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Latest revision as of 06:31, 11 June 2020

Titanic Delivery
Date of Scene: 11 June 2020
Location: Main Foyer: Triskelion
Synopsis: May and Carol recieve a delivery of ordinance lost in the Shadow Demon Invasion from a Junior Titan. Interesting conversation is had with some potential things to follow up on. Also Carol will not be getting her hours clocked for flight certification due to aliens this coming weekend.
Cast of Characters: Carol Danvers, Heather Danielson, Melinda May

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol was cutting through the main foyer heading from Operatiosn towards R&D on some sort of Danvers mission. Honestly it is questionable on any given day what she is up to around the Triskelion other than on call in case Dispatch needs someone to punch an asteroid or save a malfunctioning helicarrrier.

This means her days have a lot of down time she usually fills with god only knows what.

This stroll between departments was stalled when she ran into May and the conversation devolved into flying, the actual piloting kind, and how Carol needs to put in some hours to keep current on her certifications before they expire or she will be ineligible for flying any of the neat toys SHIELD has.

Carol looks skyward then nods "I know... I know I need to.. I need to wedge in some air time for sure. Maybe this weekend... not like we will be invaded by aliens right."

Oh Irony.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    So when SHIELD tech showed up at a Metropolis crime scene that the Titans were handling, that meant that someone was going to be tasked to deliver it back to them. Heather Danielson, aka Knockout, spends a lot of time traveling for reasons other than being a Titan, so why not send the new girl on the errand that is both important, but at the same time not taking a veteran team member off of active duty to perform said delivery.
    But it's not every day that someone walks in the front door of the Triskelion with a duffel bag of confiscated gear... weapons, etc. A couple ICER's, a plasma rifle. All SHIELD issue. And when that someone is an eighteen year old girl best known for her work in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition... yeah. Not the normal visitor. But hey, at least she's wearing a Property of the Titans teeshirt. Right? What? She still doesn't have a costume figured out. She's a bit behind in this category.
    She presents her ID to the person at the desk and... well, the bag is big and bulky, and weighs a hundred or so pounds, but she has it over her shoulder like it had three textbooks and a laptop in it.
    With a smile, she says, "Robin should have sent an email about this gear? Yeah. I got elected to make the dropoff." A pause, "You guys don't have anything to eat handy, do you? I need like ten thousand calories a day and... well yeah." She smiles, and it's obvious that she is nervous, and trying not to -seem- nervous.

Melinda May has posed:
"Get your name on the schedule Danvers. You know you can't just show up and expect there to be an opening. Schedule your certs, and I'll do the evals for you." May tilts her head slightly as Ops reports something to her over her comm link, then she looks at Carol and nods toward the main Triskelion entrance.

The pair of pilots arrive in time to hear Heather's somewhat nervous explanation to the person at the desk, and her eyes focus on the duffel for a few seconds. Shoulder strap shows signs of strain, the contents are heavy. She'll let Carol take it off the kid's hands. She steps forward as the young woman's name is relayed to her via her comms along with the confirmation of the memo from the group known as Titans. "Ms. Danielson."

Carol Danvers has posed:
There is a bit of a look towards the sky again then a nod. Carol knows May is right so with holds any amount of sass. "Got it. I'll put my name on the schedule for the weekend." which is entirely fated to not be. I mean there will be a ton of unconventional flying. Just not for certification. Not that anyone knows that yet.

When May nods over towards the front security desk Carol will squint at Heather then tilt her head. "Interesting." before following Agent May.

Carol will step over having heard the nature of the visit. Maybe because it looks heavy. Also probably because if Heather is lying Carol is the most likely to survive any bombing of SHIELD by taking the bag. "I'll take that thanks. Also we do have a wide variety of snacks... that is a lot of calories a day." amused "Remind me of my cat."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Turning to regard the two agents as they approach her, Heather gives a nervous smile. "Oh sure." she says as she hoists the bag and holds it out to Carol. I mean it's heavy but not heavy enough to inconvenience her. She chews the left corner of her lower lip and eyes the two women for a long moment, "Well, I need a ton of calories. Part of my new nutritional requirements. Most of my peers hate me in a friendly... maybe not so friendly .. way. I mean imagine if you're trying to lose weight for a photo shoot, and then there's me over there gorging on three giant burritos. It really isn't fair."
    She shrugs her shoulders and offers a smile, "Sorry, again.. this is all new to me. I should just shut up, shouldn't I?"

