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Latest revision as of 23:56, 5 September 2020

Happy Birthday!
Date of Scene: 04 September 2020
Location: The Knights Table
Synopsis: Jason gets free drinks and food for his birthday, and the elder Batlings have a chat.
Cast of Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Kate Kane

Dick Grayson has posed:
It is rare that the Wayne kids actually have a night off. But, at times you have to take time to breathe or you don't get a chance to recover. And after the past few weeks, yeah, recovery is in order. Also, it is a special occasion, Jason finally turned 21.

Dick, knowing full well that Jason is not exactly the most law-abiding citizen, decided still to take some time to spend with his next oldest sibling. Take the time to let the guy actually legally enjoy the town for once, and a chance for normality. He has secured a booth at the Knight's Table and already has a tab open as he looks at the menu while sipping at a glass of water. Nothing formal, today, just a nice t-shirt and jeans, his sunglasses on the table and a light jacket sitting next to him in case it rains.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason rolls in a few minutes late, as usual, but looking reasonably well, he's definitely keeping with the dress code, he's got jeans, a t-shirt and a brown leather jacket on. The latter a bit of suffering in exchange for protection as the inside is lined with a high-tech armour weave he gets from a guy in New York City. Though once he joins Dick at the table he shrugs out of it, shirt a little damp for wearing leather in the summer heat.

"Hey," he greets Dick giving his big bro an upnod of greeting. "Waiting long?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick returns the upnod, "Not really," it's the truth, he figured Jason would be running a little late, so he arrived on-time as opposed to a little early. "Yeah, we're in the sweet spot for beers at least, the last of the summer ones are on special and then they got the ones for the early fall rush to get you hooked before Oktoberfest." Dick snorts and passes a menu over, "Also ordered some nachos for the table, and order whatever you like, tonight's tab is on me."

Dick chuckles and sets the menu down, "Happy birthday, belatedly. Gotta love hectic schedules," and takes a sip of his water, "So what have you been up to recently?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason looks over the beer menu nodding about the selection and glancing up about the nachos, "Good choice, haven't had them since the last time I was out with you and Tim," he says. Really other than one dumpling run and the time in Met, Jason had barely been out at all.

The birthday wishes are met with a tight and slightly wry smile. "Thanks Dick, you didn't have to do this by the way. I know this time last year I was still a total asshole," he says, before saying anything about what he's been up to.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Firstly, you need more nachos in your life," Dick laughs, "Will need to arrange for more times like this." He nods and looks at the menu a bit, smiling back at his little brother, "And secondly, it's all water under the bridge. We're family. It doesn't wash out." He had long since forgiven Jason for well, everything.

"I hope everything's been going all right, recently?" Dick asks after making a decision about what to order. Knowing full well the Owls have made everybody a little tense at the very least.

Jason Todd has posed:
There's a snort of a laugh from Jason, "I'd ask how you eat nachos and maintain your figure but I've seen your workouts," he says with a shake of his head. No comment on more of these outings, which in taciturn language of Jason Todd means he's down for it.

Jason gives Dick a long uncomprehending look at how easily he's forgiven, like he's looking for the lie in it, eventually though he turns back to his menu and says, "Cool."

"Well works messed up, but you know that, see the report from the other day?" he asks meaning the discovery in the bank building, complete with video of the murder room. Proof the Owls really were a cult and not just some new crooks with a gimmick. "But I guess things are okay, Bruce got my legal stuff sorted out, a few more days I should have my real drivers license and passport. Guess I'm going to have to find a real place to live, at least on paper, and a job or something."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Well, growing up on popcorn, corndogs, and peanuts was a weird diet to say the least," Dick chuckles as he responds. "Though yeah, eventually age is going to catch up to me on this." He notes the absence of an objection, and nods.

When the topic shifts to the report, the smile turns to a frown, "I only read part of it, but it bothers me deeply, glad you guys are doing all right after fielding that project." The joy of having to mask what they actually mean. Happiness returns again though at the mention of the legal side of things, "Good! Best news all day, and if you need a place no doubt that can be arranged with ease, even if you want to live outside of the old home." He nods and ponders, "Jobwise, if you don't want to work for Bruce, you could work for me on my staff. Not exactly difficult, and you might actually enjoy it. Also if we can get it cleared by finance, it will definitely be comfortable." He grins, the upside of working in the varied industries of Wayne Enterprises, bound to be something enjoyable to work with. "Currently I'm over there as a consultant."

