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Latest revision as of 22:50, 3 August 2020

A Hulk, a Spider, and a Cat.
Date of Scene: 29 July 2020
Location: Roof
Synopsis: Ghost Spider runs into She-Hulk who ran into Tigra
Cast of Characters: Greer Grant, Gwen Stacy, Jennifer Walters

Greer Grant has posed:
    Nightfall in New York's summer months can be something uniquely magical. The ocean to the south and east, with the hint of salt water cresting the city streets with most of the polution of the 80's and 90's having cleared away with cleaner efforts by the big scientists of the modern era. It's pleasant now to go up onto the rooftops. What was once the haunt for villains and heroes alike, and the occasional smoke break is now a bit more filled with hanging single color christmas lights and patio parties and rooftop hang outs.

    This isn't one of those roofs.

    There's a barely dressed heroine standing on the rooftop of a Brooklyn apartment complex, looking down over the bustling streets below. She has her hair full and loosely waving in the breeze behind her like a permanent cape, and a tail lifting slightly in the breeze though she keeps it down while prowling the roof, watching. Nearby a police scanner scrolls through the channels as Tigra stands vigilant, waiting for a call to come out. Seems she's grown tired of the Avenger's tech and wanted a night of doing it all the 'old school' way for a change. At least to keep herself sharp, or so that's what she'll say.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
A Titan, not an Avenger, Gwen technically might as well be considered in the 'Junior league' to some people, but the heroine was out on patrol in a similarly 'old fashioned' way. Swinging over the city in the usual acrobatic webline transit, the scanner in her mask was waiting for the classic call of some criminal hijinx. So far, all was about as peaceful as New York got.

Left to look for signs of interest or distraction, the sudden passing swing and enhanced perceptions made someone who stood out as much as Greer rather easy to spot. Oh huh, that's different! Not 'Rampaging Lizard' different, but definately worth looking a bit closer.

Flung from her line, the Spider's ballet shoes touch down on the rooftop behind the pair.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer was out visiting a client in a nearby apartment building, when she spied the tigress through the window. It's been a while since they had a chat, so she makes her way to the roof of this building and, after taking off her shoes, lightly hops over to the rooftop that Tigra is on.

"Hey, Tigra," she calls out, walking up to her fellow Avenger. "Out old-schooling it tonight? Mind if I join you for a bit?"

Greer Grant has posed:
    That's the thing about super senses, it's fairly hard for someone to surprise you. Greer's head is already turned when Jen lands on the rooftop, even barefooted and the tigress takes her foot off the lip and turns away to walk towards the laywer and greets her with a friendly hug. "Yeah, had to get out of the mansion and do some things on my own again, - I mean, without the tech. Yeah... **** it, you can totally hang out." Greer says pulling away from the hug and moving back over towards the lip of the roof and looks over to wait for Jen to join her. "You gonna wear that?" The bikini clad Avenger asks playfully.

    Looking over her shoulder, "New costume?" Tigra asks Gwen, obviously confusing her for someone else. "I thought you were more... red and blu--- I thought you were a man...----" Tigra lowers her head and puts her face into her hands, embarrased as all get out as the smells and sounds come into place, "You're not Spider-man... You're not even a man. Oh my god. I'm so sorry."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer returns the hug enthusiastically (but not *too* enthusiastically) and moves to join her friend on the ledge of the rooftop. "I was just here with a client," she explains about the suit and heels. "Saw you and thought it'd be good to hang out."

When Gwen shows up she gives her the once-over and nods approvingly. "It's a Spider-Girl? I like the colors, though. And the hood. It's a good look."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
A blink a tilt of her head as she straightens up, Gwen actually opens her mouth to protest that she indeed wasn't the more widely known Web-slinger, something the costume's form-fitting nature made rather apparent when Greer corrects herself. Instead? There's a little laugh and shrug of her shoulders. "I'm not Spider-man yeah...Technically I'm not 'Spider-Woman' either though. I mean, I am a woman but there's another Sp-..." a pause, a little exhaled breath, the Spider in white starts over.

