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Latest revision as of 06:15, 6 August 2020

Fruit for a Fruit
Date of Scene: 05 August 2020
Location: Pym Residence, Cresskill NJ
Synopsis: Viv brings fruit and a discussion on the possibility of interstellar war is had.
Cast of Characters: Vivian Vision, Nadia Pym-van Dyne

Vivian Vision has posed:
When pretty much every member in your extended family is involved in the superhero buisiness, such as Vivians family happen to be, it's only logical that she has a procedure in place for injuries/illness/accidents and other mishaps. And that policy is fruit baskets. It seems to be the most socially acceptable form of gift with widespread use in the media.

Plus she's found a place which gives her a repeat customer discount. Thoughtful /and/ efficient. Just the way she likes things.

Of course gifts should be tailored to the recipient which is why today when she knocks on the door to the Pym Household the basket only technically has fruit in. In sorbet form. She's wearing her usual cargo pants and t-shirt combination and maintaining a holographic disguise for the neighbors. School is back in session after all.

The knocking might be unrequired though. Ever thoughtful she's made sure to call ahead. Eccentric scientists don't always go well with surprises. Never mind when they're technically trained assassins as well.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Unlike Vivian's last encounter with Nadia at the threshold of the Pym household, this time when Nadia opens the door she is actually dressed. Nothing fancy, cutoff jean shorts and a white t-shirt with an 'Avengers' logo on it that Janet probably gave her.

It is perhaps nice to see that at the very least she is capable of getting out of bed and dressing herself by the mid-afternoon. "Hi Viv! How is my favorite great niece?" she smiles brightly at her.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I am well," Vivian replies with a nod, holding out the basket. "These are for you. I took the liberty of picking individual small portions but in a numerous variety of different flavours. So you may sample the broadest different selection of fruits. The card includes information and references for each fruit not native to Russia in case you need them." She looks at the basket, then back up to Nadia and adds "They do however need placing in a freezer." While it is indeed good to know Nadia can get dressed by the time Viv has left school there is still the slight caveat that she may have no idea it's even afternoon or indeed which day it is...

"I'm sorry I could not stop by sooner, but my classes have started again for the semester." Plus of course there is just over an hours flight involved. "How are you doing today? Well I hope?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia accepts the basket peering down into it, "This is fruit? It looks like a bunch of little cartons, is the fruit inside? Like preserves?" When Viv mentions the basket requiring low temperatures Nadia grins and turns on heel leading her back into the house, "Leave it to me! Cryo-storage I can do!" One hopes she probably doesn't mean liquid nitrogen...

"Oh your school started again? How is that?" Nadia asks as she leads Vivian through the house stepping around the minefield of projects in various stages of completion and ultimately leading her into a kitchen that looks like it has become a warzone of baking lately, minus Janet's helpful housekeeping staff to clean things up. "Janet suggested I do that whole school thing, something about socializing and learning about America. Though I don't know..." Something about the way she says it, she probably still has strong associations between 'school' and the Red Room.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Tedious," Vivian replies without any need for deep thought. "Happy Harbour is.. I believe it's a project Mister Stark is involved in. The idea is for a school at which metahumans 'blend in' by concealing their nature. To show we can live together without issues." She shrugs. "Unfortunately between this rule and my legal status it means I must deceive everyone by pretending to be Human. It feels.. wrong to lie like that. On the plus side the school has some excellent teachers, I think Mister Stark himself stops by on occasion and a few other teachers I believe are active or former heroes."

She follows Nadia into the house, taking care to close and lock the door behind her (unless the door is high tech enough close & lock itself that is), and does her very best to keep a look of dismay from her expression at the state of the kitchen. "Store it as you would icecream." She notes quickly, before Nadia gets any ideas. "How progress your various projects? I may not be able to contribute creatively, but if you ever need additional processing power or logistical support please feel free to let me know. I have an instance available at all times for family requests."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
At Vivian's insistance the gift basket is placed within the 'regular' freezer and not the cryogenic freezer. "Tedious doesn't sound very interesting." she makes a face, "If the goal is showing humans and metahumans and co-exist doesn't hiding them defeat the purpose? Like they don't even know they're co-existing... that's like getting more women on the list of the world's most brilliant minds by pretending to be men, it defeats the basic point."

She gets thoughtful at the mention of her 'projects'. "Well some bad things happened but.. Bushwick got restored, so that's something. I should get back to work on fixing and improving the array, we're also going to need a new power source after the Green Lantern took the last one into space and let it explode. I promised Lorna I would help her restore Genosha and her people." she looks back to Vivian, "I am sure there are things you could do to help and you could meet my friends the Titans! You already met Techno when we were rescuing my Dad. They're really fun and their tower has pizza and video games!" Yes, Nadia has been introduced to the joys of video games, heaven help online gamers everywhere.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I already knew Techno from prior interactions," Vivian admits with a shrug. "As for if it defeats the purpose.. I'm sure there are valid arguments for both cases. But as I had activated unexpectedly I felt it best to attend the school to allay everyones concerns. Besides my virtual schooling did not really seem like... something I felt comfortable returning to. Nor would anywhere accept them as valid qualifications."

