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Latest revision as of 19:08, 24 August 2020

Work is Play
Date of Scene: 21 August 2020
Location: Batcave
Synopsis: Discussions of drugs and dealings in Gotham and beyond.
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Kate Kane, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd

Tim Drake has posed:
Gotham is Gotham, which is to say perpetually full of trouble and problems. Usually the fam (especially with how in recent years its grown from just Bruce's original one man operation to what it is now) can spread out, cover the city with patrols and still have nights off occasionally. No one wants to admit it, probably especially not Bruce, but the larger family has in many ways made life easier and less stressful... for whatever that is worth.

Though with Batman's recent order that patrolling must be in pairs until further notice, some of the flexibility that the family had grown accustomed to was gone.

Red Robin's Batcycle is parked in its usual spot, and Tim, in costume but sans mask, which is laying on the deck of one of the bat computers, is busily working on some project or another at the station that is usually "his". There is a half-finished glass of iced tea on the deck beside his domino mask, proof Alfred has been by recently.

Kate Kane has posed:
There's a familiar roar coming from the entrance to the Batcave, and Batwoman comes into view, riding her motorcycle Red Knight One onto the vehicle platform. She kills the bike engine once she comes to a stop, stepping off and walking around towards the Bat-computers. Specifically, she's angling towards where Tim was working.

"Hey, Tim. Interesting party last night?" She sounds somewhat curious, giving Tim a bit of a grin as she divests her cowl, letting the wig fall back to reveal the much shorter cut that she wears beneath.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim lifts a brow. "Yeah, it was all right. Hellfire is what it is..." his opinion of the club up in New York isn't exactly a secret. "Did grab a room there for the night. Got back a little while ago, and felt like working." Actually, he's a bit moody at the moment, but that's between him and the note slipped under the door of the suite he and Rose had last night. He scowls a bit, remembering both that and the surprise and concern Rose felt over it. "Actually one of the things I'm updating here. Seems like Deathstroke is on the board of the club now, figured Bruce would want to keep up with that sort of thing."

The screens in front of him have up about a dozen things, of which Deathstroke's profile is only one, and not even in a place of prominence. Actually, the larger screens all have files on the earliest days of Gotham. Tim takes a sip of his tea and goes back to reading, looking annoyed. "Means I missed patrolling two nights in a row. Jay bailed on me the night before, and Bruce was pretty adamant we don't patrol alone."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate nods, "Well, if you want to ride along with me, feel free. I'm taking the pairs thing seriously too, because we need to. Bad enough that we have undead ninjas after us to try and say, 'I'll be right back' and go off on our own." She smirks at that, then makes a dismissive wave, "I should probably go back in to the Hellfire at some point, pretty sure my membership is still in good standing, even after the toga thing. Though, Deathstroke's on the board? That /is/ interesting. Didn't think that was his kind of play."

She looks over at the screens, noting the history playing back and forth, "Researching the Court of Owls?" She pauses, then smirks a bit, "Focault's Pendulum."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian walked in from the mansion above, the elevator doors closing behind him as he exited.

  Despite last night's shenanigans, he clutched two PEZ dispensers in one of his hands. He was in a pair of basketball shorts and a white tee, but all was to be replaced with his uniform soon enough.

  "That was The Terminator?" He asked, approaching the bat computer and placing the two candy dispensers on the side of the desk. One of Iron Man, the other, of Batman, both crudely made. "For analysis."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Yeah, I'm coming up largely blank but I've found a few threads I want to pull on," Tim replies idly to Kate, frowning and skimming another article from the Gotham Gazette in the early 1800s. Damian arrives and Tim's blue eyes flick towards him, and he gives the youngest Batling a nod before returning his attention to the screen. Responding to both Kate and Damian, he nods. "Yeah. That was definitely 'the Terminator'. No clue what his play is, but given how serious they take their security, who knows? Might just be a lucrative contract where he doesn't have to deal with the funk of Madripoor."

The PEZ dispensers get a glance, and Tim snags the Iron Man one, popping out the 'candy' within. He looks at the white-and-blue swirl and hrms, punching open the sample tray and dropping it in, pushing it in and letting the computer start the analysis. "Man, they need a better gag. The one of these Jay got was, no kidding, the Joker," he notes idly. "Though I suspect it's the same stuff, which means its made its way to New York."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate arches a brow, "Ecstasy tabs? Cute. Guessing that was a third party dealer and not the Club itself. At least, not directly." She hmmms, looking more intently at the screens, "Yeah, having been to Madripoor, can't exactly blame him for that. Still, cushy is not his style at all. Though with him, easiest thing is to follow the money."

She gives Damian a smile, "So how was the party? Aside from the dealer?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     As Tim had told the two about the Joker PEZ dispenser, Damian blinked once. Before he starts to chuckle. "That is fantastic."

