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Another drug bust
Date of Scene: 27 July 2020
Location: The Narrows - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Julie meets Black Canary, becomes something of an apprentice, and they beat up some drug runners. Also flirting.
Cast of Characters: Julie Yan, Dinah Lance

Julie Yan has posed:
    The Narrows, Gotham's smelly armpit. It's a foggy night, like it usually is in Gotham, as Julie tails somebody. In a You-Store-It, some thugs are waiting with bags of -something-, in great numbers. With firearms and masks, they're clearly up to something.

    Julie waits around, wolfing down a hotdog as she seeks cover under a lean-to, watching a van pull up as gangbangers begin peeling out. THey're...very colorfully dressed, with clown makeup and enough guns to make the ATF nervous.

    "Yooo! Whatup, Fleece? You got the stuff?" One of the clowns calls out, holding out a suitcase no doubt stuffed with cash.

    The deal is carried on pretty normally, as Julie lets the gang distract one another. Finishing her lunch and jumping up to a platform, she gets herself a nice little perch.

Dinah Lance has posed:
TDinah's been tracking down a sudden flood of drugs in Gotham, not having found enough evidence to call anyone in yet, or connect any dots. But her last night out got her a few threads to pull on, a couple of 'borrowed' burner phones gave her enough to put a few things together and figure out when there was going to be a large exchange.

And so she's out to see what's going down, the flower shop closed, her customers used to the odd hours.

    And so with her bike parked a couple blocks away, Dinah's made her way up a fire escape, across the rooftops, and finds herself crouched on the edge of a roof, peering down, murmuring under her breath. "God, what a bunch of amateurs, 'the stuff', real unbreakable code there... actual goddamned clowns..."

    She cracks her knuckles, doing a few squats to loosen her legs up, eyes darting around, working out the swiftest path down to street level that... well, doesn't involve just leaping off the roof. And that's when she pauses, catching a perched figure looming above the scene. Well, that's new... no bat symbol, so it's probably not one of the Bats. She really should check the Oracle app, but fumbling with her phone is just going to be a distraction from the punching she's got to focus on.

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie hasn't really paid attention to the app much herself, given recent events she's desperate just to have herself something to do that's a bit more normal. Even if that involves picking fights with Gotham gang members. She gets a look at somebody else who's about to crash this party.

    Popping her neck, Julie shrugs a shoulder and dives into the fray. "I get the feeling this isn't a Girl Scout cookie deal. Come quietly and I won't kick your asses." She announces, fire from her hands.

    "What the fuck? Who's this bitch?" A gang member says in shock, going for his pistol. Another yells, "Who cares, just plug her and let's bounce!"

    With nearly contemptuous ease, Julie evades gunfire and closes the distance, dropping a thug with a swift and brutal kick before lashing at others with her scarf, the article of clothing a deadly weapon in her hands.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah's eyebrows pop up as the mysterious vigilante dives down and right into the fray. Well, that's refreshing. Her lips curve in a barely repressed grin at that voice calling out... and for a split second she files away that she should hit up the grocery store on the way home. Cookies. Yeah. But then she looks down, eyebrows lifting higher as she sees a small group of gang bangers actually coordinating, lining up behind Julie and out of her reach.

Well, if -they- want to play unfair, it's really only right she join in.

    And so she's leaping down, swinging from the fire escape, looping around the supports with perfect acrobatic timing, only to fly down like an arrow from the sky and drive into the upper back of the furthest back gang member with both feet and a not-quite-sickening thud as she calls out, "Really boys, planning to shoot someone from -behind-? Criminal and cowardly all at once! You ought to be ashamed!" She gives another swift kick to the back of the head of the thug who broke her fall, arms crossing, those long, toned legs beginning to flex, bringing her into a bouncing rhythm before she's darting in to begin throwing punches. "One of you has to remember to tell your buddy here about that advice when he wakes up. Good life advice is hard to come by!"

