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My Squirrelfriend's Back
Date of Scene: 09 January 2024
Location: Robinson Park - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Doreen returns some misplaced squirrels to the Gotham park, where she meets Damian and Essix. Much gushing about how cool squirrels are occured!
Cast of Characters: Doreen Green, Damian Wayne, Essix

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrels Returned to New York City - Check!
Squirrels Returned to Metropolis - Check!
And then they realized that in all the chaos after stopping the Rat King's sinister squirrelnapping plot and moving around a -lot- of squirrels even for her to get them home to their proper cities that a few Gotham squirrels had gotten swept up in confusing in the other groups and went along for the ride.

And thus Doreen Green, the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, has once again found herself in Gotham City on a very important task. Though this time it's a lot less sinister, it's just bringing back a few misplaced squirrels. Fortunately one of them has been able to provide directions, perched on Doreen's head to guide them, while Tippy-Toe and Gadget-Gregg sit on her shoulder with her smartphone using the GPS app to collaberate with the directions. Because Doreen has her arms full with the rest of the squirrels and can't fuss with the phone herself.

But it does eventually get them to Robinson Park, as odd as the sight of the squirrel tailed girl with an armful of squirrels might be... Well might be, if it wasn't Gotham, whom seems to have a history with animal-themed and animal-formed individuals.

Damian Wayne has posed:
The fact of the matter is that Rook... make that Robin now, there was a name change between issues, you see, is well aware the squirrels have been recovered. He was there for it. But, Damian Wayne, animal lover, is wanting to check to make sure the Gotham blacks have returned to their proper home. So, he has made his way out to the park, with company.

He carries with him a large container filled with peanuts, and is bundled against the weather. A scarf around his neck, a turtleneck under a warm winter coat. Jeans, hiking boots, gloves, he's well and comfortable against the cold weather as he makes his way to one of the benches at Robinson Park to settle in and sets down the container. Once he does, he opens it, and takes out a handful of peanuts, cracking the shells in his hand to toss them out to the grass beyond.

And then, he waits.

Essix has posed:
Well aware that winter time meant humans requires more layers, Essix has made an attempt to appear 'bundled up'. Presently taking on a human looking form, the only failing aspect of her mimicing a human being her face. The eyes aren't shaped correctly, and there is something odd about the ears, but she is getting closer and closer to mastering it. She wears a pair of black jeans and what looks like fur lined boots, it's fake fur, no animal was hurt in creating her clothing. Over her upper body is a puffy white coat with the hood over her head.

Truth was, she had no idea about the squirrels being missing, or what was happening in the park, but none of that really mattered as it was once again an opportunity to learn something new about a new place with a friend.

Attempting to look at quite literally everything as she walks with Damian, when the bench is reached she sits down beside him with a large smile on her face. WHen the container is opened, she looks inside for a moment, cants her head, then watches witch curiosity as he tosses peanuts out into the grass.

"Birds prefer bread," she offers calmly, for no reason at all other than she is thinking that's what he is trying to feed in the park.

Doreen Green has posed:
As they are making their way through the park Doreen catchs a glimps of the pair with her SQUIRREL-O-VISION... which isn't really a super power per say, she just has exceptionally keen peripheral vision that notices things not in her direct field of view. She's a little concerned at first, but as they get closer she sees the young man is tossing out peanuts and not doing anything nefarious. Whew.

"Don't mind us, citizens. Just returning some misplaced park residents -- whoop!" Naturally as soon as they see the peanuts the Gotham squirrels jump from her arms and scurry over. The last one jumps down from her head, then turns to chitter at her. To which Doreen crouchs down to pat him on the head. "It's no problem, I'm just glad you and your friends are back home." He rubs against her hand a bit, then scampers over to join the others. Nothing after a road trip like a tasty snack.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"In fact, Blue Jays and Cardinals enjoy peanuts as well." Damian responds as Essix joins him on the bench, his attention turning to the small parade that is heading their way. "But they are currently in migration, so there is... aha." he gestures as the first squirrels start to scurry over and partake of deez nuts on the ground.

