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Just a quiet night at Hellfire ...
Date of Scene: 09 June 2020
Location: The Rathskeller - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Thea and Oliver go to have lunch at the Hellfire Club and get besieged by Malcolm. Pleasant talk ensues. But it doesn't last too long, unfortunate for some but fortunate for others!
Cast of Characters: Oliver Queen, Thea Queen, Malcolm Merlyn

Oliver Queen has posed:
It's not like Oliver was someone that came to the Hellfire Club much. Sure, he had inherited the position from his father, a former member of the VIPs here (and even more than just a VIP, but not something that Ollie knew about). But sometimes it's good to break out of the mold. And he had heard that Thea had been accepted into the Hellfire Club, so he might as well come and check it out more properly.

Of course that his ulterior motives were disguised as him inviting his sister for a simple, nice dinner out at the Rathskeller. Really, what could go wrong? He was hoping to both have a nice dinner and also take a glimpse of the ambient within the club.

So far all seemed fine when he arrives at the appointed hour. 8pm sharp. And yes, he is not the type to come late, dressed in a casual yet still elegant manner. Dark pants, button-up shirt, a blazer over his shoulders. Bit of that playboy Ollie of old.

He glances at his clock while waiting. Would his sister be late?!

Thea Queen has posed:
When the (thorny) topic of the Hellfire Club came up initially, Thea was honestly holding her breath while waiting a response, a reaction to her own reaction of pleasure at the prospect of going. Of course, it could be a great deal more palatable couching it with thoughts of 'how other clubs run' in order to do 'due research', but the truth be told?

It's the Hellfire Club.

Since stepping foot in it's (less than) hallowed halls, it's drawn the young woman in and it doesn't seem to be letting her go anytime soon, it seems. So.. the youngest of Queens is dressed for the occasion, even if she is 'only' having dinner with her brother. Appearances must be kept up!

So, as Thea slides through the door and down into the more dimly lit area that is the Ratheskeller, she's dressed in a dark blue, sequened midi-dress, her shoes something on the higher side. Her shoulder-length bobbed hair is pulled back away from her face, revealing a naturally 'made up' visage. She's ready for the evening!

Approaching the table with something of a lilt in her step, Thea has a big smile on her face as she looks about her before sliding into a seat opposite her brother, setting her clutch purse on the side.

"Don't start," she smiles. "I'm not late." Of course she is!

Malcolm Merlyn has posed:
    There are so many different restaurants and social areas in the Hellfire Club. So many to choose from. And all but certain areas (namely the Dungeon) have moderate to higher dress codes. Thea's ensemble is admired by staff, though she is certainly a little overdressed, if such a thing is possible, at this particular section of the Club. After all, it is a German bar. But, still, not an eye is batted, due to two things. The dress being more than adequate for one.

    And the VIP status is the other.

    Oliver receives the same sort of attention from the staff as well. Very attentive, with appropriate salutations and respect given one who is certainly a VIP...and perhaps a little bit more, given who the Queens' father was. Both brother and sister would have nothing to worry about, as the waitstaff stands nearly at attention for the two of them.

    Which makes the arrival of one other rather interesting. A rather well-dressed gentleman enters, with suit and tie, and makes his way to the bar. And...that staff that was so attentive to the Queens seem to positively jump when this mystery individual enters. While brother and sister keep a couple of their own servers, the others seem to proceed towards the bar, offering welcomes. A hand waves them off while a gracious smile is given to all. The bartender, offering a nod and a smile of his own, is audible for those listening.

    "Good evening. Your usual, Mr. Merlyn?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
Ollie is that kind of guy used to noting the flow of a room, both social or not. He had to learn one way or another when he took the reins of Queen Consolidated, so he isn't too surprised with the way staff handles both he and Thea when they settle down at the table. Expected even. But he is polite enough, even offering a warm smile when a menu is brought over to him while he waits for his late sister. Of course..

Though now here she is. Blue eyes are drawn to her, watching her approach. "Well, fashionably late is a thing." he notes, his shoulders rising up. There are things that are always true afterall. The sky being blue, his sister being late.

"Since you seemed so excited about the club thought it'd be good to have a meal here. Have you been trying to steal ideas for your own club out of here?" The man not hiding some amusement on his tone.

But then he notes that shift in the flow of the room again. The focus going to someone else. His eyes turn to look towards the newcomer, well dressed with suit and tie. Well, there's a face he hasn't seen in a while. Was it a face he still wanted to know though? Perhaps.

