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Latest revision as of 18:11, 29 April 2020

Just clubbing
Date of Scene: 29 April 2020
Location: Queen Mansion
Synopsis: Thea and Oliver talk over roast and bologna sandwiches for lunch. Apparently Thea is just going out to clubbing tonight. Sure she is .... Oliver gets suspicious.
Cast of Characters: Thea Queen, Oliver Queen

Thea Queen has posed:
It's funny how, when looking from the outside, the Queen mansion looks gray and forbidding, what with some ivy growing up the great stone walls. On the inside, it does look quite stately, though it's not unlived in.. like some places where nothing is used and everything is in its place. There is life in this house, and there are days when it's louder than others.

Thea is in the kitchen; it's lunch time and there's been a new delivery of groceries which, of course, means that everything has to be eaten at ONCE. She's got her music playing loudly, which makes it a little difficult to 1., hear, and 2., actually believe she's a 20something and not still a teenager.

Bread is out on the counter, spilling out of the plastic bag, lunch meat looking like an army did it and ran, a glass of .. something is poured on the side (it had better be soda?), and a bag of chips is pulled open with her munching on them in the middle of singing loudly,

"... Watch this madness, colorful charade, no one can be just like me anyway.... hmmm.. hmmm.. just like fire..."

Oliver Queen has posed:
For Oliver Queen, when he finds his house occupied, with his family around, or others who may live here it's some of the best times of his life. Of course that it comes with it's own set of problems. Like loud music throughout the mansion when the man is trying to focus on his work!

Which often can pass up as brooding, retreating to his study. But he has good reasons for it, focused on Yu Phun's trial, and how he has finally been arrested. Didn't help that the man actually attempted to come up and kill Vanessa, a witness to his previous crimes. Is the threat over though? That's what he has been trying to find out.. At least that crime syndicate appears to have eased it's claim on Starling city, but he also knew there were those above Yu Phun... And then there is also Superman's return to consider.

But then fine. Lunch hour. He gets up to his feet, a sigh, closing down his computer and then starting on his way downstairs, hands in his pockets. He gets into the kitchen. "Let me guess. You got in the way of Canary and now you can barely hear, Speedy?" he teases about the loud music. As he always does.

Thea Queen has posed:
"... Impossible, please.. watch, I do it with ease... you just gotta believe.."

Thea isn't actually expecting anyone to come into the kitchen. After all, Ollie was.. somewhere. Their help out for lunch, no doubt. Mother, somewhere.. and she's left to her own devices. Not a bad thing!

"What?!" Thea turns around after Ollie's teasing, thus cementing the joke about losing her hearing courtesy of the Canary. Her eyes widen a moment before she sighs that infinite sigh of sigh-ness and switches off the radio. It's an all or nothing sort of thing, so..

"Ha.. ha. And you're too late. Roast beef is gone. You're stuck with bologna. Sorry." Uh uh.. but of course, Thea moves to protect the layers of her sandwich with said roast beef. "Stay back," is given mock-threateningly.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Exactly..." Oliver rolls his eyes at the 'what'. Sure, he knows how she likes to retort to his 'jokes', but then again he is also smiling, even if in a faint manner, so things seem just good. Well, perhaps more than good considering the latest person to have come live to their house. Which could also explain is good mood.

"Really? You are claiming the roast beef...?" But then again he is hungry enough. Bologna it is. "Next time I am cooking.." because believe it or not he just has a knack for it. But for now he shall accept the meager second choice of bologna. He takes the sandwich, resting one hip against the counter relaxedly. "Thought you wouldn't be on today. You know, Roy was here last weekend.." he informs. ".. he is doing good out at Happy Harbor. I was happy. And believe it or not, he is actually dating someone." which is .., quite the novelty for that young man.

Thea Queen has posed:
Victory, thy name is roast beef, and victory is tastey!

Thea finishes closing up her sandwich, but not before she tosses a few chips into the center of it, and closes it with a *crunch*. The drink is taken, and she can turn around to face her brother again. She's missed this.. and each day just doesn't have enough hours in the day. (Particularly when he shuts himself into his study!)

She takes a rather theatric bite of her meal and nods, "Gotta be quick around here.." is teased again. If he's going to continue calling her Speedy? Heh..

