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Latest revision as of 15:05, 9 June 2020

Date of Scene: 04 June 2020
Location: Club Highline
Synopsis: Alexander and Blink and Kitty go to see a band in Upstate and learn more about each other.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Alexander Aaron, Kitty Pryde

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
It's not often that Clarice decides to go upstate. She normally needs a damn good reason for it. And the 'Gen Paradigm' is that damn good reason. A alternative-rock band sporting a few mutant members which she had been following since they formed little over a year ago. They clearly don't have either the quality or are as known as other more known stars, like Dazzler. But she likes 'em enough.

She hadn't really been to this club before, but considering the band that was coming to play she was hoping it would be mutant friendly. And for a change she did nothing to hide her own mutant marks, purple hair loose, elven ears in sight. Nothing to hide those unnatural green eyes. So she looked very much as she was. As for garb she was wearing a sleeveless black and white top with the words 'Can you see me?', along with dark jeans and black boots. Just nice and comfortable.

Close enough to arriving, and because she really doesn't consider how long it takes for others to get to places (since she goes everywhere near instantly), she sends a message to Alexander.

> Party tonight at Club Highline. Meet there?

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As he had lounged at home and sprawled at home in his apartment, legs up on the arm of his couch and a book in his lap, the phone buzzed softly and he pulled it from his pocket tilting his head to the side as he read the message. At first his smile blossomed, then he tilted his head to the side. Highline. Hm.

> Hey. Sure. Gimmee...
> An hour to get showered and out there?

    And as he sent those texts he rolled over and hopped off the couch, dashing into the bathroom and tossing the phone on the counter. The water turns on in the shower, cascading upon the glass doors as the temperature rises. He does the quick run back and forth to get his clothes ready and his gear, and eventually he hops in the shower and quickly washes all the dust of the day off of himself.
    And, of course, it's while he's in the shower that the buzz of the phone answers back with her reply...

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
One whole hour?! Clarice lets out a sigh, she wasn't really that far from the place now, wandering down one of the dark streets that leads to the entrance. But she pauses, because typing with two thumbs is always better. She quickly begins to scribble a response.

> Sure, I am close. So when you arrive let me know, if I don't fall asleep first.

And then she sends a selfie of her face yawning, arms stretching.

> You know how it is. Got to be home by midnight or I turn into a pumpkin.

But then she puts her phone into a pocket, continuing on towards the entrance. It takes her no more than ten minutes to arrive (as she hadn't been to Highline yet she couldn't just teleport in!). But then she looks over at the entrance, already hearing the loud sound from within, apparently the band wasn't up yet..

Though there was quite the line to go in. Hmmmm...

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When the blond youth finally got out and underway and off to the Highline, Clarice likely had plenty of time to solve the problem of entrance to the overpacked club. She had actually about fifty minutes, considering Alexander made a good bit of time running out of the shower, getting ready, then rushing down the street to hop into the Uber just as was needed. Traffic wasn't bad, and eventually...

    He showed up right along that alleyway that Blink had been eyeballing the entrance from, and he likely... went through the same process as she. For he stood there seeing the line, though now he could hear the steady oontz-oontz-oontz of music from inside. He took out his phone as he walked to get in line, sparing a smile to a young couple that called out to him and laughed as he wandered by.
    But after a minute, Clarice's phone would buzzzzz and she'd get an image of him giving a wave, and see that he was there. But what is more? He was wearing a white dress shirt and black leather pants, not his usual t-shirt ensemble. Madness!

> Hey, I'm here. Super bizzy. WRU?

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Ahah! Joke's on Alexander! Because Clarice doesn't go in riiiight away. She had sent a message to one of her friends at the X-mansion. It was about time that they actually did something that wasn't just brooding at the mansion about all that was going on with the mutant situation. So she had called on Kitty.

> I am already here. Where you at? I will show you what a -good- band looks like.

Eyes go to the entrance and she begins her infiltration into the place. Long years of training to be an assassin, an infiltrator to now be used on getting into clubs.... Her handlers would had been sad. Good thing the magistrates are gone. But she has made her way inside.

> Follow the purple trail.

Is the message she then sends to the two. And true enough if they get in and look around it's where they will find her, under an area which is mainly lit up by purple lights, she sitting down at one of the tables, fiddling around with her phone.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Across the room a conga line dances. A group of people, each with one hand on the hip of the person in front. Some have the second hand on the other hip, but most of them have a beverage of some sort.

The person leading the steps in front, a familiar teen with her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. Once the conga line gets near to Clarice's table, that girl detaches herself, waving everyone on to keep going as she moves over to set down her drink and lean forward, a hand on a chair back.

"Clarice! So glad you texted. It's been awhile," Kitty says warmly, and moving over to give the purple-haired mutant a quick hug if allowed. "So who's the band? I still haven't really caught back up on the music scene here," says the girl who was in the UK until about 3 months ago.

Kitty slides into a seat and glances around the place. "Huh. Think this was a dot com when I left," she says of the club.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It actually takes Alexander a good bit of time to get through the line, settled in there and just wandering along. Occasionally some people are turned away at the door and they make noises or grumble or one guy even shouts back over his shoulder toward the bouncer.
    "Go fuck yourself, buddy!"
    Which just causes the crowd to laugh and some people to applaud. Though really that sort of thing isn't exactly trodding new ground in New York. But once the young Olympian makes his way to the front of the line he gives an easy-going smile to the bouncer, a bit brawny tanned man with a chest as large as Alexander's father's.
    "Hey, I'm meeting a friend."
    "Sure you are, buddy." Though, to be fair, the bouncer hasn't turned him away yet.
    "Just, you know, would be sad if I couldn't get in. I'll owe you a favor?" And as he says that the wry-smiling young college student actually seems to get through to the bouncer who smirks.
    "Go on, kid, git."
    And with that Alexander wanders on through and into the interior. Music thumps low while Alex gets his phone out and taps a few words quickly then clicks send, and Clarice will receive it.

> Hey. I'z here. Also man already you're impugning my taste in music. Harsh. ;)

    That sent he tucks his phone away and starts to look around the place. Purple lights... he moves in that direction and likely in short order the two mutant girls will see him.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"I see you have already started the party without me." Blink arches both brows up at the other mutant girl. She is used to being the first one arriving! Next time she will do proper surveillance so she can teleport in! But right now she is getting up to her feet to offer Kitty a hug, welcoming her over to the table. "Yes, it has." she was an on and off face at the X-mansion now. Always blinking here and there, but mostly in Genosha or in Mutant town, delivering supplies or helping with the relief effort for the refugees. Yet when Lorna needed her she'd be hanging out with the Xs. All part of her duty.

But right now she was hoping to relax a bit. "And it's the Gen Paradigm of course!" in truth it was a rather unknown band even for people here. Very alternative. But some members were mutants so.., it had a bit of a following.. "Alternative-rock band. I like 'em. The lead singer is a mutant."

