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Latest revision as of 12:44, 12 August 2020

Court of Owls: Marshalling Forces
Date of Scene: 07 August 2020
Location: Batcave
Synopsis: The Batman reveals what he knows of the Court of Owls to some of his closest allies. And Ravager.
Cast of Characters: Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Rose Wilson, Kate Kane, Damian Wayne

Bruce Wayne has posed:
The Batcave is a hub of activity this evening, as the call went out for members of Batman's close allies to make their way there for a briefing on a new threat in Gotham. With one only-barely-expected arrival (who was likely either annoyed or amused at being blindfolded for the trip here) and a gruesome delivery that's now sitting in a specimen freezer in the lab, Batman has convened everyone present around the holoprojector table on what passes for the "War Room" platform of the Cave. It's not like this place is terribly well-lit, but even so the overhead spots are dimmed in this particular space, as a holographic image of the R.K. Kane Building appears on the table, cutting away to a cross-section of the interior, before highlighting a space that would comprise a 13th floor, except the building has no 13th floor on record.

"A few months ago I came across an...architectural anomaly when I happened to see some blueprints for the renovation that some of the spaces there are currently undergoing. I decided to investigate plainclothes, on the premise that I was inspecting some of the spaces that Wayne Enterprises rents in the building." He touches a button on the control panel before him, and the "camera" goes to show a rough floor plan of the space that he found, moving through in a semi-first-person view, passing through a large room and into a smaller one.

"In this chamber, I found a great deal of equipment, all of antique make. The decor throughout the space incorporated Owl-based themes. I found a photograph of several individuals, that appeared dated to the late 1800's. I did not have time for an in-depth search, however, as I was accosted by two individuals...one suited as building security...and looking identical to one of the men in the picture, the other..."

The image shifts again, displaying a female figure in an avian-themed costume that some here have now encountered themselves. There was another costume in the space, which I judged to be sized to the male. They coordinated their attacks in a manner that indicated familiarity with each other, if not extensive experience working together."

"Both individuals displayed exceptional combat skills, both unarmed and with edged weaponry, as well as displaying greater-than-human durability. I managed to escape, but not before the male made clear that he was aware of my dual identity. While I would like to think he surmised it in the moment due to my own combat skills...I suspect he was aware before we ever encountered each other."

"Given the evidence presented...I have had to revise my earlier belief that the Court of Owls was at worst a real organization that was long since defunct. It is now my belief that they are not only real, but they are still operating in Gotham, and I have reason to believe, via the words of one of my attackers, that they will be targeting us. I had hoped I would be the primary target, but given the events of the past week, it seems they may be veering towards a divide and conquer approach." He...bristles...that's the only real way to describe it. It's clear the whole situation is not resting easy with him. Not fear, exactly, but...anger mixed with concern, perhaps?

"I'll try to answer any questions you may have, but in truth I likely have just as many myself. Learning I've had a major blind spot concerning Gotham for my entire career thus far is...unsettling, to say the least."

Tim Drake has posed:
Red Robin's arrival in the Red Bird with Ravager in tow might have been slightly unexpected to Batman and the other members of the family gathered this evening (even if he did follow all protocols), but the severed head he brought was likely more unexpected, though he couldn't-- and didn't-- claim the credit. The whites of his domino mask hides his eyes from the others gathered at the 'cave, which is likely good, because they tighten at the image of the female in the owl costume. "That's the one I fought last week," Red Robin notes, a hint of annoyance in his tone. "And no, she didn't seem to react to the few strikes I was able to get on her, either. Plus..." he glances to Ravager, then back to the hologrid, his tone businesslike, "Hood and Ravager came to the Roost last night with a specimen." He pauses, then is blunt. "It's a severed... if Hood is to be believed... //zombie// head. It was wearing the same owl getup."

His lips flatten in frustration. "The Court of Owls is a fairytale-- a children's poem. It's like Ring Around the Rosies. I assumed it had some basis in fact at some point, but it's unsettling to know that Talons are //real//. And if the Court knows your ID, Batman, and are targeting us, it can obviously be assumed they know ours, too."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing is also present, though surprised to see Ravager led in, though pleased with the protocols. He otherwise listens to Batman give his rundown of the situation, resting his elbows on the table in the war room. Dick has stayed quiet most of the evening, taking time to process it all, though he is surprised by Tim's remarks and then raises a brow. "So we are dealing with what once was thought an old wives' tale that sends zombie assassins? Fantastic." He sighs, "But at least we know. If they know us. Then we have lost our best defense. We can't pull up stakes and go elsewhere, but can we go on the offensive?"

