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Latest revision as of 17:10, 22 December 2023

Rabbits, tea, and a Honey Badger.
Date of Scene: 20 December 2023
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: Zachary stops by to see about helping out with the Justice League Dark. He runs into Gabby Kinney who doesn't approve of Bunny's outfit. Bunny does however approve of carrot cake tea.
Cast of Characters: Zachary Zatara, Gabby Kinney

Zachary Zatara has posed:
The Great and utterly modest Zachary Zatara is back in New York State. All those in the know... Probably don't know it just yet. Most of the actually magical aren't all that interested in social media and he's only had chance to put on one very very small show over in Gotham.

And lets be honest people tend to try avoid being in Gotham whenever possible.

And of course he's not alone. Where Zachary goes his faithful assistant, social media manager, and general dogsbody (and technically pet rabbit) Bunny follows. They're as close to incognito as a six foot tall young magician, complete with top hat, accompanied by a girl in a bunny girl outfit can be.

"This certainly smells like the right place," he says with a glance to Bunny. She looks back at him and raises a hopeful eyebrow. "No Bunny. I don't think they sell carrots." A sigh. "You're welcome to ask while I take a little look around though..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The weather outside was frightful. I mean it was December in New York. The slush that coated the streets kept most people from walking unless they had to, though the shops in this area seemed to do a rather good job of keeping the sidewalks clean and friendly for pedestrians.

ESPECIALLY in front of the tea shop. There wasn't a spot of snow or sludge or ice. Whoever had cleaned the area in front of it had done an immaculate job. Likely a combination of salt, shoveling, and maybe--just maybe--a bit of magic.

Inside the shop it was warm. The smell of various teas fill the air. While there was incense for sale as well, it was kept shut away in little containers so that it didn't overwhelm the place. Tea was the most prominant scent and even what few candles were lit inside to offer to the warm ambiance were unscented, or beeswax which was rather soft a smell.

There's a cozy fire with a sitting area around it. Bookshelves filled with things that were obviously complete and utter nonsense with such titles as 'How to Find Your Astrological Spirit Animal' or the like. THINGS that were just innocent enough but.. Still. There were also things that if put together in the proper way could be actual ingredients for spells.

Behind the tea counter is a short girl with dark hair, and scars over her face currently pouring out a cup of tea for herself. It's something minty, with a hint of anise to sweeten it. The cup she uses is a peacock design full of boisterious colors. Her attire was similarily colorful as she weas wearing one of those 'ugly Christmas sweaters' with glittered thread in the design of a Christmas tree with far too many decorations on it. Gabby lifts her gaze to regard the pair coming in, and as soon as the door opens she pipes up with, "Welcome to the Candle! Let me know if you'd like to sample any teas."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
Despite the weather the two visitors are suspiciously dry. It's probably a frivolous use of magical power, but Zachary knows a little weather magic and a ward against wind & rain uses less time and effort than chasing his top hat. He's a man who has his priorities firmly established. Even if they're what most people would consider to be 'wrong'.

Bunny makes a big show of checking all the tea on offer. "Carrot?" she asks hopefully. "Or lettuce?"

It's not the first time Zachary has met Gabby. So it won't take long before she recognises he's a former Outsiders trainee. Having stepped down from the team to focus on his magical career. And given that career was mostly online? Well it perhaps was not the best fit for a secret superhero team like the Outsiders!

He takes his time looking round the establishment. His ability to sense magic allowing him to pick out the trinkets from the treasures. It's only once he's looked around thoroughly that he joins Bunny at the counter. "Ah Miss Kinney," he greets. Taking his top hat off with a flourish. "I trust you are well?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"No carrot but we do have one that's supposed to taste like carrot cake?" Gabby offers to the bunny-suited girl while giving Zachary a 'Really?' sort of look. Making her wear a bunny suit. REALLY.

Gabby did of course recognize him, and nods in his direction at the greeting. "Zatara. I'm doing good. Been busy, but not so much that it's unable to be handled. You? I haven't kept up with your schedule much, really, but I peek online now and then."

More to the point she asks, "Here on pleasure or business?"

Zachary Zatara has posed:
In his defence. He didn't make Bunny wear the outfit. It's a magic thing. What sort of humanoid rabbits work on stages? Bunny girls. What does a magicians pet rabbit wear when you turn her into a sentient Humanoid? A bunny girl outfit. There is a strange sort of magical sense to it really. Sympathetic magical resonance.

Besides it was his first permanent spell. There were bound to be some quirks in the outcome. Honestly it's impressive he didn't accidentally create a wererabbit that savages the fruit and vegetables of Gotham every night.

