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Latest revision as of 14:01, 26 June 2020

Icarus should have used Thanagar tech, not wax
Date of Scene: 24 June 2020
Location: Triskelion - R&D Labs
Synopsis: Daisy and Bobbi learn to sing like the birds.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Daisy Johnson

Bobbi Morse has posed:
It was a morbid collection of things recovered from the attack on the Stark Expo. Three suits of 'Thanagarian Black Guard' armor, too damaged to actually function, but one at least would turn on and off. One Thanagarian flight harness, fairly mangled. The corpse of one of the Thanagarians. The rest came in alive and didn't need to be in the R&D section of SHIELD.

It's the quiet hours and Bobbi hasn't been sleeping after a particularly long and heated conversation with Lance Hunter. Not that she's really shared much about what has been bothering with anyone.

The flight suit was dismantled, detangled, within its composition were several 'plates' that seemed to be the most important component of the wings. They are set out on the table in R&D when Bobbi walks in and picks up the tablet to read over what has been discovered so far... not much.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Having made her way over to the R&D Daisy has been looking over some of the specs on the wings and suits, namely the way they interface together and do the transition between the wings and their user. And being a veritable vampire she is up during the night and not having yet slept (nor appearing close to it), most likely the large mug of coffee she has nearby having been helping in that.

"This material. It's completely alien in origin, but first reports is that it can make someone weightless. It's really a marvel." she shares, looking up from her own tablet she was using to look over what they had gleaned so far.

"The connecting interface though, well, their mind is totally alien to ours so that's being a little harder to breach." And sure, she seems to have noticed the strange hours that Bobbi is here tonight, but doesn't ask just yet.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Coffee to lips. Bobbi nods to Daisy and sets the tablet down. "Yeah. I think may be the techs are being too careful. Let's imagine for a moment that we invent a machine - we're super careful at first how we interface with it, but as technology becomes more comfortable and common place - we batten down the flaws, make it more solid. So.. screw it, let's hit this thing with white noise and see what works."

She wasn't really asking, her curiosity is intense on this one. The personalised flight suits that have been developed on Earth so far involve large power sources and carefully crafted jets. This.. this is a whole new paradigm of flight. The kind they imagine in Star trek and Star wars and Babylon 5. Anti-gravity.

Bobbi takes one of the plates and picks it up. "Very light.. a little bendy, wants to resume its shape," she notes and then connects up the two wires leading back to the signal generator. "Turn off the safeties.. let's see what we get."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Considering the danger it's good to be careful but ...." Then a small frown comes to Daisy's expression, watching Bobbi for a few moments, thoughtful. A bit impulsive tonight she was, so the obvious question is. "So, what happened for you to be here tonight?" right before she looks back to the work table and begins to turn off the safeties, taptapping away on her tablet.

"I should warn you that this would almost be as flying blind, without any idea on what measures to use for the wings. It's completely different from what we use, so the usual, 'go up', 'go down' controls don't work. It's more on how much gravity do you want to apply or not."

She gets up from her bench once she is done taking off the safeties.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
There's a look of surprise as Daisy picks up on her ill disposition tonight. "Ah. Hm. Yeah." She sets down her coffee and walks over to the signal generator, sitting down at it. "Let's just say.. I have terrible taste in men." She emphasis this by turning the power on. The generator for it is in the room and begins to hum as she increases the white noise and amplitude. "And to the best of my knowledge, they are unaware of how much," she turns it up, "they piss me off," she turns it up more, "when they try to tell me how to live my life."

The single plate connected to the generator suddenly makes a tiny little wobble on the desk.. the first 'movement' any one has gotten out of the thing since they stripped them all away from the broken flight harness. Bobbi turns around sharply and stares at it jiggling and dancing ever so slightly.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The 'Ahhh' that leaves Daisy's lips is one of understanding. Yes, she was aware of those kind of moods on Bobbi. So she nods at it. "They can be somewhat blind when it suits them." yes, she had been in her own share of infuriating relationships. Then she says in a tentative manner. "Or perhaps they just care too much?" maybe in attempts to up the mood on her friend.

Though when the wings start to wobble and come to 'life' she widens her eyes. "Ooo, look at that. Movement." she approaches, tapping on her tablet as she takes on a reading on the generator frequency and the amplitude. "If they are using frequencies to control the wings maybe a workaround can be made, mmmm.."

She sits back down on her bench, starting to tap furiously on her tablet. "Once we get the basis of the working frequencies then it would be a matter of mapping it into an interface our brains actually understand. ot that I expect this to be done any time soon but..."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Never discount blind luck when messing around with alien flight harnesses... is totally not a saying that anyone has ever said before now." Bobbi grins with delight and sits there watching it jiggle about. She ponders a moment and starts to adjust the white noise to be more controlled and it drops dead again. She ups it back to white noise once more and says, "I do believe we are overwhelming it with a mixture of understood commands and utter gibberish. We'll have to start an analysis with the machine learning quantum computer to narrow down the signal space..." She hmms and picks up her tablet and starts to look at the available QC resources. "Oh, the MoRack 3 is available," the third of their super quantum computers. "Wait here I'll go redirect it to our stations." She gets up and leaves the R&D room for a few minutes.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Well, they can still blow up." Daisy murmurs, eyeing the wings as they go back to a still position. She nods in agreement at the overwhelmed part, replying. "Which may be error inducing too if what we believe is making them move isn't really what we think it is."