But Damian's attention turns to consider Doreen curiously. He has to, because he already knows her. Just not like this. The way she reacts and interacts with the squirrels causes him to chuckle. "And here I thought I was friendly to animals." he offers with a small smile as he glances over Doreen in thought.

"I had wondered if the squirrels had started an early hibernation. I'm glad to see otherwise, they do need a little bit more food before doing such." he offers, before he considers and makes introductions. "I'm Damian, this is my friend, Essix." comes the greeting. "Do... do you have the ability to communicate with squirrels? That is so cool."

Essix has posed:
The information regarding the birds who do like peanuts is forever locked in Essix brain as she nods to him a few times. She so loved learning new things that this little tid bit was met with a slight bounce where she sat to go with the nod.

She had been prepared to say something, even opened her mouth, but the sudden stampede of squirrels changed what she was going to say to an overly exuberant and probably far too loud, "SQUIRRELS!" as she sprang to her feet.

She learned from experience that only some squirrels accepted human contact, so she didn't move toward them, which is what allowed her to actually see and hear the human looking girl with a squirrel tail. "Absolutely amazing! Beautiful! Wonderful!" Is the greeting Doreen gets before Essix thrusts a hand in her direction... even if she is several feet away, two inches, or across the park, the hand is offered.

Doreen Green has posed:
Tippy-Toe and Gadget-Gregg remain on the girl's shoulder. They'll get their own nuts on the trip home again. The squirrels returned to the park need the peanuts more, after being forced to burn off what would of been some of their hibernation reserves via Rat King's mind control. Gregg passes Doreen her phone and she snaps a few pictures of the squirrels happily eating, back at home. "I wish it had just been hibernation. But some jerk absconded with a -lot- of squirrels from all three main cities and was forcing them to do things no proper law abiding nature loving squirrels would do!"

She has no idea she's talking to the same guy that had helped her stop that plot. Especially not after Damian perfectly plays the civilian identity pretending to not know what happened ploy. Also helps a lot of her attention is on the squirrels, and then the girl that's so excited to see the squirrels and see her, that it could rival Doreen herself in ethusiasm levels. "That is one of my squirrel based powers, yes." She steps around the cluster of squirrels to not disrupt them and accept Essex's energetic greeting. "I'm Squirrel Girl, pleased to meet you!" She may not bother with secret identities but she's learned to not just go proclaiming her full name at random, either. "It's good to see other people making sure the park scurries are looked after here."

A sharp squeak at the side of her head snaps Doreen's attention back again. "Sorry you two, I got carried away again. These are my friends," she points at the squirrel with the pink neck bow, "Tippy-Toe," then at the one sporting brightly colored goggles atop his head, "And Gadget-Gregg."

Damian Wayne has posed:
That's the whole point of secret identities, is to come out and sit on a park bench and feed some squirrels! With Essix however, eagerly running to meet Doreen, Damian cannot help but to chuckle lightly as he pushes himself to his feet. "I was wondering what it was. I had hoped that the peanuts would help coax them out. But... nefarious means? That sounds terrible." he offers, a frown creasing his features.

"Sadly, that seems to be a theme in Gotham. But hopefully, now that they are safe, it won't happen again." There's a small bit of hope there as he kneels down towards Tippy-Toe. "Would you like a peanut?" he asks, taking one that has yet to be cracked from the shell and offering it to the squirrel.

"Wait, did you make their costumes?" he asks curiously. "That's amazing."

Essix has posed:
Squirrel Girl finds her hand shook vigorously. Not a hard squeeze, nothing painful, just shaken a lot and rapidly as Essix says quickly in one breath, "It is so nice to meet you Squirrel Girl, I am Essix, but I think Damian told you that already, it has to be wonderful to speak to squirrels they are by far the best part of the rodent family, next some Capibara of course, but Squirrels... I do love them so very much, and they are fantastic to mimic."

Once the squirrels on her shoulders are introduced, Essix seems confused for a moment, then offers a finger to each of them to shake, or touch, or bite if they want to, because when you are introduced, you shake hands... or something. "It is lovely to meet you Tippy-Toe and Gadget-Greg, you look top notch, quite fetching, I wish I could speak to squirrels in this form!"