She too leans against the counter, her bobbed head canting slightly to the side at the news. "Was he?" It's nice to catch up, even if... "No..." Now that is something that Thea can't really believe, and, "Really. You're not kidding. He's actually.. got a girlfriend." She's taking it from the other angle, apparently. "I have to meet this amazing girl." *chomp*

"Oh..." *chewchewchew* "I'm .. uh .. going out tonight. Couple of us are thinking about, you know, hitting a club or two."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Hmph.. "The early bird gets the worm... This time." was that a challenge? Or maybe he is simply impressed that Thea was already up and around. Yes, he knows well that past of club abuse. And then she is talking again about clubbing. It makes his expression go flat for a moment. Too close of a reminder to a past that may not have just yet surpassed.

"And when are you thinking of being home?" he then asks, taking a slow bite out of his BOLOGNA sandwich. To his credit there is no grimace. He is used to worse, a lot worse!

And of course there is that protective look to his gaze, one he can't help having where Speedy is concerned, considering all they have gone through. He chews slowly, making sure to not talk with his mouth full. That would be unseemly! "You could also come down to the cave and we could train a bit. Have you been keeping up with it?" he then asks.

But finally he focuses on what they were talking about Roy. His brow lifts. "Boyfriend, actually. I told him to bring him next time he came to visit."

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea snakes her hand into the bag of chips and takes one before she smiles at her brother. "I was thinking more 'snooze, you lose', but we can go with the worm." She's teasing him, and her tones are so very affectionate.

The shift of his expression brings a flicker of annoyance to her own face, there and gone. "I dunno.. they close down, what.. two?" She knows full well what time they normally close down. "Don't wait up, I'll be fine."

The suggestion to go downstairs and train, however.. it's a temptation. It really is... and if she was really going to go clubbing, it'd be even more of a lure. But...

"I've been trying," is confessed. "Got my running in yesterday. Got my best time in for the wall scale."

The news regarding Roy, however, has her lowering her chip. "Oh... yeah.. that'd be great. Would love to meet him."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I am just trying to gross you out so I will get what remains of the roast beef." The big brother teases in return. But well, a weak attempt at it, if any. He also knows it takes a -lot- to gross Thea out so he leaves it at that, a mirror there to Thea's tone on the affection.

And that shift of expression is surely noted, a brief narrow of his eyes. Yes, there were still many things which were a barrier between brother and sister. Past was one of them, even if he knew his own absence when their father was lost had been a blow in their relationship. Years later there were still mends to be done.

"Is there something you are not telling me..?" He then asks. Did he note something on Thea's expression? Or just his detective skills at work..? Or maybe just knowing Thea way too well!

No rush though, he breaks eye contact in an unspoken signal that he will not press if she doesn't want to. Reaching for his water to take a drink.

Thea Queen has posed:
"Not happening, nope." Thea's got her hold on her sandwich, and another bite is taken. After the crunching of that delayed chip. It's followed by her drink, and once again, she's back to her more 'normal' mien.

"Nope," again. "There is absolutely nothing that I'm not telling you." Uh huh. Eyes of blue looks at his own before she looks away and down at her sandwich. It's only for a moment before she looks up again and continues, "If it helps, I'll get some work in at the range. Throw a few arrows." That way, if she takes her equipment later? Heh...

"Okay? Won't miss too much workout. Practice and play." Thea's tones lower slightly, "Nothing you haven't done. And I'll be careful. It's just a night out."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"See. It's when you say 'absolutely' that I know there's something more going on." Oliver replies to his younger sister, his blue eyes again returning to her, draining that water down. He was thirsty. "But very well. You are not a young girl anymore." is he letting her off the hook so easily? Suspicious. Maybe he is planning on checking exactly what she will be up to! But garbed on his green (and rather stylish!) outfit instead.

"I don't think you want to go about what I have done and follow on my footsteps, Thea." perhaps a reminder of how he was when he came from the island. Just the Arrow, and seeking revenge.

But then a sigh, he digs into his own sandwich in silence for a few moments, considering his sister.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea empties her soda, and turns to find a knife to cut her sandwich in half, now that she's got a couple of bites through. Setting the un-nibbled half to the side, she takes another bite of the bit that's left. "Nope.. I'm a perfectly capable young woman." She smiles tightly with it, and lifts her shoulder with a shrug. "I'll be fine."

