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Latest revision as of 07:12, 11 May 2020

Late Night Shift
Date of Scene: 11 May 2020
Location: Food Court: Triskelion
Synopsis: Several agents and a murderbot catchup over coffee.
Cast of Characters: Carol Danvers, Bobbi Morse, Melinda May, Gothic Lolita

Carol Danvers has posed:
It has been a really long week for Carol. One that kept her far from the Triskelion. Hell one that kept her far from earth really having been lent out to the DoD on an office of the reconiscence matter with some Satellites that will be keeping ann eye on things away from Earth vs. the usual towards Earth matter of business.

Which finally back late Sunday she is in the Food Court, an entire pot of coffee on the table by her as she kicks back and looks through mission reports on her tablet. "What the hell was in the water supply this week..." because damned if there doesn't seem to have been a crazy flurry of crazy stuff going on.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    What a week indeed.. ambushes, rogue spy hunting, testing that crazy wing suit prototype, capturing a murderbot, making friends with a murderbot, staring down Captain McMannis, fighting Nazi constructs, helping save Peggy Carter's life with a wildly unethical CRISPr viral variant,.. and all that shadow monster stuff. Bobbi slumps in to a seat with coffee and blows over the top of it, "Danvers."

Melinda May has posed:
So many mission reports. May is likely named in very few of them, mostly because when she's acting as pilot there's no real reason to name her specifically. And this week has seen her clocking a considerably higher than usual number of flight hours.

Right now, though, she's got a break from flying, but only because she's taken it upon herself to make sure that the aforementioned murderbot doesn't decide to go all murderbot in the Triskelion. Though she's already pretty well convinced that LS-05 wouldn't anyway. But Hill is the boss, so what she says has to be adhered to. Thus, the synthetic young woman doesn't get to wander the halls alone.

Leading Lolita into the food court, she gestures toward the table where Bobbi has just settled. "Have a seat, I'll join you there in a moment."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita would rate her current happiness at maybe a 6. Granted, debriefing and being reprogrammed wasn't too bad...if she's conflicted over how to react to her new programming and how it interacts with her directives. But sadly, her outfit didn't really weather the fight leading up to that s well. In addition to her stockings being ruined, her dress is ripped up and badly in need of cleaning.

    So, she's gotten a shower, and she's squeezed herself into a SHIELD catsuit zipped up the front, walking along behind Melinda. She's actually a bit shorter than the other woman, in fact...so it vaguely resembles 'take your daughter to work day'.
    "Certainly." she says in a soft murmur, smiling as she takes a seat where indicated, looking around the area curiously as she takes in the crowd, little tags for people popping up in her HUD.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol lookss up from her tablet as Bobbi settles in and greets her. "Morse." she notes with a bit of dry amusement then glances back down at the list of AARs. "It looks like you had a ridiculously busy week while I was off running errands."

There is a pause. "Magic shadow monsters. I swear .. magic." she just shakes her head there. "At least everyone seems on top of that one."

A bit more perusing of the tablet for a moment. "Rogue LMD?" that is rare enough really she taps a few times then pauses as hears May come in with a young woman and tilts her head a bit studying the two. "Hm"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi pinches the bridge of her nose and nods slowly, "Mmhmm." She agrees with the assessment. "You're not wrong. This week has been absolutely crazy." It's hit the news now, Superman is back - but they knew that already. She thumbs to Gothic Lolita, "There she is." She takes a sip of the coffee and lulls her head back to stare up at the ceiling. "I don't know how you do it. Flying is not easy. Controlled falling is not easy."

Another sip is taken, "It wasn't magic, as far as I'm concerned. We beat the thing with light and sound and fire.. sure, may be some sort of sentient ooze or blob or whatever, but magic? hell creature? pfft. I don't think so." She rubs her eyes and says, "I need a holiday."

