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Once Upon a Time in Paperwork
Date of Scene: 24 August 2020
Location: Food Court: Triskelion
Synopsis: Daisy catches Peggy going through some old school paperwork and offers assistance. Some ghosts are dug up and new friendships are made.
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Daisy Johnson

Peggy Carter has posed:
The scene in the far corner of the food court is one that hasn't graced SHIELD's hallways for quite some time. No one uses paper folders any more. Hell, weren't they all digitized decades ago? Peggy has taken over a corner of the more plush, comfortable sitting area, made for tea, coffee, and quiet conversations. She's pulled a larger coffee table over and some extra chairs. Every surface near her is covered in some ancient, yellowing old paper files. One can practically see the dust in the air around her. She's got a cup of mostly forgotten tea and a biscuit resting on the top corner of the coffee table, but her work seems to concern her more.

It looks like Peggy has had a somewhat interesting few days. There's a sling around her neck, cradling her right arm, though she's still using the hand to balance and read some files. The scratches on her face and split lip are scabs now, but still present. She's in her comfortable clothes, so a dark green dress that looks more suited to 1950 than modern day. Fortunately, retro is back in style.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy is back to the cafeteria to face off against an old nemesis... The food vending machine... Not that she normally indulges, but today she was craving a chocolate in particular and so.., there goes a coin.., some moment of anticipation, a mutter and a push on the side of the machine. "Come on, you little...." nooo, don't get angry..! But eventually the chocolate falls and she picks it up. Battle won!

She is just about to go get tea to go with the chocolate when she notes a rather peculiar scene nearby. Someone working with ACTUAL paper? That's a sight.., and something that makes the hacker rather curious. She approaches instead of going for that tea, a peek over and then to the Agent. She doesn't really recognize her right ahead which is mainly why she says amusedly.

"You know, it's the 21st century..., we got it all digitalized now." she has an excuse! All the photos she has seen of Peggy are old!

Peggy Carter has posed:
The voice isn't familiar, but then Peggy's practically inviting strange looks and curious, younger agents to come over with this sight out of the history books. She doesn't quite look up at first, finishing scanning through the end of a file as she doesn't want to lose her place. "Yes, so I've been told. But it seems there was a whole section of the archives that didn't get digitized or, if they were, the files are gone. So, we do this the old fashioned way." Peggy's voice might be more recognizable, that clipped British accent in a whole lot of classic SHIELD recordings and announcements. Nothing has changed there.

Finally, paragraph finished, she looks up to Daisy with sharp, dark eyes, studying the woman thoughtfully for just a moment. The look of a profiler taking in every little detail she can in the first 30 seconds, though her matte-red lipsticked mouth (yes, even around the cut), smiles curiously. "I could offer you the thrilling job of seeing how we did things back in the old days, but I don't know that I'd wish this dust on anyone else."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy is dressed in her uniform, black and blue, the high boots, the technological gloves on her hands and forearms. Well, she was just about to go training afterwards so she was all geared up for it. Yet after she says those amused words to Peggy she turns to study the woman. The old-fashioned clothing, the familiar features..., then the ACCENT. "Hey, you sound just like..." a pause...

Nope, not just like..., this is the real deal! She meets the woman's gaze for a moment when she looks her way and there's that glance of recognition there. "Ah, Agent Carter." be smooth. "We haven't met yet. I am Agent Johnson. Or Daisy. Everyone calls me that around here." well, at least she seems to hide the embarassment well.

"I could check if we have any files missing, I thought we had got everything on the archives turned digital." It makes her furrow her brows and she approaches, curious. "I am fine with dust."

Peggy Carter has posed:
As the realization hits Daisy, Peggy watches her go through the permutations she's seen on a few younger agents faces over the months. Her smile turns a hint more wry, but also warmer, as she lets Daisy work through the introduction. It doesn't seem Peggy is too worried about standing on any sort of ceremony, as she sets the file down and gives Daisy's nerves a touch of a wave before offering her hand. "Please, we're not on duty or in the field, just call me Peggy. It's lovely to meet you, Daisy." A slight frown intrudes with a thought after a moment, "I'm sorry I...hadn't got the chance yet. I used to know every single person in this building. I've... a lot of catch up to do."

Then the offer is made and Peggy looks momentarily thankful, nodding towards the chair which only has a few files on it. "If you really weren't off on a more important task, I'd love the help. And... I thought everything was too. I was *told* it all was. But these are my files and I've already affirmed at least two of them are missing from the digital record. I know they were there." She nods towards the two files that are set aside on the chair. "And, thankfully, they are still HERE... so, either they never made it in. Or someone's deleted them."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
An hand sticks out so as to shake Peggy's, smiling faintly. "Sorry, I should had known. Bobbi is always talking about you, should had put 2 and 2 together." after the shake is done she casts a more proper look on the writings. "And it's great to meet you as well, Peggy." she finally settling down on one of the chairs near the other woman.