Melinda May has posed:
May waits wordlessly for Carol to take the bag from Heather, then gestures with one hand. "This way, please." She can likely supply the kid with her required ten thousand calories easily enough, but it won't be anything particularly flavorful.

She leads the pair to the nearest conference room just off of the main entrance lobby -- rooms intentionally set aside for meetings where people with zero security clearance will be likely to attend -- and murmurs quietly into her commlink as she walks.

If Carol's on comms as well, she'll hear May's request for 'CDrations' as well as some more mundane high calorie snacks.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol will reach out and snag it effortlessly, like one hand and not even a good grip as she takes it from Heather and then gives it an easy heft up and down. "Huh pretty strong." she notes and then gives Heather a closer look over. "So on the Titans." she tucks it up over her shoulder now.

The uniform may be more... SHIELD colored while she is in the Triskelion.. but that is what you get for an adaptive uniform. It is definitely Captain Marvel.

She does indeed fall in with May and the Titan heading to the conference room, letting them get a bit ahead of her so she can unzip the bag and take a rummage through it. "Icer .. Icer.. huh Plasma Rifle.. mmm someone is getting some serious shit for this." she tilts her arm and taps her wrist with a couple of fingers before gesturing at the bag and her suits wristcomp scans all the items while she walks. All the better to trace the Agents who checked them out.

As she is stepping into the conference room she glances down at her wrist and winces. Agents who were best case injured, worst case KIA during the Shadow Demon thing in Metropolis. Crap. Well at least the ordinance isn't floating out there in the hands of criminals.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Yeah. We found it and immediately knew that we needed to get it back here. I was coming to New York for a gig already so.." Heather shrugs. "Excuse me." she says. The model, celeb, Titan... "Aren't you Ms.. er... Major Danvers?" she asks. She's read a few files of events in the Titans databanks.
    "Oh, yeah. I could use some fuel for sure. I'd love to see where you guys work out too. Maybe take some ideas back to the Titans Tower for our danger room?" she adds. Then she looks over to May, and offers a hand to the Asian agent, "Heather Danielson." She grimaces then as she adds, "God, it seems so stupid, but they call me Knockout." And then the hand is offered to Carol. Somehow she just got the feeling that she should be greeting May first.

Melinda May has posed:
May leaves the conference room door open just a sliver so that when the snacks arrive whomever is carrying them can enter more easily. She shakes Heather's hand readily enough and offers an introduction. "Agent May," though clearly Carol doesn't need the same.

"Start logging the serial numbers on those," she asides to Danvers. She doesn't spell it out in front of the Titan, but with the serial numbers they'll be able to track where those weapons were all last registered.

The snacks arrive quickly enough, and May steps over to what looks like a regular side table cabinet and opens a door to pull a bottle of water out of the mini-fridge revealed there to offer to Heather. She figures Carol will pipe up if she wants one too.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Yeah May has that sort of effect on people. The 'pilot' just seems to be in charge even when she tries to deny not being in charge. It is amusing to watch really.

Carol will shake the hand when Heather extends it. "Agent Danvers works, or Captain Marvel." it is a friendly enough smile though. "Thansk for bringing these back. I assume Knockout because you're a model and strong Ms. Danielson?"

A Shrug.

"I've heard of worse codenames for sure.."

Carol will set the bag on the conference room table. "Toss me one Agent May?" she does indeed ask. "Also already scanned them. Not great news." but also not elaborating on the whole thing in front of the teenager.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding her head in confirmation for the reason she got that codename, Heather eyes the snacks and her eyes light up. She reaches for a protein bar and tears it open even as she starts speaking.
    "You see." she explains, "I had some exposure to something funky. To this day I don't know exactly what it was, or in what combination. The current theory is that it was a chemical agent. Some sort of failed Hydra super soldier serum thing. Or rather... some unknown ratio mix of somewhere between two and seventeen of them. Long story..." she says as she takes a bite of the bar. She chews for a moment, swallows and then says, "So anyway, I was on set the next day, shooting for S.I. and some stalker showed up and since I rejected him, he.. well he was crazy. The guy shot me four times in the chest. I -should- have died, but I got right back up, healed almost like it never happened. The suit was ruined. That sucked.." She takes another bite, "But when I took his gun away and pinned him to the ground to wait for the police to arrive. Someone on the scene gave me that moniker and it stuck... the fact that it happened publicly meant that I'd never need a mask... or more to the point, it wouldn't help."