Melinda May has posed:
May watches for a moment as Lolita heads toward Bobbi, then turns to get her own hot beverage of choice, because she is emphatically anti-coffee. Remembering the synthetic young woman's mention of recharging from a wall socket, she isn't at all sure that offering a liquid beverage would be in any way appropriate. So she doesn't. Just another moment later she approaches Carol and Bobbi's table with a gently steaming cup of tea. Still steeping.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Hello again, Agent Morse." Lolita says politely, raising a brow as she peers at Carol. "Yes. Here I is." she says amusedly, crossing her legs as she gets comfortable. "And you are Carol Danvers....Captain Marvel. A pleasure. I am Gothic Lolita." She pauses as May returns, inhaling slowly as she scents the tea. "Mmmm. Earl grey. Also, technically I am not an LMD. That's a bit like calling a human a primate. It is technically correct in part, but the specifics are important." she confides. "It would be better to say I'm descended from LMDs, in that pathway of thought."

Carol Danvers has posed:
There is another hmmm as Carol watches Lolita over there. When she comes up well she nods. "I am, though honestly we should probably get you a non-handle name for just around the complex. Loli. Lolita I supposed. Something besides Gothic Lolita." she just shakes her head.

"With all the stuff I've seen.. well it may as well be magic. That old trope about sufficiently advanced science is magic to those not as advanced." she is definitely amused. "Still I worked with enough people in the JLA that do magic that I am not a skeptic." she sips her coffee. "So take a Holiday."

The tablet is set down entirely for the moment. "I see Superman finally stepped back out into the public. Which makes it a whole lot easier. I like having one less thing on our epic pile of spy bullshit to not have to lie to friends about at least." a mmmmm "Also means I will be sent on natural disaster calls less too if he is zipping around doing his thing."

Which honestly makes sense, she is about the only person who could fill those shoes in a lot of the things the world had come to depend on Supes for really.

Her and Diana.

"May." nodding to the senior agent when she comes up with the tea now.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
There's a smirk from Bobbi as Danvers remarks that she's glad to have one less secret. Oh,.. the endless layers of secrets of her life. There are really only a few people who understand it the way she does and those are her peers. She glances across to May and then says, "Actually I agree. Not so sure Lolita is a great name for that either, given the novel of the same name. You do look quite young." She looks over to Gothic Lolita, "Go? Goth?.. hm." She chuckles and says, "Danvers you're incredible, you're worth a hundred supermen. Don't get me wrong, he's gorgeous eye candy," she says pushing her tongue in to her cheek, even as her mind suddenly jumps from Superman to Lance Hunter. She blinks a moment and hmmms. "Earlier in the week Daisy broke up a neo nazi rally.. and yesterday they ambushed her. The other day, Daniel Hastings asked me what we're fighting for when the nazis are back despite the war our countries fought. He has a point. It's like the world just gets crazier every day."

Melinda May has posed:
May nods a hello back to Carol, then raises an eyebrow as Lolita both identifies the tea (to be fair, Earl Grey is very easily distinguished) but seems to do so in an appreciative manner. "Zaoshu mei." Without any other comment beyond her likely NOT helpful suggestion of a non-handle name for teenager-looking synthetic person, she sets the cup down in front of LW-05 and turns right back to get herself another cup of tea.

It's only the matter of another few moments, and then she's finally settling into a chair at the table. "The world has been getting crazier since 1990, Morse. You should be used to it by now."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
"That is my nonhandle nomenclature, mon capitan." Lolita notes, her lips curving up more. "My original name was a serial number that lacked a certain panache. So I and my siblings chose our own names based on what we felt defined us." She clasps her hands demurely in her lap, though it does lose something without a fluffy skirt to do it on. "In my case, one of my early infiltration missions involved me playing the part of a gothic lolita, primarily because my exoshell was already Japanese in appearance. I found it tremendously entertaining, to be a heavy duty combat mecha wearing frills and lace. It appealed to me, the contrast. But..." She thinks a bit. "I would say that it also made me consider how I was not defined necessarily by my intended purpose, that I was capable of embracing things beyond it. So. Gothic Lolita. Though Lol is perfectly fine, if you'd like something shorter. Gothic makes me feel positively Wednesday Addams."

