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Latest revision as of 11:41, 27 April 2020

I need a hacker and a bird
Date of Scene: 27 April 2020
Location: Hot Joe Coffee
Synopsis: I have a bird, I have a hacker, Uhn, Hackerbird.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Daisy Johnson

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Hot Joe Coffee was a convenient place to talk shop while not at work. Sometimes it was needed. They are a spy organisation after all. Once more Bobbi has put her jammer down on the table and turned it on. The little red blinking light indicating its doing its job. Whatever Zatanna did to it probably improved its purpose as well. Not just for clandestine meetings, but also for the coffee too. Bobbi has eaten half a donut and is sipping her coffee. It took her a total of 22 miles on the running machine to make this decision and now it's made she's not going to turn back.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
No need for the 22 miles for Daisy! But she asks for a donut and a coffee nonetheless. Straight black without further shenanigans, it's purpose clear. To wake Daisy up. And this time she doesn't forget to go by the counter first to order and get it all to the table.

Arriving she sets the small tray down before sinking into a chair. "Hey.." she tells Bobbi. Currently she is down to her casual clothing, which means jeans, black shirt and jacket. Edgy.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
It's business attire for Bobbi today. Pants, business jacket, white blouse. This is usually what she wears when she wants to interrogate somebody and appear to be on their side. You can't go too casual, they know what you're about then. You also can't wear a uniform. You have to look just enough like a bureaucrat that they think you might be useful to them. "Daisy, right on time," she says glancing at the clock, three minutes past the hour. "How is life treating you?," Ah!, the infamous Bobbi small talk, it's such a give away that she has something important she wants to talk about but doesn't want to jump straight to it.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The way Bobbi is dressed gets a slight eyenarrow from Daisy. She knows something is afoot! But mmhmmm this donut is indeed delicious, so she digs in for a bit, listening at the little jab at being late. "I am always on time even when I don't want to be." then a pause when Bobbi jumps into small talk followed by a chuckle which she drowns with some coffee.

"The doc tells me I have got a severe case of small-talk allergy. It sparks my anger! Have you ever seen an angry Daisy, Bobbi?" though she seems all but angry, mostly amused, and probably to let her know she is aware of what she's attempting.

"I think we got a few things to talk about."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
A finger taps against the side of her coffee. She takes another sip and smirks. "Well I do have quite a story to tell you and.. yes I have seen you angry." She winks, "Don't worry I'd never try and mess with you. But hey. Uh, okay where to start." She stares off to the side a moment, "The other day I was riding back to the triskel when I picked up a priority emergency signal. I immediately changed course to intercept. A SHIELD convoy of two trucks was under attack from four low rent villains in Queens. Spider-Man and Ironheart were already on the scene fighting them. But, hey you can see that on the news.. the interesting part if everything else."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"And I don't even turn green..." Which is probably for the best. Noone wants to see a green Daisy. But she is smiling, resting back on her chair now, one arm folded about her waist, the other up with her coffee, taking another drink. Eventually her expression does start to turn more business when Bobbi begins to tell what happened, brows knitting together, "So you were the unnamed agent on scene." yes, she saw the news!

"I took a passing interest into the affair, but it quickly escalated out of my security clearance level.." well, it was already past her security clearance level. But she's got her ways!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi lifts an eyebrow and smiles, "Yeah. Well, that is part of the story. First thing I did when I got there was check on the drivers.. dead, checked on the cargo.. dead batteries and other misc parts.. checked on the mysterious container that was flashing a warning light 'stasis failing'. I checked in with HQ over comms, called for an emergency response team, and they responded that the trucks had no source or destination logged and were empty. The cargo I was scanning? it was all still in the New Jersey depot and was not scheduled for transport."

She takes out her phone and shows some pictures to you of an android, possibly an LMD which looked 'Gothic Lolita' style. "And this is what came out of that stasis. It scanned the scene, grabbed a dead battery and then fled before my backup arrived."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Black ops? Out of the log books?" Daisy knew a few of those were made. Though she also knew Bobbi had enough high clearance to be aware of most of those. Or at least to get the non-redacted reports. "Did you question those villains captured at the scene? It was a random assault or were they there because someone tipped them?"

