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Latest revision as of 04:53, 1 August 2020

It's All About The Bread
Date of Scene: 01 August 2020
Location: Chikara Dojo
Synopsis: Indian takeout at Chikara Dojo
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Colleen Wing

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Like often happens, it started with a text from Kitty.

> I'm in the mood for Indian takeout. You in?

Then after that followed a series of little video clips. Kitty in front of an Indian restaurant, shaking her head. Kitty in front of a second Indian restaurant. Shaking her head. Kitty in front of another and this one with excited, big eyes and grinning as she nods her head.

After that comes a picture of the menu which Kitty has annotated with graphics that make the items on the menu that she is thinking about ordering literally jump off the page, growing larger and then ending up with a picture of the dish besides it.

Yes, when the girl AV geeks out, she overdoes it.

Colleen Wing has posed:
The etexts continue to come in, pictures of her favoetite little stray cat keep blowing up her phone and each clip is met with an even bigger smile. She too is sending video clips of herself back sweat pants, a pony-tail a tank top and layed out on her couch in a most comofortable position, funny faces being sent just to be silly. When the menu comes up on the phone, another video clip is sent back, a finger pressed to her lips in mock thought. "Hmmm, so many things to choose from. You no what? I want the tandoori chicken. Yes. The tandoori chicken with a side of Kitty."

The phone is held over her as she is seen reclining on tyhe couch, flaton her back now. "And some naan bread and something to dip it in. You can pick dessert if you want." Her tongue is stuck out as she offers a smile. "Hurry up I am starving for food and attention. It has been a long long day." She then mock pouts."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The clip of Colleen is returned, only edited. This time an image of Kitty wiggledy walks into the frame and then a picture of the chicken marsala sliding across the video over to Colleen.

> Oh don't worry about the bread. It's ALL about the bread!

It's about 20 minutes before Kitty arrives, with little updates, the chicken marsala image on a map, getting ever closer. Eventually there's the sound of the front door being banged on but then opened and closed as Kitty lets herself in after giving notice.

She arrives in the doorway of the living area, shoes off, hands holding bags of delicious smelling takeout. "Food, and attention, are here," she says with a grin.

Colleen Wing has posed:
The living space is completely set up for a night of Indian food and relaxing. The tabel in front of the couch is already set with plates, utensils, two bottles of water and what is that...a bottle of wine and two glasses?" When she arrives, the young Sensei rises to her feet and moves to greet her, offering to take the food to set it upon the actual dining table and giving a warm embrace if allowed. "Don't mind me...I am totally slumming it tonight. I hope you don't mind."

She slowly makes her way over to her dresser and pulls it open, pulling out a pair of small shorts. The sweatpants are lowered, giving a nice view of her behind and the red thong she has on before the shorts are slowly pulled on. "Was getting hot. Feel free to help yourself if you want..you know where the comft stuff is." She then pads over to the couch and settles herself down upon it, smiling over ot her dear friend." We have been so busy lately. I have missed your company Kitty. I really have." She then starts to pour some wine into each of the glasses. "I don't know if this is any good...not usually a wine drinker.."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde sets down the bags rather than surrender them so she can wrap Colleen in a great big hug. With all the craziness of Brainiac attacking New York, Kitty hasn't been by as much of late. Though there were a number of messages encouraging Colleen to get out of the city to somewhere safe in the days leading up to the big attack, which was repulsed by the combined forces of many of Earth's heroes working together.

"I've only had a bit, mostly when I was in the UK," she says, where the drinking age would have allowed her to drink even at a younger age. "But, it should go well I'd think," she shares as Kitty begins setting out the food and opening up the containers. She wasn't kidding about the bread. Kitty got enough naan for any six people, even if one of them was Piotr Rasputin or Thor.

Not that she expects them by, but why take chances on someone eating her naan?

"God I've missed you too," Kitty says, getting settled at Colleen's side and then beginning to add things to her plate. A little bit of everything. In addition to the bread, Kitty got enough there'd be plenty for leftovers.

Colleen Wing has posed:
The bread queen has delivered. It was a secret pleasure of Colleen, just keep the bread coming. It did not matter what type of food it was, she was going to order bread with it, that was a certainty. She did like her food, and not many people got to see that gluttinous side of Colleen, but Kittyy was just some people. Leaning in, the young woman begins to pile food onto her plate, seemingly willing to try a bit of everythintg that is in front of her. "I don't really know what /this/ is, but I am so gunna eat it."

