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Latest revision as of 16:17, 14 January 2024

Samuel Clifton (Scenesys ID: 5138)
Name: Samuel Clifton
Superalias: Snacks
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Vending Machines / Middleman
Citizenship: United States
Residence: Bludhaven
Education: G.E.D.
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Gothamites
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: 18
Date of Birth 02 Aug 2005 Played By
Height: 5'10" Weight: 250 lbs
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Hazel
Theme Song:

Character Info


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By night, Sammy is an unassuming nobody, running vending machines and just trying to get by and protect his little sister. By day, the hope of the starving and indigent, the man with the flan, Snacks. And on weekeneds, probably some kind of back alley dealings. Who knows. Unashamed of using his matter duplication for personal profit, and eating way too much junk food along the way, Snacks is here to make sure nobody goes hungry.


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2005: Born and raised in Princeton, New Jersey to Richard and Janice Clifton.
2020: While trapped and injured in a cave-in, develops power.
Richard, Janice, and older brother Travis killed in the collapse.
2021: Passes G.E.D. and takes care of younger sister Michelle.
Forced by finances to relocate to Bludhaven.
2022: Begins operating legit vending machine company aided by power.
2023: Begins gray market distribution of prescription medicines and drugs.
2024: Adopts codename Snacks and begins distributing aid publicly.

IC Journal

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I like to know what makes things tick. I like to try things to see what happens. I like puzzles and riddles, even the troll kind where the answer is impossible. Especially the kind where you think outside the box. When something strange happens, I want to see if it happens every time, and if so, can it be tricked?

No, not confident. That's a different thing. I listen. Tell me your problems over a cup of hot chocolate. My treat. I probably won't even remember them later, but I'll let you vent, and offer my opinions and suggestions for what they're worth.

I'm not one of the people who run towards the gunshots and the screams. When the going gets tough, I get the heck out. I'll put in hard work and effort towards a goal, but I'm not really the heroic type. Not for anyone but Michelle, at least. Her, I'm so scared of losing that I'll run into danger and fight like hell. Still a coward, just about something else.

Normally I'm a weak-willed individual who doesn't put up a fight and runs from danger. There's an exception though. Michelle's all I have left, and I'll do anything I need to in order to keep her safe. I have to make this work, for her sake.

I hate to see people suffer. I'll crumple under a cute pout, most of the time. I'm trying my best to do good here, and I know I'm not living up to it, so it's easy to convince me some part of your cause is good. I'll put myself through hardship to help someone out, so long as it's not too dangerous.

It's not like any of this is actually a credit to me. I'm nothing special, really. I have a power, and the power is special maybe. I'm in charge of using it, sure, but powers can happen to anyone. I don't deserve any praise or recognition for this. ...though it still would be nice to get some now and then.

Character Sheet


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Matter Duplication:
Create a real and permanent copy of some amount of matter. I have to be close enough to reach it, but I can still do it through a barrier if I can see it. The object can't be bigger or heavier than me. If it was alive, the copy is dead and sterile. I can't copy unique objects or materials. I erroneously believe myself to be limited to only things intended for consumption.


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Book Learning:
I enjoy reading and studying, and I can be a fountain of useless knowledge in many fields and across many topics from bits and pieces I've picked up from my books.

Okay, first off, I'm not in mental, physical, or geometric shape to go caving anymore. But I still know how to use the equipment, and what to do. Just because you're never getting me to willingly go into the depths again doesn't mean I've lost my skill at hammering in a piton, tying a secure lifeline, or reading the maps.

If you wake up one day with the power to copy food, it's time to learn how to actually cook. It's not like I'm going to run out of ingredients to try with. And selling the best food is certainly more profitable than selling the worst. And maybe, one day, I'll be a world-renowned chef. But right now I'm still in the category of "Wow, that's really good," not "Gordan Ramsey has stopped screaming and is smiling." But I'm focusing on making food that can be preserved for a long time and still be delicious. Easier to distribute that way.