Yet when the picture is shown to her she leans forward, squinting, taking in the android. A small shudder. LMDs..., she doesn't particularly like those. Bad experiences, you see?

"I imagine she doesn't show up in either logs or reports. Do you know who it may be?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
A slow shake of her head. "Nope, no operation anyone I've talked to knows about. I've even spent time in the labs recreating her metrics, doing gait matching, everything I could think of. I thought, may be she's modelled after someone - but perhaps she just looks that way for other reasons. Not a single hit." She sighs and takes the final sip from her coffee. Now it's time to get serious. "The audio logs between my and triskel were deleted, my report got bumped up past my security level by ..I don't know who. There was a note attached taking me off the case. So, not only did someone manage to schedule a transport containing this LMD, but they also tried to move the scent off their trail.. which brings me to situation number two." Her fingernails wrap on the table top, "You realise of course everything I'm telling you is well above your clearance level.. but I have my reasons, you're the only hacker I can trust."

She leans forward and makes a chopping motion, "We have an asset rescued and flipped from HYDRA. Their records were corrupted recently and the finger was pointed at them because they are quite adept with technology. I went and talked to them early this morning," hence the clothing, "but they claim not to know anything about that... and for now I believe them. The perfect stooge to blame all this on. Point us at a suspect and hope we'll jump on them instead of finding out who is really hacking our servers... which is why I need you Daisy, to do some stuff that could totally get you in to trouble."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"That was a big mistake.." Presumably said about taking Bobbi off the case. She knows how much of a hound the other woman can be! A brow does arch up though and she listens, a mix of seriousness but also curious interest about what's going on. Seems like things did take a turn. "And it's fine, I know clearance levels are mostly guidelines..." well, they really are not. "And also, I think I am doing a lousy job if I am hacker you trust." because it goes against what it's all about. But she smiles, perhaps just a jest to break the tension.

The talk on hydra is quick to sober her up, "So you think it was someone inside SHIELD that did this, or is covering it up at least." a nod, "I will help." because trouble is one of her middle-names.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"I do. At least, I think somebody wants us to think that. I know one of their call signs... it's hard work putting a sleeper agent in to an organisation like SHIELD. Not to say that it can't be done, but if you're going to take directed action like they've just done to exfiltrate an android of some sort, well for that you'd acquire an asset. Coercion is a strong motivator. If we can narrow down our suspect list, I can confirm if they're working for HYDRA or not with a simple conversation. But, ... well, we're going to have to go to the New Jersey depot and break in to the local servers to find the security logs if we've got any hope of figuring out who scheduled those trucks. Everything about this is off the books but hey if shit hits the fan, Fury already loves yelling at me so you just sneak out of the room." Truth be told, he'd yell at her and then thank her for doing the good job he expects her to do. She sits back looking a little relieved. "Are you saying I shouldn't think you're the best hacker I know? the anonymity in SHIELD on that front has flown Daisy," she grins.. "You know before you were Quake we had a private chat going trying to pick the best hacker style name for you. My favourite was 5h4d0w..."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Oh no no. I -am- the best hacker you will ever know." Daisy says with a small laugh, a pause when she digs into the last half of her donut, getting to the end of it and mmm'ing, satisfied. "Just the whole trusting thing. Everyone always says the best hackers are untrustworthy." a pause. "You wanted to leet my name? Really? Can't say there isn't a certain ring to it ..., Shadow.. not sure if it beats Dark Skye but...!"