"The Morack is a good idea though." She furrows her brows, nearing the wings when Bobbi steps out of the room to go reroute the computers resources, she going back to study the wings components, thoughtful. For these to fly it won't be as simple as she originally thought. She begins to make a few adjustments on the frequencies, matching them to the alloys they identified on the wings.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
MoRock 3 comes on line in the R&D room before Bobbi is even back. The connected plate resumes doing absolutely nothing at all. Whatever 'language' the aliens think in is apparently not the way humans would approach the problem - conveying it to the physical properties of the material. Bobbi wanders back in to the room and puts her safety goggles back on.

"MoRock 3 is ours for the next few hours." She smiles and says, "Did I ever tell you about Lance? He used to be a SHIELD agent. Probably before your time." Casually inserting him in to the conversation, apparently she is ready to talk about him a bit. That's progress!

Bobbi motions to the signal generator, "Are you ready to let the AI take a crack at it, or did you want to fiddle a bit more first?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Lance?" Daisy ponders on it a moment, lips jerking to the side and then she shakes her head. "No, you haven't." not that she hasn't heard rumors, but that's not for now! She does smile a touch though, perhaps glad that Bobbi is sharing. Never good to bottle things up.

She puts the tablet away for the moment when her attempts bring no results. Clearly they wouldn't get there using the more common ways. She nods. "Let the AI have a crack, I think it's a good time to see the QC at work too." a wink. "Hoping it will justify all the budget we are spending on them. Instead of more pastry cakes at the cafeteria." her tone teasing.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi sets up the initial data sets, the seed for the white noise that got their first response from the alien technology, then presses the unexciting 'start' button. The quantum computer starts a GAN loop between the real world devices and a test neural network and its adversarial neural network. Nothing happens for a while.

"Well, Lance.. Hunter. He and I dated for a while. But he has a habit of thinking as my boyfriend he has a right in what kinds of missions I do and whether or not those missions included.. ahem. Anyway, we broke up.. got back together.. broke up.. got back together. Broke up again which is where I've been at these last several months. Now he's threatening to come back to SHIELD as a consultant and I told him I didn't want him around." She has a guilty look on her face, "I have no right to say that to him."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Now we get to the interesting part." Daisy says in all her nerd-dom, following the QC's work on her tablet, her eyes a bit wide. Always a joy for her to get the 'big guns' into action so there's an eager little smile on her lips as she flips and flops with her finger on the tablet's screen, mmm'ing quietly.

But the talk on Hunter brings her back to her friend, eyes turning up to watch Bobbi's face. She nods a couple of times as if she might be aware (partially), of that story. But her conclusion seems to be. "It seems to me as if you care about him." sure, poke the senior officer! "Why don't you want him around?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi narrows her eyes and says, "Daisy Johnson. Girl talk is about being supportive regardless of how irrational ones love life might be." She smirks and picks up her coffee. At that very moment the quantum computer attempts its latest solution on the wings. The connected panel flies like a blade through the air, cuts her coffee in half and embeds itself in the wall.

The computer screen flashes up 'error: connection lost' as the cables connecting to the anti-gravity panel are yanked free. Bobbi stands there a moment and blinks, not willing to move for a moment. The coffee fell in a surprisingly neat fashion down from the bifurcated cup until it hit the floor and splashed all over her trousers.

Bobbi sets the remainder of her coffee cup in to the bin and turns to look at the alien component embedded in to the bullet proof glass of the laboratory window. "Ahem," is the best she can manage.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Hey, I am being supportive. Asking the real questions. That's what a friend does." Daisy replies to the other woman, even sticking her tongue out briefly. But no time to elaborate due to the beep on the tablet. A solution? She turns her attention back down to it, "Oh, look--" then she just blinks as the wings fly off. Her hard stare is on the embedded wings on the wall.

"So..." a pause. "Maybe I should put the safeties back on and ..." Then a frown, something isn't right. And while she hopes that coffee wasn't too hot when it hit Bobbi's trousers her focus is on what happened. She quickly taps on the tablet, looking at the last few tries of the QC. "Alright, I got something here. I just need to collate this data and maybe we will figure something more about it." she appears to leave the retrieval of the blades to Bobbi. She is the computer nerd here tonight afterall!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Agent Foits runs up to the Lab door and stares in. He wears big thick rimmed glasses and has an expression of concern and shock on his face. He has a reputation for pointing out peoples failures. Bobbi lifts a finger, "Not a word Agent Foits. Not a word." She presses a boot against the window and starts wriggles and squirming and hopping as she pulls it out of the glass. There's a hole right through it.

