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Revision as of 04:42, 15 May 2020

The Vishanti are a triumvirate of spirits. Hoggoth, the eldest, is one of the [[[First Gods]]]. Oshtur, his wife, is the daughter of [[[Gaea]]], the first [[[Elder Gods|Elder God]]]. Their son Agamotto is the third Vishanti. They work in harmony to address threats to the cosmos and reality itself. In particular, they lend their power to Earth's [[[Sorcerer Supreme]]]. As a conduit for the Vishanti, the Sorcerer Supreme is capable of feats of magic that rival the powers of the [[[First Gods]]].

The Vishanti are located in the coterminate demesne of [[[Otherworld]]]. The immense power of this triad of entities is sufficient to span the very walls of the multiverse itself.