The discussion regarding whether or not the siblings should repeat actions, "There are some things that you are just so good at, and I can't resist." He probably doesn't deserve that, and the moment she says it, she's a little sorry. Still, in for a penny, in for a pound.

"Where's Vanessa? Will she be home later?" Topic change!

Oliver Queen has posed:

Blue eyes follow Thea while she goes around getting half the sandwich aside. Ollie eventually lets out a sigh, conceding a. "I know you are capable. More than capable actually." a beat. "But you also get yourself in trouble." Still, he also knows that some lessons need to be learned the hard manner. Her certainly learned his, and the worse manner possible. But then again it also made him the man he is today. So not all is bad.

And yes, of course it does seem to hurt, the reminder of his past, of what he has done, both to survive and through some misguided idea of vengeance. His jaw tightens in that tell-tale manner that he is holding back saying something. Though he also knows a discussion is just going down a spiral he doesn't want to. It also makes him certain to get out there and follow her tonight. What she doesn't know won't hurt her! And if she doesn't get into trouble, well.., that will be just fine..

The topic change does bring him out of his thoughts though. "I am hoping so. There were some details she had to finish about Yu Phun's trial, but I am hoping that by tonight she will be." Not that Ollie had told Thea yet about Vanessa actually joining him into the vigilante business once they started discovering their powers. But that would be a conversation for later.

Thea Queen has posed:
"I'll be fine. Just going to the club. Little dancing, socializing.."


Thea exhales in a quick, audible breath, and she watches her big brother for a moment. No matter what, he... gets it. Just, she doesn't take him for granted anymore. Every moment, even if she doesn't agree with him, she's in his corner.

"Ah, see.. you'll be busy too. I'll be out of your hair, you can have a nice dinner and impress her with your culinary skills." She's teasing him again, and partly, well.. keeping him away! To hear about the trial, though, brings a considering expression, her features sobering, "She's okay, right? I mean.. nothing we have to worry about?" We. She and her brother.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"We will see. I am not entirely sure the threat is gone just yet." Oliver assesses, putting the rest of his sandwich away, because enough bologna! It also frees his arms so he can cross them about his torso. "But taking it one day at a time. I will be glad to be past this hurdle for now." even if, knowing Ollie, he is most likely already scouting out for other branches of this crime organization. "Vanessa will be staying with us though." he states. Though it's not as if that's a surprise to anyone.

Thea's plotting does make him quirk his lips up into a growing smirk though. So that's why she was interested. "She didn't complain from hot my chili is." which is always a win. But he will let Thea think what she wants. So instead he dislodges himself from the counter.

"Look, just be careful, ok?" He then reaches out to place one arm around the younger sister if she lets him.

Thea Queen has posed:
"Yeah.. I didn't think so." She sounds resigned to the fact that there's probably always going to be that 'one day at a time' in terms of, well, just bad things. "I'll be really happy to have it behind us too." The news regarding Vanessa gets a renewed wide smile, and a laugh. "Okay. I'm actually kinda glad about that. She seemed nice, and, well.. you need nice. I mean, if she said she liked your chili? I hope this one is a keeper."

Thea looks down at the floor again before bouncing off her side perch, meeting her brother half-ish for the affectionate gesture. She moves to return the gesture with an arm snaking around his waist. Looking up almost angelically, she's got a 'who me?' sort of expression. "Promise. And if I need a ride home, I'll call. Okay?" She leans in to give her big brother a quick hug. "And if you want the other half, go for it. I didn't bite it."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I am sure you would be. And mother didn't actually hate her, so that's a thing too." Oliver says to Thea, a small chuckle playing at his lips. And considering his past with previous girlfriends, it was starting a lot better than most others. Even if for some reason, eventually, things never did work out. Though he did hope it would be different now.

The quick-hug is certainly welcome, and then a glance to that half-sandwich. "Nice bribe.." not that he says no, nope. Instead he snatches it from the counter. One never refuses roast beef. Not that he will eat it down here.

"I am going back to the study. I will catch you back later. And sure, call if you need a ride." too easy for him to let her go!

But then he is off, walking back up to his den of study and chewing on his roast beef. Seems like it's not only the early bird that gets the worm!