    She raises a brow May curiously at her suggestion, then looks delighted as the tea is set in front of her. "Thank you." she says politely, letting the bag steep a bit as she swirls it for a moment. "I can't remember the last time I had tea. Even bag tea." She wrinkles her nose cutely in mock horror as she waits for May to return. "She broke up a neo-nazi rally? Good for the little flower. There's a though meme that doesn't know when it should stay dead."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol quirks another smile at the bit about being worth a hundred Supermen. "Thanks Morse."

"It is true though the world's sheer level of crazy has been on a steady pace for the last three decades. I mean at this rate we should be due to for another alien invasion this year.. just based on some of the quants models on that front." it is said light heartedly, but really that is what the models have been showing based on increased frequency of alien invasions.

"Ugn Nazis really and they were dumb enough to go after her again later?" she looks skeptical and amused at the same time. "Well they need a good solid yeet into orbit really." she just shakes her head "Nazis and Hydra." which are often pretty much one and the same to Carol.

She glances at Gothic. "Lol... hmm too much like laughing out loud... someone would think we were laughing in reports. Maybe Wednesday then or Adams."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
A slow chuckle grows from Bobbi and she grins, "That'd make my day, calling you Wednesday in reports. Or week.. may be month." She takes another sip of her coffee. "The 90s does have a lot to answer for, but then again so does the 80s." She smirks and looks at the group.

"I was asked to test out a prototype low resistance glider suit last night. It's like a regular wing suit, except instead of being very high up in the air and getting lots of wind resistance to help you out - nope, low resistance, it's like trying to .. I was going to say walk on ice but it was way worse than that. So I found myself downtown Manhattan when the emergency call comes in from Daisy and I have to literally fly this crazy prototype suit from a thirty story building to her location. I don't frighten easily.. but that suit, that thing is a death trap."

Melinda May has posed:
And Bobbi's words right there is why she'll stick to flying machines, not suits. And no, it did not escape her that her mostly joking offer of a nickname was completely ignored. That's fine. It wasn't meant to be serious in the first place.

She doesn't offer where she was during all of Daisy's faffery with the Nazis. Likely it's above the security level of someone at the table. "You told R&D I hope, Morse." Because death traps need to go back to the drawing board post haste.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita laughs softly, then carefully tugs the teabag out of her cup, setting it aside on the platter, before she sips from it daintily, thinking. "Zaoshu Mei is...charming. A May and a Mei might be confusing though." she admits, peering at May curiously. "Wednesday is somehow appropriate as a codename, certainly macabre enough to go with my given state of dress." she adds, her eyes twinkling at the idea. "If you prefer it. Goth, Lolita, whichever. I realize the name has certain connotations but I am perfectly mature enough to avoid /those/ ideas, I would hope." she adds archly.

    She hmms. "This sounds like the time Social talked me into using a jetpack for a mission. It was theoretically useful. Theoretically." She frowns. "The sudden stop at the end of the flight was very disconcerting and that poor BMW was undeserving of cushioning the impact as it did."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol eyes Bobbi. "I like flying but then ...well I am not relying on a suit I am just enjoying myself when I do it." she smiles though. "Though I also like jets a lot even if I don't have an excuse to fly fighter planes anymore." a shrug. "Who made the death trap.. it wasn't the science twins was it?"

Which reminds her. "I really do need to take Takeda out and see how her suit works with the new blast release functionality ... need to check in with dispatch and see if they found me a good abandoned nuclear test site...." because reasons.

"A couple votes for Wednesday so far."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
A sad nod is given to May, "Yep. They think I'm using it wrong." She rolls her eyes, "But I'll have the last laugh when all my bones are broken." She chuckles to Carol, "Ahh yeah, what you do is quite different to this suit. I love flying planes too. I miss flying the quinjet. I need to take junior agents out on missions more often so I can fly the quinjet. It wasn't FitzSimmons no, some junior techs came up with this thing."

