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Latest revision as of 18:14, 5 February 2024

It's Pronounced Mol-AY.
Date of Scene: 05 February 2024
Location: Penthouse
Synopsis: Carol and Kate have a heartfelt talk about Amazons and superheroing. And Asian/Mexican fusion dishes.
Cast of Characters: Kate Kane, Carol Danvers

Kate Kane has posed:
It's been a long day, and Kate is working on something she normally doesn't do. That is to say, actually cooking dinner. Which isn't to say she's a /bad/ cook, but she doesn't have much occasion to do cooking between being a CEO and Batwoman both. However, in this case, she's got something working in the wok and smiles a little bit as she sends off a quick text to a certain blonde.

'Hey Air Force, cooking some Mexican/Asian fusion if you want to come over for the night ;)'

Hopefully Carol's in system and paying attention to her phone since... well, Kate definitely is feeling the absence the past couple weeks.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol's certainly not going to tease Kate while she's hard at work. Or... well, at least she's not going to tease her about her efforts at cooking. The Batwoman's got a lot of expectations to live up to, and Captain Danvers feels like 'world class chef' is probably an unfair burden alongside the many things Kat'es already world class at.

But it does mean she can tease her a little bit... and so when feet touch down on Kate's balcony and the door sweeps open, it's not Captain Marvel in full costume, or even Carol Danvers in street attire. Oh no, she's wearing a plain black tanktop and clinging gym shorts, sneakers hinting she flew right here from the Watchtower or Avengers mansion gym.

Her eyebrows perk as she smiles lopsidedly, "Hey... I mean, you don't have to twist /my/ arm... 'course I guess if anyone who hasn't got powers could... well, you've got /some/ physique, Army..."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "Well, I'm not the one with powers, so I'll content myself with being able to make you sound like a chipmunk when you get really excited, Carol." She winks over at her, "And hey, I /can/ cook. I just don't always get a chance. This is something I've been working on... it's a bit like pad thai but instead of peanut butter it's a mole sauce. Renee got me hooked on that a while ago, and I've been trying to think of new ways to use it."

Kate, for her part, is wearing a NIN T-shirt and black jeans. And is barefoot, since well, she's at home. She looks over at Carol, and smiles, "Can I say I missed you without losing cred?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
One eyebrow lifts and Carol's arms cross over chest as she murmurs out, "Rodents don't say the kind of things you make me say when we get together and... cozy, red." She smirks and slowly glides across the penthouse, not literally, even though she could, it's just a slow and casual sashay, until she's pressing up behind the chef for the evening, and arms are snaking around Kate's midsection, squeezing close as she pecks a kiss to Kate's cheek and purrs out. "Oh, you can. I've missed you too. I swear, we need one of those /super/ smart smartypants to make some sort of machine that slows time so we can get vacations. Or, I dunno, maybe they have one already and Janet's just hogging it for herself. That woman's never out of energy."

And then Carol's fingertips are slipping under that t-shirt to directly admire Kate's stomach... admire? Wait, not admire. Tickle.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate squeaks, speaking of chipmunks, or bats, in her case, and kisses Carol back, "You fiend!" She smiles and mmms, "I mean, I wish I could spend way more time with you too. Even when you do things like that." She laughs, looking truly relaxed and happy as she leans back into Carol. Sure, Carol is shorter, but she's got that superstrength working for her.

Kate hrms, "I mean, I've had plenty of lovers... you don't run short of those when you're rich and wearing spandex, but you and I... it's different. At least it feels different." She grins and kisses Carol lightly on the lips.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers lets out a sweet little noise of her own! It's really more of an adorable and adoring murmur at that squeak before her lips ghost at the very nape of Kate's neck under that short hair and she whispers out, "Oh! I haven't heard you make /that/ exact noise before... it's cute! It's probably a good thing no one else hears it. I can't imagine knowing that Batwoman can make /cute/ noises would up the intimidation of your glares..."

She laughs softly and sighs out, grazing another kiss and murmuring out, "Well, we can always go out to Diana's island. She always tells me I should visit more often. I mean, I'd tease you about the sun-soaked beaches and your lovely pale skin, but... I bet we could find a way to /forget/ to go out on the beach more than an hour the entire time..."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate laughs, "Me, on Amazon island? I think you'd have to distract me proper or else I'd never /leave/." She turns around and slips her arms around Carol's shoulders, "But I don't care where we go, as long as we go together." She pauses, and blushes a bit, "I mean... damn, Carol, you just get into my head. Even if you are Air Force." She winks, then leans in, kissing Carol earnestly this time, not holding back how she feels.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers laughs softly and murmurs out, "Oh, I'm sure you'd leave. You're too driven and focused and... good at what you do. But I don't see why you couldn't... be a regular guest? I mean, I'm sure you and Diana get along, because who doesn't get along with her?" She clicks her tongue and murmurs out, "And I mean, hell, you'd even like... c'mon, you could totally show the sisters a thing or five about close combat to repay their hospitality. And I won't even tease you about how hard it must be to concentrate on the training."