Doreen Green has posed:
Handshakes are exchanged. Then fingertips are shook by small forepaws as well, the two squirrels are very well-mannered. Of course once peanuts are offered they're quick to be taken and gnawed on.

"I did, with their imput what they wanted it. Sometimes there are a -lot- of squirrels with us and it can be hard to keep track of who is where without a visual aide. Even for me." Doreen holds up a finger in a manner of indication. "Also note I only communicate with squirrels, not try to control them or anything forceful." Doreen feels like after recent events she should clarify that. "They can choose, but most of time they're willing to help because I treat them well." Several of the Gotham squirrels look up from their peanuts to chitter their agreement. "Squirrels -are- pretty awesome! People aren't aware of just how many cool things we can really do."

Damian Wayne has posed:
Once the peanut is handed off, Damian pushes himself to his feet and nods his agreement. "I am a bit of an animal fan." the young man admits as he listens to Doreen clarify her position on squirrel rights. "I don't doubt it, they all seem to be very appreciative of you and I don't see them trying to spell out help me or anything." he offers, a hint of a tease in his voice.

"But I feel like there should be a way to reward you for your effort." After a moment's thought, he snaps his fingers. "It may not be something you'd enjoy, but..." He reaches into his coat and finds a pair of tickets, presenting them to Doreen. "I am hosting an event in New York later this week for World War II. If you want, I'd like for you to come. With a guest, of course."

And now, with the tickets, it make sense, because it starts off: The Wayne Foundation presents. And it includes: Host - Damian Wayne.

As Essix continues to geek out, the young man looks amused and taps her elbow gently. "You're giving a bit much away." he comments to her quietly. If she wants to explain what she is, that's fine, but he'll try to rein her in, just a little.

Essix has posed:
It was inevitable. There are squirrels everywhere, including some very nicely dressed and polite squirrels who shook Essix's fingers. The sheer delight in that was the in fact the last burst of excitement required for the woman to give in to the urge.

While Damian and Squirrel Girl talked and exchanged tickets, the human form that was Essix turned to an almost shimmering aqua colored viscous liquid before melting down and taking the form of a squirrel.. no costume. Everything about the rodent was perfect, not a single flaw, nothing at all visible to indicate that she wasn't just another squirrel in the park.

Squeaking happily, she zipped around the other squirrels for moment, to them she smells just like a squirrel and had no reason to be worried. Once she'd run off the initial excitement, she darted over by Damian's feet and said, in a very squeaky human voice, "I /LOVE/ squirrels!" Then she adds as an afterthought, "Giving what away?"

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen Green accepts the tickets, holding them up to look at. "Wait, in New York?" With her other hand she pulls her phone back out and thumb-flips to a city events calendar app. A little scrolling brings up the event entry that corresponds to the tickets. "Ooooo..." Then a small ahem as she flicks the phone off and puts it away. The tickets are safely tucked in a pouch on her utility belt. "History isn't my biggest strength, but it's for a good purpose and honoring the efforts so many people made in that time, super powered or not. Making an appearance would be my plea--"

Then Doreen is distracted. First by Tippy-Toe and Gadget-Gregg chittering and chirping in amusement at Essex. "What do you mean she does a good job at being a squirrel?" Of course then Essix's squeaking voice speaks up from around their feet and Doreen looks down. "Oooh, you're a shapeshifter? Cool!.. and you two are right, she does make a very convincing squirrel." Tippy-Toe chitters a bit more. "They say they only know you're different because they saw you do it," Doreen translates.

Don't be surprised. Sometimes the squirrels are more observant than she is... actually, it's a lot of the time...

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Good, and the dress code is era-specific." Damian clarifies, before his attention turns, grabbed by Essix's transformation. And he looks mortified. It's not that Damian did not know his friend is an alien life form, but he had totally forgotten how blatant she is about it. There's a sigh of breath and the young man can only shake his head.

"She is a shapeshifter." he confirms. "And she does many things well. And those that she does not, she is constantly looking to improve." he explains, squatting down to give Essix a little brush on her squirrel head with a finger. "If I knew of her love of squirrels, I would have had her out here sooner." Straightening back up to his full height, he offers a grin to Doreen. "I look forward to seeing you there."