Dick thinks a little more, "If they want to divide and conquer then we should avoid going alone at all times, if at all possible. The buddy system, if you would."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Blindfold or no blindfold, Ravager seems to be having a good old time with all this. And yes, she's opted for her miniDeathstroke costume, white hair in a braid down her back. It probably takes zero rocket scientists to put her two personas together and come up with the right answer. Which she doesn't seem to be caring two flips about, for reasons probably only known to her.

"I don't know if I'd say zombies, but they didn't make a sound when shot, or stabbed, kicked, punched, or even when I half-decapitated one of them. Who attacked me, with my sword still wedged in the neck."

Because that is just NOT NORMAL. Even by Wilson standards.

Kate Kane has posed:
The Court of Owls? In HER building?!? Apparently it's more likely than she thinks, as she regards the holographic display.

"On the bright side, it's not /your/ building." She frowns darkly under her cowl, wearing her Batwoman costume at the moment. "And I live pretty close to that building, Red." She glances over towards Tim and Ravager, looking curiously at the latter. Then she looks down at the severed head.

"So, are they zombies, or no longer alive? If that /is/ the case..." Batwoman trails off, as clearly that means that the standard rules of engagement don't apply. Though she then also adds, "Apparently the Court of Owls is real enough. Real enough to have Talons, anyway, and have a hidden floor in a building that shouldn't have had that slip past." Her eyes narrow underneath her cowl.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Robin was one of the people less than pleased to see Ravager in the most sacred of bat-locale. "What the hell is -she- doing in here?!" He demanded to know, nearly as soon as he was finished getting his costume on.

  Clearly, he remembers Stephanie's party.

  The presentation brought on by Batman and the holo-projection of the Talon gets a sneer from the scion of the Waynes, and an unsheathing of his sword. "The Court of Owls wont have anything on the League's youngest master assassin." He boasts, but has the history to back that up.

  "They have a hidden floor in the Kane Building..." He looks around to everyone. "Am I the only one who is connecting the evidence?" He looks at Batwoman, there would be some investigating to be done there. And even more questions about his paternal family tree, apparently.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Many of you are echoing my own thoughts." Batman notes, leaving the Talon on display as he speaks, "Ravager is here because she encountered a group of Talons last night, alongside Red Hood." He does not directly respond to Damian's bravado, however well-earned, but does nod towards Nightwing, "I agree. We stick to the partner system except at great need for the forseeable future, as much as practical both in and out of costume."

A glance to Kate, "We don't yet know the exact nature of their resilience, but Red Robin has brought us something that may provide some clues once it's properly examined." He touches a few keys on the controls, and the Talon fades, shifting to a map of Gotham with several buildings highlighted.

"I don't think the R.H. Kane building is unique. My intention is that we're going to search these buildings for similar hideouts. All of them were built within the same 20 year timespan as the Kane building, and share the same small handful of designers. You might note that the Old Wayne Tower is among them." There's a pause, before he adds, "These people are as good at keeping secrets as we are...possibly better." No, he does NOT look in Rose's direction when he says that, thankyouverymuch. "and they're patient. They could've struck at me a thousand ways since that first encounter and yet...they've been holding back. And I suspect I might know the reason why. I believe they may have intentions towards trying to sway some of us to their cause."

"The Court of Owls were, according to local legend, the secret rulers of Gotham. The string-pullers in the shadows. At this point, I can't be absolutely certain that the /Court/ is active, but they have, at the very least, left their Talons behind, and someone has to be directing them. It could be someone looking to rebuild. Or there /could/ be an entire conspiracy under our noses, but if they hold to the legend...their membership would probably be tied to families of wealth and influence, or at least that used to carry such things within the city." And there's more than just the Founding Families on that list.

