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Latest revision as of 21:39, 8 August 2020

Court of Owls: A Rest
Date of Scene: 08 August 2020
Location: Tim's Room - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Dick and Kate check in on Tim.
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Kate Kane, Dick Grayson

Tim Drake has posed:
As soon as Tim had been stabilized this morning, he had been moved up to his room. It's more comfortable than the medical bays in the cave, for one, and for another, Alfred insists it's better for the spirit and healing. There's still a couple of bags (though now at least no longer more blood) being fed into the IV in his arm, and his costume has been entirely removed and replaced with just a loose pair of sweatpants. His torso is bandaged heavily on the left side, and there are several non-bandaged areas that have been recently stitched up. There are several cuts and bruises on his face as well, though they've been cleaned up. He looks like hell... and he looked a hell of a lot worse early this morning.

Of course, the entire Bat family is privy to what happened: Tim had been attacked while on patrol by someone, and Bruce had called for an all-hands meeting in a couple of days to discuss it, as there were... as often the case... darker implications.

It's evening, though, and that's been more than enough time for him to be deemed stable enough for members of the family to poke their heads in without Alfred's disappointed glare. There's the remains of what looks like a half-drank milkshake (it's really actually a protein drink with chocolate in it) on Tim's nightstand, and the more geek-oriented of the Batchildren is awake and thumbing through his phone.

Kate Kane has posed:
It's rare for Kate to visit the Mansion, but in this case, news about Tim brought her over pretty darn fast. Currently she's wearing a Within Temptation T-shirt and torn black denims, along with combat boots and a blue denim jacket over that. She gives Tim a bit of a clinical once-over, "Well, whoever did this was pretty serious. I can see why Bruce sent out word." Her lips purse into a frown, as she thinks about the implications.

And she clearly does NOT like them.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick has since changed into shorts and a Bludhaven PD t-shirt. He had been hanging around the mansion all day since Tim came in, and has not really left the house.

When he heard of Kate arriving, Dick decided to also check on Tim, knocking on the door and poking his head in. "Yeah, things got pretty hairy, but he should be fine, I think." The eldest Batling nods, "They did a number, though."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Bruce called her a Talon. He said she was from the Court of Owls." Tim actually looks a mixture of incredulous and concerned. "I mean... that's just a old fairy tale. Everyone knows that rhyme..." and he repeats it in a sing-song, "Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time, Ruling Gotham from a shadowed perch, behind granite and lime. They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed. Speak not a whispered word about them, or they'll send the Talon for your head." He scowls a little. "I mean, I think I learned that when I was four or five. They're bogeymen-- not real." There's a moment's pause. "Right?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate shrugs, "Well, gee, Tim, it's not like we know people that fly around and read minds and use magic or try to conquer the Earth every other Friday." She smirks, "Honestly, at this point I'm not sure if these are assholes trying to cash in on the legend or the 'real thing'. Not a big fan of conspiracies, if only because that means people can keep their mouths shut about this sort of thing. Which seems doubtful."

She pauses, then looks at Tim, "Whoever this Talon was, she did a hell of a number on you, kid. How you holding up?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Maybe, but to me it's probably either a copycat or something like that, or at least that is what I hope," Dick says with a frown, "Though didn't really get that rhyme growing up on the road, so maybe there's more to it?" He shrugs, "You doing all right otherwise, Broseph of Arimathea? Though Kate is right, we have bigger guns, but don't think that'll fly with the powers that be."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Just a few light stabs," Tim replies to Kate lightly. "I get worse from my girlfriend." It's a forced joke, with the sort of tone that indicates the humor is masking a lot of not-funny. Had the Red Robin suit not had the armor it did, he'd have bled out from the thigh gash alone. Tim's painfully aware of it. He drops his phone beside him on the bed. "If it's a conspiracy, it's one that goes back to the Founding. It seems highly unlikely we'd have not come across this before. I'm guessing someone using the legend as a cover." He shrugs, and then winces at the motion. It pulls a bunch of those stitches-- not out, of course, but it's not a pleasant sensation. He gives Dick a pained grin. "Could be worse, I guess."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate hmphs, "And here I thought that was just what Bruce or I looked for in a woman. You're getting bad habits from us, Tim." She grins a little at the joke, then points at Tim, "Hey, and you take it easy, otherwise Alfred is gonna brain you with a frying pan and make sure you stay put. And don't think we won't rat you out to him. He's the scariest one here."