Essix has posed:
The pet is accepted and if squirrels, an alien replica or real, could purr, Essix would. Instead she leans into the pet and when it ends, runs up Damian's body like he's a tree, to sit on his shoulder. Rubbing her head against his cheek she adjusts herself to sit more 'squirel like', attempting not to bounce or grin... squirrels don't do those things

"Pigeons, squirrels, German Shepherds, these are the park forms I love the most," she squeaks, though her voice is a little closer to normal this time. "I forget sometimes that I am not supposed to just... change," she then adds, having noticed Damian's reaction. "That is a very difficult thing for me to accept."

Doreen Green has posed:
Well they don't the way humans and other human-like species do. Less facial expression, more body language. Much like the chittering and tail flicking from Tippy and Gregg when Essix climbs up to sit on Damian's shoulder the same way they are on Doreen's. Clearly amused by the shapeshifter's antics, even if you can't directly understand them.

Doreen pfffs, dismissively waving the matter off with one hand. "Relax, I have seen -much weirder- things in my time. You do you, girl... as long as it's appropriate time for it. Some people out there aren't so nice about such things, alas." She swishes her own four foot tail back and forth a few times. "I can't really do the whole alternate identity with this thing. When I started college I tried, but all I can do with it is, well," she reachs back with her hands to bunch her tail up by her butt, "stuff my pants and look like one rediculous badonkadonk, eh?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
As Essquirrel cuddles his cheek, Damian cuts a look of amusement at her, as he just shakes his head. "As Squirrel Girl said, you need to be more careful when transforming in public. I would not want you to be harmed." he points out to her, before Doreen starts to show off the problems with her mutation. Though he seems to be watching that tail for a moment. It's so fluffy.

And then she rolls it up, and the usually clam Damian can't help it, he has to slap his hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing. "Okay, that is a fair... ahaha... point." he manages, trying to clear his throat to hide his chuckles. "Have you considered Happy Harbor?" comes the curious question. "I attended there, and I know they were powers friendly."

Essix has posed:
"Baby Got Back," Essix states with a nod to Squirrel Girl, watching her tail flicking and then get rolled up. "A song by Sir Mix-A-Lot, that may apply, though he was never knighted by a member of any royal family."

Her own tail twitches naturally, as if she was born a squirrel and turned into a shapeshifter later. Honestly, if the change hadn't been witnessed, she could be mistaken for a squirrel. "I do not understand the caution," she says as she looks back to Damian, a really close up of the side of his nose. "It if exceedingly difficult to harm me, and even more so to catch me, but I have been trying very hard to remember to be more... selective about my changes." Her nose twitches a little before she adds, "I merely have a weakness for... squirrels."

Another nose twitch, another tail twitch and then a cheerful, "I attempt Happy Harbor! It is where I am learning the correct ways to socialize, as well as an education that does not come from the internet."

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen Green lets go of her tail and it unfurls to it's usual upright position behind her. "Maybe if I had known at the time. But it's okay. It does have it's advantages. Like not having to make weird excuses when I have to leave to do hero things." Doreen mmmhmms, rubbing her chin for a moment. "I think part of what Damian is trying to say is not to take being hard to hurt or hard to catch for granted. The one time you let your guard down too far, that's going to be the only time it takes." Doreen then laughs. "The internet is a good resource, but definitely should not be one's only reference. Good you have other people with concern for your well-being."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"As someone that has to worry at times about having a kidnapping detail, I know all about not letting your guard down." Damian points out with a small shake of his head and a frustrated noise. "I have gotten better about being incognito these days." he explains before he nods and gives Essquirrel another pat.

"She has had plenty of internet research. Maybe too much. I'm hoping that she'll get more practical experience on these outings. And it is good for her to interact and meet people that are different and uniquely amazing." A small smile. "So thank you for that."

Essix has posed:
The logic of their words doesn't escape the little alien, but of course neither of them fully understand the extent of Essix's abilities. Not about to go into them at this exact moment, she offers each of them a nod of acceptance (a non-squirrel behavior) before climbing up onto Damian's head.