Her phone then buzzes, she glancing down at it. "I invited someone I met a small while back in Mutant Town. He seems fun enough, think you'll like him." she tells Kitty then looking across the grounds she spots Alexander, waving in his direction.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty takes a sip of her drink while Blink catches her up on the band. "Oh great, hope the crowd is receptive to him," she says, leaning her chair back on two legs slightly, leg hooked around a table leg to hold herself there in place.

"Oh yeah? Is he cute? Did I tag along on a date?" Kitty says, the good natured grin she has making it simple teasing. Kitty takes another sip and then sees the Asian girl waving across the room.

Kitty swivels in her seat to follow the direction of the wave. It's a crowded place so it's tough to tell who she's waving at. Unless of course he reacts. Though Kitty seems to spot something that catches her attention, the chair tipping back and forward and she sits up just a little straighter in her chair.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It's easy to pick Blink out of the crowd, and when she gives him a wave Alexander's smile brightens as he returns it. Course set, he starts to wend his way through the crowd, narrowly avoiding the conga line that brushes past, as well as avoiding a few hands reaching out to him as if to get him to join in. But his laugh is lost in the ambient sound of the room though his declining hand wave to the offer is clear to see.
    Rounding back it allows him to close the distance until he reaches that table and he says, "Hey, Clarice..."
    But then those curious hazel eyes light upon Kitty and widen, "Kitty!" And he'll without hesitation step toward her to give her a hug, sidearm and companionable as he laughs, "Heey." For a moment he meets her eyes and then touches a small smooch to her brow before slipping to the side. He pulls out one of the chairs at the table and then drops into it beside Clarice.
    "You guys know each other?" Probably stealing her question too, the dastard.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"A date? I just but met him." Clarice says, tsking at the teasing tone on the other girl.

All those conga line dancers with their grubby hands trying to get a piece of the blond one. But Clarice just lets out a laugh at that, shaking her head a bit to herself. "There you are..!" she says when Alexander gets close enough. And she was just about to gesture towards Kitty. Perhaps even to introduce them when apparently they have met one another. Alright, small world! But considering they met on Mutant Town...

"So you two have met. Good, hate making introductions." She folds her arms about her waist, finding her seat again. "And we do, for a while now. Mutant town is sort of a small world, you see?" she grinning between them.

"Have you both met for long?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty pops to her feet when she sees the hug coming, returning it just long enough to show fondness but letting go before it'll be more than a greeting. "Yes, we ran into each other in Bushwick. Alexander helped me out. Ah... carried something if I remember right," Kitty says with a nod of her head, giving Alexander a soft grin after her choice of wording.

"It's been a little while. Month or two?" Kitty says. "Haven't talked in a bit though. Really great seeing you again, Alexander," she tells him. "Yes, very small world. Yet I'd hate to have to paint it," Kitty quips.

She'll take a seat when the others do. "Clarice got us a good table," Kitty comments. "So what about you two, how did you meet?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Once he's settled next to her, Alexander turns to look at Clarice and smiles at her, a warm thing, affectionate as he murmurs again, perhaps a little lower, "Hey."
    But then he turns to look over at Kitty and crinkles his nose playfully, "Yeah we met... a few months ago, right." He gives a nod as he listens to Kitty then murmurs his own point of view. "She wandered by when these people were moving a piano and they dropped it and things went all crazy." The blond young man grins wryly. "Luckily it wasn't a huge deal, but you know. Did sort of start a conversation. And then we spent some time together." Though it might sound like there's a smidge more to the story than he's letting on.
    Then he glances back over at Clarice and offers, "Clarice and I met last week. On my way home there was a demonstration, and things got heated and she..." He motions to her, "Talked down this whole deal of angry people, and it was pretty impressive."
    He nods and then gets down to the important things as he presses his hands flat upon the tabletop. "But ok, so what are we drinking?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
The smile is returned, the purple-haired one grinning back at Alexander, "Hey. Like the look. Thought you'd be bringing another t-shirt today." her tone somewhat teasing while her eyes inspect the button shirt on Alexander. "Not bad..." but then they begin explaining how they met, her eyes going from one, then to the other. A piano.. It makes her lift both her brows. "Well, I have heard of crazier in mutant town." and even if there may be more to the story she just laughs softly. "And well, Kitty is a good friend, we don't see each other as much as we'd like. We both got our own different lives but ..." and she shrugs briefly. " ... there's always these moments."

The mention on how she and Alexander met makes Clarice's smile falter just so. "Things have been getting more heated at Bushwick. Protests." she shakes her head. "Almost like a powder keg ready to blow I feel. But yes, we are not here to focus too much on that right now. Drinks."

As for herself, seems like she was having a margarita. It's already half-done though. "Well, I was having a margarita. Can't drink too much or else I will be a disaster on the dance track." because yes, it's implied there will be dancing tonight!

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty listens to the explanation and gives a little understanding nod at hearing what Clarice defused in impressive fashion. "She's like that," Kitty agrees, grinning over towards the Asian girl. Kitty picks up her own drink, which looks like a soda. But then she's eighteen. And these are the States. Which sucks when putting that combination together in bar.

"Oh, you're fine. Beautiful girl like you it doesn't matter how you dance anyway. They'll eat it up," Kitty says with a small grin. She looks down at her glass. "Yes, Bushwick has been on edge. I thought it might get better as more time passed," she says, not really naming what happened to Genosha, but meaning it. "But really, the stress just seems to grow. Especially after... well anyway, especially lately," Kitty says. Stopping herself from bringing up too much that will put a spoiler on the night.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Thanks," Those hazel eyes flit down and he notes with a quirked eyebrow, "You look pretty nice yourself, Clarice." Though there is an instant when he bites his lower lip and then catches the light in her eyes for just a moment, returns it.
    "I'll have a ginger ale prolly," Alexander shifts on his chair and then sort of smiles sidelong as he murmurs, "Though, to be fair, totally going to steal some of your margarita." Not that it'll affect him, of course, but it's stil a fun excuse.
    But when the topic of dancing comes up he uncurls a hand, "Indeed, this dancing has been much spoken of, and I intend to get my swerve on. Yo." That last word takes a moment for him to murmur and he fails to do so with a straight face.
    But it's when Kitty seems to droop a little at that shift in topic that he leans forwards and gives her hand a small squeeze. "Hey, I think we all sorta, have had a lot of stuff weighing on our thoughts." He turns his chair a little so he can tilt his head toward Clarice, then back to Kitty as he speaks to them both. "It'll be nice to take some time off and enjoy each others' company. Though, we need to come up with a codeword in case we get like wrapped up in weirdness and we want to get outta here. Something that's not too common but feasible for us to say. Like, 'Hey Clarice. Did you try the 'pineapple' margarita?' Or something?"
    Since at times when Alexander has been out and about, a good safe word would have been nice to save a situation before it turned south.
    But then off in the distance one of the music technicians gives a wave toward Alexander, a wave that's returned as he grins happily. "Oh hey, Al is here. One sec, I'll be right back." And with that he gets up out of his chair and makes his way through the crowd, disappearing from view for the moment.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice isn't exactly the type that is too used on getting compliments. Call it a rough upbringing. Yea, let's call it that ... So she can't help but have her features darken just so at both what Kitty and Alexander say. But she grins it off, "Bah, flattering me won't be making me get you both drinks at the bar." a playful wink given afterwards. But yes, with this bring the states she knows the limitations. Ah well! "And I intend to see you up on stage too." this said to Kitty. Because Alexander it's already implied he will be there. It's what he was invited for afterall!

