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Latest revision as of 07:07, 13 June 2020

Little Dragon and the Phoenix
Date of Scene: 12 June 2020
Location: Chikara Dojo
Synopsis: Julie Yan visits the CHikara Dojo and her and Colleen engage in some friendly sparring.
Cast of Characters: Colleen Wing, Julie Yan

Colleen Wing has posed:
Afternoon classes have recently finished at the CHikara Dojo, the kids having departed recently. It was her routine, classes of various levels for most of the day, with small breaks in between for a bit of a rest and lunch. It had been a long day, one of her longer ones. The afternoon class being younger students and they took a little more energy. The Sensei is leaning against the wall sipping a bottle of water, her hair pulled back into a ponytail, a Chikara dojo tanktop on and a pair of running pants. It is clear that she probably had goneinto her living quarters just off the dojo to get out of her Sensei garb.

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie was overcome with curiosity when Chikara reached her ears. She walked into the dojo, watching the classes for the afternoon. Julie had to admit, Colleen knew what she was doing when it came to instructing her students. Even the kids weren't slouches when it came to their forms. Producing a water bottle, she took a healthy chug before watching Colleen.

    "Good work today, not that I need to tell you that." She says after a period of silence, peeling her shoes off and popping her neck. "I saw your dojo on the TV this morning, figured I'd take a look for myself." She says, removing gloves and socks and stowing them in her bag.

Colleen Wing has posed:
She had wondered who the woman who had remained was, but was not going to question it just yet. Many people came into the dojo to watch classes and may stayed after. However, she did not recognize this new face and with a small push off the wall the Sensei starts to make he rway to her, barefeet padding across the floor. "Thank you. It makes for a long day, but it is worth it. Those students are what keep my lights on and I love watching them grow." A hand reaches up to tighten the ponytail, moving to run her hand across the back of her neck before lowering it once more.

"It is good to see that my advertising is paying off. It is not exactly cheap. Perhaps I shuld consider running it for another month." Her eyes regard the woman before her, narrowed slightly almost analytically. "So...something tells me you did not simply come here to watch classes. Am I wrong?"

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie smiles. "You'd be right. I wanted to see for myself just what you were made of, if you'd have me." She says, stretching and tying her hair in a ponytail, stowing her chopsticks. The martial artist keeps an eye on Colleen the entire time, as she stretches her arms and legs first. "A friend of mine once said you never truly know someone until you fight them. I think that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I _do_ like sparring partners..."

Colleen Wing has posed:
The young Sensei blinks ocne or twice at what is almost perceived as a challenge, looking for the words to her reply. Eventually the come, a shrug given in her reply. "Okay. I think I could probably arrange that." It is not often someone walks in and simply wants to spar with her. Oh, believe me it has happened...just not as frequent to make it a normal occurance. Colleen has already been warmed up for the most part, but a few little arms stretches are done while she take s a step to the other side of the mat. "So...guidlines? I really was not hoping to get hurt. Still on the backend of a broken rib recovery."

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie nods, "I can understand that. Two outta three? No need to kill one another over this." She says, arching her back before she adopts a fighting stance, arms ready and knees bent. "Let's just start slow. Feel free to yield if I risk breaking something. It'd suck to hurt a pretty thing like you." She winks playfully.

    "Your move."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Her move. What exactly did that mean? Well, nevertheless, Colleen takes a step foward, careful steps upon her toes in a motion with a little bit of resistance to actually engaging. Who was this person? She usually liked to never go into even a spar without being able to assess what she was up against. She even had no idea if this person was enhanced in any way. Colleen on more than one occassion had found that out the hard way. Her eventual engagement was nothing overly spectacular, more so a tesing strike with her right like, swinging upwards towards the woman's side. The intention certainly is to not land with any amount of force, but more testing the woman's reaction.

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie moved to block the leg strike with her own, before lunging with a kick towards Colleen's front, but it's feint. She's at least considerate enough to avoid striking at Colleen's ribs, knowing what the sensei said. She strikes at Colleen's chest with a few punches, testing Colleen's defenses with expert speed. "By the way," She says in between strikes. "Name's Julie Yan. I'm new in town."

Colleen Wing has posed:
The woman before her is quite skilled, that much has been determined during this tesing out period. The strike coming in his parried with a sweeping arm motion, choosing to defend herself more than actually trying to strike. She is patient, she always has been, looking gor the right chance to strike. However, the girl before her is not exactly giving her the chance to do so, at least not easily. She steps foward quickly, spinning at the last second and sending a backfist towards the other woman.

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie jukes that backfist strike, ducking bellow it can make contact as she makes for a sweeping kick to knock Colleen off her feet. "Not bad!" She says, swiftly jumping back up to her feet as she performs a butterfly twist kick, aiming high.

Colleen Wing has posed:
The backfist is dodged, and then that sweeping kick is jumped, but as she jumps the sweeping, she decides herself to counter-strike as quixckly as she can, but the other woman has already started her own attack and it is too late. The butterfly twist kick manages to strike her and send her reeling a bit, shaking it off and blinking a few times. "Impressive. That was unexpected." There is a small smile given as she starts to walk foward again, making a quick lunge foward with a fist etended, but it is the following rising knee that is intended to be the actual strike.

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie is about to slap the fist away, but she's caught by the knee strike as she staggers back. "You hit pretty hard too. Who trained you?" She asks, responding with a right cross, throwing in some boxing with her wushu.

