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Latest revision as of 13:04, 13 January 2024

And now for my hat trick.
Date of Scene: 12 January 2024
Location: Hat and Hare
Synopsis: Zachary Zatara never makes mistakes with his magic. He simply employs more arcane might than is needed and summons the White Rabbit all the way to Gotham.
Cast of Characters: Zachary Zatara, Jaina Hudson

Zachary Zatara has posed:
Ahhh the Hat and Hare. Since ending his 'world wide tour' and returning home to Gotham Zachary has been a regular here. It's a good venue to work on his act. The audience are experienced enough he needs to put on his A game. And the size of the crowd is small enough it favours the close up magic which works best for his online performances.

Today he's building to the finale. A comically sized hat has been wheeled out onto the small stage. His assistant Bunny has disappeared off into the back. Ready for the translocation spell that'll make up the last trick. Teleporting her into the hat for a grand reveal.

But magic can be fickle when you're not careful. The spell "etacoleR eht tibbar otni eht !tah" is perhaps a little unclear on which rabbit to bring or indeed from where!

Perhaps Bunny will be able to take the rest of the night off.

Jaina Hudson has posed:
She WAS sitting at a bar, chatting up a mar- fellow. She had been getting close to her goal too. Just another drink, and a little more flirting and well...she'd have made her money for the evening without even mussing her makeup. But, out of nowhere, now she's stuck inside...something? It's dark. And silent. And while she's not claustrophobic, the White Rabbit IS rather loud when she thinks she's being kidnapped (it happens, don't be a woman in comic books!), "WHAT THE....? LET ME OUT OF HERE!" she screams from within the giant hat, banging against the side of it, HARD from the sounds of the thudding.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"And out from the hat," Zachary says, bowing to the audience with a flourish. "Comes a rabbit."

He taps the side of the giant hat with his wand. It's not a magical trick. Just a prop hat. So that strike causes it to fall away to reveal it's contents.

Clearly this isn't the exact outcome he was expecting. But ever the showman he goes with it. The audience didn't know what was supposed to happen after all. The show must go on.

He reaches to take Jaina's arm to present her to the audience for applause. Taking his hat off with his other hand in a way that hides his face just long enough to murmur "Just go with it and I'll pay you for the inconvenience!"

From the top hat, tux and tails he certainly looks fancy enough to have cash. And if he's working here can probably get a few comped drinks too right?

"Give her a cheer!" he calls out for the audience. Hopefully the White Rabbit is playing along or the end of the show will get messy from here!

Jaina Hudson has posed:
She is not dressed in what one might consider....traditional assistant wear. Her outfit is NOT child appropriate, unless you're on a beach, and even then there may be some second looks (sort of the point to be honest). She stares at the bright lights, putting her hand up to block some of the glare, before Zachary is there to take her arm and start to lead her out for applause. She seems rather unsure of what to do, but does go along with it. Perhaps she can make some money off of this illusionist.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
It's probably for the best the Hat and Hare is a bar. And the audience is child free. Probably the booking agent will have /words/ about skimpy costumes. Then again his assistant Bunny doesn't dress a million miles away from the White Rabbit. But then Bunny's a magically transformed pet rabbit so perhaps she hasn't got any choice in the matter.

As they head off the stage one of the waiters hands Jaina a glass of carrot juice. Clearly it's part of the act. Because there's no way anyone got the drink ready for a teleportation spell gone awry.

"Thank you thank you. You're too kind," he calls out to the audience. Leading White Rabbit over to the bar. "I'll be back again when I have a new trick to show off." Bunny, having finally figured something is up, peeks out from back stage and then starts tidying away the props.

"Well," he says with an apologetic tone. "I must ask for your forgiveness. That wasn't supposed to be part of the act Miss...?" He motions to the bar staff who bring him a mocktail. "A tohs fo rouqil." And no longer a mocktail. "Cheers."

Jaina Hudson has posed:
The glass of carrot juice is taken, and...when in Rome...White Rabbit gives it a taste before she pulls a face at THAT and sets it aside as quickly as possible, "What the hell kind of place is this?" she asks. "I mean, I'm a freak but....this is something else." She looks around, seemingly somewhere between angry and confused.

The apology at least calms her down a bit, a little bit. "How'd you do that just kidnap me from Tribeca like that? Am I still in Tribeca? Where am I?" All reasonable questions one might ask when they've been whisked across time and space!

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"It's a magic show," Zachary points out without missing a beat. "And my assistant, who was supposed to arrive in the hat, likes carrot juice so..." He shrugs. "And the place is the Hat and Hare in Gotham. It's a bar."

His brow quirks at mention of Tribeca. "Sadly a magician doesn't reveal his secrets. But rest assured I'll pay for a cab to get you back to where-ever you want." Or use his phone to hire a private car and charge it to his account. But close enough, right?

"What I am surprised by," he wonders, giving White Rabbit an appraising look. "Is that the magic seems to have given you a very... unique look." He gets his phone out and begins skimming through the various options for transportation. He seems less bothered with the price of the journey than the speed the driver can arrive. He has after all made a mistake with his magic. And honour demands he puts the situation right.

Jaina Hudson has posed:
"A what look?" White Rabbit asks, seeming offended at that comment. She leans back and glares at Zachary as she adds, "What does that mean?"

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"I mean it's Winter and you don't seem to have a coat," Zachary points out with a grin. Perhaps it wasn't the magic after all. "Perhaps it's back in Tribeca? Would you care to borrow a jacket?" Gotham isn't known for it's weather at the best of times. Getting from here to New York in January even in a private car is likely to be a little chilly!

He motions at the audience, many of whom are getting warm winter clothing for their trips home, as if to illustrate his point.

"Where are my manners," he says suddenly. "Zachary Zatara. Greatest magician on the whole of the internet." Or the bits which count for his social media engagement anyway. "Would you prefer a non-carrot based drink for while we wait?" He snaps his fingers while looking at the vegetable juice. Murmuring "storraC otni .engapmahc"

Jaina Hudson has posed:
Jaina Hudson just stares at the man, and then says, "No, don't worry about that. And don't worry too much about the car either, it's not gonna get me to where I'm going." She knocks back whatever drink has been set before her, stands up, and then says, "Nice meeting you Zach. Don't summon me again or I'll take it personal." And then, she is off, walking out into the cold.