But she gets back into the mission quick enough. "Those local servers will have some heavy security most likely. Are you bringing anyone else in or just us?" she asks, without any apparent problem about hacking SHIELD.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Just us. Look if someone is going around deleting and altering records I'd rather leave as small a trail as possible. One other agent has already been paranoid enough to hand in an after action report to me, Coulson, Hill and Fury physically instead of digitally." She twists her lips, "I'm not saying that's unwarranted at this point, but my bet is this person is in way over their head... and if they're not, then they're a flat our traitor." Her look hardens a moment as she recalls Dr. Allen and AIM. "But yeah, I'm okay drawing the heat, we'll use my ID. I can go where I shouldn't but people will ask questions. While they're talking to me, they're not talking to you."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"That works. I will get the tools of the trade ready and you can call me when you want to go. And just for this one mission ..." Daisy leaning forward, whispering in a conspirational manner, "... my callsign will be 5h4d0w..., but mmm, lets pronounce it in the non-leet way, yes?" a smile that shows teeth and she drains the rest of her coffee.

"It does bring me to what I wanted to talk to you about as well. What do you know about the birds of prey?" she inquires.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"You've got it Shadow. I did like Dark Skye, but I get why you're done with that name. Also, quake is an excellent super power name and hacker name."

She stabs a finger in to her half donut idly and then eats the icing off of her finger. "The Birds of Prey? Wow random. Vigilante group operated from 2011-2016, run by an operator known as 'Oracle'. Their motif was spotted in Gotham, Metropolis and New York over those five years. I haven't heard much about them since, though I do recall a memo going around that they had resurfaced recently. Uhm.. I'd have to think who it was that was rumoured to be in it. Why?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A brief chuckle. "Not exactly random. The birds are a group that operate a bit on the side, doing the kind of work that we were just discussing about. Somewhat clandestine but also for the greater good." Daisy explains, resting her elbows on the table and leaning forward a bit. Nevermind that the noise blocker is keeping their conversation mostly private. "Do you recall the mockingbird that Zatanna drew out when we were meeting here?"

A small pause before she continues on. "They believe you would be a good member to join in with them." which most likely implies that Daisy is in on it!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi can't resist a good lean in. She is a spook after all, it's what they do best. "I see. I have the worst secret identity in the world, apart from my real identity which I have carefully crafted to be as confusing to enemy agents as possible. I got that nick name early on in my SHIELD career and it's stuck. Can't say I don't like it, it's got a good ring to it." She crinkles her nose and smiles. "So, you're a bird of prey, running illegal operations on the side with a bunch of vigilantes." She wiggles her eyebrow and grins. "Sounds like it must be fun. Really, they want me to join them? I lie to people and hit them with sticks if they don't do what I want." She's good at being a reductionist about herself. "Tell me more."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I have mostly just been one of their contacts here in New York, haven't exactly participated in any mission." Plausible deniability. "But yes, they do want you to join. Or at least talk to them. Zatanna was the one that talked to me after I had a small run-in with Oracle online." Daisy then rests her chin on the palm of her hand. "They have a solid idea. And sometimes.., just like we are about to do now, there's the need of people that go off-the-record to uncover what certain people want to keep covered."

Yes, Daisy certainly hasn't lost that rebellious streak that got her into trouble with SHIELD three years ago. Can't change nature! "If you do, I can try to set something up with Oracle."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"So.. there's a bird theme going on with them right? obviously they think I'd fit because of my code name Mockingbird. But what of you," she says as the serious conversation has calmed a bit, "Tweety bird?"

She's very pleased with herself for that one. "But sure, why not. Let's talk to this Oracle. Worst case scenario, I make another great contact for SHIELD. Best case scenario we go do some illegal stuff in the name of justice and avoiding bureaucracy."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I am more shakey than tweety these days." Daisy replies with a bit of a smirk to her expression at Mockingbird, even going as far as letting out a tsk. "Tweety? Really?" but then she does nod when Bobbi accepts to talk with Oracle. "That's the idea. Because really, who cares about bureaucracy, right?" certainly not Daisy!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi immediately nods her head, "Do first, ask for permission later. It's always worked for me." She swallows down the last of the donut. "Well, I'm going to go get changed out of this silly costume and in to something sillier, do some exercise, stare at reports and hopefully find out what's happening with those popsickles we rescued. Let me know when this oracle wants to meet and I'll be in touch about our New Jersey trip." She taps a button on her jammer and slips it in to her coat pocket. Despite being dressed for business, with the coat open briefly her staves are visible worn on her back, the ends of them just visible behind her.