Colleen Wing has posed:
There is a small breath taken as the knee lands, moving to retreat as quickly as possible. The boxing punch coming in is avoide with a side step and a returned low kick to the woman's thigh is sent her way. "My grandfather. In the mountains of Honshu, Japan. It was all we really did." There is a small smile given. "I wil admit my focus is in Kenjutsu."

Julie Yan has posed:
    "I trained in Hong Kong, my sifu raised me from infancy. I started training when I was seven." Julie responds, smiling fondly as she remembers old times. "Looks like it was paying off." She says. The kick to her thigh brings her to her knee, and she retaliates through a sliding kick to knock Colleen off her feet.

Colleen Wing has posed:
The talking is clesrly tossing Colleen off her game, perhaps that is the other woman's plan? It is working as the sliding kick does catch Colleen and brind her to the floor with a muttered curse. However, being on the floor is not the worst thing in the world for the young Sensei, shooting a rising kick from her back back toeards the woman before rolling backwards into a coruched position. "You are quite skilled. It would appear that your training has payed off as well. "

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie takes that kick to the chest, knocking her back a good few steps as she regains her footing. "You too." She says, grinning still. "Still good to go?" She asks, out of genuine concern. Last thing she wants to do is end up crippling Colleen on accident.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen nods from the coruched position, smiling over to her opponent. "Of course." She rises back to her feet and assumes a fighting position once more. "So tell me...what is it you do here in the city?" She walks forward agaun and proceeds to unleash a flurry of punches, not intending to harm if they are to get through.

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie jukes and jives, "I'm a student-Nngh! At NYU, wanted to get into mythology and history." She dodges and parries, returning a few of her own. "In the meantime-Yah! Just trying to make rent and tuition. That sort of thing." She follows her punches up with a spinning kick.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"A student. That is..whoa." The spinning kick strikes her shoulder and she staggers a bit to the side, regaining her footing and taking a small breath. "That was a good strike. Did not see that coming at all. WHat are you doing to make rent?" She steps foward and leaps at the last second, trying to grapple her arm in a hold to attempt to restrain her.

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie struggles and moves so she can bring Colleen to the mat, wrestling with the sensei. She shrugs a shoulder, "Serving tables, washing dishes, that kinda thing. I could use something nicer, I admit."

Colleen Wing has posed:
They continue to wrestle, trying to get the upperhand one one anotherm move after move being traded as the other tries to put their adversary into a hold that would restrict movement. It is a battle back and forth and neither of them seem to be getrting the upperhand. "Hey, work...is work. You will find something in time, I am sure of it. Plenty of things to do here in the city." She swings gher leg up and over, trying to put the girl in a head scissors.

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie grapples with Colleen, as things go from martial arts tournament to UFC. She finds herself in a headscissors, gasping for air as Colleen clamps her legs around her neck. Grunting, she tries to fight for air, but eventually taps out once her vision goes a bit fuzzy.

Colleen Wing has posed:
It is true that Collen has trained also in gorund techniques and the headscissor manages to get the best of her oppoenent. It was not the first time that moves had done so for her, makes sense why she went to it. When the tap is head, she immediatly release it and springs to her feet, offering her hand. "There we are. Ar eyou alright?" She seems genuinely concerned.

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie gasps for air, and she takes that hand gladly. "Yeah, I'm good, thanks." She wheezes for air, and as it returns to her lungs she gives Colleen a smile. "Phew, like I said, you're pretty good." She says, giving Colleen a clap on the arm. "That was fun, good chance to brush up without life-or-death being a thing. You good?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
Collen nods and smiles. " I am good. You wanna continue? SHe asks, but she does not wait for an answer, moving in quickly on the woman and seeing if she can take her down the same way again. Let us see if the woman has learned anything."

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie this time is prepared, moving so that she's on top as she begins to lift and pivot backwards, trying to put Colleen into a German suplex! She's clearly picked up a few wrestling techniques, besides Kung Fu. Somehow, it feels like Julie's holding back, otherwise this would hurt a -lot- more. "YAAAAAH!"

Colleen Wing has posed:
A german what? Collen does dot see that coming and when she finds herself going over backwards and hitting the floor on the side of her back, the wind is knocked out of her and she lays flat, arms extended out to the side trying to ge tthe air back. She goes to speak, but no words come out. However, it is clear by the hand that she is raising and the gesture she is making that she knows she is going to be alright. Just a case of the wind clearly being knocked out of her. Eventually she regains the breath and she smiles from her back. "Okay...that round is all you. Whoa."

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie helps Colleen to her feet, laughing. "I -always- wanted to use that!" She says with a wild grin. "You okay, Wing? I didn't damage your pride that badly, did I?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
"I am okay. Wow..thjat was certaubly not something I saw coming. That may bruise." She does manage to laugh lightly and shakes her head, wincing a bit. "Yeah...that move is pretty effective. I can only imagine if that was concrete I landed on." She walks forwars slowly and extends a hand. "I am thinking our deciding round may have to wait until next time, unless you wish to call it a draw."

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Heh, draw it is. We can settle round three over Street Fighter sometime if you'd like. I play a -mean- Chun-Li." Julie offers with a big laugh. "But seriously, you kick ass, Colleen. I can see why so many people flock to your dojo." The martial artist smiles wide, taking that hand and shaking firmly.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen Wing the hand is shaken and she give the other woman a warm smile, one warrior to another. "I have no doubt in my mmind that whatever you decide to do you are going to succeed and anyone that chooses to mess with you is going to find themselves wishing they hadn't. You are damn good. Damn good indeed. I must admit much better than I had initially given credit for."