"Speaking of the restoration of cities... Have you considered the wider implications for using the alien size change device?" She frowns. "I have... some concerns about the less directly scientific implications. Such as the effect on interstellar diplomacy. Namely in regard to more advanced civilisations deciding they need to intervene regarding it's possession and use." A very flowery way of saying alien invasion.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia closes the freezer with a curious expression, "Isn't that what the Green Lantern does? I think I heard he's like space police." She gives a little shrug, "If they come seeking it we talk to them and explain why we need it, maybe over cake. I can always spirit it away to the Microverse in an emergency. I'm not going to give it to them though, there are people I need to help. I made a promise to Lorna to help Genosha. And now..." she pauses, "And now Dr. Banner has left me with a miniturized alien city, possibly the last remnant of an entire alien civilization and I need to help them, too."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I'm not suggesting you stop your work," Viv assures quickly. "But think about it this way. If someone threw your suits shrink ray into a Zoo enclosure of macaques you wouldn't try talk to them, you'd get it away before they could cause any harm. And while the Green Lanterns might be 'space police' I doubt they have universal authority even if they claim it."

She blinks, then frowns, then tries blinking again.

"Doctor Banner gave you an alien city? Is it... populated?" She brushes a lock of green hair back behind her ear. "How is anyone still alive inside those containers? Surely a shrunken city doesn't have enough landmass or resources to sustain a population. Never mind the death, disease and devastation the shrinking process should inflict.."

"Anyway that is beside the point. Before charging in to save them you should check to make sure they're safe to restore. What if they are violently xenophobic with powers comparable to some of the aliens we have seen on Earth?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia grabs a double fudge brownie from a plate on the counter, there still being a few left from when Lorna visited, "Brownie?" she slides the plate towards Vivian. "If you're using Earth technology maybe. This Brainiac technology manages to bend physics in ways our current models don't quite account for without getting heavily into Theoretical Quantum Physics and even then it's really bendy. I'm learning a lot from studying it. I may even be able to use it to augment my own technology in the future."

She stops realizing she got lost in a tangent. "Yes, Dr. Banner brought me a bottled alien city he recovered from Brainiac's ship or at least The Hulk did. And said I was the one he trusted to help them." She looks down for a moment, "I'm really worried about him, he promised he'd come back eventually, but the way he was talking..." she shakes her head as if to banish those thoughts, "Anyway yes, it is populated, and yes there is much research to do there. You're getting way ahead of things. Restoring them on Earth is likely a terrible idea, first I need to see who they are and if their home planet still exists. But even before that I need to help Lorna restore Genosha." she kind of falls back into a lean against the counter, it's a lot and it never seems to end. "But I'm going to do it, all of it and some hyper advanced civilization shows up trying to get in the way? The Titans and I will stop them." It is that simple in her mind, this girl isn't afraid of anyone except perhaps angry Janet.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"All the more reason why the people of this planet are probably not able to make wise or informed decisions regarding how it is used," Vivian points out solemnly, shaking her head to say no to the brownie. "And I didn't suggest resizing any alien cities Aunt Nadia. I said you should check the contents are safe to restore. It's entirely possible /anything/ here could be lethal to an alien or they could be lethal to us."

She tilts her head at the description of the state the Hulk / Doctor Banner is in. "I'm sure he'll be fine? He is quite capable of looking after himself I am sure. All the Avengers are."

"But on the topic at hand... I am trying to suggest that once Genosha is restored it would be morally and practically best if you allowed someone else to deal with the other alien cities." She crosses her arms. "You'd need space ships, information about galactic politics, planetary survey data, vast amounts of xenobiology knowledge about the different trapped races not to mention you'd be making first contact with countless alien races and many of them will not be happy to see you. The Titans may well be very powerful and trustworthy but does that really give any of you the right to define how this entire planet presents itself on an intersteller stage?"

"My personal recommendation would be to learn everything you can from the device, restore as many Earth cities as is safe to do so, and then leave the device and other cities with a group like the Green Lanterns. They have the resources to actually complete the task and are far less likely to make any catastrophic mistakes."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia shakes her head taking another bite of brownie, "I don't know enough about these Green Lanterns to trust them. They could be just as bad as the police that make headlines in the news. What if they don't like this particular race and were glad they vanished? Nobody really has that right, this planet is way too fractured. Barring the rule of some benevolent autocrat who manages to unite everyone under one banner, nobody can really speak for the entire planet. But someone or some group has to. That's why we work together, not just the Titans, but the Avengers, SHIELD, maybe even the Justice League if they pull themselves back together. Working together is how we solve this, not just offloading problems on to others. But for the time being I am going to investigate and help the city Dr. Banner entrusted to me, and if I need help, I get help. If Aliens invade again we talk to them, if they don't want to talk we kick them back out again."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"It isn't offloading," Vivian corrects earnestly. "It's a responsible delegation of a task you are not equipped to complete. You've barely been out of the Red Room long enough to see New York properly. Never mind to have created an accurate map of the universe. If you are really willing to accept help you would see that is what I am saying you should do."

