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Latest revision as of 23:33, 23 August 2020

Checking In Post-Brainiac
Date of Scene: 23 August 2020
Location: Luke's Bar
Synopsis: Kitty checks in on Luke to make sure he made it through New York's woes safely
Cast of Characters: Luke Cage, Kitty Pryde

Luke Cage has posed:
A quiet day at the bar and Luke is cleaning the bartop with his trusty rag. It was once a bright yellow but over time has faded quite a bit.

Bartop complete he turns and tosses the rag to the sink hnder the bar and goes about walking around to the otherside so he can straighten the chairs a bit more.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The door swings open and a somewhat familiar face comes in. Kitty Pryde, making her way over to Harlem. It isn't the first time since Brainiac's attack that she's been by, but it will be the first time that she's caught Luke about.

She lets the door swing close and then moves over to a seat at the corner of the bar nearest to the door. "So you, and the bar, made it through not much worse for year I guess?" she asks with a smile towards the large man once his attention might be focused upon her. "Was worried about everyone in the city," she says, drumming her hands lightly on the bartop. "Glad it went as well as it did and we got Bushwick back. Your friends and family all safe?"

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage smiles, "Not really alot of people I would call family." he admits as he smies over to her. "Yes we made it through ok...only some minor damages here and there and cleaning really on my end."

"If Im going to be honest...I just wish I had done...I dont know, more." he admits with a grunt as he approaches.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Luke a little wave as if to dismiss the notion he should have done more. "Luke. I mean, we're talking about actual aliens flying to Earth and attacking. Unless you've got a cape in the closet I haven't seen, I don't really know there's much anyone could do unless it got so bad they were marching over the city. And, I don't know they cared about hanging onto the neighborhoods they'd have bothered with that," she tells him.

She lightly drums her hands on the bartop again. "Just glad that you're ok. My friends in the city all made it. One person even got his home back though it needs some work now," she says. "Thankfully he was out of Bushwick when that all went down the first time."

"Hey, had a birthday. Still not able to drink in the country I call home despite being able to do so overseas. But hey, another year closer to that point, right?" she tells him. "Serve up a girl a soda? Or lemonade if you got it." She gives him a little grin and a wink. "You know, the hard stuff."

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage laughs and he moves back over to the bar to get her a soda. "Sure I can get that for you." he chuckles. "We can save the hard stuff for the after party." he states with a playful chuckle. "No cape...but strong enough...can you imagine me in a cape? The Incredible Power Man!" he muses.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty tilts her head a little bit towards Luke at his comment as he serves her up the soda, and flashes a grin towards him. "Power Man, that's a hero I don't know too much about," she tells him. "Seen some clips but it's been a few years. I don't know if I told you, but I was going to school over in England recently. Been back about six months, but I was gone for the larger part of two years with just a few trips back," she tells him.

The soda is picked up and given a sip, the burn of the carbonation on her throat bringing a soft sigh. "I wish this was better for you. Because I could just drink it all day for the feel of it," she tells him. "Honestly I like it better than beer, though beer has it's time and place too. I did enjoy the pubs over there quite a bit."

She glances around Luke's Bar and asks, "So what put the notion of opening a bar into your head, anyway? Just enjoy hanging out in them?" she asks.

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage smirks a moment, "Im sure you get plenty of exercise and can drink what you want...look at you, youre tiny." he teases her.

"As for the bar? Well one yeah I enjoy it...a olace in the community. Like cheers you know?" he laughs, "But a guy has to make a living somehow and this I can do...not making alot of scratch...but. It works."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty lets out a warm laugh at that. "I'm /so/ taking that as a compliment, the slender, toned nineteen year old says. "Though if I drank too much sweet soda that probably would change," she tells Luke.

She takes another sip of the soda though. "It's much better than the diet though," she says with a forlorn sigh and a little shake of her head. The girl refocuses on Luke's explanation about the bar. It results in a little nod of Kitty's head. "Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot?" she sings. "Wouldn't you like to get away? Sometimes you wanna go where everyone... or at least Luke knows your name..." she ad libs, ending up laughing softly. "You're probably the only person in about a mile any direction that I know," she tells him. "You grew up here?"

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage nods, "Yeah...here in the neighborhood. Got in to kybshare of trouble..." he says bery vaguely, "But it worked out for me. Im no role model like Captain America but that doesnt mean I dont like being around to help when I can. Fuck...being Captain America would be too much pressure." he chuckles.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty takes another sip of her soda, and then traces a finger around the top of the cool glass. "Well, yeah. A lot of pressure. Though, you know, he probably gets the chicks," she says with a teasing smile. Kitty glances over Luke a little and says, "Ah, maybe not really a change you need, mind you," she says. Because, well, look at him!

She clears her throat after having made the pointed observation. "Anyway though... good to be around people you know. Grew up in Illinois so it took awhile to settle in and feel like I was somewhere that was a home again," she comments to him.

Another sip of the soda. "How are things going around here? Are they pretty good? I know Harlem has had its ups and downs but I haven't really been around the news from the area until I got back in the States."

Luke Cage has posed:
"Gets all the girls huh?" Luke grins, "Maybe there is something to the superhero gig afterall." he agrees with a chuckle. He leans forward on the bartop, "I might need to take up heroing...but not the costume maybe?" he grins.

"Things are slow...tough to get by some time. How does the hero gig pay...maybe I should be a Hero for Hire."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty rests both hands on the bar as she sits on the stool, grining over at Luke's comments about becoming a hero. "I think it really depends on the costume," Kitty says. "I mean think about it, it's an ultimate form of expression, what kind of outfit you're going to wear when you go kicking someone's butt. Am I right?"

Poor Luke has no idea the costume history of one Shadowcat, aka Ariel, aka Sprite. Nor that the girl sitting before him is and was any of those. But oh boy has Kitty had a lot of costumes in her time as an X-man!

Kitty looks Luke over. "Now you should probably shirtless. Tight leather pants. Maybe an armband tied around your biceps. You have the arms to pull that off, I'd imagine," she says, eyeing his arms. "Um... where was I?" she asks all distractedly.

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage laughs, then laughs some more. "I was thinking just a yellow shirt and my jeans...maybe a band on the forehead." he jokes, not serious at all. "I imagine you look pretty good yourself in uniform." he notes playfully.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
A grin is flashed back at Luke. "Well, I /am/ just a little thing," she reminds him. "But thank you. What girl wouldn't look forward to skintight, shows everything you got? Or wait, I think that's the guys who look forward to the super heroines wearing those," she tells him.

Kitty finishes up her soda and then pulls out some money to set on the bar for it. "I need to vamoose, friend over in Chinatown has been a bit quiet so I want to stick my head in her door and make sure she's ok," she says. She hops up from the stool. "Mind if I swing back by another time?" she asks.

Luke Cage has posed:
"Sure you are welcome any time. Maybe introduce me to your friend too." Luke responds, "Its really good to see you Kitty...I hope to see you soon."