  To Kate's question? Damian only shrugs. "Before Deathstroke showed up, it would have been quite the night. And furthering Damian's cover story. But it was fruitful enough. Hated the music for the most part." The others wouldn't have been able to tell from the 'fun' public Damian looked to have.

Jason Todd has posed:
The sound of a motorbike engine announces Red Hood's arrival. Parking next to Tim's bike, Hood takes off a less dinged and scuffed helmet than he usually wears and puts it on the seat of the bike with a domino mask still over his eyes. Though other than the helmet something else is different with Hood's outfit, no jacket.

He makes his way up to the little gathering of Bats.

"Hey, what's this about a party," he begins before his eyes fall on the PEZ dispensers, "Not that shit again," he says making a face. "Bodega Boys dealing it or someone else this time?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim eyes Hood with a faint smirk. "New club opened at the Hellfire," he replies. "...how //is// your Legacy membership treating you, Jay? Oh, that's right... you're too old to be a Legacy now AND last I heard you were on a suspension for throwing someone over the bar." He tosses Jason the Batman PEZ dispenser. "They really need better artists for these. But no, not the Bodega boys. Some dealers up in New York, so take your pick. I haven't had time to see if I can get the hard information on it yet, but..." he shrugs. "How's the new helmet?" he asks as he turns back to the computer, waiting on the scanners to give their verdict.

Scan Complete. 43% MDMA 57% Substance X.

"Different ratio, but same stuff as the Gotham rave," Tim notes. "Also, Damian, the music wasn't that bad."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate hrms, "Wasn't all techno rave?" She looks curiously at the scan results, "Gotham, then the Hellfire? They're distributing pretty well if that's the case."

With that, she glances over at Jason, "Throwing someone over the bar? Oh come on, you can do better than /that/ if you want to get a suspension." Her lips quirk a bit, "Now, I have to hear about this."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     The sound of Jason's bike coming down the tube actually gets Damian to rush over to the edge of the platform to see him come in. A small smile on his face to see Red Hood.

  He walks back to the group with Jason, before he continues the conversation with the others. "Your kind of music. I prefer something that wasn't forced through a QBass three times and with a bit more structure."

  Back to Jason, Damian also looks at the older Robin, expecting a story to follow.

Jason Todd has posed:
There was another change in the costume too. A pair of knife sheaths had been added to his belt, each one holding identical knives with red wood handles. Damian gets a nod of greeting, "D," he says on the way up to the computer.

"Hellfire really isn't my scene," Jason says of the infamous club. "Besides, if I was going to be a member I need to be a real boy first."

When the 'incident' is mentioned a sardonic look crosses his face, seeing that Kate and Damian are expecting storytime. "It was my first time at the club one of those big gala things, I was up in the VIP lounge when one of the other Gotham kids started ragging on me about being from the Narrows. Which I'm not. So, after about the third insult, I think I shouted, 'Park Row represent, motherfucker', threw him over the bar, then jumped over it after him and hit him with the closest bottle I could find until security pulled me off of him. Apparently his dad was a big deal, knew one of the board," he shrugs. "How's that for doing better Auntie Kate?" he asks.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim snickers a bit. He hadn't //seen// it but he had certainly heard about it. "When I heard it told a couple years later, you had ripped off your shirt and hulked the guy through the wall behind the bar." He pauses. "Bruce did say that wasn't the case, but. You know." He leans back in his chair, regarding the others.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate mmmms at that, "Well, since you said Park Row represent... I'm good with it." She chuckles, "Yeah, can't imagine you really fitting in there too much. By the way, sorry I couldn't make your birthday, but you know how things get." She makes a vague gesture out towards the cave entrance.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian listens to the story and nods with approval. "Fuck 'em up!" He says, a little too much enthusiasm on his face, thinking about Jason smashing a bottle into some asshat's face.

  "So, this X shit is spreading. Still no idea who's behind it all? We could pay a visit to the candyman and beat the answer out of him..." He had been itching for an excuse to perform some modified interrogation techniques, after all.

Jason Todd has posed:
"It's okay, didn't have a party, don't really care, but the gifts were nice," Jason says almost decently nods given out as he does to those assembled. "Did drop in on the F4 at breakfast though, that was a fun reunion," he says of what he got up to on his birthday, with an amused smirk on his lips. "They let me take the Fantasticar home."

There's a nod about the X shit. "Yeah, got a little sidetracked the last time we looked for a dealer, but we do know the Bodega Boys were not only dealing it, but straight up doping the drinks at a rave with it. So whatever it is there's a lot of it out there. I'm definitely up for taking the fight to them and getting some answers."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Yeah, I keep coming up with... really only one place to start dragging information, and that's going back to the beginning of this. Falcone was selling bricks of this to the Joker. And that's the closest to anything remotely like a source I can find." Tim frowns. "But Falcone presents his own problems." He nods to Jay. "Yeah. A lot of the lower level street gangs seem to have this in abundance enough they are throwing it around, pardon the phrase, like candy."

