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Sometimes You Just Need A Drink
Date of Scene: 13 May 2024
Location: Logan's Loft - Garage Apartment
Synopsis: With a nice aurora borealis overhead, Kitty stops out at Logan's cabin to chat and share some whiskey.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Logan Howlett

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes her time walking out from the school, along the path that runs near the lake, and then into the woods where lies the cabin that is her destination. It's a nice night, cool now that the sun is down. But a solar prominence sending out a lot of solar wind has resulted in Northern Lights that extended all the way into the South, let alone here in New York State.

Somewhere nearby an owl hoots, and Kitty thinks she sees something pass overhead though it's difficult to tell through the trees. So nice running into wildlife here, as opposed to living in the city.

Reaching the cabin, Kitty goes over to it to give a soft rap upon the door. "Logan, it's Kitty," she says. And then pauses a moment. Yeah, that might cause him not to answer. "I got whiskey," she adds. That should help.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan's an odd bird when it comes to his nightly routines, namely in that he doesn't really have one. Usually he settles into his comfortable recliner, listens to some Johnny Cash, and falls asleep drinking enough beer to put down a rhino. What with the Northern Lights, he's moved his parade out into the woods around his cabin. Somewhere with a clear view of the sky, Kitty comes upon him settled into a chair pulled out from his porch with a cooler beside him loaded down with Canadian beer.

One of which is resting on his thigh.

He's wearing something simple, a white tanktop that is wet in places from sweating and a pair of blue jeans. As always he's got his straw rodeo hat, but no boots. Toes curling into the earth when he hears her call out to him.. not that he hadn't smelt her coming from a mile away, of course. It's just polite to let people announce themselves... that or he's too lazy to go sneaking off and spook people.

"Over here." He doesn't shout, but speaks loud enough to be heard. Off the beaten path a ways, the glow of his cigar when he takes a hard pull between sips. Two fingers snipe it from his lips and point up at the sky once she's gotten closer, then pat the chair beside him. Which he'd pulled out from the porch about the time she started into the woods from the mansion.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde hears Logan and makes her way over to join him. "Awesome sky show isn't it?" she says, smiling as she looks up. "I mean it's kind of cool seeing it from orbit in a Shi'ar ship, but nice to get it down here. Even if it is playing havoc with some of the more sensitive satellites."

She finds somewhere to sit, whether a chair or old tree stump or atop a cooler. She has a bottle of whiskey, and a couple of shot glasses. "One of those nights," she says with a motion of the bottle. She doesn't tend to drink much except socially, going out to a club or bar with friends.

Kitty pours one glass and offers it to Logan. If he takes it then she fills the other one for herself. "What've you been up to?" she asks.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan puts his cigar between his teeth and reaches down to grab a second beer, which he under hand tosses Kitty's way. "Shot chaser." He grins around the stogie, which he once more snipes from between his teeth to let hang off the arm of his chair. After a little adjustment, moving his shoulders side to side as if scratching an itch betwixt them, he inclines his head upwards and peers at the sky. "Nice flex." About the Shi'ar ship." Still grinning.

"Eh..." Hand flip, "This and that. Spend'n a lot of time in Alaska the last few months." He puffs a few times, then lets the cigar dangling from his thick fingers. Up close, he's clearly not been keeping up with his beard management. It's thick on his cheeks and jaw, with specks of gray running through it and his hair is almost to his shoulders, with that same threaded through of gray.

"What kind'a day has it been?" Hand out for a shotglass, once she's uncorked it and poured a pair.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The cold beer is caught readily enough. "Thanks," Kitty says as she sets it in each reach for when she's ready for it. "Yeah, Alaska? Catching up with old friends? Any of them survive?" she asks, as if 'friends' could have meant the opposite of friends too.

The young woman rests a hand behind her to support herself as she leans back and looks up at the view of the aurora borealis. "Oh, did Pepper a favor. Some exotic weapons showing up on the streets. She wanted to make sure there wasn't any Stark technology involved. Took awhile but found a group using some elemental-themed weapons. Stopped them from robbing people waiting in line for a club. I mean not really an elegant use for such weapons. There were a few heroes who showed up to help. But so I got this vest that creates electric and air powers, flight and lightning bolts and stuff. Very Storm territory. And now I'm going through it trying to trace the origin."

