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Latest revision as of 04:39, 18 December 2023

Alt-Universes Unite
Date of Scene: 16 December 2023
Location: Skies Above New York
Synopsis: Feeling a weird cosmic signature, Singularity pops in and introduces herself to the reality-hopping Noh-Varr!
Cast of Characters: Singularity, Noh-Varr

Singularity has posed:
While Singularity has been on Earth - this Earth - for a couple of years now, there are times where she just wants to go out and explore. Having woken up and become aware of the world around her, she considered, before closing her eyes. She feels out a spot and...

Somewhere above New York, cosmic energy covalesces. A periwinkle sphere that spreads and whirlpools, spiraling outwards, before from the center of it comes a loud *POP*.

And from with, a young girl appears. Cut from the fabric of the universe, her starstrewn hair flows behind her as she appears and she smoothes her hands over herself. The cold doesn't bother her as she floats in place, just taking in the beauty around her.

Noh-Varr has posed:
And near where that blue girl appears out of nowhere is a man with silver hair tousled by the wind and a fine dusting of stubble on his angular seeming cheeks. He's wearing alienesque green and black armor, his hands and feet encased in organic looking metal that shimmers with energy.

"Excuse me." He says politely, eyebrows slowly rising. "I didn't mean to nearly jostle you. The Earth's air space is a lot more crowded than I figured it would be."

Singularity has posed:
So that's what that weird blip in her cosmic awareness was!

Surprised to hear a new voice, the little universe swings around, the stars and galaxies not moving much with her motion, though small sparkles of energy escaped from her as she looks over the new figure.

"Hello!" she greets in a cheerful lit, her voice melodious while echoing the soft tone of the universe. "You are what I felt! Thought it might be Carol. Was not. You are not from here!" A pause and she adds. "This reality. That's what I mean. You feel different."

With that explanation, Singularity's hand goes to her chest. "I am Singularity. I'm a singularity." she explains.

Noh-Varr has posed:
"Yes. A singularity." Noh-Varr's green eyes narrow as he considers the blue woman, assessing her with a warrior's insight. And the assistance of an AI that is better able to analyze than his frail fleshy brain, no matter how wrinkled. "Fascinating. Who is this 'Carol' you mention? I do not believe you mean the song they sing for the carpenter that they nailed to a tree, or the jolly fat man that infiltrates their homes and judges their children."

Singularity has posed:
"Yes. A singularity!" Sing reiterates, just in case Noh-Varr is a Doubting Debbie. His AI is going to have a field day. She has every hallmark of a universe. Made of the exact same stuff. Just... she's somehow sentient.

"Friend Carol! Captain Marvel. Found her recently. Was friend in other reality I was in. Taught me to fight!" she explains, sounding very estatic and enthusiastic about the whole thing. "I do not know of the singing carpenter, but do know of Santa! Was told while back! Helped save Christmas a few days ago!"

She hasn't quite grasped that was a part in a play that she got roped into.

Noh-Varr has posed:
Coming from an interdimensional empire himself, Noh-Varr nods consideringly at her words, as if her presence makes perfect sense to him. "Yes... My readings show a quantum fluctuation around you, somehow confined so that you appear in a constant state of contained chaos. Fascinating."

He blinks, and then shakes his head, "They believe the son of a god came to teach them. So they nailed him to a tree. Now they celebrate his birthday by singing songs of snowmen and hope." He wrinkles his nose. Earth, man!

"I am Noh-Varr, of the 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt." He introduces himself, voice polite although his chest rises slightly in pride. Nevermind that no one knows what a Diplomatic gestalt is, not even the Kree of this reality.

Singularity has posed:
"And you are not from here." She points out again. "Are you visiting? Or lost?" Singularity looks curious about that. I had to destroy myself in the last reality I was in. It no longer exists. This is home now." comes her explanations, as she squeezes her forearm with the opposite hand.

"Oh. I have heard some of those. I do not understand them. The only omnipotent being I know is the Beyonder. Though Lord Doom thought himself as same in other reality." A thoughtful pause.

"It is nice to meet you, Noh-Varr of the 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt!" Kree. Kree. Why is that word important to her? She knows she's heard it before. "I do not know what a diplomatic gestalt is! But is sounds important."