Melinda May has posed:
May plucks another water bottle from the mini-fridge and lobs it toward Carol without looking, then opens a different cabinet door to get a room temperature bottle for herself. Finally, she sits at the table as Heather chows down and explains a bit of her backstory. If she's in any way surprised or impressed by it, she is very good about not letting it show. Vulcans have more expressive faces.

"If I may ask, how did you become part of the Titans group?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol catches it easily, and well she isn't May. Her eyes narrow a little bit as Heather explains her backstory. "Lucky you didn't die then..." which is when she turns down to the dufflebag snagging it and ducks out for a moment. She is definitely handing it off to an agent to drag to ordinance to give it all a once over and reclaim the missing technology in the systems properly.

She probably queued it up in her comm. Regardless she steps back in only a moment later opening and sipping the water as she moves to settle into a chair. Letting May handle the conversation for the moment.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding her head, Heather is all excitement and nervous energy. The protein bar is dense for sure, and after two bites, she reaches for her water and says, "Boy. You guys don't kid around. I don't suppose I could buy a case of these from SHIELD to take back for field duty?" She asks, gesturing to the bar in her hand.
    Then she grins, "A little flavor wouldn't be a terrible thing, but between flavor and stomach pains from hunger..." But she shakes her head once more and looks to May.
    "Well, when all this happened, I went home and my dad told me that... how did he say it.. some old literary quote. All that is required for evil to win is for good people to do nothing."
    She nods her head, "Right, that was it. So I decided that I had to do -something-. And so when I heard the Titans were getting back together, I contacted their people and asked if they'd accept me. They did."

Melinda May has posed:
"Yes and no," May says in reply to the question and comment about those protein bars. She is being her usual ever so chatty self. Not. "Edmund Burke." Maybe they'll understand why she just randomly said a person's name, maybe they won't. Not her problem either way.

She sips from her own bottle of water before actually offering something more. "Every attempt to add flavor to those protein bars has rendered them worse than unpalatable." If people are now thinking the bad flavors from Bertie Botts' Every Flavor Beans, then they're getting close. "How long ago did the Titans get back together?" The way she says those last three words are rather like she's quoting Heather.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol tilts her head and studies May for a moment when she says the name. Why is she mentioning Burke.

Remind her to ask May later what she meant about bringing up the British Statesman. Is this some sort of code she is forgetting. Guh.

She sips her water and looks back to Heather. "It is kind of true... these are probably the best I have ever seen those protien bars get... trust us."

She considers then adds her own question. "How is >Ki-an< doing?" yeah she totally pronounces Kian's name like he does, like she understands the language he speaks. Then again this might be a test for Heather's story.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Snapping her fingers, Heather points at May, "Right! Burke! That quote is from him!" She grins and then looks at the bar, "Seriously? Worse than this?" She asks before she takes another bite. Her furnace of a stomach needs constant stoking.
    Then she looks to Carol and smiles, "He's doing good. We have been doing some training things and all. He and I haven't socialized much more than the initial pool party and barbecue. Which was awesome by the way. I made my dad's rib recipe." She says with a proud grin.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol looks after the young Titan after seeing her out to the front and then starts to walk with May once more. "I know I filed a report somewhere about the Titans getting back together and restarting their Tower operation out of Metropolis. I'm told they were really helpful during that Shadow Demon thing when Superman came back officially."

She considers. "They seem to be on a recruiting drive, that is where I dropped off the alien bird guy when Happy Harbor wasn't working out. Figured Garfield Logan could keep an eye on him with the Titans better than HH could do it with them trying to use image inducers." she sighs.

"You did catch the bit the girl said about the source of her Serum though yes?" like she doubts for a moment that May missed that.

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to Carol after they see Heather back out, understanding the dilemmas that those visibly different from average human civilians can encounter. "We'll need to make sure someone is keeping an eye on them." Though the way she say it, it does NOT mean because she thinks they'll become a potential threat.

"I did, yes. We might need to follow up on it."