"And ..., sure. We could use a safe word for it." She does find it strange though. She had used them, but only in a context of her former life. "Is this something that happens to you much?" but then the man is getting up and walking off to meet Al the musician. She watches the young man, smiling faintly then her attention falls back on Kitty, she leaning over.

"Sooo, what really happened when you two met?" because gossip girls will gossip.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
A soft laugh is given at Alexander's setting up the safe phrase for them. "Alright, that works, so long as Clarice actually DIDN'T try the pineapple margarita," Kitty ventures, flashing that little grin over to the Asian.

Kitty leans back in her chair and watches Alexander dart off to go talk to his friend. She gives a little shake of her head and a smile then looks back to Clarice. "What? When we met? Oh. You know, it was nothing too major. Little altercation out there. After... these guys lost a piano they were moving up some stairs into a building and he got me out of the way of it. Didn't know about me yet," Kitty says with a small smile and shrug.

"And then he ordered some takeout and we ate and... he's cool. Haven't really talked to him much since. I think it's great you two met up," Kitty says with a grin for Clarice.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Nooope." Clarice says about the pineapple margarita thing. But she is grinning nonetheless. As Kitty shares more about what went on she ahhs her understanding. "So he knows about you now?" a nod, as if clarifying that her powers aren't really a secret to the young man anymore.

She then rests an elbow on the table, her chin settling on the palm of her hand, eyes remaining on Kitty. "And yes, he seems like a good guy. Was a bit surprised that you two knew each other." but then her gaze seems to shift, warming a little for her friend. "But enough of guys right now. What about you?"

Her smile deepens somewhat. "How are -you- dealing with all that has been going on?" For her it was all about blinking away from the problems, not facing them directly just yet but .., at least she it seems as she has done some progress when she mentions. "I went to talk with Charles a couple of days ago.."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It's around that point, as Kitty and Clarice start to talk a bit about shop. Or, at the least, about Xavier's that Alexander wends his way back over. It's across the dance floor that he strolls in part, weaving his way between people and turning his hips sideways to /sneak/ between a gyrating couple as he grins an apology to them. Lifting his hands he makes a quick shake of his moneymaker as he steps past two college-aged gals and grins at them even as he strolls past...
    Only for him to take his seat back at the table, sliding into his chair and causing it to /wobble/ one way and then right itself as he laughs a bit. "Hey."
    But at that point, Kitty's made herself scarce apparently having rushed off to respond to a text on her phone, leaving the blond youth alone with Clarice. Well... alone in the sea of humanity.
    "Did you guys say all the mean things while I was gone?" He asks her as he smiles, "Commented on my pants and how they're so nineties?" Which, to be fair, they kinda are. Retro!

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Yes, we are part of the mean girls club. I am sure you are aware by now." Clarice states, still with her elbows on the table but now using both hands to keep her chin up. She has been watching the dance track. And by now the band she is here to watch has come up stage and start going through their first songs. They seem fine enough. And danceable too! That's important here.

But eventually her eyes do turn back up to Alexander, "Very leathery." she letting out a brief laugh. "90s is your thing, is it?" she questions, both her brows arching up.

"But mostly catching up, I haven't talked with her in a bit too. It was good.." then she looking to where Kitty disappeared to. "Hopefully she will be back later on."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Nah," Alexander's response is lightly given as he settles in beside her, reaching for Kitty's abandoned drink and without even a hint of remorse he totally steals it and takes a sip. But then he tilts his head back to her and smiles, "I got them because my first girlfriend said she liked how my butt looked in them."
    His smile broadens as he looks away then says, "So like, that shows how highly I think of you. I got the cute butt pants out just for you." He nods slowly, solemnly, "You should be grateful." He tries to deliver that line with a stoicism, and for a time he gets away with it, but then his features crack into a grin.
    "Kitty is pretty great." He does look off in the direction where Blink looks as if trying to spot her as well, but then looks back to her. "We did sort of spend a bit of time together, but I'm... not sure I'm her type. Like long term mebbe." He offers that admission, and perhaps gives her some hit of insight as best he can.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Well, that's forward enough." Though if Clarice is talking of the girlfriend or of Alexander she doesn't clarify! Instead she just smirks back at him. "At least you got confidence." but then she laughs at the term 'cute butt pants'. She shakes her head with a brief tsk. "So grateful. But I have yet to get a good look." she informs Alexander, smirk growing, she leaning back on her chair to pick on her own drink, taking on a brief sip.

"Don't think it's an easy thing for anyone to do. Committing to the long term." Her shoulders rising in a shrug. "Is that something you want?" she inquires.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Maybe when we go bust a move." Again that smirk as Alexander leans close to talk to her, needing to with the amount of music and the sounds of the club all around them. But for a few moments he watches and grooves along with the music, just his head bobbing in time as he lightly taps a fingertip on the edge of the table.
    Then he cocks his head as he looks at her when she asks that last question. And for some reason she can see a subtle cloud flicker over his features as he bites his lower lip. His smile turns a little sad though he maintains it as he looks away, then back.
    "Man, heavy topic, and quick."
    But he doesn't admonish her for it, instead sort of slows the bobbing of his head to give it thought and let his mind wander as he gathers the right words. So when he looks back to her he sort of grins, "This is going to sound shitty," He prefaces things. "But I think... I might not be wired that way. In some way?"
    He then turns to face her and leans close to hear and talk to her, so that they're not shouting all of this back and forth across the club. His hazel eyes meet hers and he says with a small smile, "I mean, of course everyone sort of wants a partner in crime. Someone to like be with them and all. And I tried it once, but it sort of... sucked because of me. I was doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing. But... I just don't know if I'm able to be a good partner. You know?"
    Without insight into the youth it might be hard to get an understanding of the whys behind his words, but if she's a judge of character she might well realize he at the least thinks he's speaking the truth.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Fine enough, lets wait for the busta move times then." Clarice takes her time, finishing up her drink and setting it back on the table, eyes again drawn up to where the band is playing, her smile growing somewhat. Yes, she most likely is one of those fangirls. Got to be a fangirl to at least -something- in life. But her head is also bobbing to the sound. Yet at the mention of 'heavy topic' her attention goes back to the young man. She arches a brow, as if the intention of the question hadn't been to be -that- serious.

But she listens. In silence too, taking in the expressions and the way he talks. "Mmmm.." she says at first. Which truly isn't that revealing of what she thinks about that.

