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Have You Seen a Rabbit
Date of Scene: 30 May 2020
Location: Central Plaza - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Roy is slipping back onto campus when he notices Zachary searching for a missing companion in the planters in the courtyard.
Cast of Characters: Roy Harper, Zachary Zatara

Roy Harper has posed:
The semester is over and it's summer break for the students of Happy Harbor, but that doesn't mean that the school is deserted or that there aren't summer classes and activities going on. There are still students who stay at the school even between semesters. Roy happens to be one of those students. And he happens to be making his way back toward the dorm fairly late at night, later than he probably should be out wandering the city. He has a bow slung over his back and a quiver of arrows, as well as a duffle slung over his shoulder as he tries to unobtrusively stroll back through the courtyard and into the dorm.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    Some students don't live here or participate in any of the school's little clubs but still manage to show up for one reason or another. For the sake of erudition, in Zachary's case, it would seem. He steps out of the library into the cool summer night's air, with a small sigh and an uncomfortable roll of his shoulders. He's wearing a black tank top decorated with colorful music notes, joggers, and a pair of sneakers. There's some bandaging over his bicep, hence the discomfort.

    It's late. He should really start heading home. Just needs to find that rabbit, first.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy slows when he sees someone coming out of the library, glancing over his shoulder to perhaps check and see if it's a teacher, but when he sees that it isn't, he also doesn't recognize who it is, and that causes him to pause and study Zachary for a moment or two. He has on a pair of jeans and a red chucks with a dark red t-shirt on. He shifts his bow on his shoulder and ceases his movement toward the dorms to instead watch the other guy and try to figure out what he's doing in the library late at night.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    The bandaging looks fresh, and Zach carries a hoodie over his shoulder. "Yo, Bunny! Time to head home," He makes a few kissy noises to lure her away from whatever courtyard garden she's vandalizing. "Girl, we cannot keep coming home this late. Where di-" And crouched over a bush, half-way on his knees, is how Zachary spots Roy. A more modest teenager might be embarrassed, but Zach plays it off well enough, brushing his hair back and offering Roy a broad grin.

    "Yo. Don't mind me, just a kid looking for his rabbit." More kissy noises.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy's attention shifts to the bandaging when Zachary gets closer, studying it for a moment, and then a flicker of a grin slips over his features when he hears him calling out to a rabbit. One brow ticks up when Zachary looks up and notices him, and then he chuckles, "You want some help looking? It's pretty dark." He shifts his bow on his shoulder and glances around the planters nearby, trying to catch sight of some motion or a fuzzy tail hiding beneath one of the shrubberies. "She like to run off on you often?" he asks, referring to the rabbit.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    "When I'm not paying attention to her," Zachary explains, grumbling good-naturedly. "I didn't expect to be here long, but I know she hears me." He can't quite explain her sapience, not without sounding like a crazy person. "Sure, two eyes are better than one. Or well, four are better one. Two. You know what I mean." Zachary stands, brushing his pants, and turning to walk towards the other end of the courtyard.

    "So what were you up to, this late?"

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy can't help but laugh a little at the complexities of eyeball math, but he seems to get the gist and glances over into the bushes, wandering around from one planter to the other calling out quietly, "Here you wascally wabbit. Pretty sure they're not growing carrots in there. Maybe if you come out your boy here will give you some." He's not above bribing another man's pet with carrots he has no aim to provide. He shrugs his shoulders when Zachary asks what he was doing and nods toward the dorm, "Heading back to my room. You? You don't live here." After as many month's as he's been living in the dorm, he knows most of the other students by sight if not by name.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"I don't. I was just using the library and computer lab for some research. Lost track of time and someone got bored," Zachary says that last bit a louder, his clear voice echoing in the empty plaza, just so his pet/stage assistant can hear his displeasure. It doesn't work. "Really, she could be anywhere." There's a sigh but also a genuine little smile at Roy's attempts to entice Bunny. He asks, "Do many kids live on campus?"

