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Latest revision as of 01:39, 7 September 2020

will name this later
Date of Scene: 06 September 2020
Location: Master Bedroom - Tim Drake's Home - Chelsea
Synopsis: Tim lets Rose know about the Owl cult, plans are made to go hunting them down, and she gets a shiny new gift.
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Rose Wilson

Tim Drake has posed:
So a breakfast of cookies and tea may not be the breakfast of champions all the time, but Tim Drake is in a fairly good mood this morning post-breakfast and shower. Maybe it was the cookies, or maybe it was the fact that it had been a very, very long shower. Towel wrapped around his waist, Tim's standing in the doorway of his closet from the bathroom side, trying to reset his brain some enough to remember what exactly he was planning to grab to wear.

It had been a //long shower//. Part of him wanted to just go back to sleep for a couple of hours.

He shakes his head slightly to clear it, then steps into the closet, pulling open one of the drawer and grabbing the first pair of boxers laying on top, and yanking a t-shirt at random from one of the hangers above. Pants were a 'in a few minutes' problem. At least the towel makes it into the hamper when he comes out the other door into the bedroom.

But the afternoon is free. No homework yet, Bat things are generally a nighttime problem, and while he COULD go into the office on the weekend he generally doesn't. A free Saturday afternoon, and Tim generally doesn't have those. Options! Dragging Rose into bed might be a good one, if he were up for that right now, but he is fairly sure it'll be at least another hour or two before he's capable. Spirit willing, and all that. He does glance back towards the bathroom door, though, and asks "Hey, you want to do anything specific today that doesn't involve explosives?" He's teasing, but that actually reminds him of //why// she's had an interest in explosives lately, and his face darkens. Yeah. He should probably talk to her about what he and Jay found. If nothing else, so she's on her guard.

Rose Wilson has posed:
While he searches for clothes, Rose dries off and just puts back on what she was wearing before the very long shower. Then, because he probably has far better hair care products than she does, she starts to rummage through the drawers and cabinets until she's able to to find everything she needs to dry and style her hair, even if she might end up laying around and doing nothing that would require her hair to be anything but how it is normally.

The question about what she wants to do that //doesn't// involve explosives causes her to turn off the blow dryer so that she can look towards the door, "I didn't have any plans for anything specific that didn't involve explosives. I did think about trying to see if I could bring down a warehouse, I was reading about it, and that you have to time it in a way that it doesn't go off all at the same //time//." She tosses the blow dryer down before she starts to head towards the closet door, leaning in to give him a serious look.

"To bring the building down on them you have to place the explosives at the right points, and time it so that they go off a second apart. So it comes down almost like a ripple." What building is she ultimately considering blowing up?

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim looks amused. "Yeah. Explosives are an art form, I've heard. Not one I'm particularly well-versed in. That's more Jay's field of interest." He flops onto the bed, studying Rose seriously. "Which building? If it's something necessary, probably best to pull up the plans from the city database, assuming they are on file." He generally assumes that there's call for it with Rose. Generally. And if not, he'll suss it out in a bit and gently try and steer her to a different course of action.

It's a delicate dance.

"Speaking of Jay... he and I went Owl-hunting the other day. Found some things that..." his eyes go distant for a moment, and he shudders a bit. Whatever it was, it actually got past his general serious and almost stoicness about the various rogues of Gotham and their methods.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Depends on where they all are...but I figure their base was a good one to explode if we can find it and be //sure// of it." She might be willing to just blow things up, but targeted explosions in this case are the better plans.

There's a curious look, noticing his shudder and distant expression, "What did you find?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"These guys aren't just rogues," Tim says after a moment. "It's a cult of some sort. We found... I think it was a sacrificial room. I don't know for sure. We're researching the items and iconography we found there, but it was bad, Rose." He frowns. "I don't want to see you get hurt, or worse." He does actually reach out towards her to offer to pull her onto the bed beside him. "There was nothing on our initial bit of research, but I doubt whatever we do eventually find will be any good."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"I know they aren't just rogues." Maybe. Undead Owl things hidden in Kane/Wayne buildings is certainly a different level then some things around Gotham. Even she can see that much.

