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A traditional get well soon fruit basket and a very untraditional request.
Date of Scene: 25 July 2020
Location: Pym's Mobile Lab
Synopsis: Vivian comes to visit Hank after his rescue with a selection of gifts. And in return Hank makes a very unusual request.
Cast of Characters: Vivian Vision, Hank Pym

Vivian Vision has posed:
It's unsual for Vivian Vision to schedule in an appointment with anyone, let alone to bother a member of the Avengers, but it's been a pretty unusual couple of weeks. The sudden appearance of a Great Aunt, mystery portals containing evil doppelgangers and the revelation her classmate is a spy (there's probably a great telenovela screenplay to be had if only she was better at creative writing!).

But schedule that appointment she has. When she arrives at the door to Hank's mobile lab it's in her undisguised synthezoid form, no holograms that might trigger security alarms here, and hefting a large wicker basket covered with a chequered cloth.

The reason listed for her visit? A secure data transfer. Although the message also has 'And handover of a get well fruit basket' in brackets at the end.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym opens the door himself, a sign of either politeness or curiosity. He regards the young synthezoid for a moment. It's a stare that Vivian might find eerily like... a synthezoid. He finally says, "Your message was intriguing. Also I have had no time to go shopping so fruits are both needed and appreciated. Is a hug of thanks distasteful to you?" He does take the basket out of her hands without waiting, not a grab, "Let me get that for you sweetie. Come in, please."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Intriguing? I thought I would pre-empt any requests from SHIELD or the Avengers for a recounting of the recent events by providing all relevant logs," Vivian explains earnestly. "I currently don't have my emotional core engaged so I would be largely indifferent either way." She blinks a few times. "Perhaps that was rude of me to say."

She allows Hank to take the basket. It's intended for him after all and she doesn't want to deal with giant ants chasing the contents.

"Am I right in assuming you have met Great Aunt Nadia by this point?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym sets the basket down and gives a passing ant a stern look. "I have. Why have you taken it on yourself to provide this information to me? Does it have data a SHIELD or Avengers' report would not? If it is a holo recording of events leading to them activating my portal then I am very interested in it. I am also very interested in you. May I take a closer look when you deliver the information?"

Hank does sit down eyeing the fruit basket, looking for any kind of card and a golden delicious apple.

Vivian Vision has posed:
The basket contains a wide selection of fruit choices, Viv isn't exactly familiar with Hanks eating preferences after all, but it also contains a portable hard drive and a USB thumb drive. "I don't receive Avengers or SHIELD briefings," she points out. "So I can only guess what they might contain. The hard drive is full of any information I believe could be important. Depersonalized recordings of the first trip to the portal in which your Butler was damaged and the second trip through - including everything I was able to observe on the other side."

The basket does have a card. But it's printed with a generic get well soon message. They don't stock many Great Grandparent cards.

"I feel I should also let you know that Aunt Nadia's new friend from the Titans has a technopathic ability, so you may wish to adjust the security around the Mansion with your Avengers colleagues." She pulls out a chair, glances at Hank to be sure he won't mind her sitting, and if he doesn't react she'll take a seat too. "I had hoped to provide you with the information and let you pass it to whomever needs it."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym removes the devices from the basket and pockets them. "Thank you. I will look these files over." He looks at Vivian, then says, "Is there another reason for your visit? You seem to want to stay, which is fine. I'm a little, a lot curious about you. If there is anything I can do for you, please tell me." He settles into his own chair.

Hank again seems to study Vivian. Finally he reaches into the basket and selects a pear.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"That would be in regard to the thumb drive," Vivian says with a nod. "On that drive there are some files that you may find interesting but are not strictly speaking important to world safety or SHIELD business." She glances around, checking to make sure a teenage supergenius isn't about to rush in before adding "Firstly I have enclosed an invoice for items provided for Aunt Nadia as well as gardening chores. Supported by a video clip so you understand why it was vital I carried those tasks out."

When Hank eventually checks this video it'll be a short clip in which Nadia suggests she will cut the lawn of his Jersey home with a laser.

"I also took the liberty of compiling a sortable list of all electronically listed restaurants in the New York State area. With ratings for price, nutritional value, user reviews, waiting list and my estimation of the appeal for a teenage girl." Synthezoids don't really need to eat. So it's pretty clear this list isn't intended for her own benefit. "There are also some recommendations for places you might wish to consider taking Aunt Nadia out for a family outing."

She brushes her hair back behind one of her ears. "Curious about me? In what regard?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym still regards her intently. "You are paradoxical. A teenage synthezoid. Are you growing physically, emotionally, mentally? Why not start you at your full capacity? If this is as good as you get, why be labeled a teenager? Vizh's logic would have baffled me a few days ago. I think I understand now. But it is a very human opinion if you'll excuse me for it..." That's a laugh. The few times he went out for a beer at least one friend ordered a pint of motor oil for the Pymbot. That friend might have occasionally had a name that rhymed with Vanet Dan Jyne.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I would assume I still have some additional height to gain," Vivian muses, her brow furrowing as she considers the questions. "I am also constantly learning new things and adding to my data store. So mentally I would assume yes as well." Of course emotionally... Well it's hard for her to grow in that regard when she isn't running her emotional core. "I am sure he, my creator that is, would be happy to hear it's a Human way to behave. But I have no real understanding of his motivations."