"I'm 'Ghost Spider'...although I do get the 'Spider-Girl' thing a bit so...yeah."

Smooth Gwen.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "You're always welcome to hang out with me Jen. You're like, my favorite Avenger. Well, second." Tigra notes holding up her two fingers, just in case Jen forgot what two looked like. It's a bad joke, but it's Tigra. She can be kinda crude and low brow sometimes. "I can't imagine shopping for clothes in that size. Like. BOOM." Tigra growled and wiggled her eyebrows playful at Jen before turning back to Gwen and then slowly deblushing as she looks back at Jen, "**** I wish I had a name like that. Ghost Tiger. Is it too late to change?" The striped woman says as a compliment to Gwen while reaching a hand out and up, obvious she's inviting Gwen into a hug. "It's an awesome costume, makes me look lazy A-F."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jen's delighted laughter at Greer's jokes rings out across the rooftop. "I have to get the suits tailored to fit my frame. Which makes it even more of a crime when they get destroyed by a random bad guy showing up." She cocks her head at Tigra questioning her naming choices and she chuckles. "I like Ghost Tiger. Makes you sound like a ninja."

Jen looks up at Gwen and grins. "Ghost Spider, hunh. Explains color scheme," she muses. "Anyway. I'm Jennifer Walters, attorney at law and Avenger." She sticks out a hand to the woman, "It's a pleasure to meet another of the spider-clan."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Avenger. Oh crap. Avengers plural. She could blame dimensional differences, sure. But the fact her mask obscured her face was something Gwen was really glad for right now after her embarassing first impressions. "It kinda gets trickier to come up with a name the more of us there are. I guess that's why there's only one 'Superman' despite all the 'Super' people, y'know?"

The hug was...unexpected, but it's taken none the less. Okay, hugging an Avenger wasn't how she expected this patrol to go. Cool.

"It's nice to meet you too...and thanks. I uh...kinda have a nack for it I guess. Got to have some good sewing skills if you keep getting stabbed, shot, burned and all that.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra gives a kindly squeeze of Gwen's shoulders briefly before looking back at Jen, "It sounds cool, but I think I'm Tigra and I think I'm gonna stay that way." Tigra says to Jen and then Gwen, "Well, you're obviously a good guy or a very cunning villainess, but you don't smell like death, blood, or bad decisions. Care to 'patrol' with us?" Tigra says, turning to look back over the streets and then back to Jen and Gwen.

    "I mean, you could sew or do what I do, don't care and wear as little as you have to in order to keep from getting ticketed while saving everyone's judgy backsides." Greer says with a wink of her green pupil to Gwen and then back to Jen, "Have you gotten around to changing those laws yet?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"I know what you mean," Jennifer says to Gwen. "Just because /I'm/ nigh invulnerable, it doesn't mean my clothes are. I can't tell you how many outfits I went through when I first started out." She tilts her head and seems to pick up on Gwen's nervousness upon meeting Actual Avengers. "Come," she says patting the ledge next to her. "Join us. We don't bite." She looks over at Tigra, "Well. /I/ don't bite."

"I really haven't had to worry about running around in my underwear since Reed designed my costume." Jen says, "I've got a couple of pairs that I keep on most of the time. You never know when Stilt Man might step on you or something."

To Greer she lets out a long sigh, "Working on it. Law is hard to change. There's a lot of hoops one has to jump through, and superhuman law is still in its infancy so we're all just kind of making it up as we go along."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Right?!" Gwen exclaims in agreement with Jen, giving a little laugh and crossing her arms under her chest as she looks between the pair. An invitation to patrol with the pair? Absolutely! There's an enthusiastic nod of her head before she sifts a little on her feet with a glance to Greer. "I mean, you've got the whole 'Awesome tiger lady thing' going on. Me? I'd look kinda silly doing all the hero stuff without the costume. Trust me."