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to Morse. "Then tell one of those junior techs to take it up themselves if they think you're using the thing incorrectly." That's usually the fastest way to get engineer types to backpedal. Make them use their own faulty designs.

Sipping at her own tea, she then adds, "I've been on back to back missions. Do you want me to tell the flight ops teams to push your name further up the roster?" Heck, she'd be willing to let Bobbi take over a couple of her missions. She's got one tomorrow...

"You're now officially Wednesday," she says to Lolita in that same deadpan way as everything else. Is she joking this time, or did she mean that in complete seriousness?

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "I am so duly named." Lolita says amusedly. "There are certainly worse callsigns." She sips from her tea, with every sign of savoring it, before she carefully puts the cup back down. "Who is Takeda?" she wonders thoughfully.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Maybe I should volunteer on any wing suit flights... since well if it goes poorly no one will die." it is just an idle musing by Carol before another sip of her coffee. "Go ahead and put me on the roster if you want to May, though I think someone somewhere would be scandelized."

She nods to Lolita. "And so shall it be." very serious intoning tone there though. "Jennifer Takeda is one of our guests here, she is.. mmm well she probably wouldn't be good for even you to be around for long. Pretty corrosive not just radioactive really." it isn't like if they are both wandering around without restricted access, well other than May tailing the murderbot, that this is a classified bit about Jen.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi finishes off her coffee and sighs, "Poor Jennifer, she really does need to get out more, that is a good idea Carol." To May she answers, "I'd say yes, but Gonzales would never allow it." She glances around the table, "Wednesday not withstanding, who is everyone working for at the moment?" She looks to May, "Coulson still?" Her eyes turn to Danvers, "But who is your direct report?"

There is a beepbeep from her pocket and she takes out her tablet, unfolds it and checks the message. "Hm. Well, that's me I'm afraid. Off for my shift with Director Carter." She puts her tablet away and rises from the table. "I'll be seeing you all around."

Melinda May has posed:
May shakes her head no at Bobbi's question about who her direct report is currently, but doesn't elaborate on who actually is. That in itself might be telling.

When Bobbi's tablet beeps she nods to the blonde taking her leave. "Don't forget to take in the kettle and teas that I set aside for Carter." And then, as if that reminded her or something, she pulls her phone and starts tapping at it as if searching for something.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Oh? It's possible. Sustained radiation would probably require decontamination at least. Though I'm quite durable and my systems are self-repairing, as long as there's something there to repair. And it's not fused. For example, fired at Mach 5 from a mass driver into the ground...I did not repair well from that. Though the swirling of the clouds, the red of the atmospheric friction, the stars going all streaky and smeary in the night sky...it was aesthetically pleasing as last sights went"

    Lolita sips again from her cup as she listens to the conversation around her. "Another director other than Fury? Hmm. Good evening, Agent Morse." she says with a smile. "Take care of yourself."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Catch you later Morse." and well Morse's question is honestly a really good one. It isn't Clint or Nat since she was explicitly put by Fury onto the Avengers to keep an eye on that situation, and vice versa. Carol use to have a higher grade assignment as well until her space escapades and lack of memory situation.

Who does she report to around here these days. It seems like most people can have dispatch call her up for help and she cheerfully does respond to any senior agent, though the whole situation makes some uncomfortable like Barton.

Well Fury and Hill definitely are aware.

She glances at Lolita and May. "The ..Carter situation is probably going to be a bit complicated to suss out I imagine." she doesn't address the mass driver comment, but does make a mental note to look into murderbot's reports a bit more later. "I think I'm going to call it as well.. thankfully not due to emergency beepings..."

Melinda May has posed:
May finishes her tea and looks at Carol. "Until later, Danvers. Be careful out there." She then sets her phone down in front of Lolita, the screen showing tiny thumbnails of what looks like entirely black clothing.

"Start looking while I explain SHIELD standard dress code."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita finger waves as Carol gets up. 'See you around, then, perhaps..." she says, before she's promptly distracted by the laptop leaning in with interest. "Oooh...." And there will be shopping!