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Latest revision as of 03:51, 20 December 2023

Date of Scene: 19 December 2023
Location: Telephone lines.
Synopsis: Alex sets a date and invites Jenn to the X-Mas party.
Cast of Characters: Alex Summers, Jennifer Kale

Alex Summers has posed:
Three days later.

It's mid afternoon on a weekday and Jenn's phone will ring. He likes using the actual phone app on the phone. Imagine that. It being a weekday, he's been teaching classes or doing some sort of work stuff that he does around the school. There's never enough training.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jenn answers the phone after a few rings, "Hey! Been missin' ya. Hope your day's goin' well." She shifts the phone so she can head back into the tiny kitchen and turn off the running water. "Sorry bout that, I was fixin' t' do some dishes. How's your day goin'?"

Alex Summers has posed:
His background is far less noisy. Every now and again there's the hint of some music. Then after a few other bars, it's pretty clear that he's listening to Streisand sing 'My Favorite Things'. He answers, "It's good, just getting done with work. Been thinking about you. How's your day?"

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Pretty quiet. Cleaned up th' apartment, doin' up dishes while my laundry's dryin'," Jenn laughs lightly and pulls the phone away from her ear so she can call out. "Alexa, play Nicks' Hits." TUcking the phone back to her ear, she smiles, "Thinkin' bout me, huh? Maybe ya wanna come over for dinner?"

Alex Summers has posed:
He hrms and considers for a second recounting his schedule. "Tonight, sorry, can't make it. But, we're having a X-Mas party. Get it, X... Mas? Anyway, it's Saturday and I was hoping you'd like to come." So far what she knows about his schedule is that he is very involved with the school and he's way up in Westchester. Even though it's an hour train ride from Salem Center to Manhattan, there's still quite a bit of exchange and other travel issues. He's not gotten another Jeep and it would be a nightmare to try to actually drive in the city - so public transport is the only way. Also, he doesn't want to impose on her teleportation just yet. They've only been dating for (Friday (play), Saturday (roller skating), Friday (battery park & weekend) and now it's Wednesday) around 10 days.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Not a problem, maybe another day this week," Jenn offers cheerily as she flops down onto the sofa. There's a small laugh for his pun as she gives a nod that he can't see, "Sure! Sounds like great fun. D'ya want me t' meet ya there, or are ya pickin' me up?" Because even though he isn't imposing on her teleportation, she will! Gives her more time to get ready. "What time? An' if I'm meetin' ya, I'll need an address." Pausing as she realizes something, she adds in, "Oh, an' what sorta dress code? Is it a fancy party or more casual?"

Alex Summers has posed:
He didn't give it 100 percent thought nor did he read the memo all that clearly. He then thinks for a second and he comes up with a great idea. Leading into it, he prefaces it with a question, "Okay... I remember you saying that you could teleport here if I gave you a clear image of what here is? Right? Did I hear that right or am I having a false memory?"

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"That's right! I can draw on yer knowledge t' direct th' teleport. Just gotta loop ya into th' magic, connects us briefly, long 'nough t' get us there." Jenn grins at the question and begins planning out her outfit and the day leading up to the party.

Alex Summers has posed:
"Okay, then that'll work out great. So I'm thinking a red dress. Do you have a red dress? I've not seen you in red and I think red would look great on you. I think I'm rambling now. Sort of distracted with the whole teleporting thing. So it's Saturday night, If you show up around 7.. I'm guessing you'll be teleporting straight to my room? Or the front door of the mansion? Anyway, it's snowing up here. So a coat would be great too."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"If I'm meetin' ya there, I can just teleport t'ya directly. We have a strong 'nough connection I can jes' pop in wherever yer at. So.. yeah, prob'ly yer room." Jennifer chuckles softly and gives a nod, still forgetting that he can't see her. "Oh yeah, I got a red dress. Be glad fer ya t'see it. Should be fun!" There's a smile in her tone as she agrees, "Saturday, 7pm. I can do that. An' I'll bring a coat, or at least a wrap. Somethin' warm."

Alex Summers has posed:
"That's perfect." He responds. "Then it's set. Saturday, 7pm. However, before that. I'm off Thursday. Perchance you're free that evening? Maybe you'd like to go to dinner? I was hoping Carmine's on 44th and 7th?"

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Perfect. Saturday at 7. As for Thursday, that sounds wonderful. What time?" Jenn rocks up to her feet and pads over to the desk to note both the party and dinner on her calendar.

Alex Summers has posed:
"I'll be at your place around 4. I'll get reservations for 7. I hear their tiramisu is amazing." Alex states while standing up from his desk and having looked at the name of the place on his computer. "I'll send you a picture." and in a second a picture comes up on Jenn's phone. https://i.imgur.com/TKuk1QA.png

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"Sounds great! Should I be ready t' go, or would ya like t' help me get dressed?" Jenn offers the small tease with a soft chuckle. The text comes through and she pulls up the picture, letting out a low whistle, "That looks downright decadent.. I love it."

Alex Summers has posed:
"It really does... anyway, yeah, dressed. So I'll see you then." and he'll wait for her to say bye, he'll say bye, and then he'll hang up putting the phone on the cradle.