Roy Harper has posed:
"Ah," Roy says on the topic of the lab and research, seeming to find that a reasonable enough reason to be poking around a library this late. "What kind of research?" he asks idly as he moves on to another planter, crouching down to peer in under the bushes. A small bird startles and flutters out, relocating to the branches of a nearby tree, but no rabbit appears. "Yeah, there's quite a few of us actually." He nods toward the dorms. "It's kind of a hike for some people if they don't live close."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    "Shit about this obscure organization I ran into earlier this week," Zachary, without thinking, reaches up and rubs his knuckles over the bandages on his left arm. "I have a pretty big library back home, but it doesn't have the sort of information I'm looking for...not that there was much here either." He frowns momentarily, before shrugging, and lowering the hand. "Oh, that's cool. Where ya from?"

    Roy's search bears fruit in the form of a small white rabbit hopping out from behind the tree, ears perked. She looks at Roy curiously.

Roy Harper has posed:
"Yeah?" Roy asks with a bit of curiosity. It's not that he has any idea what Zach is talking about, but he seems interested, none the less, even as the search comes to a close and he finds a small white rabbit. "Hey bun bun. How's it going? Time for you to go home." He then says to Zachary, "Found her." Then he says, "Starling City. But I'm up here in the dorms until I graduate, basically."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    "Oh hey, you did find her." Zachary pushes himself off the ground and closes the distance, reaching out to gather the tiny mammal into his arms. She tries to turn tail at the last second, but alas, these human legs move faster than her bunny hops. "It's sort of a long story," The sorcerer says, about his research, waving a hand dismissively and looking back at Bunny, stroking her fur. He murmurs, "Sorry for losing track of you. We're headed home."

    Looking up, "Sterling City? Never been. Thank you for your help," He smiles graciously. "Name's Zatara. Zachary Zatara, actually." He does bear a certain resemblance to a fishnet-clad magician.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy takes a step back so that Zachary can swoop in and nab the wayward rabbit, sliding his hands into his pockets as he stands off to one side. He gives a little grin as the bunny is reclaimed and apologized to. He doesn't push Zachary about his research, taking his word for it that it's a long story and leaving it at that. Instead, he says, "It's just off the hyperloop if you decide you're bored enough to go." He then gives him a dip of his head in a nod, "Surething. Roy Harper. Junior. Well, I guess.. Senior in the fall when classes start up." He pauses then and asks, "Like Zatanna?"

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Sans the bodysuit, yes, like Zatanna. She's my cousin," His brows furrow, and he briefly wears the expression of someone commonly associated with a more famous relative. His features smooth over after a breath, and he reaches into his pocket, producing a business card and handing it to Roy. "I do my own stuff too if you're into that sort of thing." On the card are his social media handles (Twitter, Instagram, you name it), his youtube channel, and a logo, which is white rabbit peeking out of a top hat. The bunny might not seem so odd, now.

Roy Harper has posed:
"Thought the name sounded familiar," Roy says, though, not seeming to be about to ask him about her. He reaches out to take the business card as it's produced and he flips it over in his fingers, glancing at both sides and reading it with a grin. "Hey, cool. I'll have to check it out." He then grins as he glances from the card to the rabbit and says, "So, a working rabbit, eh? Faithful assistant? Pretty cool." He turns his attention back to Zachary then and asks, "So do you go to the school at all or just kind of duck in to use the library?"

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"It's Italian, I think," Zachary offers with a bit of a shrug. "Awesome. I post a lot of tutorials, some performances, and vlogs. And yeah, Bunny works very hard to keep our fans entertained." There's a knowing smirk. In his videoes, Bunny is -usually- an adult woman, so Roy's in for a little surprise. He cants his head curiously, "Nah, I go here. I'll be a junior next year."

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy Harper nods at the explanation of the name, "Cool. I will definitely give them a watch, the." He then says, "I .. don't have anything like that. I don't really record anything I do." He grins a little crookedly. "But maybe next time I enter an archery competition or do some tricks, maybe I will." Probably not. But then he says, "Hey cool. Then I guess maybe I will see you around." He glances back toward the dorm and says, "I should probably get back in there. It's late. But it was nice meeting you." He gives Zachary his room number. "Ever need help locating lost animals again, let me know. I don't mind helping out." And with that he starts to walk backward a few steps in the direction of the dorms.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    "You totally should, everyone loves an archer," Zachary gives an encouraging grin and waggles his fingers in a light wave, as Roy moves to leave. "Nice meeting ya, Harper." Right when he turns around, the young magician and his flighty pet vanish, as if by magic.