed him infromation about his new world by tapping into social media and the internet. The results are mixed, but eventually Noh-Varr and the Marvel are discovered.

IC Journal

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Intense, idealistic and impulsive he may be, Noh-Varr is ultimately a good natured sort. He takes what life throws at him and tries to live each moment as if it were an adventure and always finds the fun in whatever situation he's thrown into... And not only is happy to drag anyone he meets along with him, but would be absolutely thrilled to do so.

Still being relatively young for the long-lived Kree of his home dimension, Noh-Varr tends to be impulsive due to inexperience on his own. He tends to rely on his gut feeling about people and situations, rarely taking the time to think through the consequences of his actions. He's not stupid, just the sort that has to stick the fork in the electric outlet himself.

Kree Ideals:
Noh-Varr was bred as part of an intergalactic military empire and engineered in a womb to be the ultimate soldier. Part of that was deep conditioning on what was considered the ideals of a Kree soldier: loyalty towards team mates, a certain rough honor, and a desire to leave the world a better place... even if his idea of what is 'better' can be a little skewed.

Character Sheet


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Blood Nanites:
Noh-Varr produces nanites in his blood that allow him limited control over his body. He can re-route stimulations such as pain and pleasure, trigger or supress bursts of hormones and other biochemistry like adenaline, fatigue toxins, and even survive without air, food, or water near-indefinitely by controlling the burn of fat. He's also capable of secreting these nanites in his bodily fluids, allowing him to interface with technology on a very primitive level... compatibility with Earth tech is *very* unreliable and any good security system can foil him. Exposure to nanites can cause a drug-like effect on other people before ultimately being rejected.

Enhanced Physiology:
While Kree are naturally stronger and tougher than Terrans, due to the high gravity of Hala and increase nitrogen levels in the atmosphere, Noh-Varr was the result of a successful genetic engineering program designed to counteract the Kree's evolutionary stagnation. He's exceptionally strong (capable of lifting roughly 25 tons), and has a triple-jointed musculate structure that makes him durable enough to take at least a few blows from a Kryptonian without being vaporized.

His speed, agility, balance, and bodily coordination are likewise enhanced, making him capable of moving at roughly 150 mph and able to walk up walls although he lacks the capacity for unassisted flight, as well as dodge bullets and laser although he can't quite *catch* them. As well, he has highly enhanced restorative abilities, able to heal anything short of a fatal injury given enough time.

The White Run:
Using his genetic enhancements and the nanites in his blood, Noh-Varr can enter a state of hyper-focus where his thought processes and senses are streamlined to ignore any distractions from what he's attempting to achieve. He can only maintain it for a minute or two at a time, but risks damaging himself beyond what he's capable of withstanding or recovering from through either damage to his body or using up all the nanites in his blood.


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As part of the 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt, Noh-Varr assisted in establishing an intergalactic ceasefire and peace treaty... Or rather, he was in the same group of peacekeepers and diplomats that achieved the domination of the Kree Emprie. The result is that he got a crash-course in diplomacy and negotiation from some of the best and while he isn't experienced he paid attention and took copious notes. While he is not tempermentally the best leader, he understands interpersonal dynamics a lot better than he's given credit for.

Hard Sciences:
As part of his training in the Diplomatic Gestalt, Noh-Varr was trained in the hard sciences. He is proficient in astrophysics, mechanical engineering, chemistries, as well as understands enough quantum physics to understand how the Kirby Engines work if not how to fix them. He'll never be a leading authority, but he can function in academics to an impressive level.

Kree Military Training:
Noh-Varr was an Ensign in the 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt, and as such is proficient in the Kree combat techniques of his home dimension, from hand-to-hand to heavy weaponry and marksmanship. While he isn't exactly an expert or master, he does enjoy the benefit of being the only practitioner in this dimension, making him effective. He knows the basics any good soldier should know on tactics, survival, navigation, and urban combat.

Pop Culture:
Upon entering this universe, Noh-Varr used the internet and pop culture as a way to acclimate and understand the world he found himself in. As such, he has a near-encyclopedic knowledge of pop culture for the past fifty or so years. Trashy reality TV is a comfort watch for him, and he adores music. Especially girl groups like the Supremes and Spice Girls.