Noh-Varr has posed:
"My reasons are my own." Noh-Varr says sternly when asked what he's doing in this reality to cover the fact his reason is that he's freakin' stranded without the knowledge to repair his ship after a brief brush with Apokalips.

He does relent enough to adds, "But yes. I'm from a different reality." And rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

Singularity has posed:
"Oooh. A mission." Singularity will not pry into that too much. Her head tilts and she floats around Noh-Varr, her white eyes opened and assessing.

"I could find your reality. In short time!" she explains, a little clap of her hands.

"Take four. Maybe five." Days? "Milennial!" Time for a singularity, that's practically nothing.

She does look pleased with herself, though.

Noh-Varr has posed:
"Identifying my reality isn't the problem." He admits, with a shake of his head that's ever so slightly rueful, "It is actually getting back to it." He considers the strange woman, brow furrowed in deep thought.

"But I'm not entirely sure I want to go back if I could." He admits with a shake of his head, "And certainly I do not know if I have *that* much time to wait. This world is sufficient." He brightens. "There's this drink in Madripoor... it leaves your toes tingling. I believe the man that bought me one said it was experimental rocket fuel?"

Singularity has posed:
Singularity considers this. "Aha!" she says, as if she just had a Eureka moment. "Want to stay here though." Because she was totally considering dimensional hopping Noh-Varr back home when he says that he is wanting to stick around.

She really can't fault him for that.

"I have not visited this Madripoor. I should sometime! I have tried a lot of foods. I found some of them tasty. You should try weiners!" she explains. "Kara really likes them and shared them with me."

Noh-Varr has posed:
"A lawless place, but good for a fun time." Noh-Varr flicks his wrist dismissively of Madripoor, although there is a hint of a grin there at memories of a good time had beating people up.

He shakes his head, though, and says, "Kara? A friend? I know there are superheroes and such active. I've been in suspended animation in a restoration pod for some years, but managed to pick some information up."

Singularity has posed:
"There are a lot of superheroes here!" Singularity agrees. "This was the world I observed before I became this form. I watched them turm back an invasion. So many heroes. Aliens. Tech. Mutants. All working together. It. Is. Inspiring!" A spin and she turns to face Noh-Varr.

"I hope that you find many friends here. And that you lose any longing you have to return from where you came." That one, the little universe knows about. "I should let you get back to your exploration."

Noh-Varr has posed:
Singularity is met with a bemused nod at the wisdom of the universe, chuckling as he hovers in place with that strange, unknown energy keeping him aloft. "The world I come from was on the cusp of universal peace." He says wryly, "I hope I can bring it to this world as well."

Granted, it was under a fascist military dictatorship by an AI that forced peace, but who's counting? Technicalities.

He nods when she talks about leaving, asking briefly, "If I were to want to meet more people like us, where is a good place? Before you go."

Singularity has posed:
"Peace is nice." Singularity giggles a little. "But I am a universe. I am always..." a gesture over all the starfields. Galaxies. Stars untold. Some vibrant and alive. Some on the verge of collapse. Some just being born. "...a state of chaos." A bright smile.

And then she opens a portal. When the otherside opens, it's into the vibrant and bright Times Square. "Here. Or Metropolis. That is where I met Kara. Or Gotham. But I was told Gotham is ruled by one that is like darkness and is a bat. And does not like others."

Noh-Varr has posed:
"Ah." Noh-Varr considers her words, as if seriously considering the logistics of conquering an universe and shakes his head. That's why he has Plex; his AI does the heavy lifting intellectually, brah!

He nods towards the Singularity, repeating, "Times Square. Although the tourists are rude and should be neutralized. Metropolis. Gotham, but there's a man dressed like an animal of the night. I see." He frowns, "And you? Are you everywhere and nowhere until observed, as befitting a quantum singularity?"

Singularity has posed:
Something that Noh-Varr says doesn't sit well with the quantum singularity. "They are to be protected and observed. In that, they are fascinating to watch." she explains. But when asked about her presence, she smiles faintly.

"I am where I am needed. Here. There. Anywhere. Nowhere." she shrugs, and starts to form the portal around her to leave. "Perhaps you shall see me again!" And with that...

*BLIP* She's gone.