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Latest revision as of 01:06, 29 July 2020

Lingering Wounds
Date of Scene: 28 July 2020
Location: Pym's Mobile Lab
Synopsis: Dad isn't perfect, but he's trying and that's what counts! Father/daughter bonding.
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Nadia Pym-van Dyne

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym's mobile lab stands open before Nadia. Repairs were underway. The robot butler is still out of commission. The first thing to strike nadia about the general purpose or living area is the reek of alcohol. Someone set several liquor bottles on a lap table near the wall. The bottles are shattered and the wall behind them is battered and pocked with blaster fire.

The second is an open safe door on the far wall. Incongruously, a get well basket of fruit sits on another table with the remains of several pieces of fruit.

A closer examination of the door reveals it is a containment unit for Pym particles with triple magnetic shielding behind secondary adamantium walls.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia arrives at the mobile laboratory from the sky. The Avengers likely accustomed enough to Hank's daughter by now that she doesn't trigger any anti-air defenses.

There is a look of concern written across her face. She may not have known her father long, but she knows a negative reaction when she see's one and so she has come in search of him after the meeting's conclusion.

Entering the living area the concern on her face only grows, she is quite familiar with the effects of excessive alcohol consumption on human biology and is pretty sure those blaster marks did not come from the lab's previous rambunctious treatment. "Oh no."

Hank Pym has posed:
The next room is noted for its industrial press and several cases holding Hank's previous uniforms. The costume cases are empty, the clothes uniforms folded in front of each, the gear, weapons, wings, helmets are missing and might be related to the thin layer of metal foil on the base of the press. It's pretty obvious by the outlines that Hank's metal gear all ended up here. An open door leads to the room in which Hank built his portal.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
This is a bit shocking to her. Nadia looks between the opened cases with their folded cloth uniforms and missing tech and the industrial press that shows recent use. She has a brain that can crack the secrets of PymTech without an instruction manual; it's not hard for her to put two and two together and come up with four in this situation. Why would her father do this? It makes no sense, this isn't what heroes do... Her pace quicken.

Hank Pym has posed:
The portal is powered down. An access panel is open and several components are broken and strewn on the floor. The components all bear a blue and white F4 logo, a product of Reed Richards' corporation. Several lab tables have various electronic components, possibly components for the proposed wormhole sensor system Hank was supposed to develop.

Beyond the portal a door opens into the back room. Light flickers in there and the whine and crackle of electricity is heard as ozone wafts out from of the door.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia steps into the next room, taking a long moment to look at the the portal she spent so many hours figuring out. A glance to the broken components strewn across the floor and the various others laid out on the tables.

Walking over she kneels down and picks up a broken circuit board with that blue and white logo on it and takes a breath before continuing her search.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym is in the back room, in an insulated lab coat, gloves and thick welder's goggles. Electricity arcs between to terminals and diverted onto a metal cover. Hank watches the process with some impatience, his face given a cold and harsh cast by the flashing voltage. "Come on, come on already! I don't have time for this!" Impatiently he fumbles in his coat pocket and pulls out a bottle of pills. Finally he 'ahs' and cuts the power. Generators whine to a stop and hen looks around for something obviously important to the process.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia stands in the doorway turning the broken circuit board over in her fingers as they nervously seek something to keep them occupied, "Daddy?" It is the hesitant voice of a daughter both clearly concerned about his wellbeing and confused as to why her hero would ever do something like this.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym turns to face her as she calls him. "Nadia. Come here. Come comecomecome." He motions her over with a jerk of his head, at the same time he finds what he's looking for and pulls a small forceps from the lab coat. He uses it to pick up the metal plate to reveal... a grilled cheese sandwich. Steam still rises from the golden toast. Hank cuts it in half with a knife on the side and picks up half to offer Nadia in the forceps, with a small forced smile. His eyes look a little cloudy.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
There is definite hesitation to Nadia as she enters the room, her mind is quick as lightning but she is having extreme difficulty parsing this situation, far more than she is accustomed to. "Oh, uh, thank you." she accepts the half grilled cheese and takes a tentative bite. "If you cut the power to the lab, isn't it going to make it hard to do Science?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym takes a bite of his half of the sandwich, which contains tomato and bacon as well. The sandwich is delicious, has a couple of types of cheese in it as well and grilled to perfection. He swallows and then takes a pill from the bottle and swallows without water. "Honey, I was hoping, really hoping to spare you this. I had... I was under that damned encephalo beam for over two weeks..." He looks away and sighs as he tries to find the words to continue.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia is not quite sure what is going on, but her father is clearly hurting, something is very wrong, and while she doesn't quite understand what it is she just does what comes naturally and crossing the intervening distance gives Hank a big hug.

