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Titanic Pizza
Date of Scene: 11 May 2020
Location: Giorgio's Pizzeria - St. Martin's Island
Synopsis: Terry and Gwen meet for lunch. Gwen is more qualified to be Wonder Spider, Terry finds out.
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Gwen Stacy

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Let me take you to my favorite place!"

That's what Terry texted to Gwen after coming out early from his shift at the planet. Right now, the big churn at the planet had been focused around the return of Superman- and no other headline, no matter how important, was really going to match the focus of that. Therefore, Terry ran through his tasks, did what he had to do (including dropping off a copy of a photo on social media that someone had snapped of Gar hugging Superman, with the photographer's contact information if they wanted to use it in the article) and clocked out for lunch. That was then.

And this was now. Giorgio's was Terry's favorite refuge, because of the anachronistic atmosphere and delicious food, it tended to be swarmed by the older crowd, who often weren't interested in listening to things teenagers said, who hadn't even been alive to remember when The Little Shop of Horrors had hit the movie theaters.

"So, what do you think? It's kinda old timey but in that cool way, not that 'grandma hasn't cleaned the house since the Reagan administration' way," he says to Gwen as he lets her pick where they want to sit down.

He's also gotten pretty good at Ms. Pac-Man. He can't explain why he likes it, except that he likes the neon colors. Maybe he's also part ferret.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen has surprisingly little to do during the day.

Which is every 19 year olds dream come true, except that it makes for a very boring existance to one with the attention span of a gnat... whose brain works every bit as quickly as their reflexes. She was writing, for fun I might point out, a thesus on Genetic Modifications as it relates to the sudden upward trend of Mutant population in and around the New York Area, but honestly nobody has done a longetudinal study... So facts and statistics are a long way from being varifiable.

Which makes the writing more a work of fiction.

SUFFICE TO SAY: That's how bored she is.

When her Starkphone chirps and she sees the invitation, the reply is quick..

>: BRT :<

And she is. Wearing her blonde hair in a ponytail so the shaved sides are clearly visible, red framed eye-glasses she doesn't need and thus are meant to be stylish somehow, a petite white t-shirt with a math joke on it (DETAILS AT THE BOTTOM), plad capree pants with a small silver chain on her left hip, and hightop All Stars.

"HOLY SHITAKI MUSHROOMS! This place is amazing!" Gwen exclaims upon entering, turning a small circle like it's a poorly made 80s John Hughes movie! "See, this is more like home..." Motioning around with a long finger point, "Terminator came out like ten years ago.. I remember seeing it with my dad at the drive-in."

DETAILS MUH FUGGAH: https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/obtuse-triangle.jpeg

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry grins, "Terminator came out in the... eighties? Wait. So not only are you from another dimension, you're also a time traveler, right?" he says, as they settle into a booth. There's a picture of the Golden Girls hanging from the wall, autographed by Rue McLanahan and Bea Arthur. A little further up, there's a Tami Stonach autograph. "That, technically speaking, makes you older than me. /Technically/." He grins and picks up a menu.

"I'm sorry we haven't had a chance to actually do the getting to know you part. Things have been crazy at the Planet. And today they're crazier than anything with Superman coming back from the dead."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Well, no... technically it's still twenty twenty back home, just everything happened a lot slower... We had just gotten cellphones when I graduated high school." Gwen explains with a shrug and a laugh, "But there's all these social reforms in place just like today, so it's a weird mix of now and, what to you would be, then... but everything happened exactly the same? ish.. just later."

Because the writer is so lazy she didn't want to learn what an 18 year old in 2020 would find culturally relevant as far as movies and music, so she just made her character come from a universe that would make popculture /she/ grew up with relevant to Gwen.

SO meta.

Also brilliant.


"Yeah, I heard about that." Superman coming back, waving her hand at the same moment dismissing any hardfeelings, "I get it. Superman wasn't a really big deal to me, we didn't have one on my Earth.. but I can totally appreciate how someone like that might be a massively huge deal, right? It's cool. We get to hang out /now/."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Wow, your world didn't have a Superman? How about Wonder Woman?" Terry asks, curious. "It's fascinating to me because my dad was also from a different dimension. Only it's not a different Earth but... you know." He looks around, and then says quietly "Wonderland"

He leans back, having decided on what he'll have. "So, how are you settling in? All things considered and whatnot. Have you connected with anyone you knew in your world in this world?" He pauses.