He glances at Jay. "Seriously, you went up to see Doctor Richards for breakfast on your birthday? I mean, cool, but I got the feeling you weren't exactly excited about the time you studied there," he notes. "Also, next time you're gonna bail before patrol, can you do it earlier? Ravager had already dipped out for something else when I got your 'sorry bro' text. Kingston isn't generally a huge issue," referring to their assigned sector for the night, "but still."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins wryly, "Well, if we want to go make a visit to them, we /are/ keeping the buddy system going. Would be nice to shut them down, especially since they've been slipping under the radar."

She does, however, arch a brow as Jason describes how he spent his birthday, "Okay, now I don't feel bad about getting you the book I did, Jason. But the Four didn't seem like your kind of crowd. Though, I should probably text Ben and see how he's been doing lately." She makes a mental note to herself for later.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "I know we are supposed to learn under him..." He shudders a little. "I haven't, yet." He comments about Richards.

  "So, let's go out and take out some punks." He offers, before running over to the armory to change into his uniform. "I'll be ready in five!" He calls out, before disappearing into the locker room.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason nods, "Right, Steph., Babs and I hit a warehouse of Falcones people storing a shit ton of drugs, not sure if it was this stuff or not but wouldn't be surprised. But yeah, Falcone seems like the right thread to pull."

"The Fantastic Four are alright, okay some of them are alright, I dunno, guess I just felt like embracing the spirit of knowledge and exploration," he says, before chuckling and adding. "Also I got blasted on tequila in New York the night before it became legal, so Four Freedoms might have been the closest place to crash."

The mention of texting Ben, gets a smirk, "Don't believe anything he says."

As for missing patrol. "Will keep that in mind Timmy."

"It's not too bad, D. I mean Dr. Richards is a little lost in his own head, but, uh, you can fight a rock guy? Also Val and Frankie aren't horrible to be around."

Then as Damian's rushing into the locker room, Jason shakes his head. "What's got him full of enthusiasm today?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"Aww, the littlest bat wants to go punch drug dealing gang members, Aunt Kate," Tim grins. "You should make sure his training wheels don't fall off." He is teasing of course-- Robin is more than capable of handling that sort of threat after all. But still, brotherly mockery flows downstream. "And don't knock learning under Dr. Richards. It was a great experience. You'll do fine." His expression does flatten slightly... during his time with Reed, his mother had been killed, and he hadn't been around to prevent it. It's a bitter memory, even if the schooling itself was a pleasant one.

To Jason, he shrugs. "Embrace the enthusiasm. I've got research I need to finish up where I'm not being distracted for a little bit before I have patrol tonight. Ravager and I are on Founder's Island." He grimaces, not looking thrilled at all.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate looks over at Jason, "Well, maybe the party was better than he wanted to let on." She gives Jason a wry grin, "Tequila? That's definitely better than drinking some pisswater beer." She does arch a brow as Jason says not to believe anything Ben says, "Oh /really/. Anything in particular I shouldn't ask about?" That grin, gets a little bit wider as she looks back to Tim.

"But yeah, I haven't really met Dr. Richards, but the rep is astounding. Would be interesting to actually visit the Plaza sometime, since normally I just run into Ben on the civilian side of things." She glances over at the other Robins, then pulls her cowl up over her head, along with the wig. "And I was wondering what I'd do with myself tonight."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Soon, Robin approaches from the locker room, kitted out and ready to go. He had to have his uniform lengthened since he started on his journey, but with the physical growth, came mental growth too. He still had his moments, but he's no longer attempting to stab Tim at every opportunity.

  "I'm driving." He comments, arms crossed and a headstrong smirk on his face. At least he wore the colors of Robin well.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason nods, "Definitely, wasn't good tequila but after a few you stop caring, the fight with some locals afterwards was fun too," he says, "So I guess you could say I did have a birthday party."

As for Ben? "Dunno," Jason says. "Ben always struck me as shifty. Making up stories. Sue too now that I think of it," he shrugs, only the faintest hint of a smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth before looking to Kate and mouthing 'tell you later'.

When it seems they'll be going out to fight badguys, Jason shoots a shrug to the others, "What the hell," he says. "Oh and right, the helmet works great, just need to make a battle mode so texts don't pop up on my HUD. Almost crashed my bike one time."

A glance is spared for Damian's declaration. "You can drive? Heh. This will be wonderful."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim reaches out for the helmet absently, still mostly paying attention to the bat computer. "I'll tweak settings, Jay. It'll take me like, 3 minutes."

And with that, Batwoman and Robin head out for patrol while Red Robin works on a minor update to Hood's HUD.