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Latest revision as of 15:54, 6 May 2020

Interlude in Recovery
Date of Scene: 06 May 2020
Location: Recovery Room 01: Triskelion
Synopsis: May still isn't sure if she's Peggy, but at least she likes tea.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Peggy Carter, Melinda May

Bobbi Morse has posed:
There's a sign on the door. Scrub up, wear a clean suit. The reasons are not clear as to why this is being treated like quarantine. Inside, Bobbi is checking measurements and then casually glances to Peggy, "Are you awake?" She sits down and starts to tap on her tablet to record her notes for Jemma to read when she wakes up.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The older woman had promised to sleep, told the others she was going to, and geniunely felt exhausted enough after the ordeal that she thought she would. And maybe she did, for a bit, that half conscious, sleepy floating of someone in medical recovery, where the body has shut down mostly to rest but the mind still can't quite get there. Especially when someone else came in the room. There's too many questions, too many fears left in her head. She knew how awful things were when she went in, she had no clue how they were now. The doctor's question might be a trap, but she also knows she's hooked up to medical machines that probably give her away anyway. So, she slits her eyes open, "...for some definitions of the word, yes."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi makes note of the blips indicating she was in fact awake. That makes the data make more sense. She smiles to Peggy and says, "Hey there. I'm Doctor Morse, slash Agent Morse, slash Bobbi Morse.. take your pick. Is there anything we can get you?" The numbers are looking surprisingly good. But she has noted that the formula they gave her was not the one they had achieved 85% on.. Dane must have made a last minute switch. Why? She'll have to question him on that later. The blonde has a friendly smile and an easy manner. She is still tired, but not as tired as Simmons and Foster were. Fitz was so tired he didn't even make it to here.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Turning her head drowsily in the direction of the woman at her side, Peggy gives up on the thought of actually going back to sleep. As familiar as any voices would be right now, there was a familiar voice in the room. It helped. Her drowsy, dark eyes flicker half open to study the agent she only saw through dim glass a few moments earlier. "Dr. Morse. You were the one on the intercom with the code from Fury." The statement has a faint edge of a question to it, but Peggy's pretty sure she is right. She trusts her instincts. "...I'd love a catch up report, a whole pot of tea, and maybe a pint, but I have a feeling most those things are unlikely. We were on ice chips and good wishes the last two days I spent awake." Her words are a bit sluggish, not exactly drugged, but fighting sleep that she probably should be giving into.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
She sets her tablet aside and gently holds Peggy's hand. "Yes Ma'am that's me. You just need to recover for now, that's you job - getting rest, getting better. Leave the rest of it to us. You've already had a nice two hour nap. You might come and go for the next few days while we get fluids in to you. It'll be our team looking after you until we're sure you're safe for general recovery. As for a pint, I look forward to it." The excitement in her eyes is genuine, "I heard so many stories about you when I was a trainee agent."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The touch was unexpected. Peggy wasn't from an era where you simply touched people, and she grew up working with a bunch of men who wouldn't DARE hold someone's hand, sick bed or not. Still, it didn't bother her. Peggy just stares down at their hands for a moment, puzzled, before giving Bobbi's fingertips the smallest of squeezes, something reassuring but also affirming. Maybe more had changed than she realized. "Bloody hell... two hours? I thought that Simmons woman just left." She's still losing time, unnerving as it is. She exhales a slow breath, getting ahold of some running, drowsy thoughts. There were better memories there, especially with Bobbi's last words. "I... brought up a lot of the agents in SHIELD. Ran the first few years of training classes myself. Whatever... time it is... I'm glad you're all still here."

Melinda May has posed:
There had been a moment of debate. Ignore the sign or don't ignore the sign. The tempation to ignore it was very strong, but considering the items that Agent May carries with her into the room with the sign on the door, perhaps it's for the best that she did bother with the protective suit after all.

Stepping into the room and moving toward a counter without so much as acknowledging the others already there, she sets down the items in her hands -- a thermos and two coffee mugs -- then pours a steaming beverage that wafts the aroma of Earl Grey with lavender across the room.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi looks over to May as she enters the room and smiles, "Agent May." She looks back to Peggy and asks, "I'm sure you have many questions. Ask as many as you feel ready to absorb. You might just nod off and think this is all a dream anyway. But there's a lot I can fill you in on since you've been gone." Bobbi moves another chair up for May and grabs another pillow for Peggy if she wants to sit up for tea.

Peggy Carter has posed:
While it's very tempting to sink back into sleep, Agent May offers things which are even more attractive. Namely, a new person to meet and the scent of tea. Real, warm, fresh smelling tea. She'd know Earl Grey anywhere. That's enough to completely get her eyes open, browns curiously following the other woman as she enters the room. The pillow is accepted, shifting too-sore, bruised shoulders just enough to get it behind, but she does manage. "That smells like heaven." Peggy admits quietly, practically salivating at the scent. Another Agent she didn't know. Both of them in clothes that looked just... Off. Even beneath the streamlined gowns. Much had changed. "...How long? What year is it?"