Yet eventually she does elaborate, "In a way, yea.. Sometimes relationships work, others not. Doesn't mean the fault is just on ourselves you know? You don't really seem that old to be exactly giving up yet though. Or am I mistaken about your age? You said you were just getting into college, right?" because she remembers their earlier talk!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    She can tell there's some hesitation there, but there's almost like... an obligation towards the truth that might be inferred with how he seems to weigh her words and to gauge them, pondering them as he remains there in his chair with the vibrance of the club all around them. So many people dancing, such wonderful music, and seems like a bad place to have this kind of talk.
    But then he gestures to her, "Yeah, started this semester. Summer, yay." As if it wasn't entirely his decision but he shifts in his chair and pulls his leg up into his lap, holding his shin with both hands and then looking toward her.
    "So here's the thing."
    That never bodes well.
    "When I was a sprog, just... this tall." He holds a hand out to the side, perhaps four feet off the ground a little more. "I contracted a condition that left me with." His eyes lift as he tries to explain this without totally sounding like a weirdo.
    He fails.
    "With a mental issue. Brain damage." And /of course/ that's the moment when the band stops playing and he ends up shouting those last two words louder than the others. Loud enough that people all around sort of look over at them and him as he lifts a hand to give a small wave to those around them, smiling, shrugging...
    But then looking back to her. "So it left me with the inability to feel fear. And that can make things difficult for people around you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Yes, you told me you had started this semester." Blink also remembered that part. Yay! But then he goes with 'so here's the thing'. Yes, that never bodes well. It makes her own expression get a bit doubtful. Was this the time the nice young man confessed to being a weirdo? She had met her share..., but considering how she looked, well, many would consider her to be weirdo herself. Yet at the pause for brain damage she glances about.

"Brain damage.." she echoes, but this time the band has gone back to playing. People's attention are back on it. "So you are telling me you believe you can't feel fear." Well, sure, there are conditions. But Blink isn't a doctor.. "Can't even begin to fathom how good and how bad that can be."

She eyes the young man more attentively now. But no, he really didn't seem to be a mutant.

"If you don't fear loss I suppose it makes it hard to appreciate what you got, mmm?" at least that much she figures out.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The music picks up with the tune a little mellow to start, guitar rising as it begins the song alone. But then the rest of the band joins in slowly as it starts to rise. Still enough where they can talk a bit with subdued voices. Around them people are drinking, laughing, some are paying full attention to the band which is mark of good music in a club like this. But for now Alexander seems content to talk as they can.
    "A little of both?" Good and bad, his smile widens just curving up one side a little sardonic. "Makes it hard to relate about some things. But... never afraid to try new food?" His lip twists as he takes another drink of Kitty's purloined soda.
    "Just you know, I'm weird." He gives a small shrug and crinkles his nose, then looks away toward the band to listen for a bit, head bobbing in time with the rhythm.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"We are all weird in our own way, so don't worry about that.." says Mutate #083! Or Clarice after she was taken out of that program. But nah, she is really just a normal mutant girl with purple hair and elven ears. Nothing more to see here. Though her eyes stray over to the playing band for a few moments, "You don't seem too afraid to try out new bands either." she states with a grin. "Though you did seem a touch scared of trying again after your bad experience with that last girlfriend. Or was it resignation?" some curiosity there on her tone.

Eyes then squint and she reaches over to Kitty's soda. "No more drinking off my friend's soda. She should be back eventually." grabby hands take on the glass to bring it over to her side.

"Any more weird stuff I should know about or that's it?" She asks with a laugh.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Hey, music is music." Alexander offers in way of reply as he tilts his head sidelong toward her and then makes a little small face of protest at the stealing of his stolen soda. But for now he harumphs, though the sound of it is likely lost with the music. He turns his chair a little and eyeballs her sidelong. "Not scared, I think more like..."
    His features twist as he makes a face and settles on the easiest explanation, and the simplest as he tells her simply, "I just don't like to hurt people that I like. You know?"
    That having been said she asks her final question and Alex's eyes widen with appreciation as if she just opened up a whole can of conversational whupass as he shakes his had. "Actually like tons. Like don't even get me started on my father."
    The Olympian youth isn't exactly lying, but then again he's not being entirely... forthcoming. "He's a prepper for one thing, works in construction, loves guns. Well pretty much any weapon. And then there's my family. And... man."
    His eyes distance as he ponders, "I totally wouldn't date me. Super weird." His head bobs as he looks sidelong over at Blink and flashes that roguish grin.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Good. That much we got in common." Clarice replies when Alexander mentions not enjoying hurting people they like. Yes, she could relate that. She could be a softie to those she cared about, even if her work for the brotherhood wasn't all nice and clean. There were many enemies to Genosha. And now more than ever.

"You know I am not much for reading, in fact I even surprised a friend recently for having picked up on reading again but..., there's a good quote that I normally like to apply." she then grinning faintly. "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it's happened. It's a good one. Experiences shouldn't be avoided."

But then the man starts on about their father, "Yes, you had told me he worked in construction. Union?" she shrugs. Maybe the details weren't that important. "So you got a weird family, that is not, uh..., that weird?" she smirks. Yet at those last words she questions. "And do you consider yourself a good judge of character?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Leaning to the side upon the table, Alexander was listening but when she offers that saying in the middle, about smiling rather than crying his head bobs a little as those curious eyes brighten. "Yeah... that's it exactly really." He tilts his head to the side, "Remembering what happened with warmth,"
    His eyebrows climb a little, but then she offers her last question about himself and being able to perceive people well. "I like to think so? But, I like to think I have my good qualities too." He grins and pushes his chair back, extends a hand to her as he says, "Come dance with me?"
    And as he asks the music swells.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"I meant it as ..., if you are a good judge of character maybe you are right about not dating yourself. Or maybe not." Clarice starts to slide out of her chair but not without first drinking what was left of Kitty's drink. That rapscallion! But well, she is the type to buy new rounds for everyone so.... "We are the worse where it comes to judging ourselves."

And then she nods towards the dance track. "Lead the way. It's what we are here for afterall!" and then she slides over the table with a nimbleness that is quite remarkable. Elven indeed! Yet it's not unheard of for these kind of minor mutations, enhanced reflexes. Normal enough. If one considers mutations a normal thing these days, that is.

A look towards the dance track shows it's packed now, lots of bodies, all moving to the sound, almost like a visible, palpable force moving to the sway. She grins, perhaps remembering her own times back in Genosha and then starts wandering towards the track.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Yeah," Alexander says as he walks with her toward the steady thumping music, the large speakers visibly thundering as they get closer and closer, becoming harder and harder for them to talk until when they're near all of the dancers he has to shout, "I dunno to be fair I'd probably still date myself." His grin twists wryly, "I mean have you seen these pants?"
    And with that he slips into the undulating surge of bodies, the press and thump and grind of the dance floor that makes way for him even as he extends a hand toward her to bring her into the fold and share that space with him, all the while the primal ebb and flow of movement between the crowd seems to inundate the entirety of heir surroundings.
    For Alexander he laughs, no one can hear it in the thunderous music, the rhythmic bouncing of noise washing over them. But she can see it on his face and in his eyes as he so easily blends and becomes one with the crowd. A good crowd, so many of the people have already lost any inhibitions they have, chemically-induced or simply by the charge of people and nearness. Some of the people hovering near the edges might still be holding back...
    But that pathway into the center of it all that Alexander takes and beckons for her to come with... that one is entirely lost to the music.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Unnatural green eyes turn down to take a good look at those pants and she lets out a laugh. "I have now. They look fine enough." but there's a twinkle of mischief in her eyes that shows she probably appreciates it. Though then they are moving past the throng of bodies, dodging and weaving past. She doesn't appear to have much of a problem with it, naturally acrobatic that one, sliding and moving away from both unwanted touches and moving bodies.