With a thunk she places the wings back down on the table. "You know, I could have sworn that I saw all the panels sort of.. move sinuousoidly with that piece we were exciting. It was almost like they were sympathetic to its movement." Her heart still racing, Bobbi sits down at her computer and starts to look at the data and the high speed camera footage. "There.. the first panel begins to lift up and move, the others follow it like a .. flock of birds creating a V formation. What did you get Daisy?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
No words from Johnson to Foits. But there's an urgent nod coming out of her (all out of sight from Bobbi!), when she signals Foits that it'd be better for him to be quiet. You don't want to go pointing out lab safety when Bobbi is also talking about her love life! Killer combination, maybe even worth of those famous roundhouse kick demonstrations. Her attention then goes back to Bobbi, "Sympathetic? Oh..."

Squinting her eyes Daisy taptaps on her tablet again, perhaps introducing in new search paradigms. "Ah..." she says, rather eloquently. Another pause.

"I see now what's going on. The problem was we were trying to stimulate the whole thing but.., there is clearly an alpha in those wings. Or rather. A receptor, that then spread info to the rest on how they should behave." a sigh. "This may even probably be related to the Thanagarian's own home planet and how they view things. Do we even have anyone that has any knowledge about their people?" she asks while still inputting on some instructions through her tablet. "Hook them back in. I am going to try this theory of only feeding that particular piece."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi reconnects the panel and turns back around, seeing Foits still staring. She motions with her hands, "Shoo." He reluctantly leaves the area. She turns back around and sits back at her tablet to review the data. "It's like it's in parallel series. I wonder what it means." She taps fingertips to the table top. "Okay so as a species we came up with binary logic.. but even our fibre optic communications are effectively multidimensional. What's fundamental to an alien species with wings. I know we're both thinking birds here, but come on.. birds. On the other hand, Sam could talk to the mentally." She looks over to Daisy, "Sorry that was above your security level. What if their computers sing like birds. I don't mean singing.. I mean.. what if the data is all sympathetic like song harmonics."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Security level..?" Daisy replies to Bobbi with all too innocent look that is telling. Daisy breaks those levels! It's no coincidence she was an integral part in designing some of the new SHIELD safety measures. Specially against cyber attacks. It also makes her aware of a lot of info that should be classified to her. Though it's not as if she confirms or denies knowing about Sam's bird talk. Because she is a SUPER spy, in SUPER shield.

But then she mmmms at Bobbi's suggestion. "That has merit too. Close to there being an alpha but ..., any of them can be. The bottom line is you only have to stimulate ONE of the wing pieces to have it spread." she continuing to type on her tablet as she puts in new directives for testing.

"And so, if you are right we can do a simple test...." with the info from the QC, along with her own expertise she begins to create a small program to emulate those song harmonics. "Are you ready to become a real mockingbird?" she asks Bobbi before hitting the 'Go' button.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Funny. La la la I don't hear you funny," Bobbi replies as Daisy feigns innocence when it comes to hacking high level documents on SHIELD servers. It was why they recruited her in the first place, she's brilliant at it. Bobbi swivels around on her chair to look at the wings. "Well even if it doesn't work, we got it to move at least. Not necessarily in a safe way, but in a way."

Bobbi reaches for where her coffee was and then pauses, disappointed. The wings jitter on the table and then rise up at a constant rate of 10cm a minute until they are hovering above the table with only two connection leads dangling. Bobbi stands up and stare at it in wonder. "We did it..." Her face looks excited and surprised as she turns to Daisy, "We did it!"

Curiosity gets the better of her. She puts her hand on top of the plate and pushes. It yields on a little bit before pushing back against her. She places her hand under the plate and pushes up. A similar result. "Okay.. okay..." She climbs up on the table and then with careful balance, climbs up on top of the wings themselves. They lower as she puts her weight fully on to it, then slowly inch back to the desired level. "They're.. sustaining my weight."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There is only a playful eyebrow waggle when Bobbi starts telling she isn't listening to Daisy. But before she adds anything more and the wings finally start going up and flying she shouts out a, "Eureka!" she excitedly inputting in new lines of code as they receive more info out of the wings. "We were able to get it stable. It's the basis, and a start. And noooooww...." a grin. "We need to learn on how to move it."

Eyes go up at Bobbi when she climbs atop the wings. "You are breaking around twenty or so safety measures by doing that." she notes. But she not being the safety nerd she doesn't complain. Because where it comes to SCIENCE it's all about being dangeroooous.

"But now that we know how to work them up the rest will come in time." she begins running a spectrum, restricted to musical reverberations, her own powers coming to the fore as she focuses on the wings, feeling the vibration and the musicality running through them.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi hops off of the wings and on to the ground. They wobble in the air a moment at the sudden displacement of weight. "It narrows it down, but we're still talking about a completely alien language and way of thinking. I suspect.. now that we have a solid basis.. is to give the problem back to MoRack 3 and use up all the time we have allotted, then try out what it comes up with tomorrow."

"The wings aren't going anywhere and we've made a massive break through." She smiles, "Come let me buy you coffee from the cafeteria. I need a new one anyway." Also the coffee is free, but it's the thought that counts. She taps on her tablet, restricting the wings to herself and Daisy for the time being.