"I get hurt all the time, Tim. It doesn't stick." Which is, ultimately, true. She doesn't heal like Laura, and isn't impervious to damage like Conner. But she does heal a lot faster than Tim himself does, and without the same help he gets. She reaches out to take the offered hand, but doesn't sit, "Where was this place?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"The bank building downtown near Wayne Enterprises. Third Gotham Trust owns it now, but it's the old Gates building." Tim gives her a wry look. "Something tells me if they got ahold of you and wanted it to stick, it would. This isn't just... I don't know." He sighs, sitting up. "We took some video of it and brought it back to Batman. Neither of us wanted to touch anything. Even Jay was jumpy." And that should say something. Jason is nigh-fearless. "It's clear that particular site hadn't been used in some time, but it makes me wonder if they've moved to less primitive and more sure methods. We can't find them. Oracle's scans aren't finding anything. The Boss can't dig up anything, and neither can I... what little I've found referencing the Owls historically..." he frowns and looks frustrated. "No one is a ghost, but that's what it feels like we're chasing."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Check things outside Gotham." Rose suggests after a moment, frowning at him just a fraction, "Look at other cultures for mentions of owls, see if they maybe were around somewhere before //here//." She drops herself down onto the bed next to him, a hand reaching over to settle against his knee, "If they are some weird cult they probably didn't just spring up here in the Wayne building." Kane building? Whoever.

Then she glances towards the wall, thinking, "They went somewhere...maybe when they abandoned the bank building here they left the city? There is no way they could have been here all this time and be a ghost."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim nods. "We're searching religions and cults on a global level," he replies. "At this point, we've found evidence of their occupation of nine of the major buildings built between 1700 and 1930. There are still seven more to check. There are four buildings built during that time where there was no evidence of their occupation." He sighs. "We've done some minimal looking into Old Gotham, but much of Old Gotham from before 1860 is in the Undercity, and that place is... at best... //difficult// to check out."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"So they were pervasive.." Rose tilts her head thoughtfully as she mulls the information over that they've found evidence of them in buildings, eyes narrowing faintly. "If I was trying to hide, I'd choose Undercity...since it's //difficult// to check out."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Believe me," Tim pulls her close, leaning in to nuzzle at her neck, which he usually wouldn't when discussing important things, "I know. The problems with the Undercity are manyfold. For one, there's no light down there except what you can bring. We usually rely on the nightvision in our masks, because bringing light sources into a place like that is asking to be seen and ruin your own darkvision. But that leads to the other problem... there's no //signal// down there. My computer can't link up to the Batcomputer. Comms only work locally, and even then it's //very// local. Get too far from one another, and you're completely alone. Some of the old construction really interferes with modern tech." He makes a face. "I've always hated patrolling down there. The place is creepy. It's like a living graveyard of a world that doesn't exist anymore."

Another soft sigh. "Believe me, it's been something we've considered. Heavily. But the other problem is the collapses down there over the decades. We have part of it mapped out. Mostly. But there could be more city behind the collapsed sections that we don't know about, and have no idea how to get into."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"There's other ways." Rose leans into him and his nuzzle, the fingers on his knee tightening to give him a squeeze, "Just got to think...try coming from the other direction." Which, she's probably sure that the Bats have already thought about. But it never hurts to actually voice things, throw more support behind an idea that way, or point out what they might miss.

"You can't always rely on technology. If it doesn't work down there....find another way. Plus, that is the best way to hide, too. You should find the way down."

Or she will.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Hunting around Old Gotham for more entries into the Undercity sounds dangerous." Tim doesn't sound afraid or put-off by it, more simply stating facts. "Though I've had some thoughts about some of the old manors on Founder's island and if they might have access..." he trails off, thinking. He does that. His arm slides around her, and he keeps nuzzling, even as his mind is working through the prospects of the various abandoned and crumbling buildings likeliest to bear fruit in that regard. "I'm not a fan of being out in costume during the day, but it might be worth checking out in daylight, at least. Owls seem to be more active at night, like bats." There's a small grin at that against the skin of her neck.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"We can go out of costume, too." Rose points out, shifting from where she's been sitting next to him so that she can move into his lap, for better nuzzling. "If you're worried about people spotting you, be visible. Sometimes the best way to hide is in plain sight." Rose leans back away from him, moving away from the nuzzling so that she can look him in the eye. "I'll go with you, if you're that worried about it."

Isn't she the best girlfriend?

