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Latest revision as of 22:39, 3 August 2020

Brotherly Chat
Date of Scene: 03 August 2020
Location: Apartment 3A - Dick Grayson
Synopsis: Tim and Dick have a surprise guest.
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Singularity

Tim Drake has posed:
Life has been way too complicated for Tim Drake of late. Usually it's just juggling work, school, and The Job-- patrolling several nights a week, tossing clowns and other crazys into Arkham. That's not so difficult.

But suddenly, he's added girl troubles AND trying to lead a team to the mix. That's far more stress than he thought it would be. And there's only one person he knows of that is intimately aware of juggling a day job, classes, being a member of the Bat Family, super powered girlfriends, and herding young heroic cats.

Which is why Tim shot Dick a text asking to talk. Privately, where Jaybird and D weren't going to mock him viciously, or Carrie wouldn't give him that sympathetic look that actually made him feel even dumber for complaining. Thankfully, Dick was all right with that, and so Tim has arrived to his apartment in Bludhaven, looking exhausted and stressed.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick had gotten the memo from Tim and was quick to respond to his little brother's text with a go-ahead and what food he'd want ordered in, which he deferred to Dick. So Chinese it is. With that sitting on the coffee table in the living room, Dick sits with a glass of water in his hand and a plate in his lap. It was a lazy summer day and that meant shorts and a t-shirt. In this case one of his newer Gotham U ones.

When the food had been distributed Dick says, "So, everything going all right, Tim? Pretty unsual for you to make the trip all the way here to chat."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim grabs a box of takeout, snapping a set of chopsticks apart and dumping in a couple of packets of soy sauce. "Yes? No? I'm not sure." He stuffs a bite into his mouth, chewing and swallowing. "Jay and I are chasing down some kind of super drug that is somehow //everywhere// in Gotham, and if my scans are popping up right, beginning to show up in Metropolis too. Talked with Bruce the other day. Awkward. Oh, and Superman showed up in my living room //while I was hungover//. Let's see, my girlfriend's psychotic assassin father interrupted our date the other night. And somehow I'm supposed to be in charge of a superteam. When Conner and I started talking about doing this a year ago, I never thought it would be me, Dick. I figured it would be Conner or Cassie-- like the Justice League, since it's Superman and Wonder Woman running things there. I thought I'd take Batman's role: tactics. But here I am." He sinks backwards into the couch, looking overwhelmed. "And on top of that, back to the girlfriend? I have absolutely no //fucking// clue what I'm doing. You're going to laugh at me, but I'm literally following a checklist."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick has his own chopsticks out and is eating away, having set his glass down on a coaster. "New drug? Fantastic, I wager like the one we saw last week?" He frowns and eats some more, though keeps listening. The eldest Bat brat nearly chokes at the Superman reference. "Well, that was unexpected! Also hopefully it could have gone worse?" Then the date, " Also a reason to be careful, though judging by your current intact nature, that also could have gone worse. But you are likely being chosen to lead because for some reason people look to us as competent. I was surprised that I was able to earn the trust of the Titans to help call shots from time to time, but at times it just works out that way." When Tim switches back to talking about Rose, he says, "Dude, there is no sense to it. If it makes you feel better I too don't have a clue. At times it's just dumb luck and I would say just be you and do what you think is right. Be open to communication, and don't forget to breathe." Dick chuckles, "Though judging by her comment the other night, you seem do be doing all right for yourself in keeping her attention."

Singularity has posed:
    Outside in the hall, there's a faint *poink* as a blue dot appears and expands into a small blue girl with stars as she materializes, then looks around, frowning in thought to herself, before perking and heading over towards the door leading to the apartment where Dick and Tim are chatting. Pausing in front of it, she considers for a moment, making a fist with her hand, looking at it, then the door, then spotting the button by the door for the bell as she looks a bit torn over which she should be doing, before she tenatively presses the button.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim flushes. "Yeah. Well. Jay mentioned that. I was high enough I missed it I think, and I'm glad. I think I might have died on the spot." He groans. "And yeah... Deathstroke was in civvies and so was I, obviously, so as far as he knows his daughter is dating some rich ki--" And the doorbell rings. "Huh. Did you order dessert or something?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Probably for the best, but good on ya," Dick nods in approval, "And yeah, glad to know her dad at least hasn't put it all together, yet." The doorbell catches Dick off-guard, "I could have sworn my card cleared. They didn't forget anything did they?" He asks as he goes to the door, "No dessert that I know of, there's a few donuts in the kitchen if you want some, though." When he gets to the door he looks through the peephole and blinks.