Tim Drake has posed:
Red Robin winces a bit internally at Ravager's comments, but keeps his face impassive. "Rules of engagement don't change until the boss says so," he says mildly to 'Aunt' Kate. "Hood's always done his own thing... but I would like to speak on his behalf," and unofficially on Rose's, defending her some before the others bristle too much, "as I believe he would not have used lethal force unless he had no other choice." His hand does move to take Ravager's under the table and squeeze it lightly for a brief moment, before returning to the tabletop, folding both his hands together idly. To Nightwing, he nods. "I've already requested as much from the Outsiders, just in case it's not just the Bat Family that is the target, but any heroes in Gotham proper. The stories of the Court were clear that they ruled the city, so I can see them taking anyone along those lines as a threat." If only he knew how the Court actually works and what they really want. But that's research he doesn't have now.

He has spent the day with his hands inside his best friend's guts pulling out Kryptonite shards-- he's really not in the mood for Robin's petty commentary, but he answers, "Because she put blades and bullets in a half dozen of them last night, which is, to my understanding, the only reason we still have the Red Hood we all love and care for," he growls. Which isn't entirely like him, as generally speaking he's less prone to angry reactions than Damian or especially Jason. He's usually the rational one. "And put that away unless there is someone here you're planning on stabbing."

But the Batman is speaking again, which brings some small order back to the gathering. Red Robin shifts back, wincing slightly as his costume drags against the wound on his abdomen. He frowns as Batman points out there are those among them the Court may want. He scoffs quietly... then frowns, looking down at his lap for a second. The cut on his thigh had JUST missed the artery there. The one to his abdomen was JUST shy of being lethal-- but those were extremely disabling. Another hit of the like and he wouldn't have escaped. He assumed it had been an attempt on his life. Now he wasn't quite as sure. His jaw sets in a grim look as he looks back up, studying the holographs of the other buildings. "...not all the Founding Families remain," Red Robin says quietly. "There are at least five that have died out one way or another. There's the New Bloods, of course, and... others, that hold no small political and civic power, even if they aren't actually wealthy. We'll need to look into all of them."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman glares down at Damian, "Kiddo, if you start raving about some Soros conspiracy bullshit involving me and the Owls, I'm going to make you run twenty miles with a full pack. Don't think I won't."

She then looks over at Rose, "/Really/? Well, I think that makes it pretty clear as far as what they are... or more importantly, what they aren't." That is to say, no longer human. As she then looks over at Dick, giving him a nod, "Buddy system seems like a good idea, while we dig further into the buildings."

Then Tim gets a look, "Could be some the new families are wanting to use mythology to boost themselves up. Or the old mythology is using the new families to buy themselves relevance." She doesn't comment openly on the rules of engagement, but she's a bit too much like Jason in that regard. Then again, she's also a trained soldier, who is used to disciplined rules of engagement. Jason... not so much.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick raises a brow at Damian's remarks, but then nods to Kate and says, "Not living, not people, fair game," Nightwing concurs. He then looks to Bruce, "Might be time to mix up our arsenal, then. No sense hamstringing ourselves, then." Bruce gets a frown and a nod, "Sounds good, if we need a bit more I can call in the Titans, but I am loathe to due to the fact that once we start doing that, well, we know why we do not bring in the big guns."

"So we need a conspiracy board, then," Dick says without sarcasm. "Start checking everyone and everything. We should ask Oracle to see if she can tie things together that we might be missing or at least she has a rig that can brute force the situation?" He ponders for a bit longer.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"I'm aware of the rules."

She is. She just doesn't agree with them, and doesn't actually //have// to follow them. Mostly. Technically. She's not a Bat, despite proximity. Not that she seems inclined to point out the elephant in the room that is the fact she doesn't pull punches and has no such specific code. That said, she points out, "Kid. League or no League, trained assassin or not. They //do// have something on you, the fact you're a living, breathing, //feeling// thing that requires blood pumping through your veins. Unless there is something you're not telling us, and we've got a real...live zombie here to talk to."

There is a flat look shot in Damian's direction, but then she addresses the big Bat. "Cutting off the head, or shooting them in the brain pan, or exploding them, seems effective. But everything short of that, it doesn't slow them down...they just pick themselves back up, and keep coming. I don't know much about this boogeyman story of yours, but these things aren't going to be stopped by playing nice."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Zombies do not count as living. So it is technically not killing." Damian says, thumbing the edge of his sword a bit. He still had the bloodlust of an assassin after all, and carte blanche to kill zombies was just what he needed to let off about a half a year's worth of steam.

  "Signs point to either the architect, or the commissioner of the building would have had to have known about such a building. All the signs point to that. Along with the Court's history in Gotham spanning over a century...conspiracy theories aren't always incorrect, Batwoman." Yeah, he thinks old man Kane was in on it, perhaps. Hopefully he was wrong.