"Oh you know. When you get tired of Las Vegas you're tired of... Well mostly just Las Vegas. I decided I'd get back to basics," he replies. Returning the really look with one of utter innocence. He doesn't know what Gabby could possibly be thinking. "Work on my /actual/ magic. See if I can find some productive outlets for it. While taking advantage of the family archives to look up some forgotten tricks I can work into my show."

Meanwhile Bunny is staring at Gabby in awe. They make cake which taste like /carrots/. Mind blown. Eventually she nods repeatedly.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"So, business then," Gabby reasons with an amused grin as she looks back toward Bunny who was so eagerly nodding. She'd caught that, and knew that look well. Without a word she moves to some of the containers of tea to pull one down without having to look.

Sometimes an enhanced sense of smell really came in handy, especially when it came to knowing what tea was in what container.

It's brought back to the counter to spoon a few teaspoons out into one of those little tea strainer balls that she settles into a cup. It's white with little rabbits dancing around the rim. Somehow it seemed whatever cup was pulled from beneath the counter fit who was being served. Hot water is poured overtop, and soon the smell of carrot cake starts to join in the scents here. "It's hot, give it a moment to steep, then it'll be ready," she assures while sliding the cup in her direction.

Back to Zachary she tips her head a bit in thought. "Well I know you well enough to vouch for you to the JLD at least, if that's what you're interested in. Zatanna's on the roster too, though she's rarely available. We make do," she assures with a grin of amusement. "The big question is, are you okay working with some who may not be entirely human?"

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"If she likes it I'm going to need a regular supply shipping out," Zachary laments. "You do deliver I trust?" His gaze skips to the register. "And take credit cards?" It's hard to tell how much of the business is actually a business and how much is simply a front for a magical community. Still he'll never hear the end of it if Bunny /does/ like it. And she's going it like it. He doesn't need to read people to know that.

Bunny can operate the camera equipment for a youtube channel. She's certainly smart enough to know not to drink boiling tea. But she does sniff it eagerly.

"It does seem like the short of... you know..." he looks a lot like he wants to say 'club'. "Team. Which could benefit from my involvement and vice versa." He breaks into a grin at the question. "Not entirely Human. Like say a rabbit?" He gestures at his glamorous assistant and wiggles his fingers a little. "Ta-dah."

He shrugs.

"Honestly that's not a problem. Sentient and self aware is sentient and self aware. So long as they don't try enforce any dark pacts on me I can't see there being any trouble."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Like say a full blooded demon who was raised by humans, or people posessed by Spirits of Vengeance, or..." Gabby pauses to gesture up to the rafters were two crows were currently snoozing away. It was warm up there, they sometimes nodded off. "Familiars that once-were-human and imbued into the bodies of crows via necromantic magic."

The mention of needing deliveries earns a chuckle of amusement though, and she nods solemnly. "The front is a legitimate shop, a hundred percent. I'm the one who dragged Nettie out of retirement after the last leaders ran off and ... Well. I kind of picked up the peices to keep the group going."

Her hand sweeps over herself indicating, well, herself as she leans one elbow down on the countertop. "You magic types have a bad habit of trying to solo most everything, so it's my job to remind you that there are others who can help and work as a group."

"Be happy to have you on board, Zach."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"I grew up around people who are about as unusual," Zachary points out. "Once I discovered my abilities my family gave me the full education in the magical world. Including beings which are magically created or summoned. I'm actually doing a little reading up on blood magic techniques for bringing the dead back." He shrugs. "Not to dabble in anything myself. Just in case a friend needs a hand."

The trick to good magic is practising and studying as much as possible when no-one is around. So when you finally have to do a trick? Well it seems effortless. He operates on the same principle when it comes to research. Study in secret so you can impress people later.

"Then I'll take a regular shipment of carrot cake tea," he says. Just as Bunny starts making happy rabbit person sounds at the tea. A business card appears with his information on to go with his credit card. "That should have everything you need to contact me."

"I don't understand that myself. I always find it better to work with someone on the stage. It's easier to have the audience focus on someone else. It's practically cheating."

He grins and vanishes his credit card once the tea has been purchased. His top hat flicked up onto his head and motions for Bunny to put the now empty mug back. "A pleasure as always Miss Kinney. I'm sure we'll speak again soon. But for now. I've got some tricks to master."

And with a flourish he.. leaves by the front door. It'd be too flashy even for him to disappear in a puff of smoke. Just.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney handles the purchase just fine, and tucks away the business card for later. Surely they had a system! Mostly 'give to Nettie' but it worked. "Sure thing. Enjoy the tea, and your studying," she offers out. "Always welcome to stop by to hang out, too. We have rooms in the back for official stuff. Like pizza night." What? You expect her NOT to have some fun?