"Evening, Mr. Merlyn." he offers from his table.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea is nothing if not gracious; she's learned the 'smile' from attending way too many dinner parties that she didn't want to attend.

Once in her seat and her purse to the side, she's settling in to catch the ambience of the place as well, watching the pace, the wait-staff, and blue eyes are drawn to the man of not-so-much mystery. Her smile falters a touch before she looks back at Oliver, her eyes giving that 'okay, this isn't okay' look before that 'here I am in this dress at this party' smile once again returns. Following the lead, if only for the moment...

"Mr Merlyn." Heh...

Malcolm Merlyn has posed:
    "Oh, no. Just a water will do. On the clock you know." A tip of a wink is given to the bartender, who utters a laugh and nods. "Sure thing, Mr. Merlyn." A glass, with ice, is filled with water and slid over towards the person, who then turns, overhearing his name not once, but twice. And...if it wasn't apparent from the name or the voice, the visage of one Malcolm Merlyn, looking over the pub proper, would be the final clue as to who the person is.

    And...he certainly recognizes Oliver. "Oliver Queen. It is so good to see you!" Well, Malcolm certainly sounds cheerful enough. Those eyes shift from Oliver to his companion for the evening, and that smile of his never leaves. In fact, it may have gotten a little wider. "And Thea! Why, it is a pleasure to see you, too!"

    Malcolm offers a thanks to the bartender, as a hand reaches over to carry his glass of water as he makes his way towards Oliver and Thea. He doesn't impose...on the contrary, he remains standing while he offers a bow to both Queens. "I certainly did not expect to see you both here. Are you in New York for business or otherwise?" The hand with the water remains visible, right above his belt buckle, while the other slides behind him, resting upon the small of his back.

Oliver Queen has posed:
It did bring back memories to Oliver, namely about Tommy, his old friend from other times. He was a very different man back then. The smile that is plastered upon his lips doesn't quite reach his eyes, perhaps remembering those same times. Yes, indeed not a good man.

"It has been a while, Malcolm." Sure, lets use first names. "Can't say I am too surprised to find you here." a vague gesture to their surroundings. "Though maybe I'd expect you more up on the VIP lounge." his clear blue gaze settled upon the older man. He had never really been able to take the man's measure that well. Friend? Foe? Maybe someone in-between. But still a rival where it came to business.

A glance is given towards Thea just before he asks. "Please sit and join us if you wish for a moment. Even if it does seem you are in a hurry, mmm?" so polite that he is!

As for the question on what they are doing here.. Business or pleasure.., that he leaves for Thea to answer.

Thea Queen has posed:
Well, Thea //was// going to use this as a bit of research, but that plan has fallen quite flat on its face, if her expression about how absolutely //thrilled// she is at the moment is any indication. It's that same sort of smile that her brother has on his face, the sort that doesn't quite reach blue eyes as she glances back and forth betweent the men.

Softly, when her attention is back to her older brother, she hisses, "Ollie" before coming around again. "I'm sure Mr Merlyn has places to go, people to see?" There's a forced gracious laugh, one that society knows all about, but it is looking like she's going to have to deal with admitting defeat when small talk begins.

"Pleasure," Thea nods, "Definitely." How good of a liar is she? Eeeeh.. "We don't get into New York often, and we sort of keep missing each other. Schedules and such. So.."

Malcolm Merlyn has posed:
    "Of course." To what is Malcolm answering to? Is it to the answer given to him by Thea? Or it is personal observation of the polite, but pointed conversation...the non-verbal cues to get lost. Yet, none of that is actually visible in Malcolm's features. He doesn't seem upset in the least. In fact, he looks rather oblivious to the polite masks that the Queens are wearing. If anything, he looks even more amused than before.

    Malcolm does pull himself to his full height, taking a sip from his glass of water before speaking. "I do fear that Thea has the right of it." He has *no* problem using first names nonchalantly. "I am on a bit of business. Just doing my rounds, so to speak." He doesn't offer anything more in regards to that, though he does offer a nod to Thea. "Far be it for me to interfere with your bit of pleasure."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"The world never stops for us, hmm?" Oliver says, the corner of his mouth again curling up in a brief smile. "Always another business to take care of, people to meet." at least in that he is understanding. His own life is pretty much the same. Even if at night he dons his vigilante suit. "But maybe one day we will be able to talk with some more time, Malcolm." a brow rising just so. "Or don't you go to Starling much anymore?"