  "Very well then." Damian comments, regarding Ravager. Before looking to Red Robin and giving a bit of a scowl and pointing the tip at Tim's groin. "You first, Peter Pan syndrome." He laughs, putting the sword back with a flourish.

  Rose's comment gets a bit of a shrug. "I never said they did not. Which is why it will be fun for me. Do you know how long it's been since I have had a challenge?"

  Robin was in for it, and quite pumped up it seemed. All that teenage bravado mixed with a background of being an assassin wunderkind, the size of his ego could barely be contained right now.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
There's a brief glance to Damian, but Batman's face is impassive as he notes, "Save it for the enemy, Robin."

"What information I have will be transferred through Oracle's network. I wish there was more, but I'll pass along whatever findings come from the specimen Red Robin and Ravager brought as soon as I've examined it. Make sure you're partnering on patrols and the recon of the buildings. We'll divide by sectors, which should give each group at most three buildings to investigate." He pauses, "For the moment, I am unofficially pairing Spoiler and Orphan. They /may/ largely be off the Court's radar...which might be useful for us when we reach the counterattack phase."

"Robin, you'll be with me." He looks towards the youngest vigilante here, "And we'll check the Old Wayne Tower, as soon as tomorrow night, barring an emergency." He adds, And we'll need to make sure Red Hood receives all this. And hopefully listens."

With that, Batman gives a look around, before adding in a genuinely regretful tone, or at least as much of one as he ever displays, "I wish I had more to give on this. We're operating nearly blind on a lot of this. I know I don't have to tell you all to be careful, but nevertheless...be careful. The Talons I faced are a match for nearly anyone I've faced, and that's before their durability is taken into account." His expression is grim a moment, before he adds, "And yes...based on the evidence we have available...do what you need to in order to stay alive and out of their hands. If that changes...I will let you know."

Tim Drake has posed:
Red Robin doesn't flinch, even as Robin aims a sword at his groin. He gives Damian a flat, unamused stare, though sadly the bulk of that is concealed by the domino mask. "Spanning //a// century? The Court allegedly goes back to the Founding... so more like four centuries, shrimp." Tim stifles the urge to mutter to Rose she should have drowned Damian back at Stephanie's party, because that would //technically// be giving away the game. However, had Damian not been such a little shit, Tim wouldn't have sacked up and eventually made the play for Rose, so maybe the kid deserves to live for now.

"Conspiracy therories aren't always incorrect, but people are still people. They get sloppy and they talk." He scowls. "And is no one else going to ask the big question here? //Zombies//. How in the hell? Assassins, all right. Even goofy ones with owl masks, I'll buy. This is Gotham. We have clowns, half-melted ex-DAs, walking plant people, giant lumbering lumps of sentient dirt, walking crocodiles, and a guy who dressed up like a //scarecrow//. Owls are..." he shrugs, "kind of normal. I'm just saying, all of those I just listed are alive and in their own screwed up ways make logical sense. Undead Ninja Owls from the 16 and 17 hundreds I'm having a //little// problem wrapping my head around."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick listens and nods, though Kate's remark also surprises him, but Damian did kind of ask for it. He looks to Rose and says, "Good to know. Decapitation and disintegration."

To Bruce, Dick says, "Sounds like a good start. For once we are kind of blind, but just time to pull out all the stops, within reason." He frowns and continues, working off of what Tim and Bruce both say, "There are clues, bound to be, people are dumb and get comfortable, we just need to find the loose ends. Though I wager a lot will be covering their tracks well, if they've been around /that/ long, they can't be that good forever."

Tim gets a snort of amusement, "At least it's not a dragon or something like that."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Peter Pan syndrome?" Ravager shoots the question towards Tim, but at least leaves it for now. Mostly. There's a pin in that one.

The matter of the zombies though gets a shrug from her, "Seems about as reasonable as lumps of sentient dirt, aliens and plant people to me."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman looks wryly at Red Robin, "You hang out with people that fly and are allergic to green rocks, Martians, cyborgs, and literal wizards. Zombie ninjas are really that farfetched?" She gives Damian a disdainful look, making a mental note that seems to indicate that Damian is going to get some running in later.

