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Latest revision as of 02:57, 23 August 2020

=Sins of the Daughters.
Date of Scene: 22 August 2020
Location: Hank Pym's primary lab, Creskill New Jersey.
Synopsis: Hank plans and plots, and gives Nadia a pretty scarf.
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Nadia Pym-van Dyne

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym's primary lab is in the basement of his house. Well, one corner of it. It is not mobile being set in place, heavily armored and bricked in and also one tenth human scale. There are warning labels all around it. Inside, if you are tiny enough to enter, Hank has called up a number of holo displays, featuring Nadia, and a few reams of reports on Nadia. There are also a few documents in Russian being translated. hank is better with Hungarian than Russian. Hank is walking from one display to another and muttering which Janet would regard as a dire, dire sign. His face is devoid of human expression as he makes notes in a small notebook. Dead tree tech is impossible to hack. As he strolls, he comes upon a display of a beautiful woman with auburn hair who resembles Janet somewhat, as well as Nadia. Especially around the eyes. Hank looks at the holo display then wipes at his eyes.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia stays upstairs talking with Jennifer Walters a bit longer after Hank storms off. But eventually Jen bids her to go after him and with their parting of ways she descends into the basement after her father. The scale of the lab isn't exactly a challenge for Nadia, being one of the individuals on that short list of having enough particle exposure to shrink without a suit, or in her case having injected them into herself directly.

Stepping into the lab Nadia makes a face at all of the SHIELD data her father is pulling, they're the only ones who really have data on her afterall. She glances at the Russian, skimming it easily, her first language and all, before finally stopping in front of the image of Maria Trovaya. It is not the first time Nadia has seen a picture of her mother, the Red Room wanted her to know where she came from and that included Maria Trovaya. In many ways Maria Trovaya's fate stood as a warning of what might happen should Nadia ultimately prove less than cooperative.

She stands there staring at the image for awhile, there are thoughts churning in her head, so many thoughts, that diabolical seed taking root. Could her mother really still be alive? Maybe she can rescue her as well.

Finally she is able to to break free from the spell the picture cast upon her and remembers why she came here in the first place, "Dad, are you okay? Don't worry I beat them once, I can do it again..." Really she is in the current moment more worried about Hank than herself. "We'll be fine."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym jumps at her voice. Then he puts his arm around his daughter. "/We/ will beat them. The wrongs they did to you, and your mother will remain. But we can at least balance the scales." Hank looks down at her and says, "I suspect their major moves will be legal to start with. I also think they are setting things up to move against us using force... really any means. I haven't pushed you on this, Nadia, but I need to know everything about your... upbringing. I'm very sure they will use your former bunkmates against us... you. So I have to figure what will stop people like you. I need to run some tests. They won't be pleasant but first... what do you want to know about her, Maria Trovaya? It may help you determine this woman is an imposter."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
A large sigh escapes Nadia, "If you want to fight them like that, you're probably better off asking your fellow Avenger who actually graduated the program." She leans against one of the display and folds her arms. "They won't come with brute force, not for me. They also know that I'm surrounded by Avengers and by now they almost definitely know about the Titans, too. More than Assassination, the Red Room specializes in Infiltration and Manipulation, they won't commit force if they can win without ever throwing a punch and they'll never engage in a fight or assassination they do not believe will be successful. Any agents they are sending are already in place and they could be anyone. We need to tell Janet, lawyers are her thing, I bet she has an entire army of them."

