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Latest revision as of 14:00, 1 September 2020

Epicenter: A disturbance on Lian Yu
Date of Scene: 01 September 2020
Location: Lian Yu
Synopsis: Lain Yu has attracted yet another kind of monster - and Oliver Queen got a taste of their new tactics.
Cast of Characters: Oliver Queen, Bobbi Morse

Oliver Queen has posed:
The past always has a way to rear up it's head and haunt us again. Secrets one wanted to keep buried away come to the fore and affect us again and those close to you.

That was a lesson Oliver Queen was learning in the last few days, a rift between him and his family formed due to actions of the past. And what better place to come find some kind of solace, or answer, if not where it all began?

Being the billionaire that he is, and the connections he has, it wasn't too hard getting hold of a one-man jet. Sure, not as spiffy as the SHIELD's quinjets but it does the trick. Silent and with autonomy to reach the island he finds himself looking it over in the horizon until it's finally fully visible...

The jet roams towards a clearing he knows well, hidden between the trees and then sets it down to descent, engines killed and he is finally here...

Bobbi Morse has posed:
A tall cliff side away is Daniel Whitehall's latest and greatest creation. A HYDRA base on an island very few have even heard of, yet alone want to go to. They are still drilling and blasting out rooms, using lasers to cut doorways and corridors. They have the sea dock working and the submarine parked. Outside men are cutting down trees to make room for their helipad. Everything was going wonderfully.

"Three new Inhumans have been captured by the SuperSHIELD cell Doctor," said a HYDRA agent carrying a data pad. "In two weeks time we will send the submarine to pick them up. Your laboratory here should be complete by then."

Whitehall turns around and frowns, "It will be complete in," he pauses and coughs in to his hand, spots of blood suddenly decorating his skin, "before Doctor Morse arrives or I will experiment on //you//. Dismissed."

The large windows look out over the stormy oceans and the jagged rocks below. He likes this view. He sits at his desk and takes out another of the last few doses of his cure. A quick injection in to his arm and he takes a long relaxed breath. The drawer is barely closed when another HYDRA agent walks in and salutes. "Doctor, we have detected movement on another part of the island we have yet to truly explore. But we did not detect any incoming vehicles. There may be a local."

Whitehall steeples his fingertips together and says, "Send a team to capture them. Or kill them. Either is fine."

Oliver Queen has posed:
The canopy opens up with a hiss of hydraulics, Oliver continuing to sit for a few moments and taking in a deep breath.. He is dressed in the dark green garb of the Green Arrow, the hood up, having brought his own set of arrows (along with the trick ones!) and one of his bows. He knows this isn't exactly a safe place to be at without some kind of protection afterall. And a bow is just the best he can get..

The man pulls himself out of the jet and slides to the ground, landing effortlessly and casts a look around. Very much like he left it? Well, not exactly. The place feels different. Almost as if it wasn't as empty as it once had been...

A frown comes to his features, maybe he is just imagining things, remembering the past. He shakes his head and closes the canopy, activating the stealth on the jet again before starting to move out. Does he even have a aim here? Well, to walk and think is just as good of an objective..

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The five HYDRA agents hustle, the order has been given. The approach the wall where the powered watches hang. A wrist is slapped against one and the band snaps about, tiny needles digging in to their skin. They take pistols on their sides, machetes if they need them, then load up in to a jeep.

"Wait wait!," one last member of the group joins them, a technician with a large case that he tosses in to the back. "We can't forget the manhacks, you never know when you're going to need a manhack," he says with a wicked grin. This part of HYDRA was the best, you never had to pretend you weren't who you really were. You could truly be yourself.. and these people were monsters.

One of the old roads leads to the large hanger doors they've installed with a gigantic octopus inside a circle logo engraved on it. HYDRA. The jeep takes off down the road and they check the headings on a tablet, "Just a few clicks away. This'll be a piece of cake."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Does Oliver even wants to know what a manhack is?! Nope! He is good in his ignorance of it. At least for now. But it doesn't take long for the sounds of that jeep to reach him, ever closer. Turns out he isn't alone out here.., and there goes his peace and quiet and the meditation he wanted to do on the island..

He lets out a brief sigh. Mercenaries using the place? Most likely, he wouldn't expect anyone to know he was here. Not even family or the rest of Team Arrow knew of his presence in the place so it's not as if they would know who it is..

So that certainly works in his favor. It's his turf afterall..

He brings out one of his arrows, the tip loaded with a flashbang, but in this case remote controlled and sticks it down right in the middle of the path they are most likely to be taking. After he nimbly moves up a tree he finds for a good perch to observe that road, bow at the ready with an arrow notched and prepared. A tasing arrow. Those work wonders. And there was, of course, the remote ready.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Why are these even called centipede watches? they don't look anything like a centipede," one of the HYDRA agents says as they get out of the jeep.
"Because that was the old name of the project Heir Doctor used. Project Centipede. You should read your mission briefings idiot," replies another quickly.
A third picks up a tiny drone and tosses it in to the air. It lifts up high and he looks down at his tablet, "This'll find our intruder."
The technician however opens up his case and runs his fingers along the contents inside. "Soon my lovely manhacks, soon. I don't care if Heir Doctor might want this guy alive, I want to play with my toys."

The leader of the group makes a motion with his hand, "Fan out fuckwits." Dressed in all black, body armour, and on their shoulders a HYDRA logo patch of the octopus. The group of five spreads out and begins to move, sweeping through the brush and taking a leisurely stroll as they go. The sixth stays behind with his special case.