"As for how trustworthy the Green Lanterns are... I can't say. In the same way I do not know if I trust SHIELD." Which she doesn't but that's beside the point. "But if they were not trustworthy it would be obvious by now because, logically speaking, they would have taken the device as soon as you figured out how to make it work."

"I hope you understand that I am not saying this because I doubt you are capable of reversing this shrinking process or that I have doubts about your judgement. I've simply lost too many family members already and do not wish you to spend the next four or so light years travelling to Proxima Centauri. Especially not while in possession of a device that will make the entire universe want to attack you."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"I think you're missing my point." Nadia takes another brownie as she gets a bit agitated, it seems getting this girl to give up on anything Science once begun is a Sisyphean uphill battle. "I don't have an accurate map of the universe, but Dr. Foster likely does, her work is mind blowing. Maybe the lanters do to. I won't know until I talk to them and there are other things that come first. I won't know until I get there. But I'm not just handing this off completely to anyone unless that seems like the best choice after I've done my research and understand what needs to happen."

She smiles at that last bit, agitation vanishing. "Don't worry, I won't settle for anything less than a Hyper Drive if I need to go to Proxima Centauri. But seriously if actual space travel is involved yeah I'm going to talk to the Lanterns and maaaaybe at that point I let it go? ...maybe." She probably won't but maybe.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision sticks her tongue out in an awkward attempt at lightening the mood. "I have not missed any points," she assures. "Actually just about everything you said has fallen within the expected parameters of my simulations for how this conversation would go. Using interactions between Doctor Pym and my Father as a guideline I estimated there was a greater chance the house would be attacked by a supervillain than of you agreeing with me." She sighs an obviously exaggerated sigh. "But that is family for you.

"Speaking of SHIELD..." Which, technically is correct but still something of a jump. "Do you think Doctor Morse could be convinced to allow me access to their files on the Red Room? I am not really well informed on the subject and wish to prepare accordingly in case you need my assistance."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia finishes her brownie, licking the last bits of fudge from her fingers. "Well as long as you understand." she gives Vivan a rueful grin before becoming thoughtful as she considers her question.

"I am not sure. SHIELD has not been too keen on me talking to people about my past. You can't say that Nadia! That's Top Secret Nadia! People shouldn't know that Nadia!" she does her best Bobbi impression. "But I guess we can ask her?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision gives an exaggerated eye roll. "Yes Aunt Nadia. But I reserve the right to say 'I told you so' at a later point," she teases. "I could probably just access the files directly. I doubt SHIELD could actually keep me out if I really tried break their encryption. As for what you can and can't say I am pretty sure they can't enforce that upon you unless you agree to work for them. You didn't find out through anything from them so you haven't accessed anything they can punish you for." Her fingers tap against the table. "I suppose you are right and asking Doctor Morse is probably the best first step though. All I really wanted to see is the list of suspected active agents so I can compared it against publicly posted photographs. If she says no I will have to ask Janet. I think the Avengers have some level of access and she has a much more lackadaisical approach when it comes to... ah... rules and regulations."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia nods her head several times as she takes another brownie. One of the benefits of the Red Room's serum is a metabolism that can make short work of all the sweets she might want to eat, a teenage dream. "Yeah, the Avengers have access to all kinds of information and databases." she stops short of including 'and an actual Black Widow member'. "Let's ask Bobbi first and then we can ask Janet. I need to check in with her anyway. I havn't talked to her since before all this happened. That's not a bad idea though. But just so you know I didn't show up in any of the photo databases when I first arrived at Avengers Mansion, so they might not either."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Which implies SHIELD had no idea of the program you were a part of," Vivian ventures, frowning with concern at the notion. "That does not fill me with confidence regarding how well they are handling the situation. But it's not insurmountable. I just need enough of a volume of data to start working with and then it's like unravelling a tangled knot. You start by finding the ends and then work out where they lead."

Which is much easier said than done. Unless of course your brain is a supercomputer.

"Anyway maybe we should take a break and do something less serious. Have your friends at the Titans had chance to expose you to different styles of music yet? I would be happy to go through some of the most popular genres with you."

Hopefully Hank Pym isn't in the house, because there are many genres of music that are best listened to at a loud volume and Vivian would hate to break with the artistic intent by playing it quietly...