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Latest revision as of 18:29, 22 July 2020

SHIELD: I can't dodge bullets
Date of Scene: 22 July 2020
Location: Triskelion - Shooting Range
Synopsis: Quake learns to disassemble a fire arm.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Daisy Johnson

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The quartermaster booked the entire shooting range for Bobbi at her request. Ever since she first saw Daisy stop a bullet, she's had this idea in her head that may be, may be they can train this skill up. And so, the field is empty of other agents practicing with their fire arms except for Agent Morse, Agent Hightower, and now Agent Johnson. Resting on a table in front of Bobbi is a 3-mode fully automatic airsoft assault rifle.

Bobbi has a big grin on her face and she says, "Welcome Agent Johnson, to Bobbi's custom Quake training session. Please don safety goggles and body armor and proceed to out in to the live range where upon I shall shoot you and you shall stop the airsoft pellet from hurting you with your shaketty shakes. Kapiche?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy is present with a SHIELD training tank top, camo pants and boots. The request had been a bit of a surprise, she didn't know exactly what this was about yet upon seeing the weapons on the table. "Have I been failing those marksmanship tests too much? Hello Agent Morse, Hightower." a faint grin coming to her expression even if her eyes seem a bit distant, other thoughts troubling her most likely.

Then the introduction comes and she hrms. "Shoot me?" that was new... But she takes in a breath and walks over to start getting some armor on along with goggles. "I hate being shot at, you know?" because who does?!

Finished with the armor she begins walking over to be one of those target dummies on shooting ranges. Now she knows how they feel!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"I'm right there with you Agent Johnson, I hate being shot at too. I especially hate being shot. Unlike me though, you can actually do something about it." She nods to the quartermaster and he puts on his protective gear, as does Bobbi. She loads the weapon with a clip of pellets and sets it to single shot mode, safety then off, she aims center-mass. "You won't know when I'm going to pull the trigger, so get your vibe on shiverme quakers, and let's train up that survival instinct of yours so you can be the envy of every agent in SHIELD."

She means it, as rumor started to spread that Bobbi was going to do this, people were trying to find ways to attend so they could watch the showdown between gun and super human ability. Everyone wanted to see if she could really stop bullets with her mind like Neo from the Matrix.

Bobbi pulls the trigger and sends a pellet at speed down the range directly square to the chest of Daisy.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Lets see what I can do then.." Daisy's expression turns more determined, setting aside whatever was troubling her and that dark gaze squints just so. Her posture shifts, one leg behind, slightly bent and she takes in a breath. She takes in both Bobbi and the weapon, the vibrations around it, attuned, sensing the shifts. Hands go up and she seems ready for what is to come...

Yet there is a big difference between being ready and actually having the reaction time to do it. She can feel the bullet leaving the weapon, the vibrations as they part for it. She opens her hands for a deflection on it but most she can do is to slow it somewhat. The bullet hits her vest but doesn't embed itself there, instead making her stumble back but then falling to the ground.

She winces, it still hurt somewhat. "Ow, point one to team Bobbi.." she rubs at her chest and then re-focuses.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi smirks a touch, "No points. You do that voodoo that you do so well Ag... Quake." There, that might help. Her code name could put her in the right head space to quakify these mostly harmless pellets. They may cause some nasty bruises if she hits other than the armor or ballistic eyewear.

"I can make it," she fires again, "more dangerous if that'll get your head in the right space." Once again she shoots center-mass to be consistent for Daisy to work on this, but she doesn't want to be predictable, she wants her to use those powers to feel and respond.

It's entirely possible that when agents realised Bobbi wasn't going to let them in to watch the show, that they could still bet on the outcome via the quartermaster. So while Bobbi isn't keeping score, he is. There's a lot of money riding on this training session.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"It's not voodoo, or I'd have a Bobbi straw-doll and some pins back in my quarters." A bit of a teasing grin on Daisy's expression, she taking some time walking back and forth on the shooting range, hands on her hips as she gets back on her 'groove'. A few moments later she is back in position. "Alright, let's go."

Focused, she feels the pellet coming, her eyes narrow just so and there's just the faintest of vibrations rushing through the room, her powers come to the fore.