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Obviously, I'm not the girl to talk about special costumes. I appreciate clothes most when they're on someone else anyways." Tigra says with a shrug as if that was a satisfactory explinaton for Gwen, and then a frown is levied at Jen. "Can't you like, put the judges or whoever into a bad ass strangle hold or something until they tap out and I can walk around like a real cat?" Tigra then looks at Gwen and looks down at her stripes on her back and arms and thigh, "Jen, wanna handle that one? I like how you explain it. Sounds kinda... ****** coming from me." Tigra says before she rocks to one side, mindful of her tail and giving Gwen room to sit between the two Avengers and making sure the radio scanner is loud enough for them to hear when it goes off.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"What are you talking about," Jen quips with a grin, "You /are/ a real cat." She turns back to Gwen, "Don't let her fool you. She's a real cat. Have you ever seen a cat look like they like wearing clothes? At best they just look annoyed." She glance over at her friend, "Plus I think with all the fur it's just itchy."

"But yeah, I get it. You've got to cover up because you've got an identity to protect." Jennifer shakes her head. "I've never really been able to do that. I'm She-Hulk. She-Hulk is me. There's only so many giant green women running around New York, and if anybody were to try to mess with my family, not only would they have to deal with me, they'd have to deal with my cousin."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Wow. She'd gotten a name and identity both out of Jennifer, that was....unexpected but still kinda cool. Gwen actually lowers her hands from her crossed position to lift them in a gesture of peace. "I didn't mean to offend or anything and..." Jen with the save, she nods her head and gives a little laugh. "Makes sense. You see it on those videos and stuff all the time."

Taking the seat offered between the pair, after all just standing there was weird after all. "I thought you guys would have a super secret satilite or phone for the president or something. This is kinda like how I do the patrol thing most of the time. That's really...neat."

Jen's words get a little nod of sympathy. She might have an identity here, but elsewhere she'd lived a life of being 'outed' for a while. It...hadn't been fun.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "She-er Hulk." Tigra tries to interject Jen's last line with a joke but she's certain it will land flat. "Ghost Spider, kind of a mouthful." Tigra notes before continuing, "We're all different, and have different backgrounds and things like that, but when it comes down to it, we're all after the same thing. We all wanna make the world a better place for those that come after us. Looks like you might be the next in line after Shulkie an' me. I hope you're good." Tigra notes.

    Looking down at the radio in her hands, Tigra looks over to Gwen and then to Jen, "Oh, we have one of those, but that's back at the mansion, I'm just out here listening to the classics, but thankfully New York learned how to behave in the last few hours, maybe we should celebrate with some margs. Eh, She-Hulk?" Tigra asks with a snicker to her tone and a swing of her feet off the side of the building.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer nods in agreement with Tigra. "Yeah. Sometimes it's good to get back to the basics." She rubs the back of her head with a "Heh," and a confession, "Not that I ever actually did the patrol thing. Being a Hulk is like being a trouble magnet. Things just kind of come at you wherever you go, so you don't have to go out looking for trouble."

The sound of margaritas makes Jen's eyes light up. "Oh, yes, please. I've had a busy day." She lets out a tired sigh, "All my days have been busy lately. Between Avengers stuff and lawyer stuff, I hardly have any time to breathe." She looks over at Ghost Spider. "Want to join us? We'll get you a sippy straw so you don't have to take off your mask. Plus paling around with some Avengers will be a good look for you." She rolls her eyes, "Lord knows if you follow in Spider-Man's footsteps you'll need it. The press has a serious hate-on for him, and I have no idea why. He's one of the good ones."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"I mean, you probably work like a deterrant just walking by, right? Noone's going to mug someone for their wallet if She-Hulk is coming down the sidewalk. Or they would if they're like...super dumb?"

A shrug, Gwen glances over towards Greer's comment about her name and shrugging her shoulders. "Most of the badguys just go 'Spider' or 'Insect' or whatever else if they're trying to sound tough anyway so..."

Talk about drinks, the offer between the two has Gwen blinking, giving a little nervous chuckle. Sound she admit that she probably couldn't drink? It wasn't like people were going to card a superhero, right?

"I'll tag along...but maybe a Soda or something? Straw is cool, but swinging and drinking sounds like a good way to end up barfing under my mask."