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Latest revision as of 02:32, 5 July 2020

Flamebirb meet Firebirb
Date of Scene: 05 July 2020
Location: Chinatown
Synopsis: Flamebird and Firebird met. One of them invited the other into the Birds of Prey. This isn't the least bit confusing no.
Cast of Characters: Barbara Gordon, Bette Kane, Julie Yan

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs leans back in her chair and stares at the screen. "Hey Bette. I think we have a live one up in New York. I've been having Oracle run search programs... targeting young female heroes who are likely a bit inexperienced. You know." she stares at the screen a bit more. "This one actually seems to have a bit of a flamebird theme.. so either it is a trap for you and us or adorable."

she leans back in and starts typing. "You think I should do the usual mysterous drop the app on her phone and setup a meetup or do you just want to intercept one of her patrols.. she is up in NY Chinatown it looks like?"

Bette Kane has posed:
The buzz of her phone, she lifts it up and withdraws to a darker alleyway. "Hey Babs. Mmhm. Or we could just turn up at her apartment, that wouldn't be creepy at all. I'm in Brooklyn doing a thing for work for the Mutant Town hole," Bette forgets Babs knows these things already, "Let's intercept one of her patrols. Are you going to join me or do I have to do this one solo? Because traps are fun and all, but better with friends. Adorable I can handle myself. I love adorable."

She opens up the Birbapp and locates the China town info for the prospect.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs considers "I think the whole popping a new app on people's phones and mysterious messaging them is about as creepy as I want to get. The old man does that appearing in the shadows of people's apartments though all the time to deliver warnings or intel... woosh."

She chuckles "I'll suit up and meet you up in Chinatown we can intercept this one and chat with her.. I'll appreciate your opinion before we make the offer."

With that she pushes away from the computer array and heads to change and make a pretty fast trip up to New York from Gotham.

What, like Waynetech doesn't have a private Elon Musk style off the books hyperloop between the Tri-City.

Julie Yan has posed:
    CHINATOWN, 8:57 PM

    Julie had been pretty busy tonight, it being the Fourth of July weekend and all. The odd party gone wild was something she could let the cops handle, but a convenience store getting hit by some robbers was just what she needed to freshen up her skills. Before the thugs even knew it, one of them was being pulled through a broken window by a red scarf, the rest following out with guns drawn.

    Julie drops on top of one of them, before superheating a shotgun hot enough to burn its owner's hands as she knocks him out with a swift kick. That's three bad guys down, and she zipties them. Throwing a salute to the clerk, she zips off, heading back to the rooftops before the cops can get there.

Bette Kane has posed:
A TV in a shop window shows some news footage of 2nd Lt Bette Kane talking in front of the Mutant Town hole to a news team about the importance of homeland security and fighting the good fight. She stops letting herself be distracted as she watches Julie engage the robbers. She's impressed, that was efficient.

Oops, getaway vehicle, there's always a getaway vehicle. Two bird-a-rangs are let loose, one to a front tyre, one to a back tyre. The get away driver puts his foot down and the car careens in to a fire hydra, gushing water up in to the sky. <She missed one, but she's on the move. Do you still have visual Batgirl?,> Bette says over the Birbcomms.

A zipline takes her back up to the roof tops and she starts to follow, slowly, keeping her distance. There's nothing more unsettling than suddenly being chased by someone you don't know - that's not an experience she wants to accidentally give Julie.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
<<Yeah I have an ORACLE Drone up in the air.... you can see the location and feed if you want to on any of your devices.> she notes back on BirbComm.

<Get away driver all wrapped up then?>> she drops a pin on a building up ahead of Julie. <<I'm going to cut her off in the front if you want to catch up from the back now.

Seems that Babs abscribes to the little bit of startlment is good to see how people react.

So yeah Batgirl moves in to intercept from the front. Though she mostly is just sitting on a rooftop HVAC when Julie gets that far, watching her approach in the gloom and giving a friendly "Hey" towards her revealing her position when the other person gets close enough to hear that.

Damn bat ninjas.

Julie Yan has posed:
    By the time Julie gets there, she already feels some eyes on the back of her head. It makes her nervous, like she's about to be jumped by assassins at any moment as she zips across rooftop gaps. By the time she sees that dark clad figure, she's about to strike a fighting stance, only for nothing but a cheery greeting. "Uh, hi?" SHe says, lowering her fists.

    Friggin ninjas.

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette brings up the drone footage and the overlay on rooftops. There's even a line indicating most efficient path. Dayamn Babs, she has out done herself this time. "Driver is slumped on the horn, police are approaching. If he was carrying he's not holding at the moment. All good."

Device away, Bette starts to cover some ground and eventually walks up behind Julie, not attempting to conceal her approach, "Evenin'." Bette has a grin on her face, she can't help herself. This is her passion. As enthusiastic as she has to try and be in her day job, it comes naturally to be enthusiastic about her vigilante work. Her hands go to her hips in a classic pose. "Nice work with those convenience store robbers back there."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl slides to the edge of the HVAC, legs dangling off it as she fully revealed. The costume is a bit iconic but she isn't as famous by any degree as The Batman of course.

"Pretty good job with the robbery earlier. I'm sure Flamebird has some pointers for you but we mostly just wanted to catch upwith you and see you in action a bit."

She mms "Not here for a fight though, don't worry."

Julie Yan has posed:
    "I figured. Otherwise you wouldn't have gone for the greeting." Julie says, eyeing both Flamebird and Batgirl. "I'm Fenghuang. I know you," She points at Batgirl, "But not her." She jerks a thumb toward Flamebird cautiously. "So what is this, a job interview?"

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette grins a little bit more, "Oh yes, she's quite famous." There's a playful little smile over to Babs as she lets her lack of exposure slide right off. Her real life identity is far better known than her vigilante identity. In some ways, that's a good thing.. though it does bruise the ego a little bit.

