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Latest revision as of 03:13, 8 March 2024

Josiah Ellis (Scenesys ID: 5222)
Name: Josiah Ellis
Superalias: Clockwork
Gender: Male
Species: Altered Human
Occupation: Mechanical Genius/Vigilante
Citizenship: United Kingdom
Residence: NY City
Education: Atypical
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Apparent Age: 173 Actual Age: 173
Date of Birth 17 Feb 1851 Played By Kit Harrington
Height: 5'8" Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: One brown, one milky blue.
Twitter: Huh?
Theme Song: 'Time Passages' by Al Stewart

Character Info


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Born in 1851, Josiah is a clockwork man out of time. A 'steampunk' style tech genius, he was sold to the Clan Akkaba along with his twin by their 'father', Edward. Josiah eventually stole the key to his own heart and ran fled from the clan to fight Apocalypse along with The League. He's settled in New York now where he continues to hone his skills in his field and has recently taken to serving up his own brand of justice to thugs and oppressors.


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* 1851: Josiah and his twin brother Isiah are born to a prostitute in London England. While Josiah was born sickly, Isiah was the picture of health.
* 1855: Both boys are formally adopted by Dr. Edward Ellis and their educations begin immediately - Josiah's training is of the mind and Isiah's physical prowess and combat.
* 1856 - 1876: Both boys spend these years continuing their training and being subjected to steampunk style experiments by Edward in his attempts to merge the technology with a human body.
* 1878: Josiah and Isiah are both killed by their father who brings them back with clockwork hearts powered by crystal shards given to him by Clan Akkaba and both boys are sold to the clan for a hefty price.
* 1879 - 1897: The twins, now a perfect wartime machine, are put in, and pulled out, of suspended animation whenever their skills were needed by Apocalypse and Clan Akkaba. Josiah grows restless and disillusioned with it all while Isiah remains loyal to the Clan and its cause.
* 1898: Josiah steals the key to his own heart and defects to The League to help in the battle against Apocalypse.
* 1939: Josiah never officially enlists during the horrible mess that was WWII. His unofficial status doesn't stop him from helping to turn the tide in small battles and skirmishes in the Allies' favor, doing so anonymously and from a distance using automatons.
* 1945: With the war over, Josiah begins rebuilding what he lost during those years. This is the year he starts working on Whisper.
* 1955: Completes what he believes will be his greatest masterpiece, despite its small size. Whisper is 'born'.*
* 2009: The events of 9/11 draw Josiah to the US where he helps in rescue and recovering efforts using his tech.
* 2012: Josiah does what he can to help mankind survive the Invasion. He remains in New York, sets up shop and is still trying to muddle through the ever changing world that he's not yet ready to embrace.
* 2020: Disgusted by crime and oppression that's rampant in New York's darker corners, Josiah decides to take the the streets at night to deal with monsters lurking those darker corners. He calls himself Clockwork, but to this day, his identity remains a secret.

IC Journal

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A man out of time, Josiah can seem antiquated in his mannerisms, thoughts and beliefs. While he tries to keep up with the times, he has gaps that span years where he wasn't awake making filling in the holes between his youth and now more difficult. While he can fumble through some modern technology such as sending a text on a cellphone, he's more flummoxed and frustrated by it than not.

Most times, Josiah is the picture of a perfect gentleman. While this may clash with modern day feminists, he'll still open doors, pull out chairs and walk on the curb side of the street. This attention isn't always limited to women.

With a sharp mind and a near genius intelligence, Josiah is always eager and ready to learn new things. When he finds something new that really catches his interest, he can obsess over learning more about it via research and just plain old talking to people about it.

When Josiah starts a project, it's difficult to get him to focus on anything else. He can lock himself away in his garage workshop for days. He can forget to eat, lose way too much sleep and isolate himself entirely from the outside world.

Open Minded:
It might seem an oxymoron to his anachronistic tendencies, but Josiah really does have an open mind. He's open to learning new and exciting things even if he doesn't necessarily employ those things in his day to day life.

He may be a little off and a little old fashioned, but Josiah is an outgoing, kind and rather fun-loving guy at the end of the day. He's pretty easy to talk to and if you're talking about something that catches his interest, he'll listen with rapt attention.

Vigilante Justice:
His life was spent under the thumb of his 'father'. Josiah was oppressed and beaten down nearly to the point of not getting up again. His experiences with being a victim of physical and emotional abuse instilled in him a strong-willed desire to save others from such fates. He has no problem throwing the best he has to inflict the worst on his targets when he feels a grievous injustice has happened.

Character Sheet


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Clockwork Heart:
If Josiah hands someone the key to his heart, it very well could be a literal thing. His heart has been replaced by one made of clockwork gears. It grants him immortality but it must be wound at least once every three days. If it's not wound, he falls into a state of suspended animation. If too long passes before his heart is wound, he won't be able to be revived from this state. The longest he can go is six months. The literal key to his heart is inserted through a small keyhole in his chest. The heart itself is powered by a green crystal cell given to his father by Clan Akkaba

This immortality extends to never aging and never dying of natural causes. But it also includes the ability to heal from even the most grievous of injuries if his clockwork heart is stopped in the seconds before literal death happens. The time he needs to spend in suspended animation to heal injuries is dependent upon the extent of the injury. He doesn't heal faster than a normal human being, even with his heart stopped. This makes healing this way more inconvenient than not when the injuries aren't catastrophic.

Intentionally blinded in his right eye by Edward, Josiah can only see out of it when he's wearing customized monocle. The monocle provides him with much greater feedback than a human eye with buttons and switches for different modes of vision. It's capable of providing night vision, heat vision and increasing visual acuity to near perfect at a mile span. He can also use it for quickly analyzing distance, mass, velocity and other information needed to make snap calculations. He can also use the monocle for a visual connection with Whisper.