She melts into that kiss with a sweet little purr, body pressing even more warmly, more tightly against Kate's back before she breaks from that kiss to murmur, "I think I should probably let you finish cooking /before/ we burn dinner making out..."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "Yeah, you're right. And I have talked with Diana a bit. Even danced with her once, at the WW2 party that was a little while ago." She turns and focuses on dinner, though she does look back at Carol with a warm smile. "And I'd love to make a visit to the Island. That sounds like it'd be a blast."

She hmms, "Though you know, if you ever need a place to stay in Gotham, my patio door is always open." She grins and gives Carol a wink. "Don't worry about the Family, I know they always glower about supers coming around but for you they'll make an exception."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol perks her eyebrows up and hums out softly, "Oh sure, don't invite the air force gal to the retro party just because /we were part of the army/ back then... I see how it is..." She bites her lower lip tightly, a few wheezing little half-giggles escaping her attempt to muffle them.

She rolls her eyes with a lopsided little grin, "Oh, please, I... kind of get their point anyhow. Like, Gotham crime is a different beast. It's... /crime/, it's not some colorful dope showing up with an army of giant bugs to... fight Iron Man or whatever in Central Park where it just wrecks up trees and stuff. Gotham's vibe is... well, your really dangerous criminals are more cerebral. You all go after them like detectives and I usually start napping before they even start the courtroom part of a Law and Order episode."

She pauses for a long moment and murmurs out dryly, "Besides, I'm more thinking if we show up to Themyscira together and like... any heroine that's /not/ Diana sees us? Their first reaction is just going to be 'I knew it!', right?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate smiles, "I left quite a few messages, but you didn't get back to me, Carol." She doesn't sound hurt in the least, just matter of fact, mainly because... well, look, she knows the life they lead. If someone drops off for a while, it's for a good reason.

"And yeah, Gotham is... weird. Mystical even with some of this stuff. It's just bizarre even when it's normal 'crime'." And she laughs then at the description of arriving on the Island, "Oh hell yes."

Carol Danvers has posed:
CArol snickers softly, "I mean, Gotham's magicians are at least, you know, easy to flag... you see someone dressed in bright colors and aren't sure if they're magic or not in Manhattan. Here in Gotham if they've got a tophat and fishnets? ...Okay, the only Gotham magician I know about is Zatanna."

She hums out softly and murmurs, "But hey, you guys must be doing pretty good. Harley Quinn's moved to New York and seems to be friends with everyone, I haven't heard about Poison Ivy causing any trouble..." She snorts softly and sighs, "And I mean, we /are/ us, so like... either of us shows up next to another woman and people probably figure..." She trails off meaningfully and hums a soft little tuneless noise.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate laughs softly, "Well, we can be pretty convincing, eventually... and Harley and Ivy are a pretty interesting pair, for sure." She smiles and gives Carol a look as she stirs the food and everything in the wok, "There, I think we're ready!"

She smiles over at Carol, "And if we show up together anywhere I think we're going to be an item. And honestly, I'm totally fine with that. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather be paired with." She winks, "Even if you ARE Air Force." With that, she moves to get a couple plates for the... mole-thai?

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol's eyes roll and she snorts and murmurs out dryly, "Yeah, well, you guys won the lottery on 'Femme fatales with attitude', like, New York? Every woman who's /not/ an Avenger and in the life is just... some goddamn HYDRA reject. And they all wear green, and green lipstick and... none of them can pull it off!"

Carol reluctantly lets Kate handle the plates and snickers out softly, "Oh please, I think most people forget I'm still technically active duty. Plus, at some point some pencil pusher's going to realize that I spend a lot of time outside the atmosphere and like... reassign me to the Space Force or something and send me on a speaking tour to try and convince all the alien heroines to enlist or something." She grimaces and shakes her head slowly.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate laughs, "Well, the problem with the femme fatales here is that, well, they're femme fatales Carol. Asking Catwoman to commit to anything except possibly not robbing you blind /tonight/ because you're on a date is like herding cats. Literally."

She then sets the plates on the table, getting chopsticks as well as more American utensils, as she doesn't judge, "And if you keep that up I'm going to need a spacesuit to keep up with you. But I kinda like being the one that you come back to Earth for." She winks back at Carol.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol laughs softly and sighs out, lips quirked in a wry little smile as she murmurs dryly, "Well, I mean, honestly, the problem with non-femme fatales is... okay, the problem is me. It seems like every heroine is just... so young and inspired and... like half my age and..." She heaves out a heavy breath and rolls her eyes, "I mean, the community's so small it feels like anything serious is just... going to get looks and..."

She trails off as she ponders her options for utensils... and opts for the fork! Gasp. She quirks an eyebrow and scoffs, "You don't have a spacesuit down in your basement? I figured you had like five and just hadn't had a chance to paint any of them black yet."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate smiles, "Nah, never had much of a reason to go into space. Until recently, anyway. And hey, you might be older than me, but not *that* much older, and you don't look it. Hell, I'm 34, I'm not exactly a teen titan here." She winks and moves over to Carol, "And I never thought you were old." With that, she leans in and kisses Carol rather firmly, as if to reinforce the fact that no, Carol is Not Old. Not to her.

Not ever.