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie's heart skips a beat. Black Canary, here!? She fights the urge to fangirl right then and there, and instead focuses on the guys shooting and taking swings at the two. Breaking a thug's arm, Julie sends him towards Dianh to KO. "Hey! I'm a big fan of your work! Wish I remembered to bring my dress, but it's being repaired." She says, delivering a vicious back-kick before gracefully sliding between a thug's legs and dropping him with a punch to the groin.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah reacts smoothly on instinct, a dramatic upwards back kick that sends that already dazed thug practically into the air as she drills her boot up under his jaw, wild mane of blonde hair flying for a moment, before she's spinning on her planted foot, shifting directly into a roundhouse kick to hit another rushing in thug. She whips back up to a standing position with a bright grin, "Oh! Hey! Well, y'know, sometimes we don't get to fight crime in style!" She snaps to the side, ducking under a baseball bat swung at her head from behind, a quick elbow into the guy's gut, the bat's grabbed, and she slams it down on his back, "Hey! We're trying to make a -connection- here! Just because you sell or buy drugs doesn't mean you don't need to have manners!"

Julie Yan has posed:
    The clowns start to get aggressive, as one of them grows in size and roars! He's got tubes feeding a green glowing drug into his veins, causing his muscle mass to increase, and he lets out a snarl. "GONNA FUCKING BREAK YOU!" Julie moves to intercept the venom-dosed jester, smashing her fist into his jaw in an uppercut. "They must breed 'em big and stupid where you're from, tiny!"

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah lets out a strangled growl of annoyance, and those punches and kicks are a lot less pulled, more dull thuds and sharp cracks, "Of -course- it's venom... god, can't you losers just work out in prison like -normal- criminals? This city! I swear!" She scowls, her eyes narrow, and as she sees one of the clowns reaching the car and diving into the driver's side door, she begins drawing in a deep breath, brow furrowing... oh, this can't be a good sign.

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Stuff's a lot more popular than I expected!" Julie says amid the melee, before she grapples with the venom-dosed clown. He snarls in her face, growling like a savage. "PLease...for the love of God...floss more!" Julie grunts, struggling as she tries to gain ground. "Any time now, Canary!"

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah sprints, jumps, rolls... and manages to get to just the right angle as the car's peeling out, passing behind the venom-dosed clown. And then she hits the ground, angling that canary cry upwards, that shriek shatters a few windows at the top of the nearby abandoned building. But what's a few more broken windows in Gotham? The driver and the hulking clown are probably going to be a lot more worried about that shockwave lifting the car and spinning it sidewas on its axist. Benefit to towering super-steroid rage monsters is they're tall, and they can take a hit. But the police are probably going to have trouble auctioning the car off with a clown-head shaped dent in the passenger side door, and the roof crumpled in when it crashes down onto the street upside down.

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie isn't prepared for the canary cry, and she grasps at her ear in pain. "Gah, shit! OW!" Her ears are ringing like the a church bell, leaving her stunned and her vision hazy. She still has enough in her to knock someone out, as the thugs are either clearing out or in a heap on the ground. So at least the deal's been ruined, right?

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah gasps for breath, slowly levering herself up with a sheepish little grin as she watches the thugs run off... well, the ones that aren't littered around the street. "Sorry about that! Uhhh... you got any gum? Chew some until your ears pop and the ringing'll clear up!" She walks up the unconscious hulking clown and hooks her toe under those venom tubes, tugging at them until they snap free and shaking her head, "I swear. Whatever happened to just like... meat cleavers in chinatown? Gangs are so -extreme- these days."

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie cleans out her ears, grumbling and muttering "Mawp mawp" until she can hear again. "That Canary Cry's no joke...pretty sure you got everybody with that one." She laughs a little, "Back in Hong Kong, shit's even more hardcore. People don't so much as juice up as they use chi, means some of them are as tough as I am." She approaches Canary, smiling. "God, you were kicking -ass- back there. I heard the stories, but you're just as cool as I heard!"

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah's eyebrows jump high, "Whoa, wait... like, use chi like to... I dunno, throw fireballs? That's -totally- hardcore! I mean, around here, you run into enough doofuses with like, second hand half-used Penguin umbrellas and it's just kind of sad, you know?" She sways her hips and struts over to the wrecked car, grunting and booting the latch of the trunk open, only to watch... well, a good portion of the drugs spill free. Whoops. Turns out they weren't packed to take 'going airborne' levels of drama. "...Uhhh... well, I need to grab some of these up, and we should probably.. you know, beat feet before the cops get here. They're gonna want to know who broke those windows, right? And hey, you -totally- kicked ass, like, that Venom guy woulda thrown me around like a rag doll!"

