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Latest revision as of 14:18, 23 May 2020

A Peaceful Day
Date of Scene: 23 May 2020
Location: Washington Square Park
Synopsis: Felicity twists her ankle and encounters the God of Fear, who doesn't afraid even when a storm descends on them.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Felicity Felix

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The last Friday of the semester and the last class has let out several hours ago. Night has fallen and the sound of New York awakening for the early evening can be heard throughout the streets. Traffic always picks up on a Friday, the streets become more active, sidewalks fill with travelers and people enjoying the onset of the weekend. But here in Washington Square Park outside of the local universities...
    Things are quiet.
    The auditoriums are closed, the front offices locked up. The library is still open since there are a few finals to be had on the weekend. But beyond that it is peaceful. And the young man known as Alexander Aaron, for one, likes it that way.
    Settled on the park bench with one leg drawn up before him. He casually thumbs through his cellphone, occasionally checking for a message or two, or web browsing. A glance is spared now and again for the path one way or the other. No sign of anyone, at least anyone interesting. Another check of the phone, and the time marches ever onward. Merciless and inevitable.

Felicity Felix has posed:
Pat pat pat. Pat pat pat. Pat pat pat. Someone is jogging through the University Campus's adjacent park, and her sneakers strike the pavement of the path, drawing ever closer from behind.

In the distance, thunder echoes distantly.

Eventually, she crosses in front of the bench, bouncing along with a steady stride. She's wearing black, stretchy leggings, and a purple sports bra with gray banding. Her hair is pulled back into a brown ponytail, and thunder rumbles ominously once again as her foot strikes the ground.

And turns.

With a yelp, Felicity goes down in a heap, rolling off the pavement and into the grass. She ends up on her stomach and her StarkPhone goes bouncing once, twice, and a third time to suddenly land screen-down onto a stray rock. *Crack*


Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Accidental falls can be obnoxious. It's not just the falling and the pain, but the embarrassment that can flare when one takes a header. Especially if someone's around. Maybe she didn't see him as she passed by, or maybe she did and that might have been in part responsible. In any case she'll hear the faint creak of the park bench as the blond youth gains his feet smoothly.
    A few steps are heard as he closes he distance, reaching down in part to take up her cellphone in one hand then pausing to kneel beside her with a hand light upon her shoulder. "Careful, are you alright?"
    And should she look up she'll see the youth, that shock of blond hair, handsome features to be fair, a small smile. "That looked like it hurt."
    He's not exactly dressed to impress. White sneakers, blue jeans, a black t-shirt that has an old image that's lost some of its vibrance but the log of 'The Ramones' is prominent.

Felicity Felix has posed:
"Ow ow ow...Wah?" She tenses briefly when she's touched, and she picks her head up to look up and back at him when he speaks. "Oh...Oh! Hi!" She laughs nervously, sounding embarrassed. "No, it's fine!" She digs her knees in, "Ow?" Her hips go up as she draws herself first onto her knees, then onto her hands. "Ow." She grins over at him sheepishly, trying to play it off, "I'm okay, really."

Lightning reaches out across the city to strike a building several blocks away. A street over, there is a sudden blaring of horns, then the smashing crunch of cars coming together in a fender bender. The lights in the park flicker and dim for a moment before coming back up to full strength.

Still on her hands and knees, Felicity flashes him a grin, "One sec, just gotta--" She pushes up onto her feet, gasps, and falls back to the ground on her hip with a yelp, holding her ankle. "Ow ow ow..." When she rolls to the side, her leggings have torn a bit over her other hip, with a bit of blood from a scrape visible.

The coming storm is not yet visible.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A glance is spared for the flash of lightning the sound of a car horn. But the his head tilts back to her and he gives a nod to her, "Take it easy, there's an emergency care place just around the corner for the school. 24-hour clinic." As he says this she'll feel him catch as he can, trying to support her legs and her back and to lift her up...
    Curiously easy strangely enough, not even a grunt of exertion as he tries to brace her and hold her carefully. A small frown marks his features as he murmurs, "Looks like you have a bit of a scratch. C'mon." And unless she protests he'll start to carry her in the direction of the clinic.
    But not before he tells her, "My name is Alexander, by the way." A glance at her and she might notice his hazel eyes, a curious blend of blue and green in the depths of those irises.

Felicity Felix has posed:
"That's really not--oh." Picked up, just like that, Felicity relaxes for just a moment in the cradling of arms. Grinning shyly as she's carried along, looking as if she feels both very silly and *really* enjoying the ride, she offers, "Felicity. Felicity Felix." She can't repress a smile for long, and she adds, "Sorry about this. I think I turned my ankle."

But then the park lights go out. A nearby building's lights follow suit, and fear awakens in her like a pilot light being stoked to life. "Ummm, you know, I can probably just hobble my way over there on my own." Birds suddenly scatter into the night from a nearby elm tree, and the girl's internal fear blossoms. The smell of ozone starts to rise in the air, and strands of her hair are floating from static electricity.