"Tim, this is going to get weird, and I apologize," Dick says as he opens the door and carefully says, "Uh, this is a bit unexpected. Can I help you?"

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity is bouncing on her toes (or equivalent thereof) as she waits , but the moment the door opens it's like the sun coming out from behind a cloud as she smiles big. "Nightwing!" There may be hugs. Or attempts at such, unless Dick dodges. "Came. To see. You. Were okay." the odd girl says. "Yes? Okay?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim leans forward as Dick says it's going to get weird, his expression concerned, and he puts the box of rice and chicken down. He blinks rapidly when Singularity comes into view.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick is surprised as he is hugged, mostly because of his codename being used. "Inside, now!" he says and ushers Singularity into the room. "Singularity, Tim, Tim Singularity." Dick was /not/ aware that Singularity knew who he was, though he does turn to her and says, "I would rather you not call me that when I am like this," he gestures to his civilian attire, "It is a complex situation."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity cocks her head curiously as she's tugged along behind Dick, waving to Tim as she favors him with a sunny smile on seeing him. "Only. Know. That name?" she says apologetically. "Secret?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"Whoa." Tim stands up, looking at the... girl? Dick ushered inside. "Uh... hi, Singularity. That's an interesting name. Like... a black hole?" The nerd bat says in a friendly manner, even as he's taken off guard. "It's nice to meet you."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Call me Dick, please, when I don't have the mask on," he says kindly to Singularity, "It is a secret, unfortunately," he looks to Tim, "Kind of. She can kind of go everywhere and be nearly omnipresent." He sighs and drains his water, setting the cube-filled glass back on the coaster. "So what do I owe the pleasure?" He asks the house guest.

Singularity has posed:
    The starry girl considers. "Yes. But. More." she says in response to Tim, furrowing her brow. "Like. This place." She waves her hands to...well, take in pretty much everything. "But. Smaller." She looks back to Dick, then smiles. "Yes. Dick. Okay!" she says cheerfully. "Will remember." She nods in response to Dick's addendum firmly. "That. Yes." she says, looking back to Tim, then looks faintly confused by the question, looking back to Dick. "Making sure. Are okay." She starts to elaborate then pauses, looking to Tim. "Um. In case. Hurt." she goes with after a moment of thought.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim glances at Dick, and then back at Singularity. Then back to Dick again. "This is what I'm talking about, you always have these things happen and know exactly how to handle them," he points out dryly. He peers towards Singularity, interest on his expression. Of the curious variety. "...are you made of stars? That's amazing. I know it's said we are all stardust, but you're literally..."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Firstly, Tim, it's not what you think," Dick notes and then nods to Singularity, "I am fine, thank you. My shoulder has recovered since I was shot." He sighs and rube his forehead in frustration, "It has been a long day."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity considers that. "Stars. Dark Matter. Nebulas. Planets." she clarifies. Or is unintentionaly confusing, either way." She taps her chest lightly. "Universe. But. Small." She has an odd way of pausing between words, like she's trying to figure out how best to turn an idea into a vocalization and hasn't quite got the hang of it yet. Though she does look momentarily alarmed. "Hurt?!" She frowns, looking uncertainly at Dick. "Okay. Not hurt. Now." Calming a bit, though her brow furrows. "...longer. Day?" She was pretty sure it was about a normal orbit today. Maybe she missed something.

Tim Drake has posed:
"You do tend to date super powered aliens," Tim points out. After the day he's had earlier, maybe someone //else// should get ribbed. He squints a bit. "You're a walking universe?" he says finally. "How would that even work? ...I need to talk to Reed. This is awesome."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick raises a brow at Tim, but there are bigger fish to fry at the moment. He shakes his head at Singularity, picking up on the issue, "It's an idiom, a colloquial metaphor." He nods, "Just seems that the day has just be strange and taking forever for it, in spite of the time not actually changing speed or the duration of the day." He sighs and nods to Tim, "Yes, Reed would be interested in meeting Singularity."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity considers. "Idiom. Special meaning. For words." she says after a moment, nodding. She's aware of what it is, at least, looking between the pair. "Reed?" she says curiously. "Sorry. That day. Is. Bad." she says sympathetically, reaching out to pat Dick's side.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Reed Richards. He was our science tutor," Tim says absently, watching a few of the moving bits of galaxies swirl around in Singularity. "He's one of the smartest people in the world. Maybe THE smartest person."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Probably smartest, if not, probably top three," Dick confirms, and turns to Singularity again, 'It is all right, just this was unexpected. But is everything going in a satisfactory fashion for you?" He has to ponder before saying the last words, lest he use another idiom. Dick then says, "Not sure if you eat or drink, but can I get you something?"