Is there more to that question than simple curiosity? Well! The man can have his own suspicions about things, even if never exactly proven. "But it's true, we were catching, making sure to take advantage of my VIP status here at the club and have a lunch. You came here often with my father, didn't you?"

The man's smile falters just a touch. Talking about his father was always a delicate matter, no matter how many years had gone by.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea smiles tightly at the last one and inclines her head, "Thank you," is given just as tightly. "Glad you understand."

Looking back at her brother, her head cants and she gives him a pointed look. 'My father?' . She catches herself soon enough and drops her hands into her lap and waits for the conversation around her to end so she can recover some of the pleasant mood she'd had before when she first entered. "Let us know when you're in town," so she'll have a heads up! "I'm sure we can find some time to all sit down." Sure..

Malcolm Merlyn has posed:
    There is another sip from that glass of Malcolm's. Was there just the slightest of curls to the lip when he witnesses the exchange between siblings about patriarchal entities? Again, no mention of what he might think of that. It certainly is not in his place to do so.

    However, Malcolm does answer Oliver with grace and calm. "Oh, I go to Starling. Certainly. I just happen to be here on club business. You are quite right, Oliver. It was your father that introduced me to the Hellfire Club...and it was his own recommendation that enabled me to join its board of directors, so to speak." Inner Council, of course...and not even a shred of falsehood to be detected with the exchange. "I have much to thank him for. He was a good man and a true friend."

    Then, with just a momentary pause, Malcolm offers a bow to leave. "Never let anyone talk you into a board position. You would think it is just sitting around a table, but there is so much more to it." That charming grin reappears, as both Olliver and Thea get a nod farewell. "Now, if you would excuse me...I will leave you to your pleasure."

    As he turns to leave, he beckons a waitress over. Some soft words are exchanged...to which the german-clad beauty nods empathically. A smile is given to her as Malcolm moves onward. But not before one parting comment to the siblings.

    "Enjoy. Perhaps we shall see each other again soon."

Oliver Queen has posed:
The board of directors. That was somewhat new to him perhaps. It makes Oliver quirk a brow but there is no answer forthcoming. Instead he simply smiles. Just as charming as Malcolm (or more because of that blond beard and dazzling blue eyes! Hmph!!)

He waits until Malcolm is gone, his hands calmly folded upon the edge of the table. Once he is gone he turns his attention back to Thea. "That was more harsh than your usual. You don't like the man much, do you?"

The question then followed by a brief arch of an eyebrow. "You will need to work on being more polite when you get your own club. Imagine all the people you will have to be pleasing." is he taking a playful jab at his sister? Would Oliver do so? Yes.

Thea Queen has posed:
"Oh, I don't know. I think it might be fun," Thea muses, her tight smile shifting towards something of a smirk. "I can see how this place might take up some time, though, so maybe not." Perhaps she's got some of her mother flowing through those veins too? There's a touch of a 'pretty' smile once again, and when Malcolm takes his leave, Thea follows his exit with her eyes as if to be doubly sure that the man is, indeed, taking his leave.

Finally, she wheels around, figuratively, towards her brother, physically dropping her shoulders in a 'duck' as she talks across the table. "He creeps me out, Ollie. There's something.. I don't know. It's just.." She shakes her head, "I know," and Thea sits up again. "I miss him too," Tommy. "He was.." well, ".. he was a good friend."

Now regaining some equilibrium, Thea snorts softly, "I'll have control over who I let in. If they creep me out, I'm going to have to find someone to escort them to the door."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Does Ollie consider Thea to be a good judge of character? Not particularly. And he makes it known. "Well, you aren't exactly known for your character judgement." he comments, but then he swiftly inserts more placating words. "But in this case you might be right. There's always been something..." he considers, perhaps looking for the right word. " ... something different about him. As if behind all those smiles there was something broken." or maybe he just sees a mirror of something he was in the past. "Just a feeling though."

The mention of Tommy does make him set his jaw, to look down at the table. He grunts in that expressive manner of his. "We all do. Maybe we should visit him again sometime soon." the graveyard that is. Yes, he'd like that.

He is quick to regain his footing too though. They are Queens afterall. "You will find that in business there's a lot that's made of compromise, Thea. You may not like someone, but sometimes you will need to deal with them."

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea crosses her arms across her chest and scowls prettily at her brother. "Hey, hey.. pot." She waves a single hand from its position before they're relaxed again. "You can call me crazy all you want, and it wouldn't be the first time you insisted I was wrong, but I know I'm not." Blue eyes look upon blue, "And I'm completely sober..." Beat. "Right now."