If gradients of fear can be felt, she is not afraid for herself.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Hnh," Is said quick enough, more a grunt than anything else. Strange. But then again stranger things have happened. He quickly carries her the few strides need to get off the street and into the alcove of a nearby building, shelter at the least but still holding her for the now.
    "Maybe we wait here til the storm passes," Though no sign of rain, not yet at least. He does frown, "Ah crap, forgot my phone." Bad luck that. He holds there, and then asks. "So Fel Fel?" He asks off-handedly, then comments, "Cute."

Felicity Felix has posed:
She blinks at him, her expression blank and confused for a moment. "Pardon...? OH!" She looks shocked, thinks about it, and then laughs. "Well, I guess so..." Her tone turns teasing as she flashes him a sly, amused expression, "No one has ever--"

Then, the tree they were under seconds ago explodes.

Thunder shakes the ground as an enormous column of sun-bright lightning almost completely envelops the tree, and Felicity shrieks as she turns her head away, burying it against his chest as wood splinters go flying. Fat drops of rain start to pelt the pavement just outside the alcove, and the storm crawls over the city like a hunting monster, lightning lashing out at distant buildings.

Her heart is hammering. She is very afraid of something, and she wiggles a little closer to him.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A small chuff of an exhalation is given, and he observes that explosion, there's no hint of fear to him... no hint of a rush of heartbeat as she cuddles close. Just the steady thump of his heart slow and in his chest. But he holds her close, arms supporting her easily enough though now with the fall of the rain around them the storm begins to let loose, unleashing its anger freely even as now...
    He imagines his phone being pelted and blasted back off on that parkbench where he was seated. A breath is taken, a sigh exhaled, but no need to cry over what one cannot do a thing about.
    He tilts his head toward her, and curiously he might smell a touch like the storm, a hint of ozone as well as the subtle musk of exertion and sweat. He smiles a little and murmurs to her, "S'ok."
    A pause as he ruffles her hair a little and tells her, "I'm reasonably certain I know how I'm going to die. And it's not being struck by lightning."
    Yet he does not seem to be bothered to hold her, and to look at him, wearing those oversized clothes people likely wouldn't notice. But there in his arms with him holding her gently, she can feel the strength there, the definition of his chest against her shoulder and her brow. A strong youth, for sure, but for some reason... utterly unafraid.

Felicity Felix has posed:
The girl called Felicity Felix smells like strawberry perfume, mint hand lotion, fate, and doom. Held closely, it's obvious now to someone who can recognize the scent. She *smells* like disaster.

Her fear ebbs a bit, however, when her hair is messed with, and she looks up at him with fake indignation, unable to hide a little smile, "Excuse you, do you mind?" But the levity only lasts a moment when he mentions knowing how he will die and she quickly turns her dark, sapphire blue eyes away from his. "I... Just don't say what you think it will be, okay?"

Her figure is as soft and curvy as her jogging outfit makes it seem. She is fit, but not very strong, and even if she gives off a *wrong* supernatural vibe, she isn't non-human in any way that's obvious.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "This..." Alexander just stands there, seemingly with no sign of growing weary, as he looks to the rainstorm. "Is something that happens often around you?" He tilts his head toward her, eying her with the quirk of one brow, but then looking back toward the rain and the occasional flash of lightning. His lips twist a little as he takes a deep breath, and just enjoys the storm for now.
    The way that small flicker of fear wavers in her, seems to grow when she seems the most concerned, and then wavers at times when he seems to endure. It's interesting to him, though he offers her no insight about it. Instead he murmurs, "Hm. Are you related to the Fates maybe?"
    A pause, then he adds. "Or did you do something to piss them off in your lifetime?"

Felicity Felix has posed:
"The *what*?" One last barrage of lightning rakes across the skies, metal shrieks somewhere nearby, and then there is a heavy, crashing clang of bronze on stone. Somewhere out of sight, the statue of a college donor has toppled over, burying its head into the concrete circle surroundng the monument.

Thunder rumbles grumpily as the storm plods away, dissipating into clouds and stars almost as suddenly as it manifested. The rain goes from torrential to gone in seconds. Felicity shakes her head firmly, sending her stretched purple sports bra rocking a bit. "Not anymore than it happens to anyone else..."

She shrugs, looking a little dejected. Her gaze is fixed on his arm. "It just...happens to everyone." She looks away further, her voice quiet. "...Right?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "C'mon." Alexander pushes off from the wall and starts to carry her toward the clinic with light and easy footsteps, his sneaker whisking on the wet pavement while he walks. "Let's get you to that clinic, and maybe..." He tilts his head to peer at her, "I can get your number and you can talk to an acquaintance of mine who deals with... strangeness."
    With that said he'll start to walk along, forgetting unfortunately that he had plans for that evening... ah well.