And then he makes it clearer, of course the Encephalo Beam. "It must have been terrible, I can only imagine what kind of tortures he put you through. But you're safe now and we can be together and help so many people through Science!" Barring a violent attempt at retreat she will lay her head on Hank's shoulder as she says this.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym hugs back, almost desperately, almost matching his daughter's augmented strength. "I was under that beam and lost track of the time and... I haven't been taking my medication in weeks. I have bipolar disorder. I was just ending a manic cycle when you saved me. Now... I'm entering the depressed cycle and before I was diagnosed I did bad things. I was thrown out of the Avengers... I nearly hurt Janet... we got divorced. I did bad things when I got this way and... the damned medicine takes a couple weeks to work. So i disabled or destroyed everything I could use to hurt anyone."

He suddenly pulls her back to regard her intensely. "I am NOT going to hurt you... but you can see why I don't need people to see me like this? I thought I felt it coming on at that interminable meeting. People just kept talking over me and... " he trails off and strokes Nadia's cheek. "I'm not up to saving the World right now... you need to take point for me. I'll watch and advise but other people... no."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Oh no! That's terrible." Nadia hugs her father tighter. She knows enough to know that being without ones medicine for a neurotransmitter affecting disorder is probably terrible, unimaginably so. "I.." she finds herself at a loss though for a moment when Hank begins describing getting thrown out of the Avengers and his troubles with Janet, "But you got help and that's amazing. It's not your fault your brain tries to betray you, but look at what you also did, you have those pills. You're trying to be better. I know you're not going to hurt me, that's not who you are and I know you can beat this, too. Because you're a hero, you're my Hero. It's okay, you can stay here and I won't let anyone in if you don't want to see anyone. If you have any ideas to help the people of Bushwick, I can deliver them for you!" She wraps her arms around him again, she's a very huggy human being. Though somehow she also manages to take a bite of her sandwich at the same time. "This is a really good sandwich Dad." She adds with her mouth full.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym hugs his daughter again. He wants to tell her his hero days are past. He settles for, "I'm going to settle for not hurting anyone and not doing shoddy science right now. I gave most of my Pym particles to Vivian to keep safe. Not enough for our purposes." He looks at her again and pulls out a napkin from his pocket and very precisely whisks some crumb s and smutz from her mouth. "Don't talk with your mouth full, you can choke. I'm glad you like it, mozzarella, muenster and sharp cheddar. You really need a plasma tap to do it right. I had one. Thank you Nadia. If you ave to tell Tony or the Avengers about me, do so. You have to get help with the Pym Particle reaction... I didn't tell you about this?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia takes another bite of the sandwich and actually swallows it this time before talking, "You went through a terrible experience, take the time you need. It's okay I'm here to help! Also keep making these, I don't know what it is but it's delicious. Five stars, way better than Soviet gruel." she pauses briefly at something he says, "The Pym Particle reaction?" she tilts her head looking at her father curiously.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym continues munching on his half a sandwich. He grabs Nadia and seats her on a counter and then slides a whiteboard back to revel a second board covered with diagrams a equations. "See Pym particles are particles. Mine are kept stable in a molecule and the particles themselves have a magnetic charge so you can contain them but under the right conditions they should be able to generate more particles from other atoms in a process akin to a fission reaction. It's not self sustaining... I think, this would be bad. But... we should be able to reduce the energy for generating Pym particles exponentially. See the PI machinery is very good and very safe because we didn't know what we were doing when we built them. We do now. So I came up with this process... but used in a beam, with a subject magnetically contained..."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia tenses briefly when she is suddenly grabbed like she is actively supressing an involuntary reflex. But it is only for a split second, she trusts her father afterall.

From her seat on the counter she leans forward and peers at the whiteboard and her father's diagrams and calculations, "Dad, you're brilliant! I didn't even consider this, but I think I can engineer something around these principles. Yes, with magnetic containment it shouldn't be hard to create a neutron reaction!" She jumps off the counter and hugs him again, she seems to like hugs a lot.

"I will let everyone know right away, this will make the power source exponentially more efficient! and I will make sure they know exactly who came up with it! My Dad!"