Not that she doesn't still note a look or two sent her way. A mutant out here? It's not exactly a very normal thing, even if the band has known mutant members. She doesn't react to those looks just yet though, instead continuing to move on to that center of the maelstrom where the heat appears to be.

Before they reach it she is already dancing though, moving to the rhythm, hips shakin', one arm up in the air. "Can you feel it?" whatever she is asking about! Maybe about that center of the dance track where people appear to loose themselves dancin'.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    To Alex when he spins around after slipping into the rhythm he meets her eyes and laughs, then nods in answer to her question, though likely he couldn't have actually /heard/ it, but he answers all the same even as he lifts his arms up and bites his lower lip as he starts moving with the music. Just quick steps timed with the oontz-oontz-oontz of the rhythm and dancing with her...
    Though she avoids touches, slips away from people trying to move with her, but the blond youth he seems to exult in it. Not pulling away from the occasional attempts of people to get his attention, to touch a hand to his shoulder, his side. Sometimes it's a woman, sometimes it's a man, but he dances with them easily enough all the same.
    But it's clear from the body language that he's there with her, his focus remains on matching the thumping and the flow of the music with her as his counterpart. For a moment he turns back to back with Clarice, a hand out to the side where their fingers might touch, then he turns back and moves with the flow.
    The vibe is strong, communal and positive and bright, as if they were all ultimately the part of the same family and were here just for this one night. Some might have some reluctance on the outskirts with Blink, for she has that strangeness to her. But in the heart of the dancing where people are lost to the sound, the chemicals racing through their blood, their companions so near... she's accepted. For one simple reason.
    That girl can dance.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
The looks seem to be forgotten when they reach the middle of the dance track, because indeed Clarice feels it, that shift, the feeling of community, of everyone here for the same purpose. Having fun and letting go. Maybe that's just what she needed for a little while tonight to take her mind out of what had been plaguing her, instead she getting in tune with the racing hearts, the tuned emotions flaring.

And damn right she can dance. She has always been one of those types that had a flair for it, even if that flair had been used for purposes somewhat more nefarious when she was a slave for the Magistrates. But now she put it all to work, the hip thrusts, spins, head tossed back and an open grin to her lips. Eyes close from time to time as she spins and moves and now that they are at the center she doesn't seem to mind dancing with other people, some touches here and there but nothing special. Just as it's supposed to be.

But indeed she is here dancing with Alexander so her focus appears to be on him, following those moves, grinning. "Nice footwork!" she shouts. Even if most likely it won't be heard. In a way she is happy she wasn't blessed with hyper senses.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There is a wild abandon to it all, just a complete inundation of sensations and noise and music, a sensory overload that seems to wash over the senses and creates a cocoon of reality all their own. Inhibitions are lost, cares left behind, there's no need to worry about the past or the future, there's just the now. Just the feeling of bodies in motion and straining and striving and spinning with the joy of the moment.
    She meets his eyes and yells something at him and he just laughingly shakes his head and touches a hand to his ear in a brief gesture, since there's no way he can hear her. But the sentiment is seen, and in his brilliant hazel eyes it's returned when he turns his head to the side as if giving her a look and this time bites his lower lip in an appraising and almost playful lustful way.
    But then he's turning around and dancing with her, back to back, their rears their shoulder-blades lightly touching, then he rounds back and dances with just her, as if it was just them there in a small world surrounded by others apart.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
The young mutant just laughs, her expression twisted into one of delight that hadn't been visible before. There was always a crease of a brow, or a line on her forehead or just the introspective eyes that showed there was some worry or another on her shoulders. Right now though none seems to exist, so she moves just as lightly, as if there wasn't a care to the world. Moving, spinning, in unison with Alexander.

But nothing lasts forever, that much she has learned already and so eventually the music starts coming to a stop. A change to another beat, the band preparing to get to the next song.

It's also a time where the dancers take a moment to breath, she stretching her arms up, sweat visible on her forehead and arms, giving her complexion a light sheen to it. "Ufff, that was fun."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There's a gleam of effort to Alexander's brow and his hair is just a bit more wild than the usual times she's seen him before, but his breathing is steady and his smile still open and warm. "'twas." He grins and streeetches to the side, grinning at the blaze of warmth that comes from after a good long time of exertion and roiling fun.
    A step brings him to her to smile as he rests his hands on her hips and lowers his head to meet her eyes, "That was very fun." He offers and then he'll lean in to touch a small brush of lips to her brow, just a small hint of affection and offering of thanks for the dance.
    "C'mon, step out on the veranda?" He steps back and as he asks he offers her his hand when he gestures to the back and side doors that open now and again as people head outside to smoke, to get away from the sound for a few moments, and occasionally to talk.
    Toward that door he walks and once there it's shouldered open and out onto the covered porch they move. Just a small side courtyard with a ten foot tall industrial fence surrounding the side stonework which is nothing more than cement blocks. People lounge around, chat, drink, smoke. Though it's the latter that's the most important part for most out there, but for now...
    Alexander just likes the feeling of the fresh air on his face even as he hops over and takes a seat on the surface of a cement picnic table, propping his black shoes on the seat below him.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
The offer to step out to the veranda seems to be welcome by Clarice. She could use a breather after the dancin' afterall, breathing hard now at the exertion, some of her hair plastered over the front of her face. She busies herself taking it out of her face and eyes, smiling faintly and returning the affection with a slight squeeze of her hand on the man's forearm. But then they are stepping out, good enough..

Clarice looks about at the people gathered to chat and drink, smiling but not really interacting with anyone out there, just taking her time to stretch her arms wide, up to her tiptoes, then onwards.

She doesn't sit, instead folding her arms together and leaning her hip against the side of that picnic table.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Grinning lop-sidedly as he sits on that picnic table, Alexander smiles sidelong at Clarice as they both wander out onto that courtyard. It's fairly quiet out there comparatively, the steady thump of the rhythm from the club still a palpable thing felt deep in the chest, but not as all encompassing as it was when they were inside dancing.
    Out here the night was bright, they were far enough away from the big city that the light pollution actually let them see some of the stars, though the blond youth only noticed them when he spraaawled on the table and laid down there to look on up to the sky.
    "So it's your turn." He says lightly, leaning to the side to bring those hazel eyes to meet hers, propping his head up with one hand as if he were just lounging in his bed and chatting with her.
    "Your turn to tell me all the things. Who you are, what you want to do with your life, where you see yourself in five years." His lip twitches a little at that last, knowing how much he /hates/ when people ask him that question.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"I thought you weren't yet going to job interviews." Clarice says about those last words. Where do you see yourself in five years?! Typical job interview question... It's not as if she has had been in many (read: any), but she has the interwebz. Though she is also grinning when she says those words, turning an eyebrow up at Alexander.

