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Latest revision as of 12:52, 18 May 2024

Sometimes You Need To Hit Something
Date of Scene: 01 May 2024
Location: Carnegie's Gym
Synopsis: Daisy drops by the Brooklyn gym where Cap works out when he wants to get away from the rest of the world.
Cast of Characters: Steve Rogers, Daisy Johnson

Steve Rogers has posed:
The gym was one that SHIELD set Steve up with not long after he'd come out of the ice. Just a few doors down from the entrance to the building he was given an apartment it, the old gym that had been closed for years was a perfect place for a Super Soldier to quietly workout in the city.

Which is what Steve is doing. He has a speed bag in front of him and is punching away on it. He's wearing a pair of sweats and a white t-shirt, snug to his body from the perspiration of his workout.

The speed bag is flying about at a rapid rate as Steve's punches assail it at a pace that not many could match. How long the gym equipment can hold up to it will remain to be seen.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It's been a rough few weeks for one Daisy Johnson. Work, too much work, making the young hacker turned superhero needing to vent out some of that piling stress. And what better way to do so than visiting a friend and workout at the same time?

She decides to not announce she's coming of course. She knows Steve doesn't pay too much attention to his phone anyway, no matter how they have been teaching him the technology of the 21st century. And besides, surprises are good too. The door to the gym opens and Daisy walks in, casual in her jeans and top, training bag over a shoulder. She finds Steve immediately with her eyes.

"What did that bag do to you, Mr. Rogers?" she asks with a faint grin.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"What didn't it do?" Steve replies with a dozen-second flurry of hits, before the bag gets a reprieve so Steve can look over to Daisy Johnson and flash her a smile of greeting.

It's just them in the gym, the place owned by SHIELD and the front papered over. The place could still use work but the equipment at least was replaced for the most part with things from this decade instead of from, well, not Cap's day. But closer to it than the 2020s are.

Steve moves over to where a bottle of water is open, taking a sip of it and then grabbing a medium sized towel to dry the back of his neck before hanging it there to dangle down onto his chest in front. "Gym at the Triskelion too crowded?" he asks, blue eyes shining gently as if he suspects probably something more than that for Daisy to make the trip to Brooklyn.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Rotten to the core." Daisy bobs her head in agreement to Steve's reveal of that punching bag's villainy, "He never tricked me..." she adds in a sagely manner before breaking into a wider grin, "Thought I'd drop by. Been a while.." she tells Cap.

Eyes roam the gym once again and she lets out a soft chuckle, "It looks the same since last time I was here." maybe the same can be said about Steve. Or maybe not, considering how he seems more tense than normal. Though she has a good enough idea on why that is.

"How have you been doing, Steve?" She asks, her tone a touch softer.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Oh I'm holding up ok," Steve says. "Helping Bucky with his situation," he replies, meaning the small town with people going missing that Bucky asked for help investigating. "And following up on some of the latest news," he adds, unable to keep his tone from turning a little grim there.

He hangs the towel back over a stool and sets the water bottle there, then walks over to a regular punching bag. "How are things in Hell's Kitchen?" he asks as he wraps his wrists and hands in some tape. Tearing it off with his teeth and then turning to the bag. He begins punching it, sending it swaying far more than the heavy bags normally go from a punch.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I read a report." This about Bucky's situation. Being in SHIELD does have it's perks after all with everything she is able to know on what's going on. Long gone are the times where she was a hacker trying to break into SHIELD. The grim tone gets her to mmm thoughtfully but she doesn't follow up on it, moving to set her bag on one of the benches.

"There's been a few problems. But nothing we can't handle." We? Does she mean Daisy and that blind lawyer she is living with? "Director Furry is happy though." and that's important.

She takes the jacket she was wearing to leave her just with the training top, reaching down to take off her jeans, revealing the training shorts under it, "So. Feel like trying to punch against a moving target or going to stay on the bags?" is she asking Steve for a spar?

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve's lips pull back in a wry smile at the mention of Fury being happy. "If not you'll get the doleful stare," Steve comments, flashing a grin over to Daisy. "Which I think I'd rather have him yell at me than give me that." Does Steve ever actually get that from Fury? Probably. He doesn't always agree with what SHIELD does, after all. Or how they do it.

The punching bag shakes and jerks about as Steve's taped fists hit it like hammer blows. He starts to get a bit of a sweat started up again, when Daisy makes that offer. Or challenge?

"I don't know, only if you go easy on me. I don't want to go back to the Mansion and have to explain my bruises," he says in a warm, lighthearted tone.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The hammer blows should probably get Daisy some pause about asking for a spar with Steve but then again it's not like she hasn't become a SHIELD Agent in her own right. Training with the best like May and Bobbi. And with her Inhuman powers along with her reckless attitude. Yea, she can be a handful.