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie grins, her fists glowing as she snaps her fingers to produce a little flame. "I admit, I cheat because I could do this as a baby. My soul's bound to a phoenix." She explains with the air of someone who's had to go over this way too often. It barely registers anymore to her. She snuffs the flame and beams proudly, "Why thank you! I do my best to keep sharp, especially when taking out scumbags left and right."

    She follow Dinah to the car, grabbing some of the drug. "Yeah. You got a ride? Like, a canarymobile or something?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah grins wide as she picks up a few small baggies, one or two of each type of drug, slipped into her jacket as her head bobs, "Oh, something like that... and... oh, wow!" She grins crookedly and chirps out, "That's a pretty neat party trick even if you're -not- beating up losers... as for my ride, uhhh... you're not afraid of bikes, right? I'll give you a ride."

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Well, if I am I got a sexy and brave heroine to hold onto." Julie winks playfully, handing over what she took from the bag. "You know people who can look into this? There's the Birds of Prey, for that stuff. I figure you know 'em, what with the Bird theme and all..."

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah actually sighs out, "I... yeah, I mean, I know them, I'm... like part of them? I dunno, it's all on this app on your phone nowadays and... guh, who has time for that?" She laughs and crooks a finger, guiding Julie in her wake, darting through a couple of alleys to that classic customized Triumph bike of hers, swining a leg up and over and looking back over her shoulder, "Well, if you get scared, just hang on -extra- tight."

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie produces her phone and nods. "Right, right. I go by Firehawk on there. It's easier than having to explain "Fenghuang" to everybody. No offense, but you westerners need to read a book sometimes." She chuckles, and she can't help but follow loyally like a puppy as she gets onto the bike, wrapping her arms around Dinah's waist. "I'll try not to break something." She whispers in Canary's ear, grinning.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah kicks the starter smoothly and snickers out, "Hey, I'll have you know I spent some time in the east! I haven't -always- lived in Gotham, land of... no sunlight and crazed themed criminals." She kicks the starter of the bike and it revs to life, the engine growling, snarling... seems she's tinkered to make it sound -mean- today. Beofre that rear wheel's spinning, burning out and launching the duo down the road, "I'll totally... uhhh... add you or whatever when we get home!" And then the bike's roaring off into the distance away from approaching sirens.

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Right.~" Julie holds on tight, pressing her chest against Dinah's back. The ride is exhilarating, a total 180 from riding on her crappy moped. What a difference one can make with a tuned engine, lubricated steel, and American motor. To say Julie's jealous of Dinah's choice in ride is understating it badly. But then, she's snuggling up to Black Canary, so she can't complain too hard.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah's not really got a plan in mind, but she's got a few leads to run down, and a new comrade. Okay, maybe even a bit of a sidekick although that seems kind of patronizing. But it sure beats fighting crime solo. And she can't help but show off a little, pushing the bike through its paces, feeling the rumble of the engine, the pull of the road all just adding to the joy of a good fight. And as she pulls up to her flower shop, she hits the hidden button for her garage door opener, disappearing inside, hopefully before any neighbors notice anything other than 'That crazy Dinah' rumbling down the street again.

Julie Yan has posed:
    Julie is all too happy being a sidekick long as it's someone who can teach her a thing or two. She sees the garden shop, and can't help but giggle at the pun. "God, that shouldn't be as clever as it is. Lemme guess, old boyfriend's idea?" She teases, hopping off the bike and dusting herself off. Besides a few bruises, she's otherwise looking pretty good considering she just got in a fight.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah bobs her head and cuts the engine, legs loosening from their snug, experienced grip on the bike as she stretches her arms above her head, back arching with a low groan, "Yeah, something like that. It's... well, okay, not a long store. In fact, you pretty much sussed it out." She flashes a grin and smoothly slips off the bike, "Tea? Drink? Oh, and call me Dinah, since we're -clearly- going to be great friends."

Julie Yan has posed:
    "Julie." The martial artist grins. "And tea would be amazing...could use a pick-me-up." She says, and bows her head.