The pellet appears to hit some kind of invisible obstacle, making it divert direction. It still goes forward but this time doesn't hit her, passing fly-by close to her ear and hitting a poor dummy behind them.

"This was better." Something was still missing though. "Make it more dangerous maybe?" because in truth a lot of her powers ran through instinct sometimes, specially the fast reactions.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi double taps, two dead centermass as they are trained to do when dropping a regular unarmored armed target. "Convince me you're ready for more danger and I will." She smiles, pleased that the last pellet missed her and hit the target behind. It was close. She isn't sure if that's better or worse than arresting the bullet full stop - it just is. This is as much an exploration of her ability than it is trying to get her to be the best quake she can be.

"If it helps, the cameras are off and the only people are myself and Hightower. No lookiloos. So, mess up as much as you want, we have two hours booked, as well as the training course next door when you're ready to try it on a tactical course."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Barely time to recover, but Daisy was getting into the groove of it now, prepared, her powers primed. When those two new shots come she is ready, taking a step forward almost as if in defiance to the bullets. Daring them to hit her. When they approach there is a sudden shaking in the room, one that sends vibrations that reach even where Morse and Hightower are, making that table nearby where the weapon was to rattle..

But more than that the two bullets are stopped, or in this case blocked in front of Daisy, being deflected up and against the ceiling before finally falling on the ground, harmless.

"Do you mean like this?" A grin, hands resting on her hips as she drops on one knee to look over the dropped pellets, bent and warped out of shape.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi nods her head and grins, "Damn that's cool." She does an air-high five to Daisy, puts down the gun and takes out the pellets, "Range clear, we're moving to the tactical room." Bobbi goes over to where she has placed her trainers gear. Black armor, black pants, black hat and dark goggles. In mere moments, she looks like a spec-ops ghost. She picks up the pellet assault rifle and slings it over her shoulder. She motions to the door, "This way Quake, to the fun."

Through the door is a maze of wooden walls with cut outs for windows, doors, odd corners and angles, stairs for elevation. Sometimes it's used with paint ball, hence lots of paint on the walls, but often it's used with airsoft pellet guns. Sometimes, more rarely, with pop-up targets and live ammunition.

Hightower follows them through the to training gauntlet and stands behind the bullet proof glass. His deep voice resonates as he says, "Agent Morse will start at the far end and Agent Johnson will start at this end. Agent Johnson you must collect three hidden tags from the course."

Bobbi adds, "Get shot as little as possible, ideally not at all. My weapon will be set to full automatic." She holds it up and turns the dial to switch the mechanism from 1-shot, to 3-shot, then to full-automatic. She pulls down the visor and jogs off through the maze, her foot falls are barely heard nor felt.

Hightower says, "At the sound of the horn, begin."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A thumbs up is given in return to Bobbi and she makes her way over, somewhat curious on what is to come. "Do you mean more fun than stopping pellets mid-air?" she asks, expression twisting as she lets out a small chuckle. Well, being confident is good at least!

She takes in Hightower's voice from behind the bulletproof glass. A nod showing she understands and then she readies herself. Empty-handed, just her techno gloves against one of the deadliest Agents in SHIELD. Sure!

She waits for the sound of the horn, ready, eyes squinting, focusing on the obstacle course, the sound of footsteps pinging in her vibrational sense... When the horn sound comes she rushes into the tactical range, silent and careful. She glues herself to one of the walls, a peek over and then to the next.. Hands are up, covering two sides at once while she moves in search of those illusive tags.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi isn't a ninja, though she's trained with some. She might as well be the way she moves quietly through this course. Crouched like swat, gun in front of her, eyes down the barrel as she positions herself tactically against Daisy. She comes on strong at first, knowing the general idea behind her powers being vibrations, sensing them and manipulating them.

Bobbi waits for Daisy to expose just a tiny bit of herself and fires. The gun pours out a plethora of pellets, perhaps a dozen in the short burst. Bobbi moves again, the next corner she is crouched down with just the tiniest bit of eye, helmet and gun barrel point out from near the floor aiming up.

She lets out another burst, then rolls back and she runs quickly across to another location with elevation and shoots again. It is clear that the only thing she is holding back on is extra gear or a real gun. She is maintaining distance and map control.