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A multipurpose tool capable of changing and morphing into different tools and weapons as needed... Most commonly a pair of hand-mounted energy blasters that fire electromagnetic energy or extremely tough melee weapons, as well as storage for his unstable molecular uniform and a com unit allowing him to access Plex remote. It can also function as a com-unit either he or Plex can use to tap into most communication channels, even if it's rude to talk unless invited. He can also use the Nega-Gauntlets to fly at supersonic speeds.

(Note: the Nega-Gauntlets are significantly less powerful than comic canon; Noh-Varr lacks the training and experience to wield them for more than the tricks listed unless otherwise indicated by staff)

Designed to assist the 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt, Plex is an AI based off the Supreme Intelligence capable of running the ship's systems and serving as an advisor. Think alien version of Jarvis, although interdimensional protocols prevent Plex from revealing information about Noh-Varr's home dimension without proper clearance... Hint: higher than Noh-Varr has. While these protocols can be suspended, it would require a plot and a life-or-death scenario.

The Marvel:
A small Kree scout capable of functioning with a crew of 6. It's functional as a hidden base with stealth technology that's both mechanical and psionic and can fly sub-liminal, with FTL capacities due to experimental transdimensional engines that are fueled by belief called the Kirby Engines. With the Kirby Engine broken and no one available with the knowledge to repair it he is limited to his current planatary system without serious risk of finding himself stranded somewhere even less hospitable. There is also a small restoration pod that he can use to recharge his nanites, heal grave injuries and sleep, and a food replicator that supplies nanite-based food. And, of course, Plex.


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Dimensional Refugee:
Noh-Varr is not from Earth... he's not even from this reality in general. He was stranded as the sole survivor of his unit, and has no long term friends or allies he can call on for help outside of what he makes and finds. He doesn't fit in, and anything capable of identifying interdimensional anomolies would peg him in a heartbeat... And exploit him and his technology for their own means.

Fascist Upbringing:
Not to beat around the bush too much, but Noh-Varr was raised in a Zen fascist military society that's left him ill prepared for life on Earth, much less this dimension. He's curiously suseptible to sufficient authority, slightly naive when it comes to relationships, and is still trying to grasp the concept of 'fun' and 'appropriate' outside what was allowed the Diplomatic Gestalts. He's also convinced that peace can only be attained by subjegating people to the Kree even if he doesn't know a thing about the Kree of this dimension. Glory to the Supreme Intelligence!

Nanite Reliance:
Although he can function without them, Noh-Varr relies on his nanites like most people rely on sight, sound, or any other sensory function. If he pushes himself too hard without time to rest, he can use up all his nanites and requires an extended period within a special pod on his ship before he can produce more. He also has to spend at least eight hours a week to 'reset' the nanites or else he runs the risk of developing defective nanites much like a blood cancer. He can get around this by eating foods rich in certain key minerals that will suppress the defects, but it won't work for longer than a couple of hours before the nanites get, as the kids say, 'hangry'.



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Noh-Varr has 8 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Pincers, Are There January 16th, 2024 Dancing the night away at Club Sion!
Oddesey and Oracle December 29th, 2023 Noh-Varr saves Cypher from an Assassin.
Speak Easy But Socializing Hard December 28th, 2023 A godling and a Kree warrior go to a speakeasy
Tough Guys December 18th, 2023 Noh-Varr and Midnighter cross paths again.
Where we are gods December 17th, 2023 Instead of ending up on New Krypton with aid, the team ends up on a strange planet conquered by the Hegemony.
Alt-Universes Unite December 16th, 2023 Feeling a weird cosmic signature, Singularity pops in and introduces herself to the reality-hopping Noh-Varr!
G.W. Ate Here! December 15th, 2023 No description
Midnight Mayhem December 12th, 2023 No description


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Noh-Varr has 8 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Noh-Varr has been credited in 0 shows.

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Noh-Varr has been credited in 0 albums.

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Noh-Varr has authored 0 books.

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