"I work on our IT division. Well, I am a field agent now but it as I said, I can check it out. If there was any security failure I can look into." which is worrying enough if files would be going missing from SHIELD. She brings out her phone to taptap on it briefly, most likely putting up a memo for it.

"What case was it that you were working on?" She then asks to look more properly to the files. There's indeed some dust which makes her turn her nose and sneeze. Ufff.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The files are ancient. Probably from the first decade of SHIELD's official existance. There's a lot of different signoffs, but the most common names are Margaret Carter and Howard Stark. Neat typewriter print covers most of the pages, but some are hand written forms. Apparently, back in the day, SHIELD agents would get a typed form of blanks and some chose to hand write their reports, others type-writered in. But it's still an interesting glimpse into yesteryear.

"I should check in with Bobbi more. She's been a delight, the few times we managed to work together. In truth, I feel like I've spent the last two months trying to memorize thirty years of history and not entirely succeeding. Much has changed."

She then gingerly shifts her arm out of the sling. It's clearly not broken, but Daisy can see the nasty yellow bruising at the edges of her collar bone that probably speak of a dislocation at some point recently. Her whole shoulder is probably an awful green yellow. She grabs at a stack of yet to be touched files, passing them in Daisy's direction. "I'm looking for anything under Operation Paperclip... or pardons, immunity, or life in prison sentences that were given between the years of 1946 to 1960. Mostly HYDRA scientists, a few unconfirmed HYDRA but working for the Third Reich. I know there were at least two dozen... I've found exactly 4 in the digitized files."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Ancient history... It does make Daisy wonder if she should use gloves for this, just in case! She checks the names there, legends of the earlier SHIELD, slowly starting to skim through the ones that Peggy hands over. She does note that sling, the bruising. "What happened?" she inquires but then she nods her agreement about her earlier comment.. "The world is moving at a supersonic speed now. And we are about to go into light speed considering all these advancements that technology is bringing. It's a marvelous time to be alive, but also a scary one.."

"Operation Paperclip, mmmm,and Hydra?" she arches a brow at that. "We had some recent encounters with Hydra. I am guessing Bobbi spoke with you? Whitehall was someone that has cropped up as of late." a beat. "Leading this .., Super SHIELD.." she rolls her eyes.

But then she frowns a touch. "Think someone hid these scientists?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Yes. I gave the initial briefing to Bobbi and a few others following up on the Whitehall issue." Peggy's restrained and British as they come, but even all her calm, business like demeanor cannot hide the mix of anger and slight guilt that spills into her voice as she mentions Whitehall's name. There's a lot of history there which isn't just in these files and it's eating at her.

"Werner Reinhardt, now known as Daniel Whitehall, is one of the few files that remained in tact. It's why I didn't notice things were missing when Bobbi first brought it up. But there's several other names that are completely missing from the database." Peggy sighs a moment, looking back from the pile to Daisy. She takes one of those breathes that is meant to button up emotions and get back to business. "Someone either hid them, or didn't want them going in the digital record. It's a... nasty bit of history for both SHIELD and the American government. It's distinctly possible the files weren't carried over in simple attempts to make it easier to forget we used to work with those people. Or... there was someone sympathetic to their cause. Or is. I don't want to jump at ghosts yet..." But she's wary.

Once the files are fully handed over, she gingerly slips that arm back into the sling. A slight smirk follows as she admits, "I was looking into one of these missing files and ran across someone who was cross about the situation for entirely different reasons, a certain Frank Castle. We had a tussle. We ended up coming to an... Understanding. But the initial encounter was a touch violent."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The shift on Peggy's voice doesn't go unnoticed by Daisy when Whitehall is mentioned, she nodding slowly even if she doesn't ask further about it, perhaps not wanting to bring out old memories. "Well, now that he has reared up his head again it will only be a matter of time until we catch him.." she murmurs, her tone attempting to be reassuring.

Not that she is any less worried about other missing names, she continuing to brush past the papers, looking for any of those keywords. A pardon, an immunity or life sentences, sharp eyes searching. Not that she can't multitask, asking. "Hiding information is not how SHIELD should be these days." apparently that being quite the sore point to the young woman. For some reason. "At least something should had been noted about the files.." apparently she just as wary as Peggy now about what may be happening here.

"Frank Castle?" It doesn't really ring a bell to her but ... "Military? Or someone seeking justice for this?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
The annoyance about the files is that they are filed by date of incident or report, not specifically categories or topics. So, a lot of what Daisy is seeing are just general agent reports. It's easy enough to skip through, scan for HYDRA or Nazi Germany affiliations, and set them aside when there are none. But she'll come upon one from 1953, a certain Fredrich Jaeger. HYDRA scientist with expertise in rocket propulsion. Pardoned for war crimes, stationed with the US's space program, but advising SHIELD on new jet engines and vehicle powering. The file is thin. He, apparently, stopped working with SHIELD within a few years. But it's nothing that Daisy's ever seen in the digital files.