Jason Todd has posed:
"Bet it will old man," Jason says, pausing as the nachos are brought to the table, and Jason takes a moment to order a local brew summer ale that sounds refreshing for a hot night during an Indian summer.

When Dick's ordered and the waitress goes, Jason says, "Yeah it got us a night off at least, that was good," he says about the report. Which segued nicely into his regular nights off. As for work and housing, "Yeah, definitely want a place on my own, my room at the mansion is like a museum to fifteen year old me, it's sort of creepy, but at the same time I know Alfred worked hard to keep things like that, don't want to change it." A shrug. "Guess I'll have to get something suitable for the Wayne family badboy." A roll of his eyes at that, before he looks to Dick considering, "Work for you? You're doing security consulting right? For the company?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"You're not /that/ far behind, squirt," Dick grins and places his own order for a pint of shandy. He lets Jason get first crack at the nachos before taking some for himself.

"Yeah, it's weird having a night off. Like something is missing." Dick notes, "And I hear you on the museum exhibit. But yeah, I appreciate the work Alfred did, and at times it grounds me a little bit," back to when he was an only child and getting the least conventional upbringing.

Dick does nod at the mention of work, "Yeah, quit the force due to hours eating my soul," and time, "Started consulting for the family business since, and started law school because I hate myself," he grins, "But yeah, mainly security consulting, especially on our police products."

Jason Todd has posed:
"Squirt? I've got two inches on you, Grayson," Jason warns with laugh. "Post death growth spurt I guess," he says with a bit of dark humour around a bight of nachos. "Mm, definitely missed these," he admits.

As for Alfred? "Yeah, just about the only real parent I've ever had. That's why I don't want to fuck up the room for him. Plus someone wants to see it."

Jason nods about the the job prospect. "This a real nine to five thing? Or it it just on paper?" he asks. "And yeah, I hear you about the cop thing, did not look like a fun time balancing the two parts of your life."

Dick Grayson has posed:
True, but there's bound to be a photo somewhere of me being taller," Dick snorts and nods, "And yeah, nachos are always good. It is an objective fact." The mention of Alfred gets a nod, though internally he winces a little and raises a brow at the last bit, "Oh? Who you wanting to show your room to?" He grins.

"Depends on what you want to do. You want something on paper, I can certainly talk with Bruce and see about it, if you want a real job, that can probably also be arranged, especially if it has a telecommute side to it. Whatever I can do, I will try."

Kate Kane has posed:
"Or else you could just ask."

There's a grin at that, as Kate Kane walks in, wearing her typical black leather jacket and ripped denim jeans. Combat boots and a black NIN T-shirt as she makes her way over. "Mind if I join you two, or is this a boys only party?" She looks like she's had a long week, but apparently Jason and Dick aren't the only two with a night off.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason looks up at the new voice, "Hey Kate, nah I think this table is open to anyone cool," he says making room for her on his side of the booth.

"And on paper would be good, with as busy as the other job is right now," he says to Dick, before answering about the room thing, "Val wants to see it," he says without much details helping himself to some more nachos.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Paper is good," Dick nods and then turns to Kate, "Nah, plenty of room," he says after Jason. He gestures to the nachos, "Help yourself, can always get more apps and whatnot. Tonight's on me." He relaxes in his seat and takes a sip from his glass and then raises a brow at Jason's comment about Val, "Is she someone I would know?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate chuckles, "Val? This the mystery girl you're seeing, Jason?" She laughs softly, sitting down and helping herself to the nachos, telling the passing waitress, "Long Island, thanks." She winks at her, then turns her attention back to the table.

"Though, Jason, if you DID want a 'day' job, I'm pretty sure I can get something for you." She glances curiously over at Dick, "You're springing, what's the occasion? And does she have an older sister?" Her eyes get positively impish at that.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason shakes his head. "So many job offers, you'd think I have a degree or skills," he jokes dryly around some more nachos. "I'll take a job from either of you, but Kate, think you can help me find a place that fits my whole role as Wayne family bad boy? Figured you'd know the sort of places I mean."