"Don't worry, Steve. I got a soft touch." her eyes glinting in amusement while she climbs up to the actual sparring ring, getting a pair of gloves and sliding them on, "See?" she gesturing at the punching gloves, "Soft."

She starts going through a few warm up exercises, stretching limbs with the use of the ropes surrounding the ring, "Alright. I am ready." a beat before she grins, "Powers or no powers?" at least she is giving Steve the choice!

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers moves over to pick up a pair of his own gloves. He pulls them on, tying them as best as one can on their own, before walking over to join Daisy in the ring. "No powers if you want to spar," he says. "Though if you want to stop by the Mansion we can go a few rounds in the Training Room sometime. This place," Steve says, pausing to look around the pleasingly old-fashioned gym, "wouldn't hold up as well I'm afraid."

He steps through the ropes to the inside of the boxing ring. "I hope you're not mad about anything and planning to take it out on me," he says as he gets into a standard boxing ready stance, letting her start things.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Well, you are no fun.." Daisy retorts with a disappointed tsk at Steve's refusal of power-usage, she then looking around, "But you are also right. I wonder if that's a requirement to being right..., being no fun." now she's clearly teasing the Man Out of Time. She hits one glove against the other a few times and steps forward to the center of the ring.

"Do I look like a woman who's mad, Steve?" She then asks, arching a brow as if his next answer would be important, "Think wisely on the answer."

Yet before that answer comes the show is on because Daisy moves in, feet apart in a stable boxing stance, launching a couple of combinations. One-twos. She seems to favor her right hand too.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve uses his gloves to block Daisy's initial flurry of punches. Side stepping to make her move her feet. No doubt gauging how well she moves, how she shifts her balance. "You," Steve says between blows, replying to Daisy's comment, "Look like someone who feels however she wants to feel."

The sound of a bunch hitting his gloves comes again and he peeks around them. "How was that? Working on my diplomacy. Especially with people trying to hit me," he says. He throws a jab back at her, making sure Daisy isn't letting the conversation take her attention too much from the fight.

Then more footwork, circling around her, making her keep moving.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Mmm, not bad. Praising my confidence while at the same getting out of a difficult question." A mix of surprise and approval when Steve replies with those words to her even if Daisy does chuckle briefly when he mentions that he's training his diplomacy. Right before she has to weave under a blow that was aimed at her face. She moves fast at least and her technique is good. Sure, she doesn't seem to be a master but she's also young.

The spar continues, for a moment Daisy back against the ropes before moving away, tossing a few more punches in Steve's way, "So we are training your diplomacy, is it? What would you say then if I replied with..." a beat, "'Are you saying I am mercurial and unstable?'" another block before she goes for a leg sweep. What is this? Using her legs in a boxing spar?!

Steve Rogers has posed:
While Steve wasn't quite expecting it, his fighting instincts allow him to block the sweep with his own leg. As Daisy is rising from it, another jab is sent her way, testing her guard.

"I would be saying that you are always refreshing to be around," Steve says as he blocks another jab and then throws one of his own back at Daisy. Then more moving. "That just when I think the moment is as perfect as it could be, that you show me anew additional depths to your wit and your charm, and grow my respect all the more."

Another punch, this one down towards Daisy's body. "Too much?" he asks.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
More amusement shines on those expressive, exotic brown eyes, Daisy apparently not having too much a problem in multitasking a conversation with fighting. It was most likely part of her training in the past, having to act under duress. Still, that punch at her guard after the leg sweep hits it squarely, making her bounce back against the ropes with a "Uff..", a couple of jabs to gain some distance, "Nice right hook." she comments.

"Now you are going with half-truths. Not bad. And all very vague so it's hard for me to be insulted without admitting to my own faults." she mmms, "I wonder who's been teaching you. It can't be Tony.." she ponders, "Maybe Pepper..." yea, she would put her chips on Pepper.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve grins, but whoever has been coaching him apparently is going to remain a mystery person. At least for the moment. Steve throws a jab, which leaves an opening that Daisy is able to exploit, hitting his shoulder.

Though Steve moves forward into the blow, and soon Daisy finds herself tied up in a clinch. There would normally be a referee to make them separate, but in the spar, Cap lets Daisy defend herself facing the larger, stronger opponent first.

"You don't seem the type that would make a man dance about like that, though," Steve says as they more wrestle than box in the moment. "You've always been someone that I felt like was straightforward."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The opening is of course exploited, Daisy moving in up close and personal. She's not the type to cower from tangling above her weight class after all! As they get into that clinch Daisy's punches are felt, fighting against it before struggling on the hold, feet pushing her mass forward even if it may not do much to budge Steve around.

"I wear my heart on my sleeve all the time, Steve." she is panting already at the exertion, feeling some sweat trailing down her brow, "Jemma tells me it's my best but also worst trait. What you see is what you get." much to her friend's chagrin.

"I feel like that's a compliment." she says of Steve's words.