She hmms, considering, "I do think it's people cashing on the conspiracy, not something that's existed that long. Though, really, if it was, why come out /now/?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick snorts at the girlfriend comment, "Well, at least you aren't the only one?" he laughs, "But at least she didn't hurt your sense of humor." The oldest brother grins, "Though I think Kate is right, Alfred will wreck you if you try anything stupid... just stay in bed." He laughs but the tone shifts when it goes to the topic of the owls, "Can't assume rational actors. Maybe they were waiting for Brainiac to be dealt with?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim rolls his eyes. "Who knows. Bruce apparently knows something, but he wants to tell everyone at once. Can't blame him. Easier to answer questions one time than ten." He looks to Dick. "I have no intention to move from here until Alfred clears me, though I'm antsy. I've got projects back at the Roost I'm trying to look into. I've got the labs linked in through my phone but it's not the same." He frowns. "Texted Conner and let him know I'm stuck at Bat central for awhile so he doesn't start worrying too much." Notably, he doesn't mention letting Rose know. "I hope to be on my feet tomorrow, but Alfred said it may be a few days." He makes a face. "Apparently they were very light stabs." Sarcasm.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate just gives Dick a look, "Rational actors. In Gotham." She gets a bit of a wry expression, "Well, I guess eventually there have to be some, right? Would be a nice change of pace." She hmms and looks over at Tim, "Yeah, I was gonna ask, how is that going? Haven't been following along too much, but if you need someone to go drill sergeant on them, you can always ask Aunt Kate to come visit." She grins cheerfully at the thought.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Yeah, can't assume them," Dick nods to Kate in confirmation. He turns to Tim, "Anything we can get you? I'm guessing a laptop would be ideal, minis to paint?" He is a little lost here, but appears to genuinely be trying, "Though yeah, they would probably get a lesson from a surprise inspection at half hour before dawn, in summer." Dick chuckles.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim's quiet for a moment at Kate's offer. "We don't wear masks there, actually." He looks at Dick and shrugs. "I know the Titans hold their identities secret, even from each other, but with the nature of some of the things we might need to do we decided to err on the side of... trust." It's clear Tim isn't entirely comfortable with it, but he agreed. "So bringing anyone there is a risk. The more people know unmasked, the more likely they can put together things we'd rather that they not." He grins a bit, "And for right now, we have an Amazon who can give enough judgment for everything we might do wrong, so a drill sergeant is not necessary." He lifts his non-IVed arm and points to Dick. "You work with Troia. You know how Amazons can be."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "Well, if you think an Amazon is scarier than /me/, well, I'm not sure whether to be insulted, flattered, or ask for her phone number." She chuckles at Tim, then nods, "And I understand that. Still, if you need a hand from me, you only have to say the word, alright? I want to see you kids succeed."

She pauses, then frowns, "Damnit, it's like you're all my nephews as it is. Just takes one mythical conspiracy loon to make me all sentimental I guess." Apparently, she was pretty worried about Tim, quips aside.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"The older ones know, nearly impossible to keep it a secret that long with them," Dick notes, "But with the expanded roster, it's too many people that would know." He frowns, "Though Kryptonians will find out anyway, it's fricken cheating." He sighs, "I can't tell you how to run it, but I advise caution, our masks are our only real protection out there." A mention of Troia gets a smirk, "Yeah, been there before."

Kate's commentary gets a chuckle, "Maybe one of these days we should run OpFor for them in a drill. Also we're not /that/ far apart!" Dick laughs, "But always good to have you around."

