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Latest revision as of 04:10, 20 July 2020

Back to Base
Date of Scene: 18 July 2020
Location: The Robin's Roost - Chelsea
Synopsis: Rose returns to the base.
Cast of Characters: Rose Wilson, Tim Drake

Rose Wilson has posed:
It's been a little while now, since Rose moved in. Tim has probably figured out that she tends to come and go, sometimes even going MIA for a few days, only to return as though she were never gone to begin with. Sometimes she comes back looking a little rough, or tired, but it never lasts more than a night of good sleep.

Tonight finds her coming back from one of her few days gone, and she's got a beat up duffle bag hanging from her shoulder, and the smell of gasoline fueled fire and smoke clinging to her skin, hair and clothes. Although there doesn't appear to be anything burnt on her.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim is lounging in the main 'relaxation' area. He could be in his room, playing games or watching TV. Or painting tiny people. But he isn't. He's sprawled out on one of the two couches, bare-footed, in basketball shorts and a tank top. He's not looking particularly great himself... his hair is slick-damp from an obviously recent shower, but he looks fairly haggard as if he's not gotten sleep for a bit. The TV is quietly playing some documentary on Netflix that he doesn't really seem to be watching so much as staring in the general direction of.

Rose's arrival does actually get his attention, and he lifts a hand in greeting. And his head. Slightly. "Hey Rose." It's been a few days, but that's seeming to be a pattern with her. Another two and he'd be worried.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Another two, and he might as well consider her gone for a while. A real while. Really gone. Or forever. But she's like the stray cat in the alley, she always comes back to the source of food.

The bag in her hand is dropped, and it hits with the heavy, clattering thud of metal. The sort he probably doesn't need to be a Batgenius to figure out, but since he's a genius, he knows she's more armed than "usual".

She tilts her head, brows furrowing a moment as she takes in his appearance, his position on the couch just zoning out to Netflix like someone....not him. She moves towards him, and when she reaches the couch, one knee hits the cushion before she throws her other leg over his hips before she leans down, nose tip to nose tip. "What happened?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"Ehh?" Tim is taken a bit aback by the sudden Rose-on-lap, though he doesn't seem to mind. "Oh. Nothing really. Patrols. More clowns. More of that... weird drug... showing up. Still can't get a good reading on what it even is." He stifles a yawn. "Just exhausted." He reaches up and lightly rests his hands on her hips, in that 'I'm not entirely sure I should be doing this but this seems like what I'm supposed to do?' kind of way. "Glad you're back though. Figured I'd get some input on finishing setting up the place. I'm sure I'm missing something, as a base for our newfound adventures in heroing."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"A base?" Rose tilts her head again, then she glances around, "Is there an armory? A place to practice?" She's very one-tracked when it comes to most things. He could probably figure out where she was going to go when he mentioned the need input, even if he might not have meant //from her//. However, the hands on her hips seems to be the right course, since she doesn't correct it.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Mm. I have a gym for working out, and there's a target place for working on aim." Of batarangs and birdarangs. He did, however, seem to mean from her-- he does tilt his head and consider. "Not much in the way or armory, but we should probably think about what might be needed eventually." He means mostly non-lethal. But that's an argument for later. He grins up at her. "Kind of glad Bart's... where ever he goes," he notes.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Mention of Bart causes her eyes to lift up, and she looks around, just in case mentioning his name might summon him up. Then she looks back down at him, "Conner gone, too?"

And just in case he didn't understand why she was asking, or thought she might misunderstand why he was glad Bart was gone, she tilts her head to press her mouth against his. Instead of continuing to lean down and press her nose against his, probably more comfortable, too.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim could get used to this, actually. One hand moves up to cup the side of Rose's head as he returns her kiss. The smell of gasoline isn't exactly the most... wonderful... scent, but he'll tolerate it for a kiss. Or two. After a few moments, he breaks the kiss. "Yeah. I think he had some party to go to." He pauses. Huh. Yeah, that's means that they kind of have the place to themselves.

That could be... good or bad, really.

Rose Wilson has posed:
It could be good, or bad, honestly. It could be anything. What it is, right now, is at least good.

Rose doesn't push him on things when he breaks the kiss, instead she nods, "He likes the college parties...the bartenders give him free drinks when he flirts with them."

How and why Rose knows that, the mystery of the week.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim actually snort-laughs at that. "Not shocked," whether about the free drinks or Conner enjoying things because of that, isn't clear. Probably both. His hand moves back to her hip and he looks considering.

Eh, work first. He is Tim Drake, after all.

"Whatever additions or changes need to be made to the base, though, I'm absolutely willing to work with. I want it to be exactly what we need as a base of operations."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"I'm sure that you'll have everything sorted out, but if I find anything else we need after looking, I'll be sure to let you know." Which, honestly, she will. And as it is, there will probably be a very indepth conversation about a place she can shoot live rounds in, even if others prefer less lethal measures. She's not the shot some others are, so honestly she could always use more practice.

Or she just likes things that explode.

Which, it's on that note that she leans back in to give him another kiss. The business of decorating the base is not a focus for her at the moment.