She takes a slow sip of the whiskey. "Nothing related to Stark thankfully. But good to stock up some good will with Pepper for when I'm missing work, off in space with a giant talking duck for a week or two." Yes that happened. A bunch of the X-men went with Howard the Duck.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Nah." Logan says all cryptically because he's old and doesn't have to elaborate. Even though he does a few moments later, after a pull off his beer, tipping it up where he's holding it with his knuckles around the neck. "Built a cabin up there back in the eighties, way off the grid. No electricity or any of that bullshit.." pause.. "Just pictionary. Most of it." His head jerks side to side, "Have no idea where half the pieces went."

He leans on his elbow and turns slightly to look over at Kitty when she explains been a day. With another inclination of his head. "Sounds about right." It is a well known fact they have very weird lives. "You talk't to Oro about it?" Cigar between his teeth after finishing off the beer he was nursing. He turns it over and stabs it down into the ground. A little cemetary of beer bottle tombstones all around him, with him reaching down to grab another out of the cooler.

"Was lookin' for this fella I ran into at the United Nations, but I lost track of him in Europe somewheres."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The rest of the whiskey shot is consumed, and then there's that iconic 'fssst' sound of the cold beer can being opened. Followed by Kitty taking a sip.

"Haven't seen her. I mean electricity and air are in her area, but don't think it was tied to her at all. There was one guy with a fire harness, another who was manipulating Earth, stuff like that," she says. "Not exactly the sorts I'd imagine would be able to afford something so exotic either. So might be someone experimenting. Or arming his minions. Will have to see what the police report is on the ones we took into custody."

She pokes at a stick on the ground with the toe of her shoe, giving it a little toss out of the way. "Yeah? Need any help trying to track him down? Help of the computer search sort, not the..." Kitty says and then sniffs as if trying to catch a scent in the air, "... sort."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Yeah." Logan nods at her explanation, "Figure if someone's monkey'n around with the weather, Storm'd know about it though." He tilts his head and gives a little shrug, "Then'n again, maybe not. I'm outta touch half the time anyhow." He takes one of the shots and throws it back. There's barely a grimace and he's sucking down more beer.

"Never that simple, is it? People get ahold of somethin' well outside their pay grade or level of understandin' and cause a bunch of god damn trouble for the rest of us." His nose wrinkles, as if he's smelling the air, but he doesn't glance off. Instead he sets the cigar back between his teeth even though the amber has smoldered. Now he's just chewing on it, absently.

"Maybe. Not sure how much they'd show up on your computer. Hydra." He flicks his wrist, "High rankin'. Smelt familiar, I just don't remember from where."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"This is more shooting electricity and blasts of air, than weather manipulation," Kitty says, but looking thoughtful even as she does. "But, who knows, they had to test it somewhere, maybe Storm might have noticed something at some point. I'll try to run it past her," she agrees, nodding over at the Canadian mutant.

Kitty grabs the bottle, opening it and filling up the whiskey shot glasses again before setting the bottle back aside. "You know, your voice would be interesting coming from this AI I've been working on and training over at Stark. What do you think, ok to simulate your voice?" she asks him.

Though Kitty tried to keep a straight face in asking, if he glances over he can easily spot the way her lips are quirking at the corners as she tries to keep the grin off her face resulting from even asking him something like that.

"Hydra, ugh," she says, shaking her head. "Good thing they haven't gotten into the anti-mutant game. Though they'd probably just want to enslave us and use so... yeah. They suck is what I'm saying."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan inclines his head when she ultimately agrees with his, if you asked him probably, incredibly helpful advice. With a grin on his face and everything. Which quickly evaporates when she mentions using his voice for an AI program.

And he does glance at her.

Staring deadpan. Eyes squinting.

"You're fuckin' with me."

Because she has to be screwing with him.

"Cus we both know I got a voice for the silent pictures."

Just as deadpan.

Hydra. He sneers. "They tried." He doesn't always remember things from his past, though bits and pieces leak into his memory from time to time. "Back durin' the war. They had these... camps." He shakes his head, not needing to elaborate much further with the Jewish girl. "Suffice to say they turn't a lot of good people into really horrible shit..." He takes the cigar from his teeth and turns it side to side to absently look at the bit of rolled, cheap, tobacco.