Tim Drake has posed:
"I'd ask for my laptop, but you'd have to get into my room, and while I wouldn't mind, I can't--" Tim flinches a little bit. "I mean, it's not a thing, exactly, but Rose //might// be crashing in there and she keeps as odd of hours as I do. So no promises you wouldn't walk in on her, and she's... Rose." That could be interpreted a number of ways. Most would assume prickly or prone to anger. That's not necessarily what he means. But it could be. "I'll just deal with my phone and one of the older laptops I've got laying around here. My hope is to be back there as soon as I can."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate smirks, "Well, make it easy then, I'll get your laptop out of the room. And if she's in there, I'm sure she'll be less weirded out by me getting it than Dick, anyway." She chuckles, "And if Alfred has his way you'll probably be grounded until you're thirty, but I think we can talk him out of that. Maybe. Remember, with Alfred, Who Dares Wins."

Kate gives Dick a grin, "OpFor could be interesting... though it could get messy if it isn't handled right. I might think about setting that up."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Probably wise, though Tim could just text ahead that someone is coming to pick it up, though again, that might not work," Dick nods, "But yeah, Kate, if it works for Tim." He gives a nod of confirmation at dealing with Alfred's grounding." Dick does look back to Tim, though, "How often is she staying over? Does she leave a toothbrush there, yet?" He grins.

"Yeah, as long as all parties are aware of the rules, a drill couldn't hurt. Especially since we'll cheat."

Tim Drake has posed:
"...no, seriously, old laptop is fine." Tim's face darkens a bit. "It'll work." He idly scratches at one of the stitches for a moment before realizing what he's doing and pulling his hand away. "Seriously. I just don't want to risk whatever might happen." He actually sighs at that, and looks at his phone. "I probably should actually text her and let her know, but damn, this is hard to explain." He looks back up at them. "However, there is something you //can// do for me. Alfred hasn't let me eat anything solid all day, and I would kill for a smoothie that isn't a protein shake. And hopefully he'll be over this overly careful nonsense tomorrow."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins a little, "Alright alright Tim, I won't rescue it from your  girlfriend." She rolls her eyes a bit, but acquiesces to the point as she looks somewhat amused. "And... wait, you haven't even texted her?"

Kate blinks, then looks sharply at Tim, "And I thought /I/ was a hot mess in relationships. So let me put this in words you can get, Tim. The longer you wait on telling her, the exponentially worse the reaction is gonna be, /at you/." She doesn't know Rose, per se, but she does know reactions in general. Particularly when girlfriends have secrets kept from them. "But I'll see if I can smuggle in a smoothie on the next visit. Maybe." And Kate has the look that she will... once Tim lets Rose know what happened.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Yup, definitely has a toothbrush there," Dick says with a grin, "Then again, could be doing worse by her opinions, bro." Dick leans up against the wall of the room, "Yeah, you may want to at least give her a heads up. Communication keeps relationships alive, cut it off and it can wither and die." A sigh, "Smoothies are doable, at least he isn't requiring those to be horrendously boring."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim looks a bit chagrined. "Mm, not really worried about her being mad exactly. She's... interesting." He does punch out a brief text, though he doesn't send it. "She may not even be around right now, or she might. She comes and goes." He's mostly okay with that. Or at least accepts it. He gives them both a frank look. "I just don't want to wake up in the morning with a bunch of bodies popping up, dressed in ninja-owl costumes and with more holes in them than I do, because she decided to take it as a personal insult."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate glances at Tim, arching a brow, "Well, you definitely are taking after Bruce and I in your choice of girlfriends, and I'm just gonna leave it at that." She chuckles a bit darkly, "Still need to talk to Bruce about the favor he owes me for keeping Talia off of him at the gala, too." Her lips quirk at that, as she glances back to Dick, "I'm going to see if I can sweet talk Alfred into upgrading the menu. I leave Tim in your capable hands. Make sure he hits send on that text, would you?" Her lips quirk at that, as she waves, "I'll be back later Tim, you take it easy... though I'm sure Alfred won't give you a choice."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Fair enough," Dick notes and watches him tap out a message, but does not pry to see what. "Oh?" Dick says to Kate, "Did not realize that, but good to keep her away from him." A snort, "Though at least things could have gone far worse." He reverts his attention to Tim, "But just promise to keep an open line with Rose. Do your best and be honest where you can," obvious exceptions are obvious, "But yeah, we should probably give you some rest. Get well soon Theodore Brosevelt."