"I just realize how confusing I made that sound."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Nope, no Wonder Woman, though I've got a huge lady boner for her, en gee el." Gwen says with a lopsided smirk, following along beside Vorpal with a spoopy eye in his direction at the mention of Wonderland, "Like Alice? That's pretty dope, right?" Probably very perspective.

"I was really the only superhero to speak of. There were a few powered individuals in SHIELD, but they were pretty specific about clamping down on people wearing masks... I was the only one. Now, I guess, there's no one.." Kind of upsetting, but hard to dwell.

"Uhh my dad. Zatanna, Lara, and I went to Australia and found some ancient magical chair from the age of Camelot that rewrote history and fused me into this reality. Like one of my best friends, from there and here, forgot meeting me and just assumed I'd been his Gwen woken from a coma after five months.. So it's all really odd." Wiggling her palms, "Basically I've been avoiding anyone who knew me here. Gwen was.. not like me.. She had baby hips and a pot.. I have-" lifting her shirt just over her naval, Abs on Abs on an Ab that has an Ab. "Hard to explain how you go in poochy and come out chisled, an inch shorter, and gay."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Yeah, that explanation must have been a /pip/," Terry chuckles, "And yeah, that Wonderland. Turns out Alice really did go down the rabbit hole. From the memories I have, it looks like she was down there a lot longer than a day. She wrote journals and when she came back, she gave them to Dodgson and apparently that's how the story was told here. Kind of trippy, really... I'm the Cheshire cat. Or, well, his son. But also the only one. It's... kind of complicated to explain."

When the server comes to get their drink orders, and says she will be back in a few minutes to get their full order. "You know what you're gonna get? Anyways." Once the server has left, he continues, "... so your costume and all definitely puts you into the spider-people category here. Have you met up with any of them?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Oh please, you're talking to a girl from a different dimension where there are no other super heroes, but now there are enough to fill multiple teams.. I've seen nazi like soldiers melting like Indiana Jones, magic, a smarmy owl who calls me a Harlet everytime I walk by, and everything vintage in this shop is new to me..." Motioning around, "or at least in my generation..."

"My metric for complicated is vastly different than most."

Said with a sideways grin and a shoulder nudge, "Uhhh yeah.. I'm thinking a vegi on califlower crust with feta cheese." Bobbing her head with a salavatory appreciation for their menu options. Smirking, "Yeah, I've met them... all of them I think. All nine or thirty. Spidey, Scarlet, Silk.. I'm sure theres others whose names I can't remember. I'm pretty tight with Silk and Spidey."

As for her costume, "You know it was designed by Janet Van Dyne? I lost mine when I was fused to this reality. She made my new one." Trademarking is important okay?

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I keep forgetting that my metric of complicated is rather sheltered." Terry admits, fidgeting with his napkin, "I haven't met a single one of them outside of you. I have a soft spot for Spidey one, though. I've seen videos of him in action and I wish I were half as snappy on the field as he is. What a guy!" he chuckles, resting his chin on his hands. "That costume of his is also brilliant. Primary colors but used so well, and the pattern. It makes him look great, too- is /that/ a Janet Van Dyne design, too? Because it looks like she is just about everywhere. Lois has a closet full of stuff designed by her... I'd ask her for a quote, but I know I possibly couldn't pay a top tier designer like /that/. I've been fighting crime in jeans and a tank-top, which I know makes my fashion-conscious friends cringe. Those that know my secret identity, anyways."

It was always nice, coming here to talk about this stuff. The adults relegated themselves to the tables, and the booths were empty during lunch hour. It was night-time that this place started to really hop. "I'd love to hang out with you and your spider gang, but I'm afraid swinging isn't one of the powers I got. I'd look pretty stupid popping in and out of rabbit holes in the air while you guys just swing like the man on the flying trapeze!"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Hah.. you think? Maybe I'm bias, but I think my suit would beat Spidey's suit up and take its lunch money." Gwen teases, but she can see that twinkle in Terry's eyes. Hell, she knows that twinkle. There are some dreamy heroines running around out here in these streets! "Nah, I think Spider-Man made his own suit. I'm the only one with the stones to go ask Janet for a design... she made mine on my world too." She explains, "So I just popped over there and spilled my guts. She turned me a solid, so I basically brag about it anytime I get even a smattering of a chance to do so."

Laughing at that, rubbing at the back of her neck with her whole palm.