"And that's a good question, who I am... Right now I am just Clarice. As for what I want.." She taps a finger to her chin, "I lived in Genosha before..., it happened." one of the few that got away apparently. "So rebuilding is what I have been wanting to do with my life, not easy right now.."

A sad smile then comes up to her features, green eyes distant as she looks across to the other partygoers not too far away. "Suppose that's why they seem to respect me the way they do back at Mutant Town. At least some of them, those that still believe in what we are."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander's features darken a little as his brow beetles together. A sympathetic look is given as he sits up and leans forward, resting his hands on his legs and knitting his fingers together while he looks to her. "You were there?" When it happened.
    The young Olympian frowns and just looks at her, he doesn't press on that point, perhaps willing to take what she will say o it, since it's still likely raw and fresh only a handful of months ago. "Yeah, that makes sense." That the other mutants in the area respect her with the street cred she carries on her back.
    "Rebuilding is going to take a lot of effort. A lot of time." His eyes meet hers and his gaze flits between her green irises, as if trying to see what might be going on in her thoughts.
    "I don't know if I could do that. I'd... probably lose myself into the idea of revenge."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"I was there." Clarice says with a brief nod, thoughtful. But she appears to have gone through the mourning process already. Not one to stay moping for too long. "I was in a coma till not that long ago." she explains. "Hit by fallen debris. But been in recovery. Some of what went on is still a bit hazy though.." which isn't a lie! But it may also save her from talking about her relation to the royals and her duties to Magneto and Lorna.

Yet if anything she is of agreement. It will take a lot of time. "Yes, and what has been going on recently isn't helping, the rebirth of those against our people, that Stryker guy, then the news of our use of powers to fight against the aggressors." she lets out a sigh, still somewhat unsure about it all.

Though it's the mention of revenge that makes her re-focus her eyes and look at Alexander again fully. "I have been there. Not sure if I am still. Though a recent talk with a .., well, maybe not a friend, more of an advisor, or teacher, has shown me there may be other ways. Escalating violence will only lead to more death in both sides." but by her tone she doesn't appear to be fully convinced just yet.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I know, rationally..." Alexander sits back on top of that picnic table. He pulls his legs up from the seat below and crosses them, sitting like the thoughtful Buddha there on the table, watching her with those steady jade green and pale blue eyes. "That violence isn't always the answer. But I also know that... I'm not above it."
    He rests his hands upon his knees and frowns, looking down and away, then back to her. "I'd like to say I could put it all behind me or do what is best for mankind. But I sort of know that I'm probably wouldn't be able to." A deep breath is taken, "Unless someone is there that could convince me."
    He looks to the side thoughtfully, memories drifting past as he shakes his head. "My dad though, yeah he'd be all into the revenge thing."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
It takes Clarice some time to answer, perhaps going over her own thoughts, considering all her past experiences, and new ones. And while there is much she cannot just simply share just yet some recent talk does come to mind. "There will always be the need for people to stand up against evil. And that means violence. Afterall hatred is as long as time itself, isn't it?" her shoulders rising up in a shrug.

"But it also doesn't mean that we should hate them back. I suppose it's a very thin line but.." and Clarice not being the type to seat on benches she instead sits up on the table, one leg under her, the other dangling down and she looking at Alexander while they talk through the quiet of the night. ".. It's also one big difference. I have lost enough friends to hatred and violence, and some lose themselves to it and start answering back in ways that...." she trails off, shaking her head a touch.

"Doesn't sound like your father is much of a nice guy. Not that I remember much of mine. Do you care for your father?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Still outside that club, still hanging around with the music muffled by the walls and the closed door, the courtyard manages to have some measure of intimacy if only by the way the people around keep to themselves or their small conversational circles. A group of gothy teens are gathered smoking and chatting, across the way a small handful of youths are taking turn tasting something and making out and giggling. But there are a few other couples that are just talking quietly, like Clarice and Alexander.
    And for him she's the only one there, the only one he focuses upon as he listens to her words. "I don't know." He says... about standing up to evil. His brow furrows as he looks down and she can tell he has had thoughts about it, but then he looks up. "The evil that sort of... bothers me the most is the evil that is given a pass by society. That is just... I don't know, accepted. Or that people feel helpless to do anything about."
    When she sits down near him, since he's sitting on the table top as well, he looks askance at her and nods a little with some of what she's saying. But then she pushes on the topic of his father and his eyebrows lift as if she just asked a rather huge question.
    "I don't think anyone would call my dad nice. But yeah, I do care for him." He draws his lower lip between his teeth and frowns, then tilts his head to the side. "He just... has this very particular way of seeing things. And everything about him relates to that. And he sort of imparted what he felt was the best of himself to me. And so I'm like..." He heaves a small laugh while shaking his head then looks to her. "Like, most of who and what I am is because of him. And I'm grateful for that. But also I sort of... I catch myself wondering how much of me is due to me being me, right? How much is due to whoever I am behind these eyes in my brain, and how much is just because of my genetic material or my dad being who he is? I guess it's the whole nature versus nurture thing."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Accepted evil.." That makes Clarice furrow her brows, considering on what Alexander means by that. Sure she has seen her share of evil. Some is even accepted in ways of hatred and bigotry towards her kind. But for some reason it seems to her as if Alexander is talking about something else. "Are you talking about any type of specific evil or...?" her brow then arching, unnatural green eyes settling on the young man.

"Evil is evil. Not sure if what should ... 'bother'.., us is simply a specific one or all of it. Like hatred spawns many different types of evilness, for example hate groups disguised as religious cults, even mutant town that serves to segregate us from the rest of the population.. There's more too."

Though the mention of the father makes her grin. "Can't wait to meet him." she says in jest, her lips curled up in amusement. In some ways it's good she doesn't know -who- the man actually is. So for now she just jests about it.

"You are talking about genetics versus upbringing. That it?" Not a topic she really dwelled much about but she states with quite the conviction. "I believe that, no matter what, we are able to do better than what we were born as or taught to do. I wouldn't be here otherwise." she says. "Born to parents I don't remember, along with having been a slave during various years of my life." she skips the part about being trained to be an assassin. "And now here I am, trailing my own path. You can do the same I am sure."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When she asks of accepted evil he nods and he opens his hands wide as if trying to encompass a whole... thing. "Like, just... I sort of recently dealt with some heavy things. And there were people that... they did horrible things. But they made a living out of doing those horrible things and getting away with it."
    But then he abandons that thread and he shakes his head while looking away, "It's complicated is all."
    And then he takes a deep breath and nods when she elaborates on what she meant with different types of evil, but when she mentions meeting his dad he laughs a little. "Yeah you say that now." About how she cannot wait to meet him. He shakes his head, "But he's... he's an acquired taste. I think is the best way to describe him." And that is being charitable.
    When she speaks toward genetics and upbringing he nods along as she speaks, though he does seem surprised to hear her speak with such firm belief. His eyebrows lift and he nods as she speaks but then his expression sharpens, "You were..." Enslaved? He doesn't say it, but she can tell what stops him. "What happened?" He asks.
    Until then he shakes his head, "No, wait. Sorry. None of my business. Just... I'm sorry you had to endure that."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"So, like whiskey?" Clarice asks when he mentions his father being an acquired taste. But her tone is one of amusement. Yep, definitely it's good she still doesn't know who the father is. But she soon lets that thread go too. It doesn't seem as if it's something Alexander likes talking about too much anyway.