Operating heavy machinery and automobiles such as big rigs, cars, forklifts, steam shovel, etc. I'm a talented driver who can perform in difficult weather and terrain, keep a til on someone, or evade pursuit.

Menial Labor:
I'm not all that strong, and I'm not very fast, but I am accurate and I can keep going. I have a high level of endurance and my work is precise. If you need cement poured out smooth and flat, I can do that. Digging a hole and packing dirt to a particular shape? I got it. Shoving a push plow in a straight line to create a furrow? Let me put my weight to use.

Okay, so you say to avoid wearing cement shoes I need to find the rare and exotic thing? I know a guy. I'll swing by and grab some. Twenty pound lobster so your boss can wow his rivals at the dinner? I'll swing by the aquarium and grab one. Something I don't have yet and you can't find anywhere? I know a guy who knows a guy who probably owes me lunch money. I'll hunt down your McGuffin.


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Clifton Vending:
Samuel runs a legitimate business! Vending machines! I'm saving so much money by cheating with my power! Walk into any store, buy just one of the thing, go back to the Snackmobile, and wheel out a pallet of them to stock the machine with and sell!

When you can copy things, you only really need one of them. So I have one of a lot more different things than most people would have, in warehouses and storage centers, where I can swing by and pick up a copy of what I need. And any time I come across something I don't already have one of, I try to add it to my collection. Beluga caviar? Got it. Cuban cigars? Got it. No, I don't want to know what kind of magical soup you're going to make from tiger testicles, just take it and go.

Did you know that deisel engines can be modified to run on vegetable oil? I've got an eighteen wheeler and I never have to pay for gas. Part home away from home, part secret lair, part shipping truck, part storage space.

Snacktime Unlimited:
Snacks is a registered charity organization! All you can eat buffets for the poor and needy! Endless supplies of non-perishable foods to take home! Take as much as you need! Hey, I gotta balance the scales somehow. It's good for PR. Everyone likes Snacks, right? Trying to make up for bad karma, here.


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If anyone tries to shove me in a cramped narrow space ever again I am going to freak the heck out and start screaming and sobbing and thrashing in a mindless panic until I get loose.

My younger sister is depending on me to come home safe and sound and with enough money to make rent. She's all I have left and would be an excellent point of leverage. She also knows my secret identity.

Oh come on, I can CREATE CHOCOLATE at will. There was only one way this could have possibly ended. Even doing manual labor and moving pallets of food and running in terror from whatever monster of the week is happening this issue isn't enough to overcome the availability of infinite donuts.

Shady Activities:
A lot of my deals aren't strictly speaking legal. Yes, handing out free insulin pens to diabetics is the kind of act one can feel good about, but I'm still giving drugs to people without a license or prescription. And recreational drugs to people who pay. And... well, it's not teribly hard to convince me you have a medical condition that whatever illegal pill would help with. Or just force me to do your gang's bidding for a while and give you an edge in the black market. Wouldn't be the first time.

I don't know what happened in that cave, but I feel like I was warned somehow. And now I'm not walking under ladders, throwing pinches of spilt salt over my shoulder, backtracking to avoid black cats, extra careful with my mirrors, and other such things.

Survivor's Guilt:
It should have been me instead. Mom, Dad, Bro, I'm doing my best to keep it together for her, but it's hard. Why couldn't you have gotten this power? I don't deserve it.

Weak Will:
If you've got a telepath or a mind controller, you'll find there's very little fighting back against being a puppet here. Half the time I'm just running around on autopilot anyways. There is an exception though. Threaten Michelle and you'll suddenly find me very Determined. I'll reflexively copy as many neurotransmitters into my own brain as it takes to feed my willpower to break loose.



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Samuel Clifton has 2 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Diana's Date Night: Hello New Friend! January 18th, 2024 Diana has a ice cream date with a young man, and his little sister makes an appearance.
Snackmobile! January 14th, 2024 The Snackmobile comes to Central Park. Snack and Abraham discuss butchery.


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Samuel Clifton has 2 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Samuel Clifton has been credited in 0 shows.

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Samuel Clifton has been credited in 0 albums.

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Samuel Clifton has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
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