Peggy's focusing her emotional reaction by doing what she does best, going back to work. Dark eyes flitter easily across files, knowning exactly what she's looking for, so most are dismissed rather quickly. "It's not how SHIELD should be these days. It wasn't how we should have been but... none of us is perfect. Just means we go back and fix mistakes now." Peg pauses, looking up from her most recently dismissed file. There is something a bit softer around her eyes as she looks at Daisy. "...Thank you. For the help. It... It makes it a touch better. Knowing you all don't hate us for making decisions none of us wanted to make."

Before she gets too emotional, she looks back down and scoops open another file. "...Castle is ex-military. Not done well by them either, from the look of it. He reminds me of Howlett but...more angry, if that's possible. He's got some feeling about claiming the Bronx as his territory to protect and, apparently, several children have gone missing over the last few weeks. Whether they are over all related or not, I'm not certain. But he'd be a good information asset if I can keep him on our good side, if nothing else."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy shakes her head briefly when Peggy apologizes for how SHIELD was. "I have been through my hate-SHIELD phase in the past." she murmurs, clearly some kind of history there. Not that she explains much about it. "Now I know we fight the good fight. We do what we need to do in order for people to be safe."

A pause as she then appears to find something, brows furrowing. "Mmmmmm..." she leans in to get a better reading. "Fredrich Jaeger. Expertise in rocket propulsion. Seems to git, he was pardoned and put in the US space program." she then turns the page, not really finding much else. "Well, this is a really sparse file. I wonder if there's anything missing from here too.." though she then hands the file for Peggy to examine.

When Peggy talks about Frank, and explains further on what the man does she lets out an understanding 'Ahhhh', followed by, "A vigilante then..?" though it's worrying enough this news of missing children.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh. I remember him. They put him in Wernher von Braun's section as the two had worked together during the war." Still bitter about that. Even her British demeanor can't hide that. She reaches her left hand out for the file. Even post fight, banged up, her square tipped nails are as red as her lips. Some things about Peggy never change. She frowns deeply at the weight of the file, "... there was more here. This man helped us adapt rocket fuel to work in at least three of our high speed vehicles in the 60s." Peggy is looking more and more uncomfortable as they dig. "...maybe they have a second file for his work then."

The side conversation about Frank is almost reassuring. A modern problem with probably more modern solutions, and not directly in their back yard. Peggy sets that file aside on the pile of ones to research deeper. "As classic as vigilante's get. Not that I can always blame them as the justice system doesn't seem to have gotten much better even since my day... But he's got a temper that is... Dangerous. I'm going to keep in touch. Offer what support I can but also...keep eyes on him. If you feel like a fieldtrip the next time I have a meeting set, I'll see if you're around?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I could take a dig online, but if this was already missing from there most likely the rest will be too." Daisy replies, another small shake of her head given. She lets out a long sigh. "It will be hard to find a trail on how these papers went missing." no logging into a system or anything of the sort! Daisy does like the modern times.., so easy to track who does what. "And so, we are talking about a genius scientist who did major breakthroughs during his time. This is not good..."

Her eyes continue to look through the rest of the files and she comments. "For many it can be just an excuse for violence. It's hard to figure out that line between justice and criminality.." a beat. "Sometimes I even feel like doing some justice of my own, but I know I got to temper it in..." for quite a few reasons!

The offer for a fieldtrip brings a grin out of the young hacker. "For sure, I'd like to help in what I can." and it would also be an opportunity to work with a legend!

Peggy Carter has posed:
As Daisy goes on about doing some justice of her own, Peggy looks up from the file again. The expression on her face is just on the edge of wry and amused, maybe a little guilty. Her slightly surpressed chuckle is lined with mischief, though. "I know that feeling. Truth be told. I... wouldn't have all these out here if it wasn't for Steve. He talked me out of just hunting them down alone, or with Howlett, just to... get whatever revenge or closure I feel like I needed. Just because most of this mess was mine doesn't mean I *should* handle it alone," she sighs, "But... I was awful tempted." Of course, she has no clue about Daisy's particular danger in letting her temper go. But she'll probably find out later, mental note already made to look up Daisy's file.