"Yeah, his wit game is good, but I've got him licked.. but I tell you what? I could absolutely introduce you, if you want? Spidey is all about meeting other heroes. Heck, he might even be interested in joining the Titans. He's a really good guy..." Nudge nudge, wink wink, hint hint. "And single, I think." Wink hint, hint nudge, nudge wink.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry raises an eyebrow and laughs, "Oh you are terrible! But sure, I'd love to meet him! I can't afford Van Dyne Dimes, so I could definitely ask him for costume-designing tips. We've got stuff to design costumes at the tower, but without a good-looking design that people can recognize, you're just a dork in body armor, you catch my meaning?"

"You think he'd join the Titans? I mean, I'm sure we'd love to have him, but he's always struck me as a lone wolf... spider." Hah. "He gets savaged by that rag the Daily Bulge." No, not a typo, that's what he calls it, "At least with us he'd get the press he deserves. You know... courtesy of your mild-mannered and totally not a superhero reporter attached to the tower," he bows theatrically.

"So... who's the biggest music star over there? I imagine Lady Gag isn't a thing yet where you come from?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"He is kind of a loner, yeah... but who knows?" Gwen says with a exagerated shrug of both shoulders, palms pointed heavenward, "He's surprised me before. Minor teamups and one offs is his thing, honestly. I'll field it too him, regardless. Both the Titans and a team-up if you know what I'm sayin'." Back to the hinting and the winking and the nudging. All for levity surely.

"Hell, /I/ can't afford Janet Van Dime... I had a benefactor and Janet gave it to me on credit." So that's how that happened!

"Ugh... JJJ is a douche. He has it out for all of the spiders, I've just not made a big enough name to be more than a footnote at the bottom of page nine." Which bothers her very little, clearly. "Back home he tore my ass a new one daily." The more things change... etc.

"Well, Nirvana, Soundgarden... I'm big into 4 none Blondes and Poe. Which works out here too, since everyones into vintage music now anyways.. but we didn't have Lady Gaga... I'm into her /now/ obviously. AJR, Marina, Hobo Johnson.. Music /here/ is a lot more catchy."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Yeah, JJJ is an ass. I think every time someone mentions his name, Lois' eyes commit murder." Terry chuckles. "You know... I could interview you for the Planet. Obs not revealing your secret identity, but do like I've done with Power Girl, Miss America and Troia. Could do a rooftop video interview and have you swing away, for the video section of the Planet website. It'd be awesome!"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"He was a lot younger back home, but still a prick..." Gwen says, snickering at the commentary on Lois' poor eyes, then sobering some at the mention of a rooftop interview, "Wait, Power Girl? The one whose dating that weirdo from Gotham? Be honest... that's a publicity stunt right? No 'way' is a Kryptonian is into the trailer-park trashy look?" Smirking to herself, once again rubbing the back of her neck. "I think that sounds amaziballs though! I'd totally be down for a rooftop interview! I could bring Spidey, maybe?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Yeah! Let's do that, it'd be awesome... you guys could weave a hammock of sorts between two buildings and we'd have the interview there, would make for a great visual."

When his drink arrives, Terry takes a sip and says "Ah ah ah, don't be like that. Harl's a good friend of mine and her heart is in the right place, even if her sense of reality often isn't. She's trying to come back from a very dark place and wants to do good..."

"Her sense of fashion is definitely unusual, but like the Fox says in the Little Prince: What is essential is invisible to the eye. Besides, I don't think Peej needs publicity stunts. She seems like someone who speaks her truth and does as she sees right... you should have seen her at the HUMANA gala, she ripped that Credenza asshole a new one. It was glorious..." he chuckles, "Right after a rain of photos descended from the ceiling, showing all of the man's sleazy infidelities."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"I /guess/... look, I'm alllll for comeback stories and I always root for the underdog, especially strong female lead underdogs. In a world that's predominately white, straight, male dominate, we have to stick together, so I appreciate /that/ aspect of it... and before you think I'm on a soapbox here-" Gwen holds her hands up, waving them slowly from side to side.

"There's a fine line between meaning to do right and getting away with murder... and she /is/. Heart in the right place or not, she's killed a lot of people. Is it fair to all those individuals who found god in prison that she gets a pass because she seperated from that psychopath?" Both thin shoulders rise slowly into a shrug. "I don't know the truth, I just know how it looks.. and it doesn't look good. I wont beat on your friends rep, though. I'm sure she /is/ trying hard and I hope she doesn't fuck up a wonderful opportunity that few people get."