The first tag to collect is just around the corner, but Daisy knows Bobbi is waiting for her and she has several places to position herself, more than two harms can cover. The worst part is, Bobbi is so still when she is waiting.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Powers or no powers Daisy isn't exactly a slouch. She moves fast when there's that first burst coming, running across the empty area to find protection behind another wall where there's no sight from Bobbi's position. A flicker of her wrist sends most of the bullets that were coming her way to be blocked and divert, even if one goes past and hits her vest.

A frown and she looks at where she was hit. Not a mortal shot but .., it would had been painful nonetheless. A moment to recover and then she is on the move again, up a pair of stairs, sliding across the ground as she nears closer and closer to that first tag until she can spot the tag right around the corner.

She stops, focusing, searching for where Bobbi might be with her vibrational powers..., reaching out.. Too still, no good. So instead she does something different...

Pressing her hand on the wooden wall she is at (and really the walls for the course are sorta flimsy), she concentrates a burst that shakes and rips part of the wall and sends it flying in a cloud of dust over the tag.

Hoping that it will at least block some of the vision around the tag she then advances, rushing to take it, prepared to block any incoming shots with her powers.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi and Hightower have certainly not seen someone destroy part of the course just to get a tag before. Innovative approach and worth a smile, which is hidden behind the black mask she's wearing. She shoots any way, then relocates once more. With one tag captured Bobbi changes tactics. She knows the next tag is on the other side of the field so she begins to hunt Quake instead of waiting for her.

She does quick peeks around the walls, relocates to another spot and shoots, then relocates and peeks again. She is extremely unpredictable, which is kind of the point. She also starts being a little bit meaner - instead of shooting for center-mass, she starts aiming for calves, thighs, fore arms and hands. This isn't about making it easy for her, this is about getting her prepared for the next time she gets ambushed. It'll happen, these things always happen.

Hightower is watching with a wide eyed and gape jawed expression on his face as he gets to watch Agent Morse being super sneaky deadly assassin, but for the first time ever seeing Quake using her powers. He doesn't get out much, the armory is his life.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Slipping the first tag on her belt Daisy soon finds another hiding place, her breathing now coming out faster while she slowly moves from place to place, seeking that second tag... And years being a hacktivist evading police, along with her training with SHIELD has certainly done wonders for her own stealth abilities. Nope, no ninja here, but she can be quiet when she wants to.

When those bursts come though, unpredictable, she shifts and uses her powers, breaking the bullets advance each time..

A graze is still felt here and there as one or another escapes her attention. One on the side of a leg, another one on the vest. But the rest is mostly being deflected so far. That constant use of powers -is- making her more tired though, along with the physical demand on the tactical course.

But eventually she sees that second tag in the open. Not much of a protection around so no repeating the trick she used on the first one. She moves out from cover and moves towards the tag, not in a run but pacing. She prefers to trust her powers than her speed now. Because really, Bobbi is quite the crack shot, it wouldn't matter if she was running or not.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi steps out of cover with gun raised up. She fires, and again, and again. Small bursts, long bursts, short bursts. She straffs to the side, rolls smoothly to the left, all the while her gun trained on Daisy and firing. Her aim shifting from limb to limb quickly, back to center-mass, to the forehead, back to the hands.

For Bobbi, seeing Quake struggling, but mostly succeeding, to deflect or simply stops the bullets is the greatest joy on the planet right now, but she must concentrate because one day a gunman may be bearing down on her and she wants Quake to trust in her abilities, rather than trying to fight like Mockingbird, or fight like Cavalry, or fight like Ward. She wants Quakes own style to blossom.

The pressure she puts on her as she closes distance is unrelenting, her gun rattatata-rattata--ratatatata-rattata-rattatata as she expertly assaults Daisy.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The first bursts, both on the shooting range and then close to the first tag had been mostly an appetizer. Because now those shots are coming out strong. But Daisy's powers can often be like training a muscle. Do it enough and it comes more natural.. Her jaw tightens and she lets go, powers unleashing as she creates a barrier of vibration in front of her once she sees the general direction from where Bobbi is shooting.

It creates ripples through the training course as the pellets embed themselves there, very..., matrix-like.., stopped mid-air until they are dispersed down into dust. Or at least most of them..

Some still go past but are otherwise slowed, hitting her body with enough strength to perhaps bruise but not penetrate skin.

