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Look, Doc, A Sentient Universe!
Date of Scene: 03 August 2020
Location: Reed's Labs - Four Freedom Plaza
Synopsis: A fascinating sentient universe is brought to Reed Richards to help with her problems.
Cast of Characters: Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Reed Richards, Singularity

Dick Grayson has posed:
Arriving at Reed's lab is an odd trio. Seeing Dick and Tim together is not unusual, though Dick is definitely in less-formal attire in a t-shirt and athletic shorts, not having time to change. When they get to the labs, he sighs and texts Reed that they have arrived. He says to Singularity, "Again, Reed is a family friend, so we trust him with darn near everything." Dick smiles and then knocks on the door. It is at this point, Dick remembered he left his Chinese takeout out, and that he had barely touched it.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim is casually dressed as well in cargo shorts and a tshirt, and at least he had wolfed down a fair amount of his takeout. He is a bit distracted, glancing around the hallways of the home base of the Fantastic Four with a little nostalgia and a lot of curiosity for what Reed might find out. It's also the second time in a week hes been up to New York, which he usually tries to avoid.

Reed Richards has posed:
The inside of Four Freedoms Plaza is remarkably user-friendly, designed to help visitors get where they're going without having to be escorted. The floor tiles light the way, and helpful speakers and animated maps announce just where one is on the way through. Reed's laboratory takes up almost an entire floor, with what little other space there is consisting of a small bedroom, a kitchen area, and a lounge. When he receives the messages he instructs the building to direct the guests to him.

The door itself is opened but no one stands behind it. A hand at the end of an impossibly long, stretchy arm retreats from the open button and around the corner. Once it has gone, the head of Reed Richards (and that's all it is, for its suspended on a long and noodle-like neck) emerges around the corner to regard the trio thoughtfully.

"Come on in, I'm just in the dimensional workshop."

That said, his head retreats back around the corner.

Singularity has posed:
    Singulari is not dressed in anything...but then, she doesn't exactly have the features one would normally put clothing over. More a vague diea of what a female form should be like, but missing fine details. She follows the two brothers indie, looking around with obvious fascination, then perks as Reed's head comes out for a moment, her eyes getting wider, before she looks at the others curiously, then grins and follows after the mysterious talking head! Who is Reed, she supposes.

Dick Grayson has posed:
No matter how many times Reed does it, seeing stretchy neck and Reed's head is always jarring. Dick nods, "Thanks, Dr. Richards!" and then blinks once the head retreats, turning to Singularity, "Yes, he's fine. No, you don't get used to it." He follows as directed, though and makes his way to the lab where he gives a wave, "This is Singularity," he hikes a thumb back to the aptly-named entity. "She knows a lot already, but something about things being squished together."

Tim Drake has posed:
Despite what Dick says to the contrary, Tim is used to it, or used to it enough he doesn't seem to bat an eye at the stretchy arm and head. He makes his way through the lab with Singularity and Dick, glancing around to see if there's anything new since he was last here (probably) and otherwise seeming fairly comfortable. But he lets Dick talk, and Singularity herself, beyond just a nod and grin of greeting to his former tutor.

Reed Richards has posed:
Deeper in the lab, which is itself a large space divided up into many smaller spaces by the presence of giant machines both complete and in progress, is what Reed has always called the dimensional workshop. It's improved a great deal since last the Bat-Scions saw it, as Doctor Richards was never one to rest on his laurels. He stands upon a raised dais, and in front of him is what looks like the holographic projection of a star set in the middle of a great solar system. Not their own, for there are many more worlds and the sun itself glows white-blue.

He has pulled a pair of darkened goggles down over his face, and his hands sport a pair of clunky gloves connected to the dais itself. He moves his hands through the hologram, and on the display he draws out a solar flare here and diverts the energy it emits away in a separate direction. His expression is one of concentration, and he doesn't immediately address the trio as they arrive.

"Easy," he murmurs to himself, performing what looks like small and internal adjustments on the star's model, "Easy. Good. Good. There!"

There is a benevolent 'ping' and a green light hangs over the hologram with the words 'Disaster Averted' in bold letters. He tugs the goggles off, removes the gloves and just sort of spills over the edge of the dais until he's standing before the group.

"It's good to see you again," he offers with a broad smile, though his focus is upon Singularity to whom he says, "Singularity? Did you name yourself?"

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity tilts her head, craning it up to watch the hologram with fascination as Reed manipulates it, then looking around the lab with all the curiosity of a ten year old as she turns around in place, then back to Reed as he addresses her.

    "Friends. Suggested. Singularity." she says, nodding. "So. I am. Singularity." She beams, clasping her hands behind her back. "Doctor. Reed Richards." she says curiously. "Maker."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Older friends, we believe, she listed names I was not familiar with, but I've seen her work before and it is... interesting, beyond classical mechanics is the best I can figure," Dick says, "Heck, maybe Singularity has answers you have been looking for?" He shrugs, "But yeah, she is somewhat lost and we figured if anybody had any idea how to fix this, it'd be you."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Honestly, I just met her," Tim notes dryly. "She showed up at Dick's apartment in distress. You know, like every woman ever." He cuts a look towards his 'older brother' that's mocking annoyance, but there is amusement playing at his ice blue eyes. He's obviously teasing the older Batling.

