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The Cape and the Arrow meet up again
Date of Scene: 22 May 2020
Location: Arrowcave
Synopsis: Clark and Ollie meet up at the Arrowcave. Talks of getting the gang together again. There's also tea, with lots of cream. Because some people don't need to watch their figure!
Cast of Characters: Oliver Queen, Clark Kent

Oliver Queen has posed:

It had been one of those nights for Oliver, out on the prowl for remnants of the drug-dealing gang that had been plaguing Starling the last couple of months, then coming home to receive the news that his sister had somehow found a VIP card for the Hellfire club..

It was no wonder that Ollie had turned to drinking. The tea kind! And with Vanessa still out visiting her friend April he had some time for himself. That hour in which he could just brood while sitting by the large computer monitors, checking activity on Starling and out in the world..

His eyes skimmed on the news of Kal-el finally having revealed himself to the world again, reading the reactions to it. Thoughtful.. He had received Kal a while back in this very same place when he hadn't still decided to come back to active or not. Oliver was glad for that decision.

The Arrowcave was a place known to Superman, as it was for most members of the Justice League, at least the first members. Set close to the Queen Mansion there was a secondary entrance close to a rocky outcropping that lead to the garage doors, barely visible but to those in the know.

Clark Kent has posed:
It's through one of those secondary entrances that Kal arrives, as if foretold, or even predicted, by the Green Arrow.

In the stillness that settles upon caves, both bat and arrow, in the glorious morning come there's the sound of a deep voice, one quite familiar to Oliver, standing just over his shoulder. "They never catch me on my good side, do they?" The Man of Steel himself, again come visit.

Though he hadn't done so by surprise. At least not for Oliver Queen, who always had at least one ace in the sleeve hidden away... He and Bruce were good for that.

"How you doing Oliver?" Standing with his cape draped down around his ankles, arms fold over his barrel chest, the dark haired Kryptonian wears his usual easy smile when greeting his long time friend. "

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver was still dressed in his Green Arrow costume, dark green, the hood down and the domino mask on the table. Was he surprised by the voice? At least he showed nothing on his demeanor. "Nothing some photoshop can't handle." he quips with an easy grin coming upon his lips. Brooding time was over apparently. But he still had his tea, nothing would take that away from him.

Getting up to his feet he then starts to approach. "Hello, Kal." he greeted his old friend as he usually did, reaching up to offer Superman a arm-shake. "Looking over Starling. The usual." a pause while he gestures towards the zone where he was sitting at. "If you want some tea, well, I have some extra ready. Though somehow I don't feel this is a tea and scones kind of visit, is it?" an half-smirk, cropping up to his expression for a few moments.

"I am glad you finally came to the decision to step up again."

Clark Kent has posed:
The arm shake is met, Kal gripping his old friend just below the elbow as he approaches, "No, it's not quite a scones visit.. but there's definitely room for tea." The grin doesn't fade, even with the implied gravitas. Once he's released Oliver, he heads over to pour himself a cup, adding a little sugar and a whole lot of cream.

"I heard there's some bad business here in Starling recently." No offer to help, that's always implied, and very rarely accepted. From Oliver or Bruce, but it's status quo. Kal knows he's the nuclear option when it comes to city level threats like that... hard to take it personal.

"I... well. I've been getting asked a lot whether my return means the Hall of Justice is going to open its doors again." Sip, just a pause, turning enough to set blue eyes upon his unmasked friend, "I have dodged the question thusfar, but I have been in contact with Diana, Bruce. Hal... well Hal is Hal. He'd have never let them close if he had his way. I wanted to hear /your/ thoughts though."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"The usual. I think that when it stops is when I should start getting ready to put the suit in one of those in a more permanent fashion." Ollie gestures to a line of suits in display, from vigilantes that have been part of Team Arrow at one time or another. Some still being in the active, like Speedy or Arsenal, but a few had retired, or died. It was his own way to remember them. But indeed, it was rare for Ollie to ask for help, at least to Superman. The threats they faced had always been of a different level..

"You always liked your cream..." He comments, approaching the table and picking up his own mug, resting one hip against the edge of the table.

The mention of his old friends brings another smile out of him. Yes, Hal would always be Hal. "It has been some time since I have been with them." he admits. Always the type to go reclusive after the Justice League had scattered. But that was Ollie..

"I believe it is time that we return." he says without beating around the bush, direct, as his old friend deserved. "The world needs it. Or us, if you will. A beacon of hope. The times we are living now are not the easiest. This could be something that set the world into a brighter note."

Then a brief pause, he smiles. "I imagine Bruce has his reservations."

Clark Kent has posed:
"It's funny." Kal says, gently stirring his tea with a spoon, creating little swirls in the almost white beverage. A amused grin on his face as he watches those centric circles ripple out from the motion of his hand, "I did a podcast the other night with a young kid and his friend... A hero show, follows super heroes and the sort, anyways.." Shaking his head from the temporary distraction, "They asked how I take my coffee, I immediately thought of that first time we all sat down at the table to discuss creating the Justice League. The look in Bruce's eyes when I used an entire tin of cream in my tea.. And that unamused grunt."

He doesn't make much sound when he laughs, at least not then, but his shoulder rumble slightly. The memory, at least, is a pleasant one. Again sipping the beverage with a tempered nod of agreement. "I agree. It's time we returned, far past it actually, but I don't want to detract attention from the return of the Titans or the work the Avengers are doing." He points out with a glance up at Oliver. "They stepped up when we disbanded and they've done great things, that business in New York?" Against Loki.