But she'll confer with Bats on that, and not call it out right this second. Times and places. Then she looks over at Batman, "Seems like Red Robin and Ravager are a pairing." In more ways the one, as she doesn't say anything further about that, then she looks over at Nightwing with a wry expression, "Want to team up, then?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim rolls his eyes under the mask. "Peter Pan syndrome: when someone refuses to grow up. I wasn't going to point out that he's throwing stones at a glass house, but here we are."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     As Batman speaks, Robin nods and listens. "Yes, Batman." He comments, as he was assigned to the Dark Knight.

  As far as zombie assassins from the 17th century go, Damian also shrugs. "My grandfather is seven hundred years old. I'm not especially weirded out by these Talons."

  "I said Peter Pan Syndrome because even though you're not Robin, you still cling onto it. Nightwing became Nightwing, Red Hood died, came back, and became Red Hood. But you..." He says, looking up and down Red Robin's uniform. "You still clutch onto this, for some reason." He gestures to his costume.

  "At least I am a kid. What's your excuse?"

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Red Robin has earned the right to call himself what he likes, many times over." Batman comments, his voice not raised or testy, but carrying a note of finality. "And whether he chooses to change that is his choice to make, as well, and no one else's." He looks to the others, "Standard patrols tonight. When we hit the buildings, I want coordinated timing. If we flush them out we don't want to give them a lot of options in terms of where they might flee to."

He pauses a moment, and notes, "But...I won't be surprised if we don't turn up much. It may well be that they've spent the past few months emptying out their hideouts for just this kind of occasion...but we'll find out soon enough."

And with that he gives one more look around and notes, "Is there anything else?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Red Robin grits his teeth. "If you have to ask, shrimp, you'll never understand it. Hood isn't who he was before. Sorry I haven't gotten whacked by a psychopath to have that 'epiphany'. //You// weren't around when it happened. //You// didn't know him before, and you don't know what his death //did// to the rest of the family. It's like I told you that last time you were in this cave, making these same mewling noises: I stepped up and I //chose// this. Have some respect for those who have worn that mask before you, Robin. And I'm not just referring to me." The events of the past week definitely have him on edge. "You want to know why I wear this? I wear it //because of Hood// and because he died. I wear it for him," and he jerks his thumb in Batman's direction.

And Bruce's words are the final bit on it. Red Robin doesn't quite relax, but he does lean back in his chair. "Nothing from me. I assume I'm still barred from patrolling until I'm healed up, so I'll be talking to Beacon soon."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Sounds good, Batwoman," Dick says with a nod. Damian's remarks seem to be dealt with by Bruce and the offended party and this is not exactly a place for him to step in at this moment, though he does ensure that he at least is somewhat between them, or at least blocking an easy path. Dick turns to Bruce and says, "Very well, then. Bludhaven has been mostly quiet, I can direct my efforts here for the time being, though can do the occasional patrol there to make it seem like we aren't just looking for them."

Rose Wilson has posed:
When people talk about pairing up there is a glance at Tim, then Rose points out, "Hood and I can work together until Red Robin is back on his feet." Because she's not letting him out until he's healed up. There is a glance then given to Damian, then back to Tim, but whatever interfamily issues are going on, she keeps her trap shut and her nose out of.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Red Robin's remarks go noted, but the amount of smug on Damian's face grows. "Struck a nerve, did I?"

  He knows he'll get a talking to by more than one person. But the angry bird just can't keep out of trouble, it seems.

  "I will inform the Titans. But they will stay away, they -know- not to be in Gotham." A slight glance towards Rose. Just keep digging that grave, kid.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman nods at Nightwing, "Sounds like a plan. I might have some... extra help available, too. Depending on how things shake out." She chuckles faintly, then looks over at Batman, "Someone you trust. And good luck keeping the hatchling in line. I think you're gonna need it."

Who that help is, she doesn't say, but she makes it a point to ignore Damian as she makes her way back towards her motorcycle. Hopping onto the bike in a smooth motion, the engine roars to life and she makes her exit.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Bruce's face gives no sign of exasperation. Just the cool, nigh-emotionless facade he often wears when the cape and cowl are on. He gives a nod to Kate before she moves to depart, and then another to Rose of all people, "Thank you, Ravager. Hood may not appreciate the effort, but I will. Otherwise, we'll be in touch. Let's get to work."

And with that, he starts to move towards the Batmobile platform, silently beckoning for Robin to accompany him.