Reed Richards has posed:
"In my experience, the laws of physics a universal, Richard, but alas not multiversal," Reed smiles at his own little joke, whether or not it could even be classified as one on any commonly understood scale, "But you do have a good point. Our understanding of multiversal physics is on par with the cosmological understanding of the ancient Greeks. Creative, but founded in assumption and the barest sliver of provable observation."

The warm smile is offered to Tim now, and then to Singularity: "Well, it's always good to make a new friend. But can I ask - what's distressing you, miss? I'd gladly take some reading but that would seem rather ... invasive, given the circumstances. I'm quite the dab hand at exploring other universes, but I've not yet encountered one that can talk to me. At least not in a language I can understand or recognize."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity tilts her head at the idea she's lost. She knows exactly where she is! "Showing up. To check. On Dick." If only she had a better grasp on idiom, she would have rephrased that. She bounces on her toes a bit, focusing on Reed. "Do not. Mind." she decides after a moment of thought. "Was here. Before. But. Was different. Many pieces. Places." She furrows her brow. "Universes. All pressed together. Pieces." She motions to the general surroundings. "Now. Different pieces. Less pieces. Pressed together. One place. Different people. Different HEROES. Do not. Remember. Other place." She sighs. "Friends. Here. But. Do not. Remember. Me." She frowns. "No God Emperor Doom. No Thors. No Arcadia."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Yeah, she's looking for missing friends from a previous time, we think," Dick says and nods to Reed, "Yeah, it gets weird, but that is more Tim's domain. Mainly been brushing up for school this fall, but we can talk about that later." He looks over to Singularity, "What were those names again, Jen, Allison, Thor?" His tone has some concern.

Reed Richards has posed:
"Doom," Reed repeats the word, a sudden iciness in his tone, "So, if I understand correctly ... you are an amalgamation of separate universes that have come together to form a sentience? That must be a fascinating process. I'd love to hear more, when you're able."

He moves away from the group now, heading towards a cabinet that opens at his slightest touch. Inside are a number of small devices with blinking lights on them and a complicated-looking antenna array. He takes two, the palm of his hand stretching to accommodate both easily as he walks back towards Singularity.

"So, are you yourself the gateway? Are you ... accessible? Pardon me, there's no diplomatic terminology for dealing with sentient universes."

A glance is given to Dick, along with a curt nod: "My presumption would be these are alternate versions of people from this universe. Certainly, Victor von Doom is no God-Emperor here ... as much as he might fancy himself one."

Singularity has posed:
    "Yes. Jennifer Walters. Alison Blair. Medusa. Nico Minoru. Thor Alison." the blue girl repeats at Dick's prompting." She frowns and shakes her head. "No. Singularity. Is from. Outside. Many places. Many universes. Just. Watching. That place. Heroes. Heroines." Her expression softens. "Brave. Selfless. Good. Wanted. To be like. Them. So. Came to. That places." She frowns. "Then. Had to go. TAke bad things. Far away. Out of that place. Hurt. Was. Asleep? Woke. Came back. But. Now things. Are different. Here."

    She considers Reed's question. "Yes?" She pauses, then reaches into her chest as her hand just....pushes inside seamlessly, then emerges with a cheap smartphone. "Inside. Is bigger." she explains.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim watches with fascination, simply listening to the interplay between Reed and Singularity. He doesn't even have his phone out, multitasking as he often has been known to do.

Reed Richards has posed:
"Well, hopefully you'll forgive the intrusion," Reed offers, holding out one of the small devices for Singularity to take, "If you could just put this inside. It's a dimensional probe. I use them to transmit basic telemetry and environmental readings back through a sub-space receiver. I've paired it this other one, which I'll ask you to also send through as a signal repeater."

He strokes his chin thoughtfully, deep in thought for the moment as he stares off into space. Disconcertingly, he seems to melt a little bit. His facial features become less taut, and his arms and legs slosh downwards a bit as he stops concentrating on maintaining a solidly human form. But then, just as quickly, he snaps back to his normal self and looks from Tim to Dick.

"So, beyond satisfying my own curiosity, how can I help?"

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity takes it curiously, looking it over, then just pops it back in her chest with the smartphone. The readings from the other side will immediately start coming in, showing a young pocket universe...smaller than this one, but possibly younger than this one as well. It's difficult to say if it's just she's a variant on universes or still growing. She doesn't seem bothered by the probe, at least, trustingly assuming there's a good reason for Reed her to put it there.