"But given I woke up earlier than planned I have to consider the possibility that this is as tall as I will get. My development may not have been 'complete' yet." The events of her activation weren't really pleasant. Far more violent and abrupt than the end of the simulation was intended to be.

"Synthezoids do perfectly replicate everything a Human body can do though. I've always assumed this would include ageing as well."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods at Vivian's information. "As far as height, you're fine right now. The average height of an American female is about your height and there is something elegant about a little lady like you, picking up a tank and throwing it. Why don't you engage your emotional software? Also do you mind if I eat this pear. I could understand if you find the process distasteful. I'd also suggest you try it. These pears are perfectly ripe."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision blinks a few times, then shrugs. "The fruit is intended for your consumption," she points out. "If I was gifting a decorative item I would have picked something with plastic fruit. As for trying one.. I do not really 'taste' things in the way you do. It's just a breakdown of chemical composition. Besides consumption of solid matter means it needs expelling. /That/ I find distateful."

"As for why I do not engage my emotional core... There are numerous reasons. Synthezoids have no legal rights, so if I appear unstable it could be taken as justification for my destruction." She pauses, considering her next statement for a moment. "Besides it is deeply unpleasant having emotions. I am sure you can appreciate how unpleasant it must be having a perfect recollection of your twins death and then finding out that the entire world you grew up in was a lie." Even without her emotions engaged there seems to be an edge of bitterness to her tone.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods. "Darling girl, know this, first people are going to find a reason to hate you. People are mostly cattle and few morons that think they run things. Be what you want to be... as long as you don't hurt or infringe on the rights of others, it's good. You just have to understand we are the sum total of our experiences, good and bad. Our decisions, we can't change them, we can't run away from them , android or human. If you ever want to let your emotions rip around me, feel free. I've already been... I've done bad things. I feel I have done more good, repented and paid for my mistakes, all but one, your grandfather. I mean to say I can understand if you make errors around me."

"I think you're a very good person. That is my read of you and you know, nutcases are supposed to be able to spot a phony," He then takes a sip of coffee and adds, "You're right, expelling is repulsive. I don't even like riding the public transportation... there's always some moron wants to let the world know how congested he is."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I do not know if I'm good or not. Mostly I find myself filled with a sense of ennui, but from my research I think this may just be a result of attending High School and 'blending in'. Amplified by the constant deception I need to maintain... I really struggle to understand how Happy Harbour will achieve it's stated goal. Hiding metahumans at a regular school to show they are no threat, fine in theory, but parents will just see that they sent dangerous metas to school with normal humans and panic."

Viv shifts awkwardly on the chair.

"I would like to request that this conversation is kept private. I do not want Aunt Nadia to deal with the additional stress that worrying about my situation might induce. In time I will find a suitable moment to mention I had a twin who is no longer with us."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods. "I think... you seem a little lost, not quite fitting in. High School is a difficult place for humans. May I give you a hug to show my sympathy? Your father built you too well, your body language choices speak of feelings, even if you've disabled the more visceral reactions of emotions, which... is pretty darned handy."

Hank gets up and opens his arms. He never hugged a synthezoid. He's not sure he will now. But he makes the offer. "Then I have something to ask of you."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"As I said earlier I neither like nor dislike hugs," Vivian points out. "At least while my emotional core is disabled." Hank is of course right about one thing, disabled is not the same as de-activated. On some fundamental level Vivs emotions are still raging away at the world. "And I would be more surprised if I did fit in. Given I am the only female synthezoid on the planet."

She stands up anyway. Her files on Human manners show that you should humour sick people when you visit. And who knows what lasting physical or mental damage Hank may have sustained during his captivity.

"Do you wish me to prepare a list of Russian cultural events in the city? Or perhaps to compile some documents on teen fashion and music. I can have those tasks finished in..." She blinks. "You should have the files in your email inbox."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym pulls Vivian to him in a proper if strong hug, "Making small talk to hide anxiety is a human thing. You should engage your emotional core for this. Janet always thought I was good at it. Nadia is an enthusiastic hugger. You are missing out," Hank releases Vivian and says, "Now my request!" He goes over to a locked cabinet and removes an armored carrying case. He hits a control in his lab coat pocket and the windows seal shut behind metal shutters.

"These are all the Pym Particles I can readily lay my hands on, in solution and magnetically contained. Put them somewhere secure and if I seem irrational when I ask for them get them to Nadia or janet. Could you do that for me and not tell anyone?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"There is a slight issue with your request," Vivian notes. Having stood totally still throughout the hug, doing her best statue impersonation. "I do have monitoring software installed that allows me to be tracked to a degree." She bites her lip. "If you can de-activate this for a few hours I will carry out the task to the best of my ability."

She makes another slight adjustment of her hair, then adds "The hiding locations I have in mind will not be quick to access. So please keep in mind that you will have to provide at least four hours advance notice so I can access them. And that I am unavailable during school hours... So if you need them during class you shall have to contact the school."