The first fork of food is brought to her mouth and there is a sound of obvious contentment. "Okay Indian people know how to make incredible food. Seriously. Why do I not get this more? Oh I know, I live in China town and I am lazy." A sip of the wine is then taken and she looks over to her dear friend. "So how have you been? I mean I know a lot of shit has been hitting the fan lately. I was so worried about you. Have you been staying out of trouble?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty sets her plate in her lap to eat, with a healthy stack of naan and several sauces for dipping in. "Mmm. Lots of Indian food around Oxford," she comments. "I never had it much over here, but got into it while I was in school," she says.

A sip of wine washes down the next bite before Kitty replies, "I'm doing well. Got caught in a bit of the stuff in New York when it happened but I was ok. You know, helping people," she says, underselling her role in the affair quite a bit. "And, just had my birthday last week. Wish you'd been able to come to the party, a bunch of my friends I'd have liked you to meet. But we can do something another time where you can meet them," she says. Kitty had a beach party out at a stretch of beach away from most of the well populated areas, according to the invitation she'd sent.

Colleen Wing has posed:
There is a soft sigh given at the mention of the party. "I know Kitty. I am so sorry. That trip back to Japan had been planned prior to having even having met you. Trust me, i would much rather have been with you at the party. I am sure it was fun and I actually did just buy a new bathing suit and would totally have stolen all the attention of your guests." She winks and takes another fork full of the food, setting the fork down to tear off a piece of bread with a wink. "I mean probaly best I wasn't there with this kcikin' body." She tries not to laugh, but her face shows signs of trying to keep it in.

"But do not think I did not get you a gift. What kind of friend would I be if I had not. A terrible friend I tell you and if you are good I might just give it to you tonight." Another piece of naan is pulled off and popped into her nouth, chewing it softly. "I know you will like it. And if you don't...well just pretend you do, cuz I spent more than I probalby should on it. Who else do I have money to spend stuff on."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives a wave of her hand. "I know you had the trip planned. I called Mom and told her we should have probably had my birth a few days later," Kitty teases, her eyes twinkling a bit as she grins over at Colleen.

Kitty perks up. "Gift? I mean, you didn't have to," Kitty says. She glances around the room, as if expecting there might be a box wrapped in colored paper and a bow on it sitting out where she'd missed it. "I mean, if you did, of course, that would be really awesome, but you didn't have to. Is the point. That I'm trying to get across," Kitty says.

She makes it about six seconds then before saying excitedly, "What is it? Where is it? Lemmeseelemmeseelemmesee!?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
"I know right, if your parents had gone to see amovie that night and waited a few days, I totally could have made your party. Parents. I tell you, they never take into consideration what their unborn child would want." There is a smile and a shrug given and another fork finds her mouth. "Of course I had to get you a gift. You would have been crushed if I had not and I am not sure I could handle all the whining and bitching I would have got for weeks on end. No I got you a gift for me...so I would not have to deal with the fall-out." She quickly leans over and places a soft kiss on the young girl's cheek with a smile.

"Slowly with a feigned grunt of /fine, see what you make me do/ the Colleen rises from the couch and moves to walk into the bathroom, returning with..wait what is this...a gift wrapped into Hello Kitty wrapping paper with a big bow on top. Oh, Colleen knows how to present a gift. She barefoot pads her way over and sets the box in front of her dear friend. "Now, you have to eat first and then you can open it. I do hope you like it. It's going to go in one of two directions."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde plays along with Colleen's explanation for having got the gift. "That's so you, just all selfish and thinking of yourself while buying gifts for others," Kitty says with extra mock drama in her voice, and throws in a traumatized sigh for good measure.

She perks up, sitting straighter as Colleen brings the gift out. She watches it sitting there like it's going to move, her food untouched. "I could, you know... open it now. To avoid us getting any food on the wrapping paper," she suggests, looking over with a sweet, helpful expression on her face, and gives a little wave of her fork as if to suggest the kind of messy eating that might fling food several feet to where the present sits.

Colleen Wing has posed:
A mock sigh is given from the sensei and she finally gives in. "FIne. Just open it now. God forbid you would get marsala all over the box. That would be so you." She winks and moves to kneel before Kitty on the floor, sliding the box to her. "Now a little story about this gift before you open it. Alright?" She reaches out and if allowed takes Kitty's hand in her own, her glance finding her gaze. "There is a tiny village in the mountains of Honshu. The name is of little importance, but if you wish to know I shall tell you. Now in that village is a woman who very well could be older than the mountains themselves. Now, this woman makes what is in this box. Well, one of the things in this bo. She does not sell them, so they are veyr hard to come by. However, in spending a few days in helping some of the locals with their crop harvest and other odd jobs in which I was dirtier than I have ever been...we are talking dirty. Like pig shit dirty. Anyhow, she gave me what is in this box, because I knew you had to have it."