Melinda May has posed:
"Two thousand twenty," May replies to Peggy when she brings over the freshly poured mug of tea along with a palm-sized square of folded black fabric, presumably to protect the woman's hand from the heat of the ceramic. If she wasn't supposed to say the year, either no one gave her the memo, or she chose to ignore it.

Once the cup is accepted, she returns to fill the second one which is then offered to Bobbi. Clearly, she'd not planned on the younger agent being here but takes it in stride regardless.

"It's been a bit over thirty years." And she can say that, having been a part of SHIELD from just around the time that Peggy 'retired'.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi waves to May, "No thank you May. I'm strictly on a coffee diet, no tea for me." Her face looks apologetic to Peggy, "May the sixth, twenty twenty, half an hour past midnight. You're currently at SHIELD head quarters, which is called the Triskelion. You're in the medical wing in the secure section, due to the nature of the treatment you received." Bobbi makes a mark in the measurements on her tablet to indicate the moment she was told what year it was, in case it becomes relevant as to why there was any kind of spike or drop in levels.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I... remember purchasing the land for this building." Peggy murmurs softly, unless they moved the whole Triskelion in the meantime. May is studied for several moments, creating the best mental profile she can for the other agent even as focusing is still a bit of a challenge. "You are a lady and a scholar." She murmurs to the cup of tea. Her hands aren't quite steady but, for tea, she would make them so. She brings it in close to her lips taking a long, savoring sip. The taste helps the shock of thirty five years go down a bit smoother, and gives her time to compose herself about it all. "35...years. I supposed it could have been worst. But... Well..." She plasters a bit of a very British smile on her face. "I'll have lots of catch up to play."

Melinda May has posed:
Okay then. May keeps the second mug of tea for herself and settles into the chair that Bobbi pulled around for her. She nods to the compliment from Peggy but can't help but think if she'd been a proper lady and scholar, she'd have arrived with the appropriate tea service and tie guan yin leaves instead of some Earl Grey she brewed up last minute.

Taking a sip from her own mug and revealing the picture of an odd-looking little cat on it, she glances at Bobbi before nodding to Peggy. "Yes, you will." That is, if the woman turns out to truly be Margaret Carter. She intends to find out.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
It is not lost on Bobbi that Peggy has been frozen for as long as she's been alive. It creates a perspective of scale that makes her wonder just how strange life must be now compared to back then. Bobbi has no doubt this is Director Carter, but it helps that someone who isn't as close to the case is more paranoid. Bobbi notices the cat on the mug and lifts an eyebrow. She smirks and says, "A lot has changed in thirty five years. Hm where to start. Computers are tiny now, the Soviet Union fell, we landed on the moon." Okay so the moon landing was in Peggy's time but a little humor can't hurt.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I...caught the moon bit. And I am not surprised about the USSR. If my projections were right, they'd be lucky to survive much past 1990." It's still Peggy. She's sharp and she does political expertise in her sleep, which she still is practically doing now. The only thing keeping her awake and going is the tea she's greedily sipping at as she hugs the strange, amusing mug she's been given like it's some sort of life line. She doesn't miss the heavy gaze of the other, far more quiet agent, but doesn't fight it either. Tea earns a lot of leeway right now. "SHIELD is... in good shape? Fury's still keeping things together? Or, thinks he is while a whole lot of women keep him and Howard together?"

Melinda May has posed:
May looks to be about to answer Peggy's latest question, right up until the last two words there. Then she's looking at Bobbi. Do we tell her now? is the silent question in her eyes. Then she hides for a moment behind a sip of tea before offering as neutral a non-answer as she can think of quickly.

"Fury is still keeping things together, but with a good amount of help." She already knows the Stark conversation is not going to be a fun one.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi chuckles and says, "Mhmm I'd say he does a good job. But let's be honest, Deputy Director Hill really runs things. Ahem, Howard.. as in Howard Stark? Ah, he is.. not involved with SHIELD any more." She neglects to mention that he's dead, perhaps he's just retired right? She shares that glance with May too though. "I don't know how similar SHIELD is now to how it was when you ran it Director. The threats are as big as always and the agents rise to the challenge." She circles back to Howard a moment, "His son, Tony, is running for president..." Yep, that'll do to skip that topic.

Peggy Carter has posed:
May's response actually tells Peggy everything she needs to know, but the faint discomfort in the air confirms it. Howard was dead. Maybe she doesn't realize how dramatically, after all, he'd be far too old to be alive even if things hadn't gone down like that. Peggy's not exactly surprised but it hurts. It's going to be the first in a long line of people she considered beloved who are no longer in this world. She takes in a slower breath, one last sip of her tea, and then dares to stretch a hand to settle it aside. "I... have... entirely too many questions for the amount of mind I have about me right now. I think, perhaps, a night cap was just what I needed. Thank you again. Both of you, but..." And Peggy doesn't actually manage to finish that statement. She's exhausted, physically and emotionally. Still coming off of shock. Her body wins and she's firmly asleep against the pillow, still slightly propped up.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
May waits until Peggy is well and truly asleep before getting up and reclaiming the mug and bit of folded fabric. She sets them both back by the thermos before returning to her chair.