Again grinning, quiet amusement, "Bruce... hah.. yeah. Not so much reservations as resignation. He said, and I quote, We didn't go away just because you did. I take that as a confirmation of his returning."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"He always did enjoy those grunts of his.." Not that Ollie is a stranger to grunting. One would be surprised at how much information they can convey. Specially when one is displeased. But yes, Oliver still has his own memories of their time together. They were different then. Though were they better now? He could only hope so. "He is the type of man that enjoys his coffee black." then some silence follows, he taking in a good drink out of his tea, thoughtful. Considering Kal's words.

"They have done an incredible job. Both the Avengers, the Titans. I do hear most of the new Titans are incredibly young, aren't they?" not that he was a stranger to have young people working with him, both in Team Arrow or not. "But this is not a popularity contest. We are not here to take away their spotlight, or the attention of the public on them." he says, blue eyes turning up to fix on Clark.

Those last words bring a bittersweet smile to the man's lips. First amused at Bruce's resignation but then at the words themselves. Yes, they didn't go away just because of Superman. He lets out a sigh. "It might not come easy getting us to work all in sync again. But then again it's never been our thing, has it? Regardless, I am willing to try. And I still can do a mean chilli." because yes, if anything Ollie was the company's cook. Someone has to keep that morale up!

Clark Kent has posed:
"I'll leave the grunting to the professionals. You and Bruce have it covered in spades.." Kal says in jest, behind another sip of tea. Laughing ever so softly at the impression of Bruce only taking coffee black, "A french press hung over the side of a building into an alleyway." As good natured as it's said, it could almost be the truth. The mental image is there, anyways.

Clark doesn't disagree with the clarification of this not being popularity driven. "No, of course not, but it leads to an important point.. Both for the Justice League's return and the Titans and Avengers.. or more over how we all relate to each other." Motioning in a small circle directly infront of him. "Communication.. something that we lacked before."

If anything, Kal's had time to consider where they went wrong with Doomsday. That day was a nightmare for everyone, of course, but it cement a great many things for him specifically. "We /have/ to be able to communicate between groups. Within our spheres, we're all quite specific, niche even. Just as every individual of those groups is niche, but when a threat comes big enough that we've all got to respond, we should do so with far more unity than we did three years ago."

Then there's mention of chili, a grin creeping onto his face. "Don't tempted me, now, Oliver... Bruce said the costume didn't fit so well." Free hand resting down against his own, quite flat, abdomen. "I'll admit it would be swell to have us all together again. That, above all, is what has me wanting to draw the strings tight on this reunion."

Oliver Queen has posed:
As hard as it might be for Ollie to admit it he does. "We have always had our .., egos." this about the lack of communication. "But you are right, we should be able to learn with our mistakes." his tone one of agreement. Now that his tea is done he sets the mug down, folding his arms together over his broad chest. "I know Diana has joined up with the Avengers. She could very well be a communication point with them." he says, pressing his lips together in thought.

"If there is anything I can help with in that front do let me know." He says. "Most of the tech here has only been used for Starling. But you know how we billionaire vigilantes are with our toys.. Always room for expansion." a faint smirk coming to his expression before it turns into a deeper smile at the mention of the costume not fitting so well..

"We all get older, if for some it may not be as evident. It can be a good thing though. For all it matters though, I do look forward to be able to catch up with the old gang again. I will make sure to bring the food." tempt them with offers of food!

Clark Kent has posed:
"We do." Kal agrees about egos, himself included.

Who could have convinced him there was a threat strong enough to beat him? Kill him?

His smile wans, blue eyes down into his cup after finishing the last swallow of his own tea with it sitting empty back upon the tray where the pot is settled. "There will be time a plenty to get things organized in the coming weeks, but we'll need a new surveylance system for the Hall... Might be worth talking with Bruce, see if you two can come up with something unique for our purposes?" only a suggestion, "I'll lend some of the Kryptonian tech I've got squirrelled away, as well. Expand our net as far as we can, right?"

As to the last, he smirks at that and nods, "The 4th of July is coming up in the next few months, we could definitely use for a barbeque." Only slightly joking, Clark does love to eat. "I ... it's good to see you Oliver. I wish there were time enough for this to be a social call, but I promised Lois an interview and eventually she's going to start asking me if I'm dodging her." His hand extends out to his old friend.

"Talk to Bruce? See if I've misread where his heads at in all this?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I will reach out to him. That promises to go well." Though in truth Ollie wasn't entirely sure how Bruce would react to meeting up after all these years. At least they could brood together again. He dislodges himself from the table he was leaning against, figuring their conversation is coming to an end.

"It is good to see you again as well, old friend." again the extended hand for the costumary arm-shake of farewell. "Good luck with trying to dodge Ms. Lane. She can be quite the tenacious reporter, even for one with your powers." he letting out a low chuckle. By his tone though he doesn't seem aware of the connection between Kal and Lois.

"Come by any time. My doors are always open. Or actually..." he reaches over to punch on a button so the garage doors begin to open up. "... before you actually break through them." because yes, garage doors don't come cheap! But the smile shows he is teasing the Kryptonian.

Clark Kent has posed:
"She's far more powerful than me, Oliver.." Speaking of Lois with a grin, already his feet are lifting off from the cold metal plates beneath them. "The pen is mightier than any sword, Kryptonian or otherwise." Good natured, almost affectionate, but he's not spilt any beans really. The connection between Lane and the Superman are well established, afterall. She'd written the stories about him.

"See you soon, Ollie." Using the nickname, intentionally even, as he disappears in a woosh of air that kicks up papers and debrie in his passage out through the doors of the garage opened for him. Up, over Starling City, into the atmos, then rocketing towards Metropolis where the sun is already well above the sky, and a Report sits waiting for her coffee.