"She squeezes Kitty's hands once. "I do not even have one of these. I mean I could have, but I drew the line at goat breeding. Just eeeww. If you wear this in Japan, people will atutomatically recognize it by her signature style and traits and you will earn immediate cred...depite being some white chick from NYC." She slowly pulls her hands back and smiles. "Have at it."

In the bo are a few items actually. The first is a pair of elaborate carved cherry wood chopsticks, the sconed item is a beautiful Japanese umbrella (https://rubell.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/my-wagasa-1.jpg). And the last item is a matching color Japanese Kimono of the finest silk (the pattern of your choice, but matching the orange in the umbrella). Lastly, there is a small bo about the size of a jewelry box at the bottom. "Don't get to excited about the snall box, it is not jewelry."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde sits and holds Colleen's hand as she listens to the story. It makes her smile softly. "The Japanese have such respect for things in a way we never will, I think," she says quietly in comparing the cultures. Her eyes soften as she hears about the woman and her rare creations, realizing this is what Colleen is giving her before the box is opened.

The items are carefully taken out, handled with car as Kitty looks them over. "Oh Colleen, they are so beautiful. Thank you. That you'd give this to me just... really I'm a bit overwhelmed," Kitty says.

She sets them carefully to the side so she can give Colleen a big hug without damaging the umbrella. "Thank you," she says softly.

After the hug, Kitty picks up the remaining small box. She looks at it and then at Colleen curiously. She holds it up near to hear, giving it the gentlest of shakes, before opening it.'

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen smiles widely as she sees how much Kitty likes the gift. They were special gifts, and something that Colleen took great pride in, a culture she was trying to hold onto. "I am not sure when or where you would ever wear these or even use them, but...maybe someday when I take you to Japan." She winks and places a kiss on the young girl's cheek once more. "Now that box. This is something a little more personal. It did not come from Japan. I did not have to shovel pig shit to get it, but I hope you don't lose it and use it whenever you want." She leans back on her hands, extending her legs out before her on the floor. "You don't need to keep it if you don't want it and I assure you that nobody else has what is in that box..well aside from me."

She nibbles her lower lip and nods once. "Alright open it. I mean don't read into it. It's not like I wanna pick out curtains or anything." Inside the box are two simple keys. Just two keys. And after it is opened Colleen would state. "Gold ones opens the downstairs door to dojo. Silver one the door to the dojo itself. Stray cats sometimes need a place to stay even if the owner is not around or it is late at night."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The brunette smiles softly to Colleen, and says in Japanese with little to no accent, "I would love to go with you to Japan, and see the place through your eyes. I haven't had the time to see the sights that I might have wished." Quite the understatement that, given how she's had to spend her time in Japan.

Kitty looks at the box as Colleen tells her to open it. She pulls out the keys and then gives a soft grin. "Thank you," she says, leaning over to give Colleen a great big hug, one that she doesn't let go of anytime soon. "I need to keep an eye on you after all. Likely to go get yourself into trouble with me around," she teases.

Colleen Wing has posed:
The hug is returned, a deep and warm embrace that Colleen too does not let go of anytime soon either. Her head rests on Kitty's shoulder, mumbling softly into her shoulder. "Someday we shall go and I will show you the parts of Japan the normal tourist never sees. The Japan aside from Tokyo. The culture and the people." These words too send in Japanese, but she does have a hint of an accent when she says it, but certainly not that of a nativr speaker who had lived there their entire life.

"Trouble? Trouble can be fun. Butm if we are going to get into trouble, we might as well get into it together so we can help each other out of it..no?" The embrace is slowly and somewhat relcutantly released and she pulls back, reaching for Kitty's fork and trying some of what is on her plate without hesitation or even asking. "I mean it Kitty. Anytime you you need a place to stay or just to get away..those keys are yours to use. Not like I lead this secret private life or have a revolving door of people coming and spending the night here." She flashes a joking smile and then adds. "Just...if you do come late at night and I am sleeping, wake me up before crawaling in beside me...I might strike out otherwise if awoken with something beside me."