He grimaces as the Val thing gets some attention. "No older sister, but her mom's pretty hot," he says with a laugh. Then he takes a drink of his newly arrived beer and just spills the beans already. "Anyhow it's not a big deal, but Val Richards and I have been messing around a bit."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"You do," Dick nods seriously, "Though yeah, Kate is probably better suited for house hunting than I am. You've seen my apartment." He jokes and grins, listening to the two of them talk.

"Oh, that Val!" Dick says with a grin, "Well, good on ya, bro," Dick says and raises his glass, "If I remember right she's a good egg. Let alone our families are close, so that's good. I'm happy for ya."

Dick looks to Kate and says, "Jason turned the big two-one recently and we had the night off, so why not celebrate?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "Well, I can hook you up with something, Jason, and yeah, I remember getting you the book." She laughs, "And it's pretty appropriate, apparently, considering you're going for the super-duper-genius types."

She frowns, "Though, please don't break her heart, because I don't want to see Gotham overrun by Doombots. Once was annoying enough." The frown turns into a smirk, as she looks pretty pleased at the situation overall, despite the 'warning'. With that, her drink arrives, and she raises it towards Jason as well with Dick.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason gives Dick a smirk. "Also it's in Bludhaven," he says dryly, but with good humour. He's being less vicious than usual tonight. "Actually liked the book," Jason says. "And I wouldn't say 'going for' but it's definitely been fun. She's fun. Plus it pisses of her mom so there's that bonus as well."

There's a nod though when it comes to Doom. "Yeah, believe me that's crossed my mind, also sort of pissed I missed his little visit, sounded like a good time," he says with a look to Dick for some first hand info while also moving the topic off his love life for the moment.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Cruel. Not wrong, but cruel! Though what has Val been up to haven't spoken to her in a while?" Dick jokes as Jason makes his remark," and then nods to Kate about real estate, when the topic shifts to Doom, he says regarding extra Doombots, "Though that would be a valid concern!" Dick was there for Doom's most recent venture, "Eh, mostly poking around, more of a test than anything, I think. He messed with some people on the street, but from what I 'read' there was mostly just property damage."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate nods, "Yeah, I was busy handling a few stragglers that got loose from the main group. Seems like he was feeling out defenses and responses, so we thought it best to hold back somewhat. No need to show all of /our/ cards to Doom either." She grins, drinking from the Long Island as she hrms, "I suspect Sue is less keen about her choices than she is about you, specifically, from what I've seen on social media."

She chuckles, "So, you know what this means? Family dinner. Honestly, would be good to see Ben again. Been a while." A bit of a shrug at that, as she glances over towards Dick, "That's what I heard he did in Metropolis as well, too. The poking around, anyway. Sounds like the Titans had that pretty well in hand, though."

Jason Todd has posed:
"Missed it entirely, I was," Jason says about the Doom incident, before glancing around. "Um, in a tunnel," by which he means the under city when the attack came. "Wonder what Doom's deal was though doing these tests here."

"Probably," Jason admits of Sue's concerns. "And yeah, apparently there's a dinner on the books, if you're looking for Ben he's likely going to be the one trying to clobber me." A smirk and a sip of his beer. "So how are /your/ love lives?" he asks the other two to try and shift the spotlight.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Yeah, he made some announcement about defense against aliens, I think?" Dick says with a shrug, would have to check the recordings again. He gives a knowing nod of where Jason was. "Well, it could have been worse."

When dinner is brought up, Dick chuckles, "Be good to see them all again." Dick nods to Kate, "And to be fair, Jason, you probably deserve it!" He jokes clearly, "Though I did not know that Sue was disapproving." He switches to his beer, "And to answer your question, currently non-existent, but that's all right. Made some big life changes recently."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate chuckles, "Well, it's... complicated." She smiles easily enough, shrugging a little, "I mean, I haven't gotten thrown out of the Hellfire Club lately, so that's something I suppose." She looks a bit impish at that.