"I suppose people do those things until someone comes up and stops them. But, mmm.." a pause as she gathers her thoughts. "... a friend has told me that the kind of response given is important too. Hate, killing. It only brings more hatred and violence." but then she leans in as if to whisper in a conspirational manner. "Not that I am still too sold on that, you know? But .., just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Like killing for example."

A nod is then given about being a slave. "Yes, Genosha used to be a place where supposedly mutants could go to have a good life, but in truth it was ran by people without scruples that enslaved my kind. This happened until the liberation by Magneto and his group." she explains. But that's pretty much basic history of the island. "I have been trying to find my place. I thought I had found it in Genosha but .., now it's been destroyed. So I have been adrift."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Yeah..." Alexander says so calmly if not elaborately, and then he repeats it with a more murmured, "Yeah..." As he gives thought to what she's telling him.
    "It's... just there was a time when I felt like I had to do something. And it could have been horrible, and there's no going back from it. But a friend talked me down off that ledge and she was pretty special." A beat.
    "I mean she was crazy too. But special."
    A small smile is given to her sidelong. But then he takes a deep breath as she shares a little of what she had to go through. And now what she is dealing with. "You seem to be making your way with things. The people in Bushwick seem to respect you. Kitty has her stuff together and is working a lot of angles for mutants, could see you guys working together."
    He straightens and tilts his head, "Have you considered going to school? Or maybe..." His eyes distance as he tries to remember all the different things people suggested to him when he felt he was lost and bereft of purpose.
    "Or considered an apprenticeship? Those are making a comeback I'm told."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Crazy is just another way of saying brilliant. Or of thinking outside the box." Because really, with the type of people that Blink knows...! One crazier than the other... "Good you had someone to help you out." a small frown coming to her lips. She opens her mouth as if to say something but then shuts it. No, wouldn't do to say she was a killer. Or at least had been in the past. So instead she focuses on what the man says next about Kitty. A grin.

"We have worked together a few times, so that's certainly not off the table. School though ..." she wrinkles her nose up a little. Nope, doesn't sound like something she'd like. "I mean, I have some basics, or are you talking about university? I wouldn't even know what to study about there."

The mention of apprenticeship just makes her cant her head to the side though. "They are making a comeback? Says who?" she doesn't seem to have heard about that!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As she ponders schooling, Alexander's smile shifts amused and even a little energized as he leans against her, just his shoulder lightly pressing against hers. "C'mon it'd be awesome. We could take the same classes and hassle each other and share notes and all that good stuff." He shoots a look over at her and those hazel eyes of his are bright with amusement.
    "And I still have no idea really what I want to study, shouldn't let that stop you. I bet you could get all sorts of financial aid too, there was..." He scritches his chin, "One of those big scientist guys was making a large college fund available for Genoshan people."
    He tilts his head askance and if she gives him a dubious look he'll just shrug while still grinning.
    But then he elaborates about the apprenticeship thing, "Oh yeah, my dad was telling me all the construction people they have coming in have been following a lot of vocational training, and some have even been serving apprenticeships. Like for electricians and things. Not my thing, but like it could give you something to do for a time."
    His lip twists, "Oooh, or you could become like a blacksmith and make things. That would be cool too."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
The suggestions given seem to make Blink ponder and consider for a few moments, mulling on them with a rather doubtful look. Clearly it's not something she has given much thought to. But she does bump her shoulder into Alexander's at that last mention about blacksmithing. She then extends her arms forward. "Do I look the type that could go around hammering things for a living?" she questions. Beceause really, she does look like a literal elf!

"But maybe it's something to think about. I am still.., well.." she pauses, perhaps considering how best to approach it. "I have a few other options on the table. I will have to see how those pan out too."

Eyes then come to focus on Alexander's face, "But you are telling me you have joined university without a plan yet? Is that even a thing?" she questions. Clearly she isn't the type to know much on the details of it.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander's answer is to grin and just shrug, "I just like blacksmithing, I think it's cool." Which is true, it is pretty cool. But he shrugs again as if to solidify his opinion, crinkling his nose at her as if chiding her.
    But then she tells him she's already considering other things so he nods again, "Well let me know, Summer semester already started and I'm taking a few classes, nothing huge just getting chemistry out of the way and philosophy." He spreads his hands, "Also you don't have to take college as like a full time thing, you can just start grabbing credits and take classes you think might be fun. Just for the heck of it."
    That said he nods when she asks him about going ESU, "Yeah, I haven't chosen a major. So I'm sort of... taking the classes I need to take no matter what. Then I'll use electives later to sort of angle where I want to go I suppose."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Fine. Do -you- blacksmith?" Because now Clarice is curious, eyeing the young man thoughtfully. It's not exactly a very typical occupation. "Because if you do I am going to request you a metal armor, sword, shield. You know, all of it." she winking at him, clearly joking. "Could be of use out at mutant town. Well, maybe not the sword. No need to look menacing."

Though the more they talk about college the less her look appears to be dubious about it. "So I could just go and take my time with it...?" she rubs at the back of her head. Not that she has a lot of funds right now (read: none), but at least it's getting her thinking.

"And are you actually enjoying being in university? All you dreamed of and all that? Or wait, probably not if you are still undecided on a major.. Was that something you even dreamed of? Joining uni?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A snort comes from him, "I know a little, but it's not something I've done more than a handful of times. But it was one of those things that my dad was all," And then he drops his voice to be all gruff and rumbly, "'Every man should know how to forge a blade!'"
    But then his voice returns to normal and he shrugs, "But I mean, I could maybe make you a knife some time. Though it wouldn't be like, amazing." He waves his hands a bit, trying to perhaps mitigate her expectations since he brought up the whole topic. "But yeah... the whole four year thing is more just the easiest way to get it all done in a short period of time. There's no rush to it, no time limit. You build up school credits and eventually you get enough and you graduate, whether it takes 4-6-8 years or whatever."
    That said he shrugs with a smile as she asks a few more questions as he says, "I'm enjoying it so far. But this is the Summer session so it's more... relaxed I'd say. Not as many people, not the whole living on campus experience or roommates or parties and all that. But, to be fair, I'm mainly just doing it because it's expected of me. Hence the whole... not knowing my major thing."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"What? You forge blades..? Get outta here.." Blink doesn't seem too convinced about that. Because really, he just looks like a normal kinda guy. Yet she does quirk an eyebrow at Alexander. Curious perhaps. Not that she pursues on the topic for much longer besides asking about. "A knife.." a small laugh leaving her lips. "Alright, that sounds fine. I will look forward to it." and it -is- one of her weapons of choice. Not that Alexander needs to know. Nope!