It is the question about Maria Trovaya that makes her pause though in what is otherwise a very matter of fact analysis of how the Red Room operates and why they are so frightening. "I, well, I mean, I want to know everything about her."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods and smiles. "Yes, Maria is a better subject for me than Janet's lawyers... for obvious reasons. All right. She was beautiful. Everything beautiful about you you get from Maria. if something is less than perfect... well you got that from me. She was beautiful, and quiet, and brilliant. Unlike you, she had trouble putting her dreams into a concrete form. That was where I came in. We met in school, it was my... third doctorate I think. I was 23. We began discussing her ideas about ants using electronic waves to communicate with ants over coffee and... oh... people forget this, she was Hungarian, you're not Russian, you're Hungarian by borth. Very Hungarian! She loved her country, her people. We... we were going to return there someday and find the tomb of Arpad... using ants. Your grandfather was Janos Trovaya, Hungary's premier geneticist. He refused to work for the Old School hardliners and they came here." He takes a breath to continue.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia listens quietly, she closes her eyes as Hank talks like she is trying to visualize everything that he says about Maria Trovaya in her mind's eye. She remains silent, not wanting to interrupt, yet still seeming to hang on and devour every last detail.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym is becoming more human by the moment as he speaks, "Ah she took me for Hungarian food on a lot of dates and didn't cook for me till we got married which was... wise. I wound up doing the cooking a lot. I made frözelék... I can make this for you, vegetable stew/soup with cream. She decided to return to Hungary for our honeymoon. Despite the danger. I won't talk about that now. Happy times..." He seems a little lost now, thrown off by his bad memories despite his segue. "She was my light. You..." he turns and goes to a drawer, looking a little conspiratorial. "I never showed this to Janet, I felt like I was cheating on her... here, it was your mother's. I never discarded it. I know, I was a sentimental fool. It's yours now." He turns and has a brightly colored scarf in his hands. He holds it out to Nadia.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
It is only in that moment when her sharp hearing registers the sound of a drawer opening that Nadia's eyes open again and she pushes off of the place where she was leaning walking over to where Hank is. She looks the scarf and reaches a hand out but hesitates to touch it almost like she believes it to be some bit of ephemera that will dissolve beneath her fingers if she touches it. Eventually she takes it, turning it over in her hands. "Maybe she is still out there, they lie about everything. Maybe they really were lying about her being dead, maybe she's been brain washed, I could save her, bring her back too and then we could really be a family again." There is an earnest desire in her to believe this. "The Red Room taught us, the most effective way to lie is by telling the truth."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym takes his daughter by the shoulders and says, "I already dealt with an imposter. I understand what you are saying. This is like Schroedinger's Cat. Maria is alive and dead concurrently. It will not be one or another until we open the box. However, we must be very certain we open the box on our terms, not theirs. For now we disregard such things because they are part of a power play to trap us. When we have this resolved, I give you my word we will look for her. It's important you realize though, you have been lied to your entire life. You take as a given that these people are infallible masters of infiltration, have absolute control, and are unbeatable. the fact you escaped, that Natasha defected prove they are not. I've fought these old time hardliners, Tony has. We are both here. Caution is a good thing. We won't underestimate them but... they are not unbeatable. Right now, a billion ants are listening for words like 'Trovaya' and 'Pym' to alert me. The consulate will be rife with them as soon as the scouts report back. These people... they don't realize how the Universe works, what their part in it is, doesn't change because they follow a manifesto or fancy themselves ruthless killers. We. Will. Win. Say it please."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia shakes her head, "It's not because I believe anything they told me, it's because of what they trained me to do, what they trained all of us to do, the methods they taught us. The program I was transferred into was new and I wasn't the only one, I was just the one they wanted to reverse engineer your work. They had files from all the world governments, SHIELD, Hydra, AIM, all kinds of groups a girl my age shouldn't even know exist. Their Science Class was a step into a larger world for them, to augment their agents with the powers of superheroes, to go beyond infiltration and manipulation to the capability to topple entire nations. These are all things I saw with my own eyes Dad. They know who you are, they know who all the Avengers are, how do you think I found you to begin with? I do not believe they are invincible but they are supremely effective at what they do and they are evolving. They will be prepared. Plan for that. Assume any plan you make will be countered and have contingencies and contingencies for those contingencies. We will win, but underestimating them is a grave mistake."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym says, "And I fought their agents before, though not Red Room grads. I fought /with/ their best operative. Yes they /steal/ because their indoctrination and brainwashing and mesmerism stifles true genius and initiative, except in rare cases, obviously. I am not underestimating them! Don't underestimate yourself. Don't underestimate your /father/. I will do wonderful and terrible things to keep you safe and happy. They took your mother from us. They took your childhood. They took you from me. The line is drawn. We. Will. Win. Not by throwing punching or knives or guns. We will figure out a way to destroy them, because reason is beyond their abilities. We. Will. Win."