"You need never worry about it while I am around, Damian," she offers from her new perch, eyeing Squirrel Girl's shoulder from her new location. "I will not let anything happen to you, not permit anyone to take you away."

She continues to look at the shoulder and decides against it. Dick and Phoebe had finally managed to drill into her head about personal space of strangers, and even though everyone /should/ love a squirrel on their shoulder, Squirrel Girl was still basically a stranger.

"I have read thousands of books, researched hundreds of topics, and watches so many educational videos that I am uncertain as to the point of everyone knowing how to change the windshield wiper fluid in a 2001 Toyota Corolla, three different ways, but there are still many things that cannot be learned from the internet." Her tail twitches a few times. "I have been observing humans for two years now, and am finally able to put my observations to practical use."

Doreen Green has posed:
"Why would you need to--Oh, right. Wayne." Doreen read the name on the ticket and the event posting but didn't make a big deal out of it and honestly just didn't care until it came up in relevance. Rich people deserve to be treated like real people too! Unless they're the kind of rich people that are assholes with their money. "I wonder if Mr. Wayne and Mr. Stark even get stuck in the same boring corperate meetings." Doreen stop it your wandering off track again.

"Awwww, that's so nice of you to help her get out and meet people and learn about humans and stuff. And for her to watch out for you." She adds, reaching over to give Essexquirrel a light pat on the head too. Then she glances over at the Gotham squirrels, who have started to gather up the peanuts they haven't eaten to carry off to their winter stashes. "You all take care of yourselves now! Bye!" A few of the squirrels wave back, then scamper off towards the trees with their cheeks packed. Then Doreen folds her hands behind her head. "Well I know I'll rest easier knowing there's people keeping an eye on them. We don't get down to Gotham very often."

Gregg squeak-chirps something, and Doreen frowns a little. "Gregg, really? Blinker fluid? Even *I* know that's a prank, I doubt the alien would fall for it."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"I think she wants to know if she can jump over to you, but she doesn't want to ask." Damian comments, looking up at Essix. "I appreciate your protection." There a smile as he tucks his hands into his pockets. "But I think Gregg is making the point that we may be running a little late. I'm going to put the rest of these peanuts near the grove of trees for the others to gather."

"But it was a pleasure to meet you, Squirrel Girl. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday." His attention turns upwards, and asks. "Do you want to stay with the squirrel and play some more?"

Essix has posed:
There is no way for a squirrel to look sheepish or shy, but if it could, Essix would be over Damian calling her out. "I know to ask before hugging a stranger," she comments quietly. "I was not certain about asking to jump on someone. It did not sound correct in my head."

Shifting a little on Damian's head, she realizes that this social meeting was coming to an end. Once again her body turns to a shimmering aqua before melting off the man's head to the ground beside him, growing larger as it does, and once again forming the human Essix, dressed as she was before.

"It was very nice meeting you Squirrel Girl, I would very much like to meet you again, and then again," there are some ways of wording things she needs to work on. "Perhaps Thursday, I will be there as well."

Turning her attention fully to Damian she says, "I would like to help put the peanuts out for the squirrels, if that is acceptable."

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen Green ohs, and laughs. "Well next time you can sit on my shoulder, no need to worry. Oh, but I can make it up to you... like this!" Doreen turns around partway, and in a playful demonstration of just how well she can control her tail wraps it around Essix's shoulders in approximation of a hug. "Tippy might get a little jealous but she'll behave. Won't you?" Tippy-Toe makes the most adorable almost sickeningly so expression at looking innocent. To which Doreen rolls her eyes and leans closer to Essix and whispers "I bet if you changed when she wasn't looking even she wouldn't be able to tell."

Then rights herself back up, nodding as she does. "They'll appreciate that, Damian. There's likely some who were wary of coming out after what happened. You'll keep them from coming up short because of it." She slips her tail free and flicks it behind herself once more. "And we should get back home so I can do some rummaging for an appropriate outfit for the event!" Though she's already got the bomber jacket at least. "It was great meeting you two too, take care!" Doreen, Tippy and Gregg all wave as she turns to head back towards the park entrance.