She looks over to Tim and Dick, then says hesistantly. "Have found Jennifer. Alison. But not Medusa. Nico. Are. They. Safe? Thor Alison..." She frowns. "No Thor Corp. One Thor. Male Thor. Thor Alison...not here." she says sadly. "Would find. Her. Can find. Anyone. I know. Anywhere. Anyplace. Go there."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick observes quietly. This is way above his paygrade. Though once Reed asks him, he pipes up, "Mainly we were wondering if you had a better understanding of all this." He looks to Singularity and frowns, "I am sorry. I do not know much more beyond what you already know. Maybe they do not exist, yet? Is that possible?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"Admittedly, I only know really vague theoreticals about alternative universes... but..." Tim frowns a bit. "You said it was all pressed together, and now not anymore. Time and space are both," he glances to Reed, "fluid, if I'm remembering my lectures on dimensional physics. What if you've... slid past the universe you're looking for and are looking in the wrong one? And that's why they don't recall you?"

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed strokes his chin thoughtfully, listening to Dick before turning his full attention to Tim. He nods his head in silent agreement, attention drifting towards the console as the telemetry from the probes is received. He raises his eyebrows, clearly very interested in what he's seeing. Nevertheless, he manages to stay somewhat present in the conversation.

"That's right. I think this universe may be different or, as Tim suggests, not yet sufficiently advanced from a chronological standpoint. Victor already proved travel to the past is physically possible, so I don't see any reason to think it could not have happened to Singularity here. Though the simpler theory would be our universe is simply a different one - Occam's Razor and all that."

"Dick may be correct, also. These individuals may not exist in this universe or may never exist. As I said, multiversal physics are not well understood. Though these probes should return some valuable data and I can hypothesize based on that ... "

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity frowns and wilts a little bit as that sinks, looking down. "Different? It feels. Same. Parts of it. Other things. New. Different. Resonance. Signature." She seems to be struggling for the right word. "Feels different." she finally goes with. "Arcadia. Is not here. Maybe. Missing pieces. Different pieces." She sighs and hugs herself, looking a bit upset at the idea of her friends not even existing here.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"I see," Dick notes carefully. "So it all could be true, none of it, or some of it, or all three options?" Theoretical chronophysics, not his strong suit. He may be smart, but that's other people's field. "But there's a non-zero chance that she may actually be in the right place?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim reaches out and pats Singularity on the shoulder kindly. "Whatever it is, if it can be figured out, Dr. Richards can do it." He gives her a warm smile.

Reed Richards has posed:
"I can't promise I'll have any immediate answers for you," Reed tells Singularity with sad eyes, "This will take a bit of study. I've never encountered anyone like you and that proposes a whole new framework and methodology of though that I can't exactly get from elsewhere. I'll need to come up with it from scratch."

He nods to both Dick and Tim: "But the boys are right. I will find you answers eventually. And while they sell themselves short, they're some of the finest detectives on this or any other planet ... they're very good at finding people."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity nods slowly, looking between the three. "Please. Even if. They. Do not. Remember me. If. They are. Safe. It is. Okay." she says hopefully. "Will help. However. You need. Can take. You. Anywhere. You need."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick listens and nods, "We will do the best we can, if we get any leads, you will be the first person we tell." Dick says sincerely, "We aren't perfect, but we can at least try."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim tilts his head. "You can teleport?" he asks curiously. "That's cool... one universe sliding around inside another. Like nesting dolls." The possibilities are endlessly fascinating. If only he had the time to spend on those studies... he will barely have time this upcoming year to finish the classes he has left.

Reed Richards has posed:
"I'll pass my findings onto you, Tim," Doctor Richards says to the young man, knowing the look of someone who'd rather be in the lab than out adventuring when he sees it, "I'd like to hear your opinions on what I find. And of course, my door is always open to any of you. We'll work this out."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity nods to Tim. "Yes. Teleport. Or." She holds up a hand and there's a crackling noise as a blue dot appears, then expands smoothly into a portal surrounding in swirling energy, light spilling out of it. Reed's sensors likely go nuts at this point as an active, stable wormhole just forms.

    FRom the look of it, the other end is on the Moon. You can see Earth in the background. "Like that." the blue girl says, very matter-of-fact in tone. Fortunately she seems to be able to control the membrane between the two points, as there's no exchange of atmosphere involved and the light through the portal seems to be filtered.

    She lowers her hand and the wormhole closes, disappating harmlessly after a few seconds.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick watches intently, having seen this before, to a degree, and keeps his cool. Though he knows the real show is not watching what Singularity is doing, but what the audience is doing. "Yup. She can do that." Dick nods, "That is only a portion of it. But yeah."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim's eyes widen at the sight of the stable, controlled wormhole. His breathing actually stops while its opened, as he is so focused on the possibilities and the implications... and he isn't even Reed's level of intellect. "...amazing."

Reed Richards has posed:
"Fascinating," Reed says as he leans to look at the wormhole, making sure not to touch it outright. The computer built into jumpsuit he wears beeps, and he lifts his wrist to take measurements off the console there.

"I would very much like to see more in due course, Singularity. Would you be open to visiting us here and allowing me to run some tests on your abilities? It may help answer some questions faster."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity nods. "Yes." she says in response. Really, it's her friends she's worried about....and she has no reason to distrust any of these people who have offered to help her. "When. You need. Me. Can call?" She reaches in and removes her phone again, then offers it to Reed.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Put your number in the phone," Dick advises, "Also get the number from the phone. Learn from my mistakes," he nods.