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Revision as of 05:33, 24 July 2020

Father Figure
Date of Scene: 23 July 2020
Location: SHIELD Medical Facility Private room.
Synopsis: It's a Girl!
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Nadia Pym-van Dyne

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym thinks, "This is insane. Surely Tony, and Steve and all of those prank happy joes will come in and yell, "We gotcha Hank!" No? then she's a probability wave of a past that semi-happened. She will collapse into nothingness. She will collapse the second I look away, like Wanda's children."

Hank Pym won't take his eyes off her. Period.

For Nadia, returning to consciousness doubtless is different than she imagined. She's horizontal, on a mattress, not that uncomfortable seat or sprawled on her father. She's obviously got no referent for it but she's tucked in very precisely and thoroughly, the harder bits of her armor removed. If and when she opens her eyes, she will see two blue intense eyes staring back at her, almost making a study. Their possessor sits in a chair pulled close to the bed, shaved, combed and wearing a somewhat dated short sleeve jump suit with WCA Pym embroidered on the pocket. When her eyes open he smiles a happy but somewhat nervous smile.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Sleepy Wasp noises. "Don't worry... I'll.." Nadia rolls over as she talks in her sleep curling up and hugging the pillow. "Definitely... save.. Dad.." So peaceful when she is asleep, one would never know this is the same girl who tripped every single alert system in Avengers Mansion, was threatened by Black Widow, apparently comes from the /Red Room/, built her own suit from spare scraps to fight Brainiac, made friends with a Demon Queen, and then bent the laws of space/time itself to rescue her father from a Parallel Earth.

She turns over again, maybe it's the light, maybe it's the proximity, but she begins to stir. For a supposedly highly trained assassin she's definitely slow to wake up or may she's just not sensing any danger.

Brown eyes flutter open as her arms slowly reach out the sides stretching, "Where am I? All I remember is.." she blinks a few times looking up at the face looking down at her, "Daddy...?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Well where is Janet at a moment like this? Because she is missing Hank Pym speechless. Not so much at a loss for words as having his heart seem to leap into his throat. So he nods like an idiot. Everything he rehearsed? Gone.

"I was... my name is Hank... I was going to tell you call me Hank... you're a young adult... no, call me daddy." he stops talking, blushes a little and says a little lamely, "I'm usually smarter than this."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia smiles brightly up at hank, "Dad is fine." and suddenly she bursts upward to wrap Hank in a big hug. It is impressive and perhaps a little frightening, the speed at which she moves, likely not even thinking about it and the strength of her hug. SHIELD verification aside, it is firsthand evidence those stories about the Red Room are probably true. At the same time its a hug, a very warm hug, just a wee bit tight.

"My name is..." she almost seems to forget her own name for a moment, it would seem Hank is not the only one flustered, "Nadia, I'm Nadia." In fact she had practiced several different versions of what she might say upon meeting her father but they've all become a jumbled mess or disappeared completely, "I'm your daughter, you probably didn't know I exist, or you would have come for me I'm sure of it, I was raised in the Red Room, they do evil Russian Spy Assassin stuff and Science, actually I kinda loved the Science part, they told me all about you and how you're a hero and one of the greatest scientists ever, but they wanted me to reverse engineer your research for them, but I didn't! Well actually I did! But I used it to escape, and came to find you but you were gone and the Avengers thought I might be a villain but then they helped me to find you through that portal AND DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" She's babbling but eventually she has to breath and by the end she's crying happy tears, happy furious tears at the father who almost got himself killed before she could meet him.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym is amazed by her strength, for such a light thing, almost a ballerina or dancer's frame. He returns the hug with no fear of hurting the wee thing. He has to blink several times. It was probably due to that dry lab he was trapped in. He finally draws Nadia away from him, still blinking away... dust. Go with dust.

"Little girl... you kicked a hole in the Universe to find me. I would do no less if I knew you were being held somewhere. No I never knew. this is embarrassing to say but... I'm not being as good scientist right now. I should have reviewed all your medical scans and reports and learned exactly who and what you are... I did not."

He inhales deeply, "I... knew you were mine when I saw you on some level. Even before Janet told me... I'm sorry this was your big moment for the reveal. But... Janet did right. this was a lot for me to process. I really needed to clean up to meet you... Anyway... you'd have to be my daughter, you're too smart to waste on an assassination and dear Lord, You are Maria's daughter. I see it and you... you crash just like me when I have a m... mad phase of lab work."

Another deep breath. "I... am probably not all you think of me. For every advance I've made, I've had a failure. I've failed as a husband, an Avenger, a roboticist... but I will always be here for you. I will always give you my best." Then he's got his hand on her cheek and in her hair and pulls her towards him for a gentle kiss on the forehead. Fathers do this? He is sure he's seen it referred somewhere. He needs to do research.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia squeezes again, taking a moment to breath and calm her babbling a bit but she does not let go, "You're my father, I'm supposed to move Heaven and Earth if you're in trouble right? At least that is what all of my research has shown and I believe it! Janet was a bit scary when I first met her but it turns out she's super nice and really great."

Another breath now as her heartrate comes under control but she's still not letting go, "You're my father and you're amazing. Because you're still here and still trying. But I mean it don't ever scare me like that again!" There is just a hint of Janet-voice in that last bit.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym looks intently and says, "Janet is super nice and great but yes, she can be scary. Hmmm... you have your mother's looks lucky you! I... we will talk about her but... not yet. As for being amazing... who knew my greatest accomplishment would surprise me like this? You hacked my portal... I was really only going to step through for a moment to prove my theory... just as Heisenberg uncertainty prevents us from fixing a particle's position in threespace, so it holds for higher dimensions, thus travel through a micro wormhole can cause drift to other realities. Do you want some breakfast? I'm suddenly famished. I want a bagel and an enormous Earl Grey tea with honey." He looks at her again tapping his chin with his free hand. "You punched a hole in two universes to find me. I don't know whether I deserved that. But I intend to earn such love." Then he does wipe at his eyes. "Encephalo beam, it inflames the sclera. Sorry."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia finally releases Hank from the bear hug and sits up on the bed, "Breakfast sounds great! Oh yeah, Viv mentioned you like tea. We should find you some of that, I usually drink coffee." Already a coffee drinker at 16, probably for those sleepless nights in the lab... at 16.

"I would love to try a bagel, I've never had one before. The food in the Red Room... was not great. Recently I got to try pizza with my new friends the Titans though and it was /amazing/." Even when she tries to tamp it down the enthusiasm for /life itself/ just seems to bubble right back up again.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym thinks "Unconditional love. I always assumed it was impossible in a human. I guess I was wrong. then again what else could let Sue stay with Reed all this time?" He gets up and starts handing Nadia her gear. He looked it over already. She was sleeping. He was a little bored and a lot nervous. "There's a bagel shop not too far away. I'll just get my release signed. He grabs a chart off the wall and finds a pen to sign it. "There. I'm released. Come on let's get some real food. Hospital food... no. You need to be careful what you put in your body, food, Pym particles, cosmic rays..." He throws an arm around Nadia's shoulders. "Then we can figure out a defense against Interuniversal wormholes."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia nods her head enthusiastically, leaping off the bed and getting to her feet. "Okay, let's go!" She seems to have no qualms about going for bagels in her Wasp armor, "We definitely need a defense against Wormholes, what if he stole your design out of your head with that machine? But first I need your help with something else, tens of thousands of people do actually. Also can you introduce me to Tony Stark? We'll need his data to help us save Mutant Town and Genosha!"