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim leans up a bit to kiss her lips for a few moments, his arms both wrapping around her in his lap. "Out of costume, just the two of use spelunking through abandoned and crumbling remnants of what Gotham used to be. That's either a recipe for disaster or distraction." He grins a bit. "Maybe both. Probably both. But I can't argue that it might not be a bad idea."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"If anyone asks, say it's a project....school project. People believe that kind of crap." Rose points out, a hand raising up to slide through his hair before she gives him another kiss. "When do you want to go?" She starts to get up, like she fully expects that he's going to answer now.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim laughs lightly as she starts to get up, actually falling backwards on the bed and pulling her down on top of him. "After lunch," he promises. "I want a plan of attack first, at least insomuch as narrowing down exactly where to start digging-- maybe literally. I'm also tempted to see if Jay wants to join. He's good for a few things." He grins, giving her another kiss. "And he may not even be awake yet."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"You can just wake him up." Rose points out with a shake of her head, shifting so that she can push herself up onto her elbow, giving him a look, "What kind of plan do you need to have just to go...look around. We can go now, and then come back with him and a plan if we need one."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim reaches over to the nightstand to grab his phone, shifting a bit to pull up an overview map of Founder's Island. "Okay, so, we know of entrances into the Undercity here," he taps each as he points it out, "here, here, and here." He glances up at her. "Mostly by plan, I'm meaning 'figure out where the most likely places for other ways in might be', unless you're meaning go in underground and look for ways through the collapsed portions." He drops the phone beside them on the bed face-up so she can look at it, in case she has any opinions on where to start. Also, it's Tim. We always need a plan. Always.

He blows out a puff of air, looking up at her with serious consideration. "Gala is next week," he points out idly, but too-idly... there's a hint of concern in his tone. "I picked up something for you to wear with your dress, if you want to see it."

Rose Wilson has posed:
When he drops the phone onto the bed she tugs it over, pressing her finger against it to shift the map this way and that, then she points in a seemingly random spot, "Start here."

Then she glances up at him, looking mildly puzzled by his words for a moment. "Sure?" She pushes the phone back in his direction, "You know that you don't have to keep buying me things, right?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim shrugs and gives her a rueful grin. "I don't have to, no. I'll stop if you want... but I do it because I want to." He sits up, leaning over to the night stand and opening the drawer there, pulling out a red velvet box about 6 inches square. "In this case, I was advised to. It apparently will match the dress." He looks a bit embarrassed as he hands her the box. "But also?" He leans forward, hand lightly cupping her face and kissing her before she can open the box, "I think you're worth it. All of it."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Who advised?" Rose wonders, squinting at him with a healthy dose of suspicion, one that doesn't go away when he hands her a jewelry box. She holds it like she might be considering if he's the type to hand her a live bomb in a red velvet box.

Then she starts to sit up, opening the box for a split second to peek inside before she sets it down, "Tim..."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Who? A designer up in New York with is making our clothes for the gala. I am //not// good with that kind of thing." Tim replies before she opens the box. And when she peeks and puts it down, he flushes a bit. "Rose." He glances away for a moment, and then takes both her hands in his. "Look. It's not... what it could be taken as." Hell, it's not a ring or anything. Even if what it is, is still a bit... much for a bracelet. "Like I said. You're worth it. Even if you don't see that sometimes."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Oh poor Tim. Or poor Rose. Hard to say, because she looks confused when he tells her that it's not what it could be taken as. "It's not a bracelet?" She tugs her hands free from his so that she can reach for the box again, popping it open to tug it out. She starts to turn it around, potentially looking for some hidden gadgetry, or weaponry, hiding in a perfectly normal gift.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Oh, it's a bracelet." Tim actually looks amused as she starts examining it. "I was actually planning to see if I could put--" he stops himself. Never mind. There's probably something awful about hollowing out a work of art like a custom piece like this and adding vigilante sorts of bits to it, and he feels guilty for half a moment for even considering it (and boy, had he, more than a few times since picking it up). "Never mind. It's just a bracelet. Nothing special about it." He runs a hand through the mess of black hair, still slightly damp from the earlier shower.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"You could fit a wire in it." Because that would turn it into a weapon, and she's been known to wear one as a bracelet anyways. At least this way it would be fancier looking.

No guilt from her about hollowing it out. She tucks the bracelet back into the box, snapping it closed before she looks back at him, "Thank you."

Tim Drake has posed:
He breathes a little easier. "That was one of the thoughts I had," he admits. "Others, too though some more dangerous." Tim's not exactly prone to feeling comfortable without a hidden weapon or two himself on his person, even if his are more like a tucked away unextended staff or a hidden baterang. "You're welcome, though." He grins. "It'll look good on you. But I'm not sure there's anything that wouldn't." He adds a wink to the compliment.

Rose Wilson has posed:
The box is pushed back in his direction, unspoken permission to add whatever toys he wants to add to it. Then she starts to scoot to her feet before she leans over, pressing a kiss against his lips. Then she starts to head for the door, "I'll go get dressed."