"Hey, check this out. I'm Thor," one of the hostile agents says and turns a dial on his watch. A button is pressed and he lets out a soft sigh as he is injected. He lifts his hand up in the air and a bolt of electricity shoots up in to the sky. He and two others begin to laugh.

"Shut the fuck up idiots, you'll spook the prey."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Okkkk, powers? That changes things a bit. But fine enough ... He keeps to his plan for now. The flashbang there on the ground in the guise of an arrow, perched in the tree under cover in the foliage. He is, afterall, quite the master survivalist. Powers or not, whoever these guys are will be in for quite the challenge.

And truth be told, they sound like dimwits. It helps a lot. He presses himself to the tree and slows his breathing, just another shadow out here in the forest.

IF there is a drone though that will be the first target. He listens, prepared.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The drone flies overhead and one of the HYDRA agent holding the tablet says, "Whoa. Hello there. We have a heat signature." He points and the group begins to converge toward Oliver. "Looks like he may be playing hide and seek.." He raises his voice, "Come out come out little mouse. We will take good care of you."

The guy back at the jeep takes out his two manhacks, armoured drones that instead of carrying guns, have large circular blades in their center. He turns them on and the drones lift up in to the air, then their blades begin to spin faster and faster. The sound they make is like a millsaw without anything to cut. He puts on a helmet and where he looks, the drones start to follow. "Time to go play," he says and sets out to catch up to the others.

Oliver Queen has posed:
First point of business... Take out that drone. He dislodges himself from the perch he was at and takes a running start to jump to another tree branch, using all that experience and athleticism to start getting on the move.. It's like second nature to him navigating Lian Yu, finding that perfect spot in which he has a look up to the sky and swiftly raises his bow..

An arrow flies, small explosive on the tip as it makes contact with the drone..


Bobbi Morse has posed:
The drone twirls in the sky and falls down to the ground. The signal goes dead on the tablet and the HYDRA agent shakes the tablet a few times. "Our drone went down," he says.

The leader looks slowly around the area as the others creep forward. He slowly draws his pistol out. The others pick different options on their watches. One chooses extra senses and stops too to listen to the heart beats. He holds out his hands and everybody stops moving. Then, almost eerily, he turns and faces the second tree Oliver has jumped to. "Up there," he whispers. A second HYDRA agent nods and activates his electricity powers.

Oliver Queen has posed:
That won't do. And with them ignoring the small ruse he made with the arrow along the path he gets on the move again. Not exactly aware they are targetting him through heightened senses just yet but he moves and jumps to another branch, holding up with one hand and pulling himself up right after...

He draws out a flashbang arrow and nocks it on his bow, lifting it up and aiming it towards the group, trusting the foliage cover.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The HYDRA agent grins wickedly as his eyes track Olivers movements. He whispers to the team and points, "Now he's over there." Though, his delight at his super ability to hear Olivers calm heart is short lived as the flash bang explodes near the group. That hostile in particular crumples to the ground clutching his ears and yells out in pain.

The leader starts shooting in the direction his agent pointed as the gun with the electricity charged up shoots it at the tree starting a small fire and a loud crack in the air.

A strange whirling noise in the air starts to approach and the technician wearing his control helmet laughs, "You put your faith in super powers, when technology always wins the day." He looks toward the target tree and the two man hacks fly in making a pass, cutting through blades through the tree branches and leaves. They zip up away from Oliver and start to turn around for another pass.

Oliver Queen has posed:
It all happens in a blur.. The fire starting up on that tree, the manhacks that wheeze through right next Ollie's perch. Only by a miracle isn't his own branch cut down.., but they are coming back /fast/ and this time they won't be missing.. So it's time to think fast..

The quiver whirrs as he subvocally speaks 'emp', followed by 'explosive' the arrows being placed up on his hand and he sticks them right in the middle of the branch...

He waits until the drones are close and lets himself drop, detonating the three arrows in sequence.., first the flashbang that was still there on the path, followed by the short EMP burst that envelops the two manhacks... As for the last, the explosion is mostly a getaway ruse... To make them wonder if they killed whoever their foe was in that explosion..

Not that he will lose time waiting to see if it all works because he is already making his way /fast/ back to the jet.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
There is a flash and the HYDRA agents are covering their eyes and ears. Wincing and stumbling, at least one of them recovers faster than the rest. The tree has exploded, is on fire.. and the two drones have hit the ground without power. The technician lets out an annoyed grunt and runs over to his drones. "Oh come on babies, wake up. Wake up."

The leader of the group strolls around the exploded tree and frowns, "Well. Problem solved I think. Let's get Gunther to medical, I guess those flashbangs and the super hearing don't mix too good."

The leader makes a wrap it up motion and they start heading back to their jeep. The technician carrying his two dead drones. "Don't worry babies, I'm going to upgrade you. Make you better, stronger, faster."

In Whitehalls office, another HYDRA agent enters and says, "Heir Doctor, the asset has been acquired."

Oliver Queen has posed:
No pursuers.. The ruse did work. Good enough for him. And while Oliver did not find the peace and quiet he was looking for there -is- something here that needs to be looked into. He frowns, so much for this island being off the charts...

He climbs up to the jet, into the canopy and starts it up and when it gets high above he considers it.. What steps he would take to look into this. He does just a brief reconnaissance with the tech present in the jet. He would need it to work out ways of approaching this in the future..

But one thing was certain, he would need to bring the team in on this. Even those that had chosen to step away ...

Maybe it would be a good way to exorcise those demons of the past too...