Then she glances at Dick, "Yeah, that's what he says, but that's not the only reason he did it. Especially with /how/ he did it. He's up to something, but with him, figuring out what is going to be a problem."

Jason Todd has posed:
"Yeah, not sure I like the idea of him rolling into our town to run his 'tests' either, and I don't think the alien angle is the whole story either, guys like that have angles on their angles. I'd ask Val to ask him, but I don't want to make that a business thing."

As for the love life stuff, he nods to Dick. "Not that I can throw stones," he says of the monk life, he'd been doing much the same until recently. "And complicated sounds more fun than Dicks nothing, so c'mon, 'Auntie' Kate, spill." Jason prods. "I'm not the only one who's putting his dirty laundry out in public tonight."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods to Kate, "Understandable, though good that you haven't been kicked out of there!" He smiles and takes a sip and nods, "Yeah, I don't know for certain, but we've pretty much got to wait and see. Hopefully nothing," Dick shrugs and looks to Jason and Kate, "Though I will admit I am somewhat curious." He raises a brow at Jason's question.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate chuckles, "Well, right now I've been dating Zatanna. Few times now, we met when I was patrolling the Narrows. Though... she's been a bit scarce lately. You know, wizards." She makes a bit of a dismissive gesture, but the boys know her enough to sense that there's some worry there as she adds, "Definitely beats distracting Talia to keep her away from Bruce." She makes a bit of a face at that.

"Though, I think I see what Bruce saw in her, anyway..."

Jason Todd has posed:
"C'mon Dick, you need to step up your game, you're the only one at the table that hasn't been kicked out of the Hellfire Club," Jason says, his own kicking out came with suspension of his legacy status after throwing another legacy member over the bar and punching him repeatedly.

"You and Zee huh?" he grins at Kate. "Nice." He looks like he's about to ask something more when Kate mentions Talia. "Wait. Where did you see Talia?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"To be fair, somebody has to be the good influence in the family!" Dick jokes and takes a drink, "Besides, you're old enough now to apply for VIP membership." He shrugs and nods to Kate, "That I did not know, but good on ya. Though yeah, seems like everbody is dating now." He grins and grabs some nachos, "At the fundraiser a month or so ago. The one where Bruce bought the Supergirl flight."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "Yeah, she had a hard lock on Bruce, who was there with Selina, so... I fell on the grenade. Got Talia to the dance floor." She laughs a bit, "And hey, I didn't get my membership stripped, I just got exiled for a year. They still don't really allow togas there, as far as I know." Her eyes dance a bit, as she looks between the two of you.

"Yeah, you didn't ask Supergirl out after that? I don't think she's as young as she looks, if that was your worry, Dick. And you are pretty damn eligible, if you want to be." She grins cheerfully.

Jason Todd has posed:
"True, but you can always abdicate to Carrie," Jason points out to Dick. "I'd have said Tim but he's dating who he's dating, so, sort of took himself out of the running."

There's a nod about the Supergirl thing and Dick's eligability, "Dat ass," he agrees in deadpan with a nod to Kate.

Then it's all about Talia. "Jeeze, she's been here a month?" he says settling back. "Would have been nice to get a heads up," he murmurs. "Not sure where she and I stand after bailing on the training she set up for me."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick shrugs and rolls his eyes at Jason's comment, "Head's up, Talia's back," Dick delivers equally deadpan. He does chuckle at the abdication bit, though, "Eh, it's all good." Kate gets a nod, as well, "Not sure about the toga stuff, but I'll date when I'm ready. I'll give some thought to it, though. Big thing is that I only know her in a professional sense. Through my work with the Titans." Which he can state publicly, due to him being the family liaison. "But not sure if I am ready quite yet, time will tell."

"Also I don't know much else at this point in time," Dick finishes his beer, "But yeah, hopefully things quiet down in a bit, though that is definitely not going to happen."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate chuckles, "Well, if you ever want a wingman for the dating scene, Dick, let me know." She laughs a bit, hmming softly as she idly glances at her cellphone. A look crosses her face, then she puts the phone back away.