At the return of the uni topic she hrms. It was indeed making her think. "I might just see about doing it. Not sure if I actually can get into it but nothing stops me from getting informed about it I guess." because well, her learning hadn't been the most typical one.

"And so, you are just going through the motions until you find what really motivates you. Fair enough. Shouldn't look too hard though, sometimes it just finds us unexpectedly without us having to be constantly on the lookout, you know?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Nodding as she talks, Alexander smiles a bit when she offers her insight in those last handful of words. "S'truth, I figure I have time to figure things out." More than he likely can measure, to be fair, but he tilts his head away as he crinkles his nose.
    "Still, until I do, it's fun to have friends giving me ideas." He leans against her a little and then turns his head to meet her eyes. "I mean, who knows? Maybe this is my inspiration to go on to a life of blacksmithing. The day a cute gal asked me to make a knife for her was the day I turned over a new leaf." His smile slips toward a grin and he looks down at his feet.
    But then he turns back to meet her eyes, those curious pale blue and jade green irises meeting the eerie green of her own. His gaze flits back and forth, as if trying to see some hint of her thoughts behind her eyes and then tells her quietly, almost conspiratorially. "I had a really nice time tonight."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice appears to be a bit doubtful that blacksmithing is a profession with much of a future. But.., she doesn't comment further on it at least. She just lets her expression talk for itself, which in this case means she has one eyebrow quirked up and her lips jerked to the side in a thoughtful manner. Very doubtful indeed!

One arm wraps about her leg, pulling it up to her and keeping it against her chest, eyes also focused on Alexander's. She smiles widely at those last words. "Me too." she says. "We should do it again sometime." something that it seems she'd enjoy.

"You can pick the next place we visit, deal?" She suggests. Or is it a challenge?

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A chuckle comes from him as he lifts his eyes upwards, shaking his head as he ponders exactly where they should go, but then he looks back to her.
    His smile is warm and his eyes lift as he murmurs, "Oh sure, no pressure." But the light in his gaze might offer the lie to the idea that he's oh so worried. He then lowers his head slightly, turns a little, and just very gently leans in to touch a small kiss to the corner of her mouth. A soft thing, tender, not pressing, but a clear sign of affection as at first it is just warmth, the brush of breath across her cheek... then he eases back to murmur quietly.
    "Thank you for inviting me." He doesn't draw back, though his hand lightly touches hers, to give a small squeeze.
    Then, reluctantly, he murmurs. "But I should maybe go and catch the last train back. Otherwise it's quite a hike from here." His lips curve into a bit of a grin.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"I know it's hard to beat the Gen Paradigm sure. But you will manage." Clarice teases, offering a small wink back at Alexander. When the kiss comes it appears to be expected, maybe even something she had looked forward to. She returns it, head turning to have their lips brush together. But it's a fleeting enough thing. Perhaps something that is just starting.

"Thank you for being the best company one could ask for tonight." She says, "It was good to have someone to talk to." She slides down from the table, back up to her feet. Some amusement surges up on her expression at the mention of catching a train. Damn, that was something she never had to do!

"I would offer to give you a ride but ..., I don't drive." which is a mystery in itself on how she will be getting back home! Or wherever she lives anyway. "Still got to make sure Kitty isn't in trouble somewhere too."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Alright," Alexander hops off of the table with a light thump of shoes. The music inside the club still thumps through the walls, the rhythm of the bass felt deep in the chest even with the wall between them and it. But it's a fun visceral feeling even as he smiles to her.
    "Do you want me to stick around until you find her?" He asks as he steps away backwards from her, walking toward the front gate that lets out onto the street proper, but pausing until he gets an answer from her.
    "Don't want to leave you guys in a lurch." But then he says as he lifts a hand and points at her, "Oh hey, what kind of knife?" He tilts his head to the side, "Any preference?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"No need to worry I think." Clarice says, shaking her head slowly. "It will just be finding her and then a small hop back home." literally! And for some reason she is grinning about that. Maybe something has been left unsaid! Or well, there are quite a few things left unsaid by both Alexander and Blink still. The question about the knife makes her hrm though, furrowing brows.

"No preference, just do whatever type you'd prefer you know?" she murmurs, "Or your specialty. Do you have any?" some curiosity there on her tone. But then she seems to remember something. "Just no butter knives." she teases.

She walks over to the front gates as well, looking around the street briefly, at least now the sound of the loud music not as felt.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "So nothing but butter knives, got it." His head bobs a few times as he pantomimes complete seriousness at her knife preference, smiling as he pushes open the gate, and giving a nod to the bouncer there who offers him a handstamp for getting back in, but Alex waves it off since he's heading on home.
    As he steps to that gate he lightly takes Clarice's hand, just a small touch and another squeeze so as he steps away then passes through the gate, waving as he wanders out onto the sidewalk.
    "Catch you later," And as he says that he starts to turn to walk on down the street, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans and nodding to the bouncer as he walks by the large man.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"You need to clean the wax off your ears." Clarice grinning when she says that, teasing the young man just the same when he goes about she only wanting butter knives. "But hey, maybe I am just as deadly with a butter knife than with any other knife, mmm?" a small gleam coming to her green eyes but then she is laughing out softly. She steps out too, taking the stamp to go back in a bit later, looking at Alexander starting to walk back down the sidewalk.

Though perhaps filled with a bit of boldness she calls out. "Wait up." she makes her way closer, and if Alexander does stop to look at her she will near him, hand resting against his button-up shirt and pulling him close, pressing her lips to his in a farewell kiss, slow and savoring until she eventually breaks it up.

"Thank you for tonight."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    She calls out and he turns, eyebrows lifting with surprise and his smile easing into a curious twist. But then she moves closer and draws him closer for that farewell kiss...
    And he just eases into it, seeming to melt as the tension leaves his shoulders and his hands rest light upon her hips. His head turns just a little so their noses brush each other, eyes close... and that kiss becomes just the entirety of the world for that handful of seconds shared. Lips touching, parting. There's a hint of intimacy, their breathing together and the rise of heartbeats as one.
    Then she's easing back and his eyes flutter open when he hears her words again. His gaze lowers as he looks back and forth from one brilliant green iris to the other and he murmurs quietly. "It was... pretty great."
    He'll draw his lower lip between his teeth and for an instant he considers staying, his hand finding hers, fingers interlacing, but his smile grows and he says quietly. "I'll call you." Even as he starts stepping back.
    But he doesn't let go of her hand at first, their arms lifting as he gets further away, fingers easing apart, then finally the touch breaking as he steps back. His cheeks have flushed, his smile is warm, but then he murmurs. "Promise..."
    As he turns away.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice lingers for a good moment too, feeling the man's warmth, the intimacy. A small grin crops up to her expression, watching Alexander's expression but eventually their contact breaking. She steps back too, hands slipping into the pockets of her jeans and she stays there watching while he turns away. "I will be waiting for it." and for a change she doesn't just blink away. Nope. There are people out in the street afterall!

So she does just like any pleb does and -walks- back into the party. Time to find that sneaky girl! And think about the night she spent dancing with Alexander.