"I'll let you know the next time I'm going out then. If you aren't already on an assignment, I'll happily take some back up. Just don't want a whole team or we probably will drive the man off. He's not exactly near the trusting type... bloody miracle I got him to talk to me at all, frankly." Even if he's left her looking a little like something the cat drug in. She finishes another stack of files, no other's missing. They go on the discard pile and she actually remembers to take a sip of her tea. A miracle.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The news that Peggy could had went out to hunt these men on her own on some vigilante rampage makes Daisy inspect her more closely, blinking once. But she can understand it.., at least partially. "Some things just feel real personal to be left to others..." she nods slowly, brushing one hand through her hair. "SHIELD is family though, we work together to find a solution to a problem. We do not need to do it alone. That's what I have learned in my time in SHIELD." she says, her smile deepening. "If these people are up to no good then I am sure SHIELD will make all it can to bring them to justice." no hesitation there on her tone. Clearly someone that trusts the place she is at now. And the institution.

"I will send you an email with my contact." Daisy then adds, "So we can set it up." but then she grins, leaning forward. "Let me guess. Broody, mysterious and violent? There's normally a profile to these vigilantes..." but maybe she should look into the name eventually.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The commentary about SHIELD being a family makes Peggy stop for a moment. She looks up, studying the younger woman's face for a handful of heartbeats, probably adding something to Daisy'e mental profile that makes her a touch more thoughtful than she was earlier in the conversation. "I'm... glad you've got team members and other agents who taught you that. SHIELD is... We are family. If a very large, somewhat embroiled, strange family. Sometimes I wondered if we'd gotten to big for that to be the case..." A half smile steals across her lips, maybe a hint of hope behind it. She shakes off the thoughts and goes back to her files.

"Got the profile in one." Peggy praises matter of factly, as Daisy lays out what she can guess about Frank Castle. "A fondness for explosions too, it seems. He blew out the floor of a warehouse right from underneath me. Entirely unnecessary for a simple conversation." Her voice holds some amused chiding, like she was talking about a dog who got into the trash, not a man who tried to kill her.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You can say that again ..." Daisy murmurs about it being a strange family. But it's the only one she got! Then a brief laugh. "Not that I'd replace it for any other. Got to go with the flow, and there's that saying..., no weird like SHIELD weird so..., think it will be ok." after that moment of pause she goes back to looking at the files too.

"It's like that guy is just stacking up stereotypes..." even if there's that worrying tone about explosions, and Peggy having been right near it. "I see he's a bit twitchy though, but if you think he doesn't mean any harm.... " she then gesturing to Peggy's arm. "Well.., no more than that.."

"We do have some contacts we keep in touch with at times, that feed us info from potential threats that may be bigger than they can handle. Think he might be the type to become one for SHIELD?" It's maybe a good thing that Daisy doesn't exactly know who the Punisher is.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A short laugh comes in response to Daisy's gesture to her arm. "Is it awful of me to say that this was him going gentle? While not exactly reassuring, it's the truth. If he wanted me dead, I would be. The fact he didn't means that... Yes. There is certainly potential for him to become an asset. It's just going to take time and he's going to need to think he's doing it on *his* terms." Peggy's expertise at manipulation comes as naturally as breathing, even if that might be a bit unnerving to realize. She takes another sip of her tea casually, as if she didn't just mention trying to trick a highly dangerous man into being a SHIELD contact.

"SHIELD weird... I don't think I've heard that tag line before, but you aren't... Wrong. It's been that way since the very beginning. Glad to see your generation got their share of 'What in hells' as much as we did." She grins to the woman, slowly easing into the possibility of a working relationship here. Apparently, she's comfortable enough with the picture of Daisy she's painted in her head to let down a bit of her guard.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The easy, natural way in which Peggy mentions manipulating others makes Daisy hrm, perhaps a reminder they are talking about an old school spy, knowing all the tricks. She chuckles a bit to herself. "You have .., /no/ idea.." about the weird. "Just got to take a peek at some of the AARs and you will know what I mean. Wouldn't have it any other way though." her shoulders rising in a shrug. For her the weird is starting to get normal enough!

Then she starts getting up to her feet once she is done going over the stack she had been handed. "It's time for me to be on my way, training and then some R and D to check on the gloves." apparently those are for something more than just .., style? Armor?

Smile is genuine though. "It was great to meet you, Peggy. I am hoping we will meet again, let me know when you want to go talk with this Castle." then a mischievous grin coming to her expression. "I will make sure he stays in line this time." a wink given before she turns to start making her way out of the cafeteria. And damn it, she forgot her chocolate!

Peggy Carter has posed:
The gloves get a curious narrowing of Peggy's eyes, but she doesn't ask further. She can read files and has other ways of knowing. "Of course. You just saved me a good hour of work here, so... I owe you. Perhaps a proper pint some night. Good luck with the gloves?"

SHe gives Daisy one last smile and a small, more casual than military salute, as the woman heads out. "I'll be in touch. Safe hunting out there." It's just habit to say that, something ingrained in Peggy for decades. But it's something she says to those she trusts. With that, she looks back to the pile of typewritten sins front of her... It was going to be a long afternoon.