"You never know, we could just have been polite costumed villains or something." Walking up closer to Julie Bette offers her hand to her, "As you heard, I'm Flamebird, it's a pleasure to meet you Fenghuang, we've heard about you and thought we'd best come meet you for ourselves."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
There is totally a hidden eyeroll in her cowl there as she notes. "I'm not famous." to Bette. She does sound amused though not upset by it all. "It is the halo effect off of Batman and you know it." which may or may not be soothing.

She turns her attention back to Julie. "Fenghuang, Firebird. Well please meet Flamebird one of my friends and associates. Also you are pretty quick on the uptake. This is sort of a job interview really." a shrug.

"We are part of a group that is focused on ..female superheroes especially newer ones and helping themso they have the best odds of surviving this line of work."

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie perks. "Hope you don't mind the blended supernames, I'm...uh, pretty bad at them." She says sheepishly, before she eyes Batgirl curiously. "Well, I mean it's kind of a boy's club for the A-listers far as I can see...hm. What are you guys called?"

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette folds her arms and quite proudly says, "We're the Birds of Prey. Batgirl is right, we're there for each other. It's tough doing the right thing these days, standing up to the bad guys. We get each others backs and help each other grow." She nods to Batgirl and says, "Believe me, I've done a lot of growing in the last few years. Without the birds, who knows where I'd have ended up. You've got some great moves Firebird, but there's always more to learn.. and yeah, don't worry about the name, no one is going to confuse you for me. I dress to audaciously."

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie snorts. "I feel like I need at least a mask, or something. I don't do the secret identity much, but still." Shrug. She does nod, "Okay, say I accept joining the outfit, what's the catch? There's gotta be like, union dues or something for these kinds of outfits, right?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"You definitely need a mask Julie." she notes gently. "I mean.. seriously. Probably also some careful armor and all... I mean." she pauses "Are you bulletproof. For all I know you may have some metahuman abilities so it isn't out of the pale real to think you might have some durability going on?"

"No catch. I would expect you to take some training from some of the older members. Also if some people need help in New York be willing to team up and help solve bad guy issues around here and not purely solo. That sort of thing. We don't need dues or anything Nor do we need everyone to be in matching uniforms like the Fantastic Four.." she grins at the thought. "Honestly everyone has a very distinct style.. probably due to being a group of only women superheroes and vigilantes."

Julie Yan has posed:
    "I haven't tried, really don't wanna push my luck. Didn't pay a mask much thought, maybe a domino mask?" Julie says before trying to tie her scarf around her face like a hijab and giving up on that, and laughs. "Alright, alright, you got me interested. I could use a way to get to meet folks anyways. Do I get like, a custom communicator?"

Bette Kane has posed:
The very thought of everyone in their group dressing up like Babs sends a shudder through her body. She shakes her head and grins, "Definitely no matching uniforms. Besides, people like to evolve their gear as they get better at design and technology. Gosh. I shudder at some of my old attempts at a costume."

"And the Birds will open you up to a wider world of crime fighters, as well as some of those more famous ones you've heard about from time to time. We're a bit of a skill share, happy to learn from you too." -- After a pause Bette smiles, "You get a very cool phone app to start with."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs gives Bette a dry look for a moment, yes she caught that shudder. Equally dryly. "Everyone has their own style and look. Also this current look of mine is more colorful than some of my old costumes, thanks." then she looks back to Julie "We have an associate named Oracle who helps coordinate and source intel and information. I'll have her install an app on your phone." creepy "It will let you chat with people and SOS and such..." she reaches to a utility belt pocket and pulls out a small earpiece. "Comm unit as well yes that can work with your phone, good subvocal phone conducing microphone tech as well."

"But .. eventually I'd like to get all the uniforms upgraded with some bulletweave undersuits ... bullets suck."

Julie Yan has posed:
    "That would be -amazing.-" Julie says with a big grin, and she takes the earpiece and produces her phone. "Wait, you can just have her do that? I mean...Sounds pretty Steve Jobsy to me." She says dubiously, but she produces her phone. "Okay, let's do this. I imagine you don't have this app on the Play store."

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette feels a buzz from her phone and she glances at it, her eye narrow behind her mask - Kate wants to talk. "Hm. Speaking of big names, it seems I'm being summoned." She frowns just a touch and then shrugs her shoulders. "It can wait," she puts her phone back in to the hidden place and says, "Oracle is a veritable wizard with technology, the name fits. I look forward to getting to know you better Firebird. I like to think of the Birds as a sort of second, or may be third family." She considers for a moment.. actual family, bat family.. bird family.. "Extended family."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"There... isn't really a computer on the planet that Oracle can't get into. She is .. very versatile when it comes to those sort of things."

Batgirl will take a little bracer computer on her wrist under her glove, sending the command to ORACLE to finish the install on Julie's phone. A green app icon, a stylized Oracle head appears as if by computer magic on the young woman's phone now. "You should have baby bird levels of access to talk to people and request information. Once you get some training and we make sure you aren't some sort of deep ninja assassin plant .. we will upgrade you to full bird status." mm that sounds wrong, full bird... anyhow.

"Okay good luck." she notes to Bette and then looks back to Julie. "When you are taking down a robber.. remember to take down the get away driver. There is almost always a wheelman when someone is knocking over a store. We took care of him this time."

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Baby birds. Cute." Julie giggles. She watches as the app just -appears- on her phone, and she connects her earpiece to it. "Noted, I'm too used to robbers just hoofing it on foot, not as many cars in Hong Kong." She admits.

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette does her best demonstration of having been trained by both Batwoman, Batman, and the US Military. She dashes away to the edge of the building and dives off in to the night.