Prosthetic Arm:
Josiah's left arm is a prosthetic made up of gears and little mechanic bits and buttons. The only purpose it serves outside that of a normal human arm is that of a 'remote control' for his automatons.


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A boy doesn't grow up in Victorian England without learning how the proper art of dance. Really, this was taught to Josiah as part of his espionage training and it's one of the few things he's really embraced through the years, keeping up on different types and styles of dance.

Part of his tactical training, Josiah can play the part that's needed to get information needed. He can trail a target without being spotted. He can pick locks and bypass security systems. Overall, his spycraft game is on point.

The one combat skill Josiah was taught is how to shoot a gun. He's a decent shot with an average mundane gun and can hit center mass. If he's wielding one of his aether powered laser pistols, he's deadly accurate.

Mechanical Genius:
An absolute genius at putting together steampunk-ish tech, Josiah can create things that seem outside the realm of possibility to seeming near magical in their execution and abilities. A prime example of this is a little bird automaton he calls Whisper - see resources entry Whisper. He doesn't know much about modern mechanics, but it also wouldn't take him any time at all to figure it out if he set his mind to it.

Atomatons, ray guns, difference and analytical Engines, clockwork systems, analog systems and even limited flight mechanisms (mechanical wings) Josiah is an expert in them all. He also has a less genius, but no less varied, knowledge of dieselpunk-ish tech. He just prefers the stuff from his earlier years.

While Isiah was trained heavily in the down and dirty fighting aspect of fighting and war, Josiah was taught how to think strategically. He was the mapper and the planner and he still is a huge advantage to anyone he's fighting with.


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Josiah has a small array of automatons at his disposal. Most of them are smaller in size and used for recon. A few of them can fly and some can be used for their brute strength. He controls them with panels set into his prosthetic arm.

Cold Hard Cash:
A person doesn't live as long as Josiah has without gaining some resources unless they're just not smart enough to invest. He's smart enough or at least he's been smart enough to hire various individuals to invest his money for him throughout the years. He's sitting on top a pretty sum that's enough to have bought his garage outright, pay for supplies he needs to create his masterpieces and have more than enough left over. He could survive for a long time just on gains and interest but he enjoys supplementing this income by creating non-working versions of his tech for the Cosplay crowd; most realistic props on the market.

Steampunk Tech:
Perhaps not as useful as his automatons, Josiah also has a collection of other tech that include ray guns and wings.

The League:
Josiah is a member in good standing of The League formally known as The League of Extraordinary Gentleman. He can call on its members for help, resources and research material.

Although probably one of the smallest, Whisper is one of Josiah's greatest achievements. The tiny little bird automaton took him nearly ten years to complete. Whisper is small enough to perch in the palm of Josiah's hand. Its flight is like that of a hummingbird; it can hover and stop and turn midair on a dime. Outside all the tiny moving parts that were so painstakingly put together - a feat in of itself - Whisper is the first, and only, automaton Josiah as ever created that is actually sentient.

He doesn't even know how that came to be, but his best guess is just the time and care and love that went into Whisper's creation. A little piece of him is inside that tiny bird. He can communicate with it despite Whisper only being able to chirp and chitter. It serves as both a companion and a valuable ally when he needs things like an 'birds eye' view of something or to see inside a building with access such as ventilation shafts. He has a setting on his monocle that allows him to see what Whisper sees. Josiah is very protective of that little bird, he knows he will likely never achieve that level of greatness again.

Recently purchased, Josiah owns a garage in mid-town Manhattan. The garage is spacious enough for him to work on larger projects. He lives in a small apartment upstairs.


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As open minded as he can be, Josiah still has trouble embracing more modern technology. It just doesn't feel right to him. Mass production of today's tech is a turn off for him. Where's the love and care and attention to detail? He's kind of learned to use a cellphone and look for things on that horrible, impersonal 'Google', but he does so with more than a bit of reluctance bordering on disdain. Many of his mannerisms and his sense of style can sometimes be a little outdated as well.

Clan Akkaba:
The clan wants nothing more than to steal Josiah's heart in a the very literal fashion. They couldn't care any less about Josiah himself and they'd be glad to just rip the heart out of his chest.

Isiah is a lot of things to Josiah. They haven't had but the barest of contact in the past century or so and it usually consists of Isiah trying to convince Josiah to come back to the clan. Isiah believes, with absolute certainty, that Josiah was brainwashed into leaving. Big brother (by three minutes) is the picture of Stockholm Syndrome. As much as Josiah would like to help Isiah see the truth, he knows that's not how a face to face meeting will end. Isiah would certainly attempt to physically drag his baby brother back kicking and screaming so that the brothers can be a 'family' again with Clan Akkaba. Too bad that the clan only wants Josiah's heart.

Key To His Heart:
If he loses the key or someone with nefarious intent steals it, Josiah will fall into a state of suspended animation within three days even if they don't manage to use it to just shut him down. The key must be used by Josiah every seventy-two hours to wind his heart to keep himself up and running.

Missing Time:
There are huge chunks of Josiah's life that are just missing. These are the times that the clan had his twin and him in suspended animation. He mostly remembers his time awake, but things tend to get a little jumbled when consciousness and awareness in the real world is interrupted so often.

Personal Modifications:
Everything that makes up the physical aspects of Josiah's powers can be taken from him. The arm could be removed and stolen, his monocle could be lost or stolen. His heart could be stolen from his chest. Of course that latter one wouldn't matter much because he'd be dead but the point is, nothing he has is guaranteed to be around forever.

Whenever presented with anything medical related happening to him, Josiah's PTSD could trigger. This stems from all the experimentation done to by Edward. Even small things like needed stitches could send him into an episode of flashbacks and violence.



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