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Latest revision as of 22:50, 3 August 2020

Just another night at Gotham's Docks
Date of Scene: 29 July 2020
Location: Tricorner Island
Synopsis: Flamebird, or is that Plebe?, is closing in on the mystery assassin
Cast of Characters: Bette Kane, Kate Kane

Bette Kane has posed:
The bird-a-rang embedded in to his wrist sent his aim wildly off target, the sound of the machine gun ta-ta-ta-ta blasting through the night can be heard far enough away that the security guards, lax in their duties, recognise the pay off they've been given isn't worth their jobs and call the cops.

Bette leaps over the office desks and kicks the man in the chest while gripping the wrist with the bird-a-rang stuck in it, pushing it in deeper until he drops the gun. The second man is hopping away trying to untangle himself from the bolas when Bette presses the activate button and the bolas electrify, stunning him. He drops to the ground.

Roughly, she flips the first man over and zip ties his wrists together, then picks up the machine gun and disassembles it expertly, making sure to toss the firing pin across the darkly lit office space. This was part of a refit for these old docks warehouses, trying to turn them in to commercial office space. The cheap rent made them great cover for illegal import/export business. Whatever these guys were after is probably still here and probably not too far away.

Kate Kane has posed:
There's suddenly a muffled *thump*, followed by another man getting shoved limply forward out of the shadows. "You missed one." That voice, slightly disapproving, comes from Batwoman as she steps forward into view.

She places a foot on the man she felled, ziptying his wrists together before she straightens and looks at Bette, "Still, good work." She's not /too/ harsh, but she does have a bit of a judgmental tone. Of course, that's her job right now, and she's good at it.

Bette Kane has posed:
She missed one in the alley fight in Starling city. She missed one when taking down the human traffickers at the Docks. She missed one with a grenade launcher when she followed that operation back to Starling city. She missed one when she was kidnapped by that psycho who wanted to cut off her ears. It hits her right in the heart as she sees and hears the third man drop.

The momentary panic dies down and she lets her breath out, a breath she shouldn't have been holding in the first place. "Thanks." A knee to the face of the man she has in custody puts his lights out, giving her the time to see if she can find what she's looking for. "The police are about 3 minutes out, they've upped their response time for Tricorner since the murders last week."

A fling cabinet with a screw driver still stuck in it trying to jimmy it open. She removes that and takes out her lock picking set and rakes it open easily. "These guys work for the losing team, the winning team is.. aha," she pulls out a file containing pictures of Greek antiquity items - vases and bowls, pottery dating back to 170BC, "taking over rapidly."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman nods, "Good to hear they're picking up some slack." She moves over by Bette, one brow arching behind the cowl as she takes a look at the file in question. "Greek smugglers? You don't suppose Maxie Zeus is behind some of this?" A bit of a stretch, maybe, but it's either him or Hobby Lobby.

She does, however, keep a wary eye out, watching Bette's back as this is her case to do. She's here to support. And train. Because training never stops. Definitely one thing that Kate and Bruce agree on wholeheartedly.

Bette Kane has posed:
"I hope not, but that's not who I'm after." She turns back around but also listening for the sirens. "A couple of months ago an arms merchant shot up a park full of people to demonstrate his wares, he earned a nemesis that day and got paranoid. Hired a hit man from out of town to find and kill his nemesis. This is the short story.. that hit man didn't leave Gotham, he double dipped and used the hunt for the nemesis to take out the child of the Mikolos family, the air to their empire. They ran a boutique import/export business of.. you guessed it, stolen antiquities from Greece. This has started a turf war, but I think this is just the start of a big shake up of the minor crime syndicates in Gotham, if this assassin goes unchecked."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman frowns, "The things I miss when I leave town for a few weeks." She hrms, tilting her head as she pays attention to the response time of the policy. "So now you're making sure that things don't come to the point where it's an all-out war with people caught in the crossfire?"

She hmms, "And well, I hate to sound like a conspiracy nut, but typically when the minor crime syndicates in Gotham get shaken up, one of the Usual Suspects is behind it. Just a question of who, and why."

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette nods her head and shrugs a shoulder, "You're not wrong. I think this hit man smelt the kindling on the fire and decided to stay and make money off of it. I've been trying to get a lead on how they're hiring him.. but I have a suspicion he's taking a very modern approach to his work."

Bette folds up the papers so she can track down those items on the black market later. She slides them in to her belt and says, "You see, I think he's researching what the minor crime families //wished// would happen, but didn't have the guts to pay for it - then he goes and invests in the desired outcome, commits the kill, and enjoys the rewards. This guy is a ghost, and every hit so far has been unique."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate hmms softly, "Little unusual for a hit man to be that proactive. Normally they'd rather wait and make sure the check cleared." She frowns, "But, that's definitely a way to get peoples' attention."

She nods slightly towards Bette, "And I'm guessing you have more of a lead than just this, considering what we found here." A bit of a smirk at that, as she lets Bette keep going with the conclusion.

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette smirks a touch, proud of the work she's done so far. "Well, the Mikolos family are trying to win back their business, but JTY corp have taken over their turf. JTY corp must have a new silent investor, who must be looking to collect. Where-ever these artefacts are, the people behind JTY are and they must be wondering the same thing as us, who is this guy who has gifted them Gotham."

With the sirens nearing she sighs, "Time to go." The backdoor still unlocked from when she entered through it, she dashes across the cement carpark area in to the pushes where she has her backup bike. It's a beat up old thing, registration expired a long time ago and no number plates. She painted it black - it does the job while her real bike gets repaired.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman, of course, had Red Knight One parked next to the backup bike for Bette. She nods, "Good work so far, Plebe." She grins at that, nimbly hopping onto the modified Ducati and revving it to life. It's a small compliment, but then she adds, "Now you need to finish the job."

With that, Kate's bike roars to life and she drives off quickly, cape fluttering wildly as she zooms off. Of course, knowing Kate... she's probably got a drone watching Bette's departure anyway, just in case.

She really IS a lot like Bruce in that regard.