"Nothin' in this world makes me as happy as killin' god damn hydra."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde slips a hand into her back pocket of her jeans, pulling out her phone and unfolding it. Logan knows she designs and builds her own phones, with capabilities that T-mobile and WayneTech don't include. She taps a bit on it as they talk. Kitty can't help but cringe a bit at the mention of camps. "I'm glad my great aunts and uncles didn't end up somewhere like that. They didn't have active X-genes, but however they must have identified people back then, they might have stood out. Not that where they went wasn't bad enough," says the girl related to survivors from other concentration camps.

"Am I fucking with Logan about using his voice for you?" she asks the phone. A woman's voice, pleasant enough sounding replies, "I am not familiar with Logan, though you have expressed contentment with my voice in the past. So I would say it is quite possible that you are... messing with him."

Kitty grins. "Still working on her personality parameters. She cracked a quip heading into the fight with the weaponry dude. I was so proud. Like a mother watching her kid take their first steps."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods affirmation to Kitty, "Mutants back then weren't always so subtle." Early mutations being what they are. He sighs and shakes his head, "Aint never pretty business with Hydra involved." Which is about all he really cares to think about them, at least right now. Elseways he'll get himself all pissed off and go hunting.

One eye squints, staring at her fiddle with her phone. She knows he has one, but it's an old flip phone. Which he uses exclusively for making calls. Trying to read his text messages is an act of great amusement. "That's not right." Pointing at the voice coming out of her phone. "No offense." As if he's talking to a person trapped in a small box.

He even leans over to speak to the AI voiced out of her phone.

"Yer the world of the devil an' I'll not go so easily when you attempt to take over the world... I seen Terminator."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty doesn't bother to suppress her grin as Logan speaks to the AI back at Stark Tower. The young woman waits a few seconds for if the AI is going to respond. When it doesn't, she gives a gentle grumble. "That would have been a great moment for an 'I'll be back'," she murmurs. "I have been focused more on actual requirements than fleshing out all the pop culture references," she tells Logan. "I'm still not quite sure what she'll end up doing," she says as she closes the phone.

"There are a few different AI, the ones that Tony uses with his suits. Though I don't expect this to be involved in any of that. HOMER who runs a lot of the business aspects. Maybe helping with research? I'm focused more on improvements to the algorithms than I am designing for a specific need at this point. But we're probably not far from that.

Kitty sips her whiskey shot again, then chases it with a sip of the beer. "It's a nice night though. Glad you were out here already," she says, looking up at the aurora.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan grunts at the further explaining of all the various types of AI. "I aint sold." But he wouldn't be. He doesn't trust television, why in the hell would he trust artificial intelligence? It's a rather hard line, weird stance to take coming from a mutant, but here we are.

he pours himself another shot and slams it back, washing it down with a long, guzzling, pull of beer.

"Glad ya stopped by." He agrees with a nod, "You kids all keep growin' up on me.. takin' off-" He wiggles his fingers and whistles as if a flock of birds flying away. "Leavin't he nest to go have adult lives in the big ol city." The stubby of a cigar goes back between his teeth, hands crossed on his abdomen.

"Never got no time to come see ol grampa Logan no more."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
That Logan was glad to see her pleases Kitty, which Logan's fine senses no doubt would pick up in any other number of ways. The grumpy Canadian has been beyond a friend and mentor to Kitty. Someone she could always count on to give it to her straight and say to her what needed saying. Not a father figure maybe, but a solid presence in her life.

She finishes off her beer and tosses the can over to where Logan is accumulating the empties. She rises and moves over behind his chair, leaning down to give him a big hug from behind. "The kids never quite see grampa much as they should, but not for not caring," she teases as she hugs him.

Then she lets him go and says, "Enjoy the aurora. I should get some sleep for work tomorrow." She grins at him and waves and then begins her trek back through the woods towards the mansion.

Logan Howlett has posed:

Hugs are a Logan's bane.

On the one hand, hugs are very nice and Logan is, if not honor bound, certainly inclined, to appreciate them.. On the other hand, he's a grumpy man and flails silently. Returning it just enough that Kitty, who knows him well enough, knows he appreciates the sentiment. But not so much that the pigeons with the drones in their heads see him enjoying it.

Until he's pushing her away with the flat of his palm, "Alright alright, enough of that." A squeeze of her shoulder. "Make good life choices." He tells her with a smirk.

Laying back in his chair to stare up at the sky. He prolly wont fall asleep in his trusty recliner tonight, rather liking the outdoors. Not the first time he's slept outside, at any rate. Sipping on his beer and taking a few more shots because he pilfered that bottle of whiskey.

What? She brought it for him..