"She knows," is what she starts with. "She saw my reaction to Stark's name, and she knows."

Bobbi nods her head, "Mhm. Probably the first in many of sad realisations to come." She makes a note of the when she found out Howard had passed away for the data collection. "Did you know her.. before she uh, 'retired'?" She looks over the sleeping woman with admiration. Without her, they wouldn't be sitting here today.

May shakes her head. "Not personally, no. I'd just barely entered the academy when she supposedly retired." Searching back through her memories, she can say that the woman looks exactly the way Carter did back then. If this is an imposter, that's no mean feat. "Her legacy was very prevalent, though." It influenced a LOT of May's early years with SHIELD.

Bobbi keeps giving May a look. She clearly has something on her mind that she's just not quite ready to bring up. Unlike May, she has never been too good at keeping these thoughts to herself. "It's been a busy few days. Jane was so tired she was speaking in riddles. Dane was staring silently in to the void and Simmons was ready to work herself to collapse."

Typical scientists, completely unaware of their own physical limitations. "I'd say I'm surprised, but I'm not. Are they at least all resting now?"

She finishes her tea and goes to set the mug down with everything else, making a mental note to have proper tea making supplies made available to Peggy. Even if she isn't the real Margaret Carter, her appreciation for proper tea must not go unrewarded. She'll steal Simmons' tin of English Breakfast for now, and replace it next time she's in Manhattan.

It's time for her to check the fluids and levels and readings. She makes a quick round at the equipment, taking notes on her tablet. "They are resting now. I'm on time and a half. The caffeine is keeping me going and then I'm going to get some real sleep." She pauses to yawn and glances over to the cups, "The cup she touched, it'll need to stay in here."

Bobbi looks to May, now is as good a time as any, "What's your interest in the Faux case? are you looking for something in particular? you only need ask."

"Preliminary performance evaluation for Agent Drew," May says while staying in her chair as Bobbi moves about checking the medical equipment in the room. "Some people react badly to being singled out." Hence the small group debrief.

The cup can of course stay. May fully intends to send in Jemma's tin of English Breakfast and her own electric kettle as well, at least until more appropriate supplies can be purchased.

And then, because she answered a question, she asks one of her own. "Any reason why you want that mug to stay here?"

She tilts her head and looks back to May. "Interesting. She was very impressive. She went out of her comfort zone, joined Lara. Under fire, when Franks went in to that building, she charged in without a moments hesitation. Do intend to recommend her? if so, I'd be happy to second it. Hill prefers it when these things come from two agents."

She finishes jotting down her notes for Simmons and locks the tablet again. She hmms to May, "Well, that's classified, but all this protective clothing you're wearing will be incinerated.. if that tells you anything." She looks back to Peggy and says, "Extreme measures were taken to save her life. Classified level 10, Fury pulled out all the stops for this operation. First time he's ever sent me on a critical mission without explaining it to me face to face first. They were in a real rush."

Melinda May has posed:
Hearing that the reasons for the precautions set for this room are classified to level 10 earns Bobbi a raised eyebrow from May. Now she's glad she /didn't/ bring in her proper tea service. She'd have had to leave it in here.

"I have already submitted my recommendation to Hill," she says in regards to Jessica. "You are right that she's earned at least the consideration." Maybe she'll get to work alongside the young woman at some point soon. It should be ... interesting.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi starts to grin, "I know that look. You're imagining what it'll be like to beat up some bad guys with her by your side." She notices the fabric and furrows her eyebrows, "I can see you're worried. You don't need to be it's just a precaution. I'm sure everything will be fine. Her vitals are impressive considering the state she was in when she arrived. But a thing was done and we must be careful otherwise we wouldn't be doing our jobs properly." She pauses, her posture looks fatigued. She yawns behind her mask and says, "I'm looking forward to bed."

Melinda May has posed:
May turns back to Bobbi and studies the younger agent more closely. "Fair enough. And you should go rest while Simmons and Foster are resting." Because if anyone knows what chaos they're likely to concoct once they're awake again, it's May.

For her own part, May seems completely unaffected by the late hour, but privately, she's ready to turn in herself.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi rolls her eyes, "I wish I could. The team is restricted due to the classified nature of what happened. Everyone else is currently asleep. So, it's just me until one of them wakes up... knowing Simmons she'll be awake first. If all goes well, we'll be able to hand her over to a regular medical team in a few days though.."

Melinda May has posed:
That is logical, and annoying. Well, this was shaping to be an insomnia night anyway. May settles into her chair a little more. "Then you should have had some tea. It's at least got a little bit of caffeine in it."

She is now also regretting having left her jacket outside, and all of the various and sundry useful little items hidden in the jackets many many hidden internal pockets.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
She sits back down in the chair and tucks her legs up to sit cross legged. "You're staying?" She raises an eyebrow and then smiles, "Thanks."