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Latest revision as of 04:21, 29 May 2020

It's always a quick job!
Date of Scene: 29 May 2020
Location: Reed's Labs - Four Freedom Plaza
Synopsis: Reed wants a good study of Domino, and the merc is more than a little hesitant.
Cast of Characters: Reed Richards, Neena Thurman

Reed Richards has posed:
The contact came through Domino's normal hiring channels, it was rather..unclear but the hiring party was listed as Reed Richards and it said the entire job wouldn't take more the 24 Hours. The price to just meet with him, in his lab? A flat $1K cash, just to hear his pitch.

Neena Thurman has posed:
How could a merc say no? If it was out for 'public' consumption, Domino would have pulled the trigger, several times, just to get this one!

Sauntering in like she owns the place, or at least looking like whomever held the keys to the lab outside was under the gun to let her in, Domino pauses at one of the lab tables, leaning her hip on it. A smile creases her face, and she tilts her head, "Doctor Richards, I presume?" Beat. "Always wanted to say that."

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards looks up from his microscope, the front desk having been warned of your arrival and told to give you every courtesy upon entrance, she should have had no need to use any force or intimidation to get in, which wouldn't stop her from still doing so if she wanted. "Miss Thurman yes, I believe you prefer...Domino?" He nods "I understand you had some.. rather unpleasant things done to you when you were younger, I would like to extend my apologies on behalf of the entire scientific community."

Neena Thurman has posed:
Brows rise at the response, and the little hairs on the back of her neck start to rise in defense. Shifting her position, for anyone else, it might have been to clear a hand for her pistol, but for her? It really doesn't matter what position she's in. Her guns are a natural extension.

Or she's just extremely lucky.

"Domino. The name's Domino," is given evenly, the smile fading. "And, I'll be getting that apology from others." Though, "Or is that what this is about? You have information, doc?"

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards 's hand whips out and grabs a flask of acid off the shelf 10 meters to the left of him, he tosses it like he was throwing a fast ball at Domino's head, using the rubberband effect of his powers to add a little extra english to the toss. No words, no warning.

Neena Thurman has posed:
How Domino does it is anyone's guess. A little tell here, a twitch there? More likely, a shift in the 'force', as it were, that determines that Domino could very well be in trouble, and the merc springs into action at very nearly the same time as Reed takes hold of the acid and flings it at her.

Up onto a lab table, courtesy of a jumped backflip and she's making a grab for it. (It wouldn't be good to shoot it..)

Immediately after grabbing it, Domino crouches on the table, and somehow the gun is out and leisurely pointed at the scientist. Brows are up, and there's a black-lipped smirk playing on her face.

"Good enough?"

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards nods, "Yes, quite." He doesn't blink at the gun pointed at him, just pulls his arm back in. He turns, ignoring the gun and pulls a briefcase out from under his table. He opens it and places a bundle of ten 100 dollar bills on the table. He follows it up with 5 more in a second pile, and 5 more in a third. "The first is for showing up today. The second will be for allowing me to take some scans of the...probability field around you, the third would be in exchange for a vial of your blood."

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino jumps down off the table and sets the acid aside, gently, her eyes trained on the good doctor. The pistol isn't reholstered, though to think about it, fat lot of good it'd do her. But, as an extension of her?

It does the world for her.


Domino puts the pistol back in its holster, and saunters towards the cash, reaching out to take the pile for 'showing up'.

"This is mine."

Her eyes never leave the scientist's now, and it's a level stare. "I'm a mutant, doc." It's stated matter of factly. "Born in a petri dish. You want that info, you'll have to go to Florida for those files." Though the chances are better than even that there's NO mention of a luck field.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards nods, "I have run into someone with a ...possibly...similair power to yours..." He sighs, "Only they aren't as lucky as you are...more the opposite. I am doing what I can to understand thier ... affliction. And see if there is a way they can control it. I thought some readings off your own power might help. If your not willing that is fine. "

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino takes the pile and stashes it in a pocket before backing up, her gaze never dropping. She gets to what might be considered for her a good distance, and she leans on one of those lab tables again. "Sorry t'hear it," is offered somewhat sarcastically. "Is it their own issue, or..."

Pale blue eyes narrow, one against albino white and the other deep in that black spot around her eye. "Did they come t'you for help?" Looking around the lab, she glances left and right; no one else seems to be about.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards nods slowly, "It's still early days, they are surrounded by what I am theorizing to be a entropic probability field, I have not yet deterimined if it is magical, technological, mutagenic, or of other origin yet. That is why we are doing tests." He sighs, "I will let you know that if you were to allow the scan it would be non invasive and only used for research purposes to help this person, not for any other type of militaristic or weaponization purposes."

Neena Thurman has posed:
"Other origin," Domino repeats. "Alien. Go ahead, doc. You can say that too."

The merc folds her arms against her chest, and her eyes re-narrow as she studies the doc before her. "Can you guarantee that it wouldn't get hacked in to, by, say, SHIELD?" It doesn't sound like a condition for consideration, just an out and out question.

"I don't want a cure for this, doc. I don't even want you finding out how to control something like this." She shakes her black mopped head.

Straightening up and looking like she's going to head for the door, Domino adds, "That's not in my best interest. I'd want to know I could trust you first. Little dinner, little dancing.. though money is always nice too." Which, he'd offered. "But I sure as hell don't trust anyone out there."

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards says, "I would suggest in the future then, if you are concerned with people taking passive scans of your probability aura, you not walk into a mas scientist lair quite so directly. Even the lower end 3 o 4 PHD types can set up automatic scanners throughout the building that can take pictures and readings without you noticing, though they would need to have a bit of an moral dilema, taking such scans without informed consent would be highly unethical. So not really my vibe." He shrugs and turns back to his lab work, "I could for the record promise to keep all data on non networked servers that would require any such shield agents to be physically at my facility, but no I can not garuntee such information would never be able to be aquired by others, only that I would do my best, and let you know if I did find any type of security breech occured.""

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino pauses in her departure, only to turn around slowly, pivoting on the balls of her feet. "Best I can do is say 'I'll think about it'." Which is better than 'no', better than her taking a pot-shot (even though she knows it wouldn't do anything).

Grabbing a piece of scrap of.. something, the merc scribbles a number and pushes it forward. The pen is stowed with a touch of flair. "That's my cell. 24 hours, I'll expect your call."

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards reaches across the room, all the way to where she is by the door, extending his arm withut moving his feet and takes it out of her hand, "24 hours, I'll give you a call" He pauses "HERBIE set alarm for 23 hours 57 minutes" there is a small beep in acknowledgement over the intercom.