Thea takes the moment to smile, the expression genuine, if not a little bit tinged with sadness. "I'll pick up the flowers." That's usually her job anyway, even if it is usually for dad. Robert.

Settling in now, Thea twists around for the wait staff and makes a quick order for a house brew from the tap. (Even she knows that's the best!) Once done, she returns to the topic at hand, that is, her not being able to be quite so fast and loose as to clientele in a club! She's regained her footing, as well, and it's a shift of tone, manner and mien. "I'm not going to compromise where it's important, though, Ollie. I don't want trouble in the club. I have a reputation to build there, and it's gotta be right."

Oliver Queen has posed:
House brew? That's right down Oliver's alley too. He gestures to make it two instead of just the one for Thea. There is still some lingering sadness to Oliver's expression. Sure, lets talk about Tommy and Robert all in the same day. That never goes too well. But they have had years to get through the loss. Some are very hard to digest though.

The man then quirks a brow, lifting his hand. "I am not saying you should simply receive anyone, simply that..., sometimes you need to go past just your gut feeling to know if someone is or isn't worth of being at your club." then a vague gesture with his hand. "Diplomacy." an amused smile coming to his lips. Sure, he knew Thea's difficulty with -that-. "Though it's as I told you when you began this venture. I will advise you if you want, but I won't be interfering with it. It shall be your business exclusively."

Then something comes to mind and he asks. "Have you been able to speak with Vanessa about it?" a sigh escaping his lips. "I imagine not, this hasn't been an easy time as of late for her."

Thea Queen has posed:
It's hard for the siblings to talk about loss and about feelings; Ollie tends to close up tighter than a clam, and Thea gets overly emotional when she feels like she's not being heard. Eventually, they move to their own corners, suck it up, then come back out.

But, Thea misses Tommy too. He was a second big brother to her, even in moments when she wished, drunkenly, that he wasn't. He was there for her at times when Ollie wasn't, or couldn't... and it hurts. And to this day, she hasn't spoken of it.

And still won't.

"I like my gut feeling, thank you." That 'thank you' happens to come at the same time that her beer arrives to the table, that their beers arrive, that is. "And I'm sorry... no, I'm not sorry. I think I've spent a little time knowing that Mr. Merlyn.. that there's something I can't put my finger on about Mr. Merlyn."

Still, Thea sighs as she takes that first sip, then swallow of the pint of dark amber goodness. "I'm going to say this again. I want you involved." Setting the glass down again, her brows rise to underscore her words. "Queens stick together." Period. Though, thinking about Vanessa, the younger sibling sighs again, "I keep missing her, I think. I haven't been home a lot, honestly. At least it feels like I haven't. And I haven't seen her." Though to hear of hardships, Thea cants her head, "Is everything okay?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
Finally. Their beers arrive! Oliver picks up his own. And while he was never been a man to drown his sorrows in booze at least he welcomes the taste and the alcohol in the rather fresh beer he now tastes. "Good choice." he comments in appreciation of Thea's decision to go for this one. Or maybe it's simply his way to make peace about the harder issues they have been talking about.

He wisely lets go of the Merlyn and Tommy issue, at least for now, instead focusing on the club. "It is a good thing for you to figure out how to lead a business, Thea. It is mostly why I have been letting you take charge and do what you want about it. But fine, you want me to help.., I will. Though if you were talking about that particular place you want to scout out, well..." his brows furrow. "That goes without saying that I would always be there to help out." as if the Green Arrow and Oliver Queen were two different men.

"Well, you have seen what she is capable of. We are trying to discover the extent of her own abilities. She could use someone to talk to you know?" his eyes resting on Thea. "And it would be important to me that you two got well together."

Thea Queen has posed:
Feelings are odd and awkward for Thea too; only spoken of when they go wildly out of control. (And that NEVER happens!) She's more than happy to move on, and that beer really is good! "I thought so.." and she takes another swallow. She can take a cab if need be.

Thea's comfortable in the conversation regarding the club; it's devoid of emotions, devoid of anything but straightforward business and approaches. "I can figure it out. I had a really good meeting with a business consultant. Alanna..." Beat. "Something.. I have her card with me. But, she's a start-to-finish sort of consultant." Thea's pretty excited about this particular contact, actually, and it shows in the way her expression turns more animated. "She said she'd be happy to work on the project with me. And she's really nice. And smart."

There. Another contact passed along, and perhaps at a later time and date, they can get another meeting with the professional lady in terms of the club. "Maybe she can help you with the company? I mean, she's smart.." Heh.