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity perks. "Like. Doom!" she says. There's a name she knows! "Yes. Looking. For friends. But. Forgot me." she says after a moment. "Things. Different. Now." She frowns a bit, then smiles. "Yes. Drink?" She looks between the two. 'Are. Very smart. Like Reed?" she wonders.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim seems fascinated. "So, how did you two meet up? It's not every day you meet a sentient universe."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"At work," Dick notes, hoping Tim catches the meening, "At an eating contest on Coney Island. Everything went well, I think. Though that contest winner was not decided that day, if I recall." He goes and refills his own glass and gets Singularity a glass of water with ice. "You forgot yourself? How so?"

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity nods enthusiastically. "Hot dogs!" she confirms, then takes the water gratefully, sipping from it. Which is odd...when she opens her mouth there's just sort of a white void there past her teeth. And she has teeth? "Yes. First time. This place. Was different. Pieces. Pressed together. Many places. Many people." She frowns a bit. "Had friends. Jennifer. Alison. Medusa. Nico. Thor Alison. But. Had to go. To protect. Them. Take bad things. Far away."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim's not that dumb, Dick. Singularity called him Nightwing, which means... probably met the world's finest derriere while he was in the black-and-blues. He does listen to Singularity, however, and while he cocks his head, piecing together her odd speech patterns. He does sit back down, grabbing his box of takeout and going back to eating it. "But your friends are all right now?" he asks. "Or if not, do you need our help?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Wait, so you were here, and by here you mean Bludhaven or do you mean Earth as a whole? And then something happened, and then you came back and things had changed? Do you have a time frame to work with?" Dick asks, now genuinely curious, but those names mean nothing to him, though he does nod to Tim's questions, as he has those as well.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity considers as she sips from her water. "This place. Was different. I. Was outside. Watching." She smiles. "Heroines. Heroes. Good. Brave. Selfless. Wanted. To be here. Be. Like them." She wrinkles her nose. "Pushed. From outside. To be here. Changed." She holds out her hand, wiggling her fingers. "To be. Like them. Made smaller." She looks like she's trying to explain this but not quite sure of the words. "Took bad things. Outside. Away. But. Hurt. Lost outside. Asleep." She frowns. "Long time? Short time? Don't know. Came back. But. All. Is. Different. World. Is. Better." She frowns. 'But friends. Do not remember. Me. Changed too. Safe? Jen. Alison. Have not found. Others. Yet. Still looking." She looks a bit sad. "Cannot remember. Me. But. Are safe. Is. Enough."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim lifts a brow. "Alternate dimensions, perhaps. Or altered timelines?" He looks concerned. "We really should call Reed, Dick. This sounds... like something he'd know a lot more about." And it makes his own issues seem somewhat petty besides.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Yeah," Dick says after listening to Singularity, "Give him a buzz, this is above our pay grade." He looks to Singularity, "I guess you might get your wish, then. You get to meet our old science tutor growing up."

Singularity has posed:
    "Wish?" Singularity says curiously. "Okay." She seems agreeable for meeting Reed, at least, sipping from her water again. She looks at Tim curiously, then back to Dick. Then to Tim. Then back to Dick, before she points at Tim. "...sidekick?" she says curiously.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick is still baffled by the teeth and white void where a mouth should be, but he does answer Singularity's questions, "No, he is my brother. Not biological, but still my brother whether he likes it or not." He chuckles.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity smiles. "Brother! Okay. Little. Brother." she guesses, comparing, well...size and age."

Tim Drake has posed:
Calling Reed Richards, Tim Drake says: "Doctor Richards, it's Tim Drake. I've run into a sentient universe who might have been privy to some timeline or dimensional corruption. This is way beyond the basics you taught me a couple years ago."

Reed Richards replies, "A sentient /universe/? Interesting. I've heard that our own universe has a sentience, but I'm still trying to confirm - ahem. Maybe you should bring them here? Unless our /mutual associate/ has updated his equipment since then ... do you accept visitors?"

Tim frowns. He covers the phone. "Dick, the doctor says we should either bring her to him... or..." he shakes his head. "We should go to him."

Tim uncovers the phone, then says, "Probably better for us to come to you. Dick's with me as well."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Yeah better to go to him," Dick says and nods in confirmation to Singularity, before saying, "Yeah, he will have the stuff to better understand this." But to Sing, he says, "Dr. Richards, Reed, is probably going to have a few questions, but if anyone can help you, he can." But as they talk, Dick moves to get his keys, "I'll drive. I can get us to the Hyperloop quicker."