Looking for an opening she shifts defense into offense, sending a shockwave through the floor, aimed to unbalance Bobbi as she attempts to reach out for that second tag.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi's eyes widen in utter delight at seeing this massive burst from Quake. She can see by the sweat on her skin and the look on her face that she's starting to get tired. This push is worth it, a workout for her quake muscle, wherever that might be. She tries not to dwell on that concept for too long.

As the shockwave comes out, Bobbi dances on the balls of her feet to catch her balance. She lefts go of the rifle and it falls dangling from the strap over her shoulder as it should. She places a hand on a wall and once she has her balance back, she sees Daisy going for the tag.

So she decides to demonstrate a different style of combat to the young agent. She moves in and grabs her shoulder, pulling her back from it, spinning to kick her in the stomach as her hands lift the rifle back up again and shoot at Daisy's torso while she's still in midair.

Hightower is squirming and moving and bobbing about with excitement as he's never seen anything like this before on his firing range.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The kick takes her by surprise. Daisy thought this was supposed to have ruuuuules. But well, Daisy is known to break them all the time so ..., is this -that- much of a surprise? So she goes with it. As she is flying back in the air she uses her powers again, a tough thing to do in that position but it accomplishes two things. First, it makes her body be pushed down to the ground so she can roll and get up again and second it makes the bullet be shot up to the ceiling.

She is panting now, tired, keeping herself close to the ground. Too close to dodge another burst or erect a barrier in response. She knows the next burst is going to take her fully if she lets it....

So she does the next best thing, go to the attack. Not on Bobbi, but the weapon. She senses it, the vibrations that have been roiling through it burst after burst, focusing... "No." she states. The weapon begins to shake, vibrating all over as it then begins to disassemble almost in a reverse to how one usually assembles one together, starting to break it into it's own various components.

Arms tremble as she does this, clearly at the limit of her powers now.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi demonstrates Daisy's probably first taste of gunfu and does her very best to deflect the pellets up in to the ceiling, then they rain down around Bobbi as she lands. She sees her getting real tired now and pushes on. This is possibly the most intense workout of Daisy's powers to date. Deliberate workout that is.

Bobbi lifts the gun again and aims down the barrel to Daisy. This'll hurt, there'll be even more little pellet sized bruises, but percussive pedagogy is sometimes the best and seems to work well for Daisy.

Bobbi presses the trigger as the gun starts to vibrate. She feels the firing mechanism slipping and presses it again and it wriggles itself out of the ring key hole, the mechanism itself unwinding, the gun splitting apart and a shower of the remaining pellets falling down to the ground along with all the pieces.

Bobbi holds out her hands, fee of a weapon and stares for a few moment. A muffled, "Hoooooly~shit! hoooo-weeee! good dang doggy woo!," can be heard from Hightower who is literally bouncing up and down with excitement. Bobbi pulls down her mask with the biggest smile Daisy has ever seen on her face and offers her hand to her. "That... was unbelievable. You just quaked the rifle to pieces!"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It was indeed quite the intense workout but there's some relief when Daisy notes that it worked and the weapon got dismantled because there was very little left in the tank for her. She drops to one knee, breathing heavily now..

"Good it worked, didn't really had much left..." She puts one hand on the ground and starts pushing herself up to her feet, one hand taking Bobbi's so as to use her help in getting up. A slow, tired grin starts to creep up to her expression too. She had done it!

"You are relentless." She says of Bobbi's training method. But there's respect in her voice, eyes straying to the disassembled weapon on the ground.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi puts an arm about Daisy. She looks as tired as she is after a big mission. "We need to work on your stamina Daisy," she says with a grin though of course she has no idea what it feels like to control vibrations around you. That is a mystery to her but she is very impressed with Daisy's control.

"Is that the first time you've done that to a weapon? because, if so, we're going to be practicing that from now on. That's awesome. So awesome." She makes a motion to Hightower to wrap things up. He goes to get the vacuum cleaner.

"You did amazing," she says and catches her own breath. Hah! Bobbi does exert herself after all. It doesn't sound like she's massively exerted herself though. Just a light jog level of exertion.

"Lets go to the cafeteria, coffees on me and we'll see which hits turn in to bruises," Bobbi encourages enthusiastically.