The news about Vanessa brings a sympathetic nod from the younger sibling. "Yeah, I suppose. But," and here, there's a half-sideways glance before, "It'll be really weird if you're talking about getting married or having kids or something. I mean, you know me. I like her. I do. I really wouldn't mind hanging out with her."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Good. Making contacts is what it's all about too. Specially competent ones. This Alanna sounds like she's a good one. At least left a good impression on you." But there's always this suspicion with Oliver. Because again, he doesn't fully trust Thea's judgement. Or maybe it's just him that's so judgemental... Regardless, he seems at least happy about the advancements that his sister is taking into the business, and how committed she appears to be about it.

"What is Ms. Alanna's specialty? Starting up businesses or..?" this he asks when Thea says she could help with the company. At least in that he is always willing to listen to good business proposals. "Though maybe we can meet soon. I am sure you can set something up."

"Why would it be weird if I started talking about that?" but then he lifts one hand as if to clarify, adding. "And no, there is no talk of that. We are simply enjoying what we have now."

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea leans across the table and looks her brother right in the eye, answering that last question first, "Because you're you, Ollie. You don't have the best track record there. That's why I said that it'd be weird." She smile sweetly after that, as only a little sister can, however, and she sits back, retaking her glass of beer. "And you can't tell me I'm wrong." Ha!

There is a victory swallow of beer, and when she sets it down again, she plays with the condensation on the glass. "She's a specialist from start-up to marketing. I think she's got access to floor designers, too. She said she'd be more than happy to walk the floor when we're ready." We. "That should be a good time to get together?" She sounds hopeful. "She really is nice. I mean, after this, I think we could actually be friends." A good role model?

Oliver Queen has posed:
Another grunt. Expressive too. 'You are you'. What kinda answer is that?! One he can't contest, that's what it is ... Ollie lets out a sigh. "I suppose I have an history." a large one! "Doesn't mean people don't change or get better, mmm?" his blue eyes again on Thea, pointedly. Maybe that's what he wishes happens to Thea too! That she becomes better. Ollie, never satisfied with people as they are. But he wouldn't be who he is if not for that.

He takes another drink out of his beer, listening further, a nod given in understanding. "Yes, sounds like a good time to do a get together. I will trust your judgement on her then." a beat. "Just this once." but this last part he is teasing the sister. Because she deserves it after all the prodding and all that 'you are you' thing. Pffftt.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea grins in victory. She doesn't get them often, but when she does? Yes, she revels in them. She raises her glass of beer towards her brother in a playful salute and takes another swallow. When she sets it down again, she exhales in a soft chuff. "I'm actually starving," she admits. "I thought I was going to lose my appetite, but it came back." Good thing, too! "People change, but we are who we are, for better or worse. At your age? I'm thinking 'old dog, new tricks'." She can't help but tease him. It's her JOB.

Thea grins again and nods her acceptance, her head bowing gracefully, "Just this once. I won't let you down." The smile hasn't dropped any, and it has certainly reached her eyes, "She may be a good influence on me. You know.. positive business role model. I might actually come home at a reasonable hour in the future."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I think you are old enough for me to not particularly care anymore at what hours you come home." Ollie does check sometimes though! But shhh, noone needs to know. The mention of starving does make him pick up the list and he offers it towards Thea. "Go ahead and choose then. Since we are doing something a bit different for a change I will let you pick our meal tonight. Don't get to used to it though." he says, brow arching up in warning.

"Well, I am not that old of a dog, thank you." So sensitive about his age..! But it's not as if he's getting any younger.. "I think I still got what it takes to surprise people. I will think about retiring when I lose that edge." he states. But who is he kidding? He will retire when he is dead most likely.

Thea Queen has posed:
"Oh please. I can tell when you're lying," Thea teases, the laughter easily evident in her tones. "You still check out any guy that I talk to." Look, no date in forever! "I'm just getting better at being sneaky, is all." Uh huh... she knows she's not great at sneaking; not when Ollie is concerned!

Though-- food! Reaching for the menu, Thea's looking on the list, blue eyes clear and bright as she reads the offering. "Pork chops and gravy.. that sounds really good." A nice, coarse brown gravy. "Sound good?" She gets to pick, but of course she'll check. If there are no objections, that's what she puts the order in for.. pork chops, gravy, and weinerschnitzl. Just because it's fun to say! Once again, she thanks the wait-staff and sets the menu aside.

"You are. But it's fun to see you happy." Here's the softie in Thea. "I'm happy for you."