"I'm still getting used to being a reservist, it's a little strange to be honest." She gestures vaguely skywards, as she focuses on nibbling on some of the nachos. "Considering all the people they /could/ ask, anyway."

Jason Todd has posed:
"Thanks" Jason says grimacing into his beer. "Now we know why they call you Dick." he adds before he has a swallow from his glass and sets it back down again."And the idea of you wingmanning for Dick, Kate would be enough to get me to go clubbing for once," he says with a grin.

The phone message and its reaction gets a curious brow raise from Jason, "What's up?" he asks nodding at the phone.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Sorry, that was a bit mean," Dick says with a frown, "Going more for a joke, but yeah, thought you knew." He nods to Kate, "Reservist, eh? Did not know that, and if I ever need a wingman, you two on my shortlist for people to call." Dick sips and looks to Jason's and Kate's phones, "Everything all right?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate smiles wryly, "Eh, everything's fine." Which is said in the tone that well, everything really /isn't/, but she then waves towards the waitress, "Another one, thanks!" She points to her Long Island, which already got emptied.

"And yeah, not so much what was on the phone but what /wasn't/ on the phone, if you get what I mean." She makes a bit of a face, then takes a long drink of Long Island #2 when it arrives.

Jason Todd has posed:
"Dick, I was messing with you, you got me good," Jason says giving his brother a bemused look. Finishing his beer he asks for another when Kate gets iced tea #2, it was a night off, he was going to enjoy it.

"I get it," Jason says to Kate about her situation. "So going out on a limb and guessing that was Zee?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick frowns at the tone Kate gives, and orders a highball for himself, that he takes a sip from once it arrives. "You sure everything's all right, Kate?" He frowns and nods to Jason and gives a smile, "Figured, still felt a little bad." He chuckles and then looks to the others.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate ehs, "Nah, it wasn't Zee. At all." She shakes her head, taking another solid drink as she says, "That was kinda the problem." With that, she takes another piled on nacho, making a bit of a face, "Fuck, I haven't felt like this since I was with Renee." So yeah, someone might be in a bit of a smit.

Jason Todd has posed:
"Don't it's cool, Dick," Jason assures him before his own phone 'thwips' with a text and he picks it up to look at it, brows raising suddenly before he punches out a message with his thumb and sends it off with a follow up 'thwip'.

Jason nods, "Well, you've got a phone, text her, see if she wants to hang out. I don't think Dick and I are going to mind if you ditch us for Zatanna. We've all seen Zatanna."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Oh," Dick says and nods to Kate, "Yeah, what Jason said." He then nods to Jason, "Duly noted." He takes another drink, "But yeah, if there's anything you need from us, let us know." He was volunteering Jason because he can. "But you really are over the moon for her, aren't ya?" The elder Robin looks to Jason, "Also your phone has been buzzing away as well."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate smirks, "Yeah, I suppose I'm pretty obvious about it, huh? She's got me hooked good, I think. Though I'm not sure she knows it." She hmms, "Maybe next time I do take her out to Hamilton instead of hunting cultists in the Narrows..." She snickers, "If she returns my texts, anyway." A bit of a rueful look at that.

Jason Todd has posed:
"Just a bit," Jason says to Kate. "But again we don't blame you if you're hooked."

"Hunting cultists in the Narrows sounds like what /I'd/ count as a date. Maybe try something more traditional. Do people still Lexflix and Chill? I mean if you can get past the whole answering your texts hurdle."

Another text and Jason types back faster this time before putting down the phone. "No clue what you mean, Dick," he answers in deadpan again.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"I'm sure we've all been there before, case in point, the likely fact that my dear brother appears to be head over heels by his recent reaction to my inquiry," Dick says between sips. He does nod about the cultists, "Not what I'd consider a date, but to each their own." He chuckles at his little brother, "But yeah, maybe it just takes a little bit of time."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "Alright, well, I'm gonna text her and see if she wants to get together for Hamilton. I'm a woman of my word... you two have a good night." She winks, and with that, stands up and makes her way off, "Oh, and Jason, if you still need a pad, I got a few empty residentials in my building. Not as good as /mine/, but you'd manage I'm sure." She chuckles and waves, texting as she goes.