Once more grinning, "Rained down pictures huh? I wonder who was responsible for that?" Wink, nudge, hint, nudge, hint, wink.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I have no clue! I wish it had been me, to be honest, but I'm still pretty new and I don't have the kind of contacts that can get you that much info on someone. Whomever it is, I want to shake their hand, though. I do feel sorta sorry for the daughter, though, she clearly has grown up in a brainwashing environment. I wonder what /her/ story is..." Terry trails off, as if making a mental note.

"Yeah, I know how it looks. Still, you can't get closer to the truth than Wonder Woman's lasso, and she passed that test..." he pauses. "... you're gonna laugh. For a brief while, while I was considering codenames, I thought I could get away with being Wonder Boy, because... you know. Wonderland. Don't /ever/ tell Troia this or she will go to her sister and tell her!"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Oh ho..." Gwen says of this potential name, the teasing jubilation already clear in her big blue eyes, "You told, literally, the worst person to keep that a secret, friend..." Flicking her wrist out to knock at Terry's shoulders with the tip of her fingers. "I'd love to meet Wonder Woman. Aside from having a massive crush, I think she's just incredible, ya know?" Go figure.

"You sure it wasn't you?" That dropped the photos. Big grin. "Sounds like a Wonderfully Wonderous thing to do for an up and coming Wonder Boy." She went there. This is where we're at now. This is who she is.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh god," Terry laughs, "No, that wasn't me, that happened /before/ my powers awakened. Now what am I going to do to get you off that?" he rubs his chin, "What if I tell you I was the one who... no, then Kori would kill me. Okay, if I tell you that I think Spidey has a way better butt than Nightwing, will you use /that/? I'd rather be embarrassed by you telling /that/ to someone than looking at Wonder Woman and have her look at me /knowin/ I briefly thought I could be Wonder Boy!" He pauses. "I'll give you cash, failing that."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Hold on... you'd rather be embarrassed for something like that than Wonder Woman being amused by your wanting to take her namesake, oh you can be sure I'm telling P-... Spidey that!" Gwen says with a grin, correcting her near fubar without a second thought to it. Wax on, wax off. "Oookaaay... your secret is safe with me, but you just remember who has dirt when I come asking for a favor... I don't know when, what, or how.. but Imma need your help eventually-" Dramatic pause, super too serious for realisticness stare, "And there shant be any refusals."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry smirks, "What? You gotta understand, Wonder Woman's kind of an idol of mine. I /fainted/ when I met her for crissakes. I think Spidey's awesome but I can live with him knowing I think his butt is out of this world 'cause he's probably straight and would laugh about it. But man... the /pretense/ of me thinking I was up to taking up the wonder mantle, and have her know about it? That's ultra-embarrasing. The two are embarrassing, but Puh-Spidey knowing is like knowing a boy you like knows you have a crush on him, whereas Diana knowing is that recurring highschool nightmare you have when somebody pants you in front of the whole class and you're not wearing underwear. You get my drift now?"

He leans back and crosses his arms, "Ooh... oaths of loyalty extracted under uncertain terms. That always ends up well! Sure, I'll totally help. What are team-mates for, anyways?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Uh huh." Gwen lifts her hands and waves them hither and fro, "You're secret is safe with me.." Deliberately dubious grin, "Now to figure out proper usage of my favor..." She adopts a deep Brooklyn/Queens accent, which is her natural habitat, and makes her sound mafioso. "Sos we're clear there wont be no refusals..." Wiggling finger point, then shoulder nudge. "For what it's worth, I think it's adorable you wanted to be Wonder Boy and I bet she'd have been honored."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Yeh, but that's the kind of moniker you have to /earn/. I can't stop bullets with practical jewelry and I can't lift cars yet." Terry raises an eyebrow and points, "No refusals, when the godmother calls, I'll answer. An offer I can't refuse an' all of that..." he catches a glimpse of their server coming, a pizza pie carried in each hand.

"Well, looks like the food's coming... food, glorious food!"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"I like how you causally tossed out yet." Gwen smirks, turning towards their table as the food slides down infront of them, "Dont worry, a spider always hides their own bodies, so it wont be anything you need to worry about tooo much." That's probably a joke right? Surely has to be. She takes